c# What is wrong with my loop - c#

I have a ChaseSelection class which i use in casting my dropdown list objects,
now i am trying to put the the values from the database as a default value in the drop down list, but it does not seem to work, can anyone help? I dont even think my loop runs. Here is my chaseselection class, and also put in the loop below: Thanks
public class ChaseSelectionItems
public string code { get; set; }
public string text { get; set; }
public ChaseSelectionItems(string code, string text)
this.code = code;
this.text = text;
public override string ToString()
return this.text;
foreach (ChaseSelectionItems items in drpdwnChaseSecSelection.Items)
if (items.code == _Row.xcs_View)
drpdwnChaseSecSelection.SelectedValue = items.text;

It is not entirely clear how you configured the listbox but most likely you did not configure ValueMember correctly. The following might fix that:
foreach (ChaseSelectionItems items in drpdwnChaseSecSelection.Items)
if (items.code == _Row.xcs_View)
// drpdwnChaseSecSelection.SelectedValue = items.text;
drpdwnChaseSecSelection.SelectedItem = items;


Looping through a string array to create class variables of those strings

So I have this code in a .cs file called SchoolData that has a class and a list.
public static List<YearGroupsData> yearGroupsDataList = new List<YearGroupsData>();
public class YearGroupsData
public int id { get; set; }
public int year { get; set; }
public string groupName { get; set; }
public int subject { get; set; }
However, I'm trying to use a loop in another .cs script that does a web connection and gets the data from the website, I haven't included the connection info or some of the script for that as this isn't the part going wrong...
private IEnumerator ViewYearGroups()
//Some code for connection here
yield return viewYearGroups;
string yearGroupsDataString = viewYearGroups.text;
yearGroups = yearGroupsDataString.Split(';');
foreach (string yearGroup in yearGroups)
YearGroupsData yearGroupsData = new YearGroupsData()
id = Int32.Parse(GetDataValue(yearGroup, "Id:")),
year = Int32.Parse(GetDataValue(yearGroup, "Year:")),
groupName = GetDataValue(yearGroup, "GroupName:"),
subject = Int32.Parse(GetDataValue(yearGroup, "Subject:")),
The GetDataValue is the part that is messing up. It gives me ArgumentOutOfRangeException and I'm not sure why. It works if I'm not using it in a loop, I've tried a for loop as well and still the same, anyone know what's happening?
public string GetDataValue(string data, string index)
string value = data.Substring(data.IndexOf(index) + index.Length);
if (value.Contains("|"))
value = value.Remove(value.IndexOf("|"));
return value;
Add a try catch in your GetDataValue() method to help with debugging. If it works without the foreach loop, then my guess is one of the string objects you are iterating over is different than what you may be expecting.
string value = data.Substring(data.IndexOf(index) + index.Length);
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)
Where I used the .Split to divide the string at each semicolon was the issue. The string I was splitting had a space after the last semicolon which was creating an empty index from that. I used
yearGroups = yearGroups.Take(yearGroups.Count() - 1).ToArray();
to remove the last index that was empty. The trycatch method helped me find this, thanks.
the ArgumentOutOfRangeException happen when the value of an argument is outside the allowable range of values as defined by the invoked method
try this:
string value = data.Substring(data.IndexOf(index) + index.Length - 1 );

Assign bool value to a property when name of that property is present in another array

