I'm writing a txt file from 2 data table.
Following is the 2 data table.
Transaction No. Time Amount Date
1 10:00:00 200.00 03/05/2020
2 10:30:11 250.00 03/05/2020
3 11:05:22 140.00 03/05/2020
4 11:45:33 230.00 03/05/2020
5 12:15:10 220.00 03/05/2020
Transaction No. Added Amount Date
1 40.00 03/05/2020
2 25.00 03/05/2020
3 40.00 03/05/2020
4 30.00 03/05/2020
5 30.00 03/05/2020
following is my code
using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(fileName))
for (int a = 6; a <= 23; a++)
string aa = a.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
double salex = double.Parse(dt1.Rows[0]["Amount"].ToString());
if (salex.Equals(""))
salex = 0;
salex = double.Parse(dt1.Rows[0]["Amount"].ToString());
double vatx = double.Parse(dt2.Rows[0]["Added Amount"].ToString());
if (vatx.Equals(""))
vatx = 0;
vatx = double.Parse(dt2.Rows[0]["Added Amount"].ToString());
double dailysaleHRLY = -salex + -vatx;
sw.Write(dtpDate.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + ",");
sw.Write(aa + ":00" + ",");
sw.Write(dailysaleHRLY.ToString("0.00") + ",");
for (int a = 0; a <= 5; a++)
string aa = a.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0');
double salex = double.Parse(dt1.Rows[0]["Amount"].ToString());
if (salex.Equals(""))
salex = 0;
salex = double.Parse(dt1.Rows[0]["Amount"].ToString());
double vatx = double.Parse(dt2.Rows[0]["Added Amount"].ToString());
if (vatx.Equals(""))
vatx = 0;
vatx = double.Parse(dt2.Rows[0]["Added Amount"].ToString());
double dailysaleHRLY = -salex + -vatx;
sw.Write(dtpDate.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + ",");
sw.Write(aa + ":00" + ",");
sw.Write(dailysaleHRLY.ToString("0.00") + ",");
MessageBox.Show("Txt File succesfully created!", "SYSTEM", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
This is the output of my code.
Date, Time, Sum
I just want to get the sum of Amount and Added Amount base on hour. Like this.
Date, Time, Sum
Assuming that you have two DataTable-s and you have them filled with the mentioned data.
var dt1 = new DataTable();
var dt2 = new DataTable();
new DataColumn("Transaction No.", typeof(int)),
new DataColumn("Time", typeof(DateTime)),
new DataColumn("Amount", typeof(decimal)),
new DataColumn("Date", typeof(DateTime)),
new DataColumn("Transaction No.", typeof(int)),
new DataColumn("Added Amount", typeof(decimal)),
new DataColumn("Date", typeof(DateTime)),
Note: The double types have been replaced with decimal types since its the right type to be used when dealing with money.
As I understand the problem, you want to group the rows of dt1 by hour part of the Time field, sum the Amount, and add to the sum the Added Amount from dt2 rows where their Transaction No. equals to any Transaction No. of the grouped rows of dt1.
This will do:
var group = dt1.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(x => x.Field<DateTime>(1).Hour);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("Time,".PadLeft(12, ' '));
sb.AppendLine("Sum".PadLeft(5, ' '));
//if PadLeft is not required in the output, then just:
//sb.AppendLine($"Date, Time, Sum");
foreach (var g in group)
var sum = 0M;
foreach (var r in g)
sum += r.Field<decimal>(2) + dt2.AsEnumerable()
.Where(x => x.Field<int>(0) == r.Field<int>(0))
.Sum(x => x.Field<decimal>(1));
sb.AppendLine($"{g.First().Field<DateTime>(3).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")}, {g.Key.ToString("00")}:00, {sum.ToString("0.00")}");
Note: You can use the fields names instead of their indexes.
The output is:
Date, Time, Sum
03/05/2020, 10:00, 515.00
03/05/2020, 11:00, 440.00
03/05/2020, 12:00, 250.00
I don't know whether the DataTable-s already contain the required data to generate the output mentioned in the last quote block or you want to append the rest before writing to the text file. In case of the second scenario, you can do something like:
var group = dt1.AsEnumerable().GroupBy(x => x.Field<DateTime>(1).Hour);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine($"Date, Time, Sum");
for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++)
var g = group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == i);
if (g != null)
var sum = 0M;
foreach (var r in g)
sum += r.Field<decimal>(2) + dt2.AsEnumerable()
.Where(x => x.Field<int>(0) == r.Field<int>(0))
.Sum(x => x.Field<decimal>(1));
sb.AppendLine($"{g.First().Field<DateTime>(3).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")}, {g.Key.ToString("00")}:00, {sum.ToString("0.00")}");
sb.AppendLine($"{group.First().First().Field<DateTime>(3).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")}, {i.ToString("00")}:00, 0.00");
If you need to preserve the same order of the hours:
for (var ii = 6; ii < 30; ii++)
var i = ii > 23 ? ii % 24 : ii;
var g = group.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == i);
if (g != null)
//The same...
