How to check if a file exists on the web server - c#

I have a file stored on the server and the web page I am populating depends on the fatc that the file exists or not.
How do I test if the file is available on the server?
The file comes on the web page as:
I have to test the existence of this file and if it is available I will display a link otherwise I want to hide the link.
The actual path to the server is
but I don't have access to the server (and therefore to the file) on the network. I can only access it using the web page. Is there a way to test that the server has the file or not display the link? (hlObjectsReport.Visible = false;)
I have tried to use the following:
Uri validatedUri;
Uri.TryCreate(uri, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out validatedUri);
But it returns a valid address even if the file is not there.

use System.IO.File.Exists() (Documentation)
if(System.IO.File.Exists([path goes here]))
// do something
If you're not sure of the physical path, you can substitute the following for [path goes here] above:


C# ASP.NET Retrieving file address in string

I am building a method that will build an XLS file and uploading it on user's computer.
I am using this guide:
So code that will define my destination address is:
xlWorkBook.SaveAs("C:\\Something\\csharp-Excel.xls", Excel.XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal);
Now it is default, but i want to allow user to define it by him self, so as far as i understand, i need an html field, which will open common "browse window" and save file path to string, which will be later used in xlWorkBook.SaveAs function. I have read a bit about FileUpload, but i don't really sure that it is what i am looking for.
The code that you have there will save the file on the web server itself, not on the user's computer. You'll need to stream the file down to the user via the browser, and then they will be able to choose where to save it.
You could save the file on the server and then stream it to the user using Response.WriteFile, or you could stream it from memory if you don't want to keep a copy of the file on the server.
This code will create a file on the server, not on the users/clients computer. If you want the user to be able to download the file to his/her computer and select the location where the file is stored, you need to create a file (.aspx file or controller method, depending on wether you are using webforms or MVC) and have it stream the file to the user's browser. The browser will then take care of displaying the "Save as" dialog where the user can select the destination location.

How to upload image to web page in Saucelabs test by Selenium in c#?

I must upload any image to web page to create online shop to move on test. I have to click on button for uploading after that I have to give directory of the file, but I can't give local directory because test runs on VM on Saucelabs. How to solve this problem?
Use the LocalFileDetector class. Your code will look something like this:
// WARNING!! Untested code written from memory, without benefit of an IDE.
// May not work exactly correctly or even compile without modification.
// Assume driver is a properly instantiated IWebDriver object, which is
// to be used with a remote service (including SauceLabs or similar).
IAllowsFileDetection fileDetectionDriver = driver as IAllowsFileDetection;
fileDetectionDriver.FileDetector = new LocalFileDetector();
IWebElement fileElement = driver.FindElement(By.Id("idOfFileInputElement"));
By setting the file detector, the SendKeys method will first upload the file from your local system to the remote machine on which the code is actually running. Then SendKeys will set the file in the <input> element, using the local file path on the remote machine.

C# Upload Files on another partition of the server

I'm using FileUpload.SaveAs() function of C# to upload files to the server but I want to save the files on another partition. Let us say, save the files on Drive D of the server instead on the current drive which is Drive C. Please share your thoughts. Thanks is advance.
I have learned that using full path such as
will save the file outside the web server.
Check this out.
To simplify the question, how can I upload files on the other partition of the server that hosts my web app?
Based on the documentation from, the String filename is the full path name of the location to save. Meaning you should be able to do so e.g:
By the way what have you tried and what error did you get?
Looking at the example on MSDN, it would appear that .SaveAs() accepts a fully qualified file name as a parameter. You could potentially use a Path object to cleanly build a path for the file, or just specify one directly as a string:
Resolved this by using Virtual Directory of IIS and providing admin credentials for authentication

Download and save aspx page

I saved aspx page as html it worked in my local machine but after published on the server its showing an error that "the access to the path is denied"... I tried giving access permission then also it doesn't work.. can anyone help with it? or else is there any other way to save the page in C#
string url=HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
string sHtml="";
HttpWebRequest request;
HttpWebResponse response=null;
Stream stream=null;
StreamReader sr=new StreamReader(stream,System.Text.Encoding.Default);
string path=Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
string textfilename=TextBox1.Text;
string getpath=path+"\\"+textfilename+".html";
If you need to save a file use this to get the application path
Try this because when you only write the filename at an web server you are trying to access to a Microsoft.Net folder.
yes make sure the folder you write to has the appropriate privileges. IIS 5 uses ASPNET account, IIS6 uses network service. Just give read/write to the proper account. Is this your dev environment, or a prod environment?
Also, make sure it's pointing to a folder; desktop folder for ASPNET account probably won't exist since ASPNET account isn't a user with a users folder.
I had a similar problem when trying to deploy CSS from a ZIP downloaded from the web. Try right-clicking on the aspx file from windows explorer and checking the file properties. One of the tabs may indicate that the file has been "blocked". If so, there will be a button there to unblock it.

Mapping A Filename To Paths on A Server

I have a problem with my code. My code is using the fileupload control to browse for a filename when you add a filename it processes it and the code runs fine on when it lives on local host, but when I put the code on our prodution server it cannot find the filenames listed by user.
For example if I use the upload control to browse to
B:\MIS\CH Intive\RPTTOFL_3.csv and the code lives on my localhost which know what that file path means it works, but if the code is moved to a production server it may or maynot know what B:/ is or B:/ maybe mapped to something else.
Even if I am browsing to a file on my C drive it will work on if the code is on the machine that the C drive is on, but it will not work if the code is on another machine because obviously that file wouldnt be on that C drive.
Private Function CSV2DataTable(ByVal filename As String) As DataTable
Using MyReader As New _
MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
What can I do in to make the filename work correctly?
Ok lets say I get the filename and save it as so
FileUploadControl.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/") + filename);
now I want to pass the filename to the function above for processing. Do I pass Server.MapPath("~/") + filename as the filename? Also when I am done what do I do to delete the file from the server?
It seems that you are mixing the client and server locations of the file. Before reading the uploaded file, the server-side code must save it on the server (client-side file location is mostly irrelevant at this point). From VS help on FileUpload class: "The code that you write to save the specified file should call the SaveAs method, which saves the contents of a file to a specified path on the server." The online help topic on FileUpload control has enough information (with examples) to achieve what you need.