This is best I could make the question statement. Please be kind.
Here is the situation:
I have a string "InputValues" which contains values in comma seperated format:
I need to fill an object with bool value if the name matches with what I have in above string variable.
if InputValues contains "chkAwareness1" then "public bool chkAwareness1" should set to true, otherwise false.
public class SurveyCheckBox
public bool chkAwareness1 { get; set; }
public bool chkAwareness2 { get; set; }
public bool chkAwareness3 { get; set; }
public bool chkAwareness4 { get; set; }
public bool chkAwareness5 { get; set; }
public bool chkAwareness6 { get; set; }
public bool chkAwareness7 { get; set; }
public void createObjectSurveyCheckBox(string InputValues)
string[] ChkValues = InputValues.Split(',');
SurveyCheckBox surveyChkBoxObj = new SurveyCheckBox();
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfPropertyInSurveyCheckBox ;i++ )
// typeof(SurveyCheckBox).GetProperties()[i].Name
I searched and I found GetProperties method through which I can get the name of property, but I am unable to figure out the logic.. how to search through the values and assign them to bool properties.
Please help.
You're very close. You just need to change your loop, really. The whole method should look like this:
public void CreateObjectSurveyCheckBox(string inputValues)
string[] chkValues = inputValues.Split(',');
SurveyCheckBox surveyChkBoxObj = new SurveyCheckBox();
foreach (string value in chkValues)
PropertyInfo propInfo = typeof(SurveyCheckBox).GetProperty(value);
if (propInfo != null)
propInfo.SetValue(surveyChkBoxObj, true);
P.S. You'll notice I took the liberty of changing your capitalization to something much more standard. If you use capitalization like you had, you're likely to get lynched.
I agree with Tim; I would not use something like this in production code.
public void createObjectSurveyCheckBox(string InputValues)
var instance = new SurveyCheckBox();
foreach (var property in typeof(SurveyCheckBox).GetProperties().Where(x => x.Name.Contains("chkAwareness")))
if (InputValues.Contains(property.Name))
property.SetValue(instance, true);
I would write the loop from the other direction, from 0 to MaxchkAwareness;
Sort the input first, before going into the loop.
You would also need an index to the next item in your input array (ChkValues), lets call that chkValueIndex;
If the next item in your input array, ChkValues[chkValueIndex], is "chkAwareness"+i.ToString()
then your property is true, and you increment your array pointer .
otherwise your property is false.
But I think you have to use reflection to set the properties in a loop like that, something like this:
Getting a property reference using reflection
I am sure there are better ways to restructure this and do it entirely different, but it sounds to me like you are trying to do the best you can with the system that was given you.
You can try this:
public static void createObjectSurveyCheckBox(string InputValues)
string[] ChkValues = InputValues.Split(',');
SurveyCheckBox surveyChkBoxObj = new SurveyCheckBox();
foreach (var prop in typeof(SurveyCheckBox).GetProperties())
if (ChkValues.Contains(prop.Name))
prop.SetValue(surveyChkBoxObj, true);

Convert String in to Enum Without knowing it's type in C#

I am facing a problem. I have set of some enum in my app. Like
public enum EnmSection
public enum Section1
public enum Section2
EnmSection is main enum which contains the other enum(as string) which are declared below it. Now i have to fill the values of EnmSection in a drop-down.I have done it.
Like this...
drpSectionType.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(EnmSection));
Now my drop-down has values: Section1,Section2,Section3
Problem is:
I have another drop-down drpSubSection. Now i want to fill this drop-down whatever i have selected in the drpSectionType.
for ex If I selected Section1 in drpSectionType then drpSubsection should contain the value
TestA,TestB. Like this:
protected void drpSectionType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strType = drpSectionType.SelectedValue;
drpSubsection.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof());
Here typeof() is expecting the enum.But i am getting selected value as string. How can i achieve this functionality.
What if you reference an assembly that contains another enum with a value named Section1?
You'll just have to try all the enums you care about, one at a time, and see which one works. You'll probably want to use Enum.TryParse.
Something like this might work, but you have to do some exception handling:
protected void drpSectionType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strType = drpSectionType.SelectedValue;
EnmSection section = (EnmSection)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnmSection), strType);
drpSubsection.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(typeof(section));
This might be a bit over the top but it would work if you bind bind Arrays of IEnumItem to your drop down and set it up to show their display text.
public interface IEnumBase
IEnumItem[] Items { get; }
public interface IEnumItem : IEnumBase
string DisplayText { get; }
public class EnumItem : IEnumItem
public string DisplayText { get; set; }
public IEnumItem[] Items { get; set; }
public class EnmSections : IEnumBase
public IEnumItem[] Items { get; private set; }
public EnmSections()
Items = new IEnumItem[]
new EnumItem
DisplayText = "Section1",
Items = new IEnumItem[]
new EnumItem { DisplayText = "TestA" },
new EnumItem { DisplayText = "TestB" }
new EnumItem
DisplayText = "Section2",
Items = new IEnumItem[]
new EnumItem { DisplayText = "Test1" },
new EnumItem { DisplayText = "Test2" }
drpSubsection.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(Type.GetType("Your.Namespace." + strType));
If the enums are in another assembly, (i.e. they're not in mscorlib or the current assembly) you'll need to provide the AssemblyQualifiedName. The easiest way to get this will be to look at typeof(Section1).AssemblyQualifiedName, then modify your code to include all the necessary parts. The code will look something like this when you're done:
drpSubsection.DataSource = Enum.GetNames(Type.GetType("Your.Namespace." + strType + ", MyAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b17a5c561934e089"));

Unable to edit values in a DataGridView (using BindingList)