Finally, to create or overwrite the text file (fileName):
File.WriteAllText(fileName, sb.ToString());
Or to append the output:
File.AppendAllText(fileName, sb.ToString());
I'm trying to make a transport agent that parses the body of an email to find the pertinent pieces of information and replaces the generic subject line with specific details. My problem is that a subject line that should read like:
ABC Co Error: No status reason code (0123456)
instead shows up as
A B C C o E r r o r : N o s t a t u s r e a s o n c o d e ( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
The email is plain text and encoded in us-ascii according to the email header. My problem is that It is my understanding from this question and this question that C# uses UTF-16 as the default string encoding. The spaces between each character lead me to believe that my code is somehow implicitly converting the ASCII to UTF-16, but I don't know where this would be happening. Any ideas on how to make this work properly?
void OnSubmittedMessageHandler(SubmittedMessageEventSource source, QueuedMessageEventArgs args)
this.mailItem = args.MailItem;
for (int intCounter = this.mailItem.Recipients.Count - 1; intCounter >= 0; intCounter--)
// Check if the email was sent to automated#mydomain.com
string msgRecipientP1 = this.mailItem.Recipients[intCounter].Address.LocalPart;
if (msgRecipientP1.ToLower() == "automated")
// Read the body of the email
string line = "";
Dictionary<string, string> EDIErrors = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Body body = this.mailItem.Message.Body;
Stream originalBodyContent = body.GetContentReadStream();
StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(originalBodyContent, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII, true);
while ((line = streamReader.ReadLine()) != null)
if (line.IndexOf("Partner:") > 0)
line.Replace(": ", ":");
string[] lineParts = line.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
foreach (string EDIErrorPart in lineParts)
int idx = EDIErrorPart.IndexOf(':');
int qidx = EDIErrorPart.IndexOf('"');
if (idx > 0)
EDIErrors[EDIErrorPart.Substring(0, idx).ToLower()] = EDIErrorPart.Substring(idx + 1).ToLower();
else if (qidx > 0)
EDIErrors["Message"] = EDIErrorPart.Replace("\"", string.Empty);
if (originalBodyContent != null)
// Build the new Subject line and the recipient groups
string sOrder;
string sMessage;
string sDistroGroup;
EDIErrors.TryGetValue("Order", out sOrder);
EDIErrors.TryGetValue("Message", out sMessage);
EDIErrors.TryGetValue("Partner", out sDistroGroup);
string NewSubject = sPartner + " Error: " + sMessage + "(" + sOrder + ")";
this.mailItem.Message.Subject = NewSubject;
if (IsTicketable)
this.mailItem.Recipients.Add(new RoutingAddress("helpdesk#mydomain.com"));
I am trying print documents by simplex/duplex and then by envelope type (pressure seal or regular)
I have Boolean fields for Simplex and for PressureSeal in my Record class.
All pressure seal are simplex, then there are regular simplex and duplex documents.
I can currently print the pressure seal documents separate from the regular simplex. I need to be able to create the regular duplex documents.
I have some lines commented out that caused all documents to be duplicated.
So, I am looking for something that works like so:
if (Simplex)
if (pressureseal)
create output file
create regular simplex output file
create duplex output file
Here is my existing code
#region Mark Records By Splits
//splits - 3,7,13
var splits = Properties.Settings.Default.Splits.Split(',');
Dictionary<int, int> splitRanges = new Dictionary<int, int>();
int lastSplit = 0;
foreach (var split in splits)
// Attempt to convert split into a integer and skip it if we can't.
int splitNum;
if (!int.TryParse(split, out splitNum))
splitRanges.Add(lastSplit, splitNum);
lastSplit = Math.Max(lastSplit, splitNum + 1);
// Assign record splits.