It seems that, due to an unknown cause, I am now unable to edit anything in my DataGridView. The DGV's ReadOnly property value is false, and all columns except for one all have the ReadOnly property set to false as well.
I'm beginning to think that it may be due to a special value I tried adding to one of my classes, one that I only wanted to be modified within the class, but still read only to the public. I don't think that value is messing with anything else, but none the less, here is the relevant portion of my code:
private void loaderWorker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
loadingBar.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;
if (e.UserState != null)
Where savefiles is a BindingList, and where SaveFile is my class:
public class SaveFile
private string d_directory;
private int d_weirdnumber;
private bool d_isautosave;
private string d_fullname;
private string d_datatype;
private string d_owner;
private bool d_isquicksave;
private string d_title;
private string d_gametime;
public SaveFile() { }
public SaveFile(string directory, int weirdnumber, bool isautosave, string fullname, string datatype, string owner, bool isquicksave, string title)
d_directory = directory;
d_weirdnumber = weirdnumber;
d_isautosave = isautosave;
d_fullname = fullname;
d_datatype = datatype;
d_owner = owner;
d_isquicksave = isquicksave;
d_title = title;
public string Gametime
get { return d_gametime; }
public string Datatype
get { return d_datatype; }
set { d_datatype = value; }
public string Title
get { return d_title; }
set { d_title = value; }
public bool IsQuickSave
get { return d_isquicksave; }
set { d_isquicksave = value; }
public bool IsAutoSave
get { return d_isautosave; }
set { d_isautosave = value; }
public string Directory
get { return d_directory; }
set { d_directory = value; }
public string FullName
get { return d_fullname; }
d_fullname = value;
string[] split = value.Split(new char[]{'-'});
foreach (string str in split)
if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(str, "^\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d$"))
d_gametime = str;
public int Weirdnumber
get { return d_weirdnumber; }
set { d_weirdnumber = value; }
public string Owner
get { return d_owner; }
set { d_owner = value; }
Gametime is that special property I mentioned earlier. It doesn't have a set function, but according to this, I should be in the clear, right?
Can anyone then tell me why I may not be able to edit any of the DGV cells?
EDIT: I just found out that not setting AutoGenerateColumns to false allows me to edit again, but I still don't know why.
After several hours, a friend finally took a look at it over Remote Desktop. He wrote a function to force all columns to have a non read-only status, and go figure, it worked. So we looked at the column properties in the editor, and somehow... I don't know why... they were all set to Read only. I swear I checked them 4 times before.
The lesson of this story (I guess): When in doubt, check your settings. When not in doubt, become doubtful. Otherwise, file a bug report to Microsoft :\

difficulty inserting a name to an inserted object of a checkedlistbox

I am abit new in C# and i am trying to insert an object to a CheckedListBox,
so this inserted item will have a title inside the checked list (my object contains a string field inside it which I want to be displayed in the CheckedListBox).
for example this is my class:
public class InfoLayer
private string LayerName;
private List<GeoInfo> GeoInfos;
public InfoLayer()
LayerName = "New Empty Layer";
GeoInfos = new List<GeoInfo>();
public InfoLayer(string LayerName)
this.LayerName = LayerName;
GeoInfos = new List<GeoInfo>();
public InfoLayer(string LayerName,List<GeoInfo> GeoInfosToClone):this(LayerName)
foreach (GeoInfo item in GeoInfosToClone)
public GeoInfo SearchElement(long id)
foreach (GeoInfo info in GeoInfos) // foreach loop running on the list
if (info.INFOID == id)
return info; // return the item if we found it
return null;
public GeoInfo SearchElement(string name)
foreach (GeoInfo info in GeoInfos)
if (info.INFONAME.CompareTo(name)==0)
return info;
return null;
public override string ToString()
string toReturn = "";
for (int i = 0; i < GeoInfos.Count; i++) // for loop running on the list
toReturn += String.Format("{0}\n",GeoInfos[i].ToString()); // piping another geoinfo
return toReturn;
public string LAYERNAME{get{return LayerName;}}
my class also contains a tostring overrider inside her (not what i want to display)
thanks in advance for your help.
Override ToString() in your class, the class that the object is an instance of.
You don't want to display the contents of ToString(). You want to display the LayerName, don't you? Perhaps you should display the values with Databinding instead. Then you can set DisplayMember to your new LAYERNAME property.
I believe this is what you are trying to achieve:
((MyObjectType)checkedListBox1.Items(index)).Name = "whatever"
You will have to know the index of the object you want to change.
You'll just have to override the ToString method in your class so that it returns this Name property value.
public overrides string ToString() {
return Name;
It will then display its name when added to your CheckedListbox.