foreach (var range in splitRanges)
var recordsInRange = NoticeParser.records
.Where(x => x.Sheets >= range.Key && x.Sheets <= range.Value)
recordsInRange.ForEach(x => x.Split = string.Format("{0}-{1}", range.Key, range.Value));
var unassignedRecords = NoticeParser.records.Where(x => x.Sheets >= lastSplit).ToList();
unassignedRecords.ForEach(x => x.Split = string.Format("{0}up", lastSplit));
#region Sort out Pressure Seal records
var recordsGroupedByPressureSeal = NoticeParser.records
//var recordsGroupedBySimplex = NoticeParser.records.GroupBy(x => x.Simplex);
int fCount = 0;
int nsCount = 0;
//foreach (var simdupGroup in recordsGroupedBySimplex)
// var recordsGroupedBySimDup = simdupGroup.GroupBy(x => x.Split).OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());
foreach (var pressureGroup in recordsGroupedByPressureSeal)
var recordsGroupedBySplit = pressureGroup.GroupBy(x => x.Split).OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());
foreach (var recordsInSplit in recordsGroupedBySplit.Values)
string processingExecutable = Path.Combine(Properties.Settings.Default.RootFolder, Properties.Settings.Default.ProcessingExecutable);
string toProcessingFile = string.Format(Properties.Settings.Default.OutputFolder + "{0}_" + "toBCC.txt", fCount);
string fromProcessingFile = string.Format(Properties.Settings.Default.OutputFolder + "IBC_LN_Sort_FromBCC.txt");
// If a sortation executable is specified, run it.
if (recordsInSplit.Count >= Properties.Settings.Default.MinimumSortationCount &&
// log.Info("Sorting records...");
var processedRecords = recordsInSplit.ProcessAddresses<Record, RecordMap>(
// Update records with the sortation fields.
toProcessingFile = string.Format(Properties.Settings.Default.OutputFolder + "{0}_no_sort_toBCC.txt", nsCount);
fromProcessingFile = string.Format(Properties.Settings.Default.OutputFolder + "IBC_LN_NoSort_FromBCC.txt");
//var processedRecords = recordsInSplit.ProcessAddresses<Record, RecordMap>(
// processingExecutable,
// toProcessingFile,
// fromProcessingFile);
// Update records with the sortation fields.
// recordsInSplit.UpdateAddresses(processedRecords);
// If not sorted, provide our own sequence number.
int sequence = 1;
recordsInSplit.ForEach(x => x.SequenceNumber = sequence++);
recordsInSplit.ForEach(x => x.TrayNumber = 1);
NoticeWriter noticeWriter = new NoticeWriter(noticeParser.reader);
#region Print by PressureSeal or Regular
//foreach (var simdupGroup in recordsGroupedBySimplex)
// string printType = null;
// if (simdupGroup.Key)
// printType = "Simplex";
// else
// printType = "Duplex";
foreach (var splitGroup in recordsGroupedByPressureSeal)
string envType = ""; // envelope type
if (splitGroup.Key)
envType = "PressureSeal";
envType = "Regular";
var recordsGroupedBySplit = splitGroup.GroupBy(x => x.Split).OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());
foreach (var recordsInSplit in recordsGroupedBySplit)
string outputName = string.Format("IBC_Daily_Notices_{0}_{1}",envType, /*printType,*/ recordsInSplit.Key);
noticeWriter.WriteOutputFiles(Properties.Settings.Default.OutputFolder, outputName, recordsInSplit.Value, Properties.Settings.Default.RecordsPerBatch);
string animals = "cat98dog75";
What i try to achieve :
string a = "cat98";
string b = "dog75";
Question :
How do i split the string using some range delimiter?
example :
I suggest matching with a help of regular expressions:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
string animals = "cat98dog75";
string[] items = Regex
.Matches(animals, "[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]*")
.Select(match => match.Value)
string a = items[0];
string b = items[1];
Concole.Write(string.Join(", ", items));
cat98, dog75
In case you want to split the initial string by equal size chunks:
int size = 5;
string[] items = Enumerable
.Range(0, animals.Length / size + (animals.Length % size > 0 ? 1 : 0))
.Select(index => (index + 1) * size <= animals.Length
? animals.Substring(index * size, size)
: animals.Substring(index * size))
string a = items[0];
string b = items[1];
This might do the trick for you
string animals = "cat98dog75";
string[] DiffAnimals = Regex.Split(animals, "(?<=[0-9]{2})")
.Where(s => s != String.Empty) //Just to Remove Empty Entries.
If you want to split the name of the animal and number, try following..
I know its too long....
private static void SplitChars()
string animals = "cat98dog75";
Dictionary<string, string> dMyobject = new Dictionary<string, string>();
string sType = "",sCount = "";
bool bLastOneWasNum = false;
foreach (var item in animals.ToCharArray())
if (char.IsLetter(item))
if (bLastOneWasNum)
dMyobject.Add(sType, sCount);
sType = ""; sCount = "";
bLastOneWasNum = false;
sType = sType + item;
else if (char.IsNumber(item))
bLastOneWasNum = true;
sCount = sCount + item;
dMyobject.Add(sType, sCount);
foreach (var item in dMyobject)
Console.WriteLine(item.Key + "- " + item.Value);
You will get output as
cat - 98
dog - 75
Basically, you are getting type and numbers so if you want to use the count, you don't need to split again...
Actually I set four columns using data table and I want this column retrieve value from text file. I used regex for remove the particular line from the text file.
My objective is that I want to show text file on the grid using data table so first I am trying to create data table and remove the line (show at the program) using regex.
Here I post my full code.
namespace class
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
StreamReader sreader = File.OpenText(#"C:\FareSearchRegex.txt");
string line;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataRow dr;
dt.Columns.Add("FARE BASIS");
while ((line = sreader.ReadLine()) != null)
var pattern = "---------- RECOMMENDATION 1 OF 3 IN GROUP 1 (USD 168.90)----------";
var result = Regex.Replace(line,pattern," ");
class Class1
string PTC;
string CUR;
float TAX;
public string gsPTC
get{ return PTC; }
set{ PTC = value; }
public string gsCUR
get{ return CUR; }
set{ CUR = value; }
public float gsTAX
get{ return TAX; }
set{ TAX = value; }
If your format is strict(e.g. always 4 columns) and you want to remove only this complete line i don't see any reason to use regex:
var rows = File.ReadLines(#"C:\FareSearchRegex.txt")
.Where(l => l != "---------- RECOMMENDATION 1 OF 3 IN GROUP 1 (USD 168.90)----------")
.Select(l => new { line = l, items = l.Split(','), row = dt.Rows.Add() });
foreach (var x in rows)
x.row.ItemArray = x.items;
(assumed that the fields are separated by comma)
Edit: This works with your pastebin:
string header = " PTC CUR TAX FARE BASIS";
bool takeNextLine = false;
foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(#"C:\FareSearchRegex.txt"))
if (line.StartsWith(header))
takeNextLine = true;
else if (takeNextLine)
var tokens = line.Split(new[] { #" " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
dt.Rows.Add().ItemArray = tokens.Where((t, i) => i != 2).ToArray();
takeNextLine = false;
(since you have an empty column which you want to exclude from the result i've used the clumsy and possibly error-prone(?) query Where((t, i) => i != 2))
To parse the file you'll need to:
Split the text of the file into data chunks. A chunk, in your case can be identified by the header PTC CUR TAX FARE BASIS and by the TOTAL line. To split the text you'll need to tokenize the input as follows> (i) define a regular expression to match the headers, (ii) define a regular expression to match the Total lines (footers); Using (i) and (ii) you can join them by the order of appearance index and determine the total size of each chunk (see the line with (x,y)=>new{StartIndex = x.Match.Index, EndIndex = y.Match.Index + y.Match.Length}) below). Use String.Substring method to separate the chunks.
Extract the data from each individual chunk. Knowing that data is split by lines you just have to iterate through all lines in a chunk (ignoring header and footer) and process each line.
This code should help:
string file = #"C:\FareSearchRegex.txt";
string text = File.ReadAllText(file);
var headerRegex = new Regex(#"^(\)>)?\s+PTC\s+CUR\s+TAX\s+FARE BASIS$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);
var totalRegex = new Regex(#"^\s+TOTAL[\w\s.]+?$",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);
var lineRegex = new Regex(#"^(?<Num>\d+)?\s+(?<PTC>[A-Z]+)\s+\d+\s(?<Cur>[A-Z]{3})\s+[\d.]+\s+(?<Tax>[\d.]+)",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Multiline);
var dataIndices =
.Select((m, index) => new{ Index = index, Match = m })
.Join(totalRegex.Matches(text).Cast<Match>().Select((m, index) => new{ Index = index, Match = m }),
x => x.Index,
x => x.Index,
(x, y) => new{ StartIndex = x.Match.Index, EndIndex = y.Match.Index + y.Match.Length });
var items = dataIndices
.Aggregate(new List<string>(), (list, x) =>
var item = text.Substring(x.StartIndex, x.EndIndex - x.StartIndex);
return list;
var result = items.SelectMany(x =>
var lines = x.Split(new string[]{Environment.NewLine, "\r", "\n"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
return lines.Skip(1) //Skip header
.Take(lines.Length - 2) // Ignore footer
.Select(line =>
var match = lineRegex.Match(line);
return new
Ptc = match.Groups["PTC"].Value,
Cur = match.Groups["Cur"].Value,
Tax = Convert.ToDouble(match.Groups["Tax"].Value)