File IO in Windows 8 - c#

I have been trying to read a file, and calculate the hash of the contents to find duplicates. The problem is that in Windows 8 (or WinRT or windows store application or however it is called, I'm completely confused), System.IO has been replaced with Windows.Storage, which behaves differently, and is very confusing. The official documentation is not useful at all.
First I need to get a StorageFile object, which in my case, I get from browsing a folder from a file picker:
var picker = new Windows.Storage.Pickers.FolderPicker();
picker.SuggestedStartLocation = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.MusicLibrary;
var folder = await picker.PickSingleFolderAsync();
var files = await folder.GetFilesAsync(Windows.Storage.Search.CommonFileQuery.OrderByName);
Now in files I have the list of files I need to index. Next, I need to open that file:
foreach (StorageFile file in files)
var filestream = file.OpenAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.Read);
Now is the most confusing part: getting the data from the file. The documentation was useless, and I couldn't find any code example. Apparently, Microsoft thought getting pictures from the camera is more important than opening a file.
The file stream has a member ReadAsync which I think reads the data. This method needs a buffer as a parameter and returns another buffer (???). So I create a buffer:
var buffer = new Windows.Storage.Streams.Buffer(1024 * 1024 * 10); // 10 mb should be enough for an mp3
var resultbuffer = await filestream.ReadAsync(buffer, 1024 * 1024 * 10, Windows.Storage.Streams.InputStreamOptions.ReadAhead);
I am wondering... what happens if the file doesn't have enough bytes? I haven't seen any info in the documentation.
Now I need to calculate the hash for this file. To do that, I need to create an algorithm object...
var alg = Windows.Security.Criptography.Core.HashAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm("md5");
var hashbuff = alg.HashData(resultbuffer);
// Cleanup
I also considered reading the file in chunks, but how can I calculate the hash like that? I looked everywhere in the documentation and found nothing about this. Could it be the CryptographicHash class type with it's 'append' method?
Now I have another issue. How can I get the data from that weird buffer thing to a byte array? The IBuffer class doesn't have any 'GetData' member, and the documentation, again, is useless.
So all I could do now is wonder about the mysteries of the universe...
// ???
So the question is... how can I do this? I am completely confused, and I wonder why did Microsoft choose to make reading a file so... so... so... impossible! Even in Assembly I could figure it out easier than.... this thing.

WinRT or Windows Runtime should not be confused with .NET as it is not .NET. WinRT has access to only a subset of the Win32 API but not to everything like the .NET is. Here is a pretty good article on what are the rules and restrictions in WinRT.
The WinRT in general does not have access to the file system. It works with capabilities and you can allow file access capability but this would restrict your app's access only to certain areas. Here is a good example of how do to file access via WinRT.


How to implement resumable upload using Microsoft.Graph.GraphServiceClient from C#

Does anyone know how to use the C# OneDrive SDK to perform a resumable upload?
When I use IDriveItemRequestBuilder.CreateUploadSession I always get a new session with the NextExpectedRanges reset.
If I use the .UploadURL and manually send a HTTP Post I get the correct, next ranges back however I don't then know the means to resume the upload session using the sdk. There doesn't seem to be a means from the API to 'OpenUploadSession', or at least that I can find.
Nor can I find a working example.
I suspect this must be a common use case.
Please note that keywords in the text - resumable.
I was looking for the same thing and just stepped on an example from the official docs:
I tried the code and it worked.
In case, my sample implementation:
The method of resumption depends on how much state you have. The absolution minimum that is required is UploadSession.UploadUrl (think of it as unique identifier for the session). If you don't have that URL you'd need to create a new upload session and start from the beginning, otherwise if you do have it you can do something like the following to resume:
var uploadSession = new UploadSession
NextExpectedRanges = Enumerable.Empty<string>(),
UploadUrl = persistedUploadUrl,
var maxChunkSize = 320 * 1024; // 320 KB - Change this to your chunk size. 5MB is the default.
var provider = new ChunkedUploadProvider(uploadSession, graphClient, ms, maxChunkSize);
// This will query the service and make sure the remaining ranges are accurate.
uploadSession = await provider.UpdateSessionStatusAsync();
// Since the remaining ranges is now accurate, this will return the requests required to
// complete the upload.
var chunkRequests = provider.GetUploadChunkRequests();
If you have more state you'd be able to skip some of the above. For example, if you already had a ChunkedUploadProvider but don't know that it's accurate (maybe it was serialized to disk or something) then you can just start the process with the call to UpdateSessionStatusAsync.
FYI, you can see the code for ChunkedUploadProvider here in case that'll be helpful to see what's going on under the covers.

Decoding ogg files to wav in WP8

I want to convert ogg file to wav and then play it on wp8 devives.
I've already checked many solutions but none of them worked. This looks promising but something doesn't work:
string _audioPath = "/SomeProject;component/Sounds/a_dog.ogg";
var stream = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri(_audioPath, UriKind.Relative)).Stream;
using (var vorbis = new NVorbis.VorbisReader(stream, true))
float[] buf = new float[vorbis.TotalSamples];
vorbis.ReadSamples(buf, 0, (int)vorbis.TotalSamples);
When I execute it I see FileNotFoundException at VorbisReader contruction. I also checked if stream is readable and it is. I was able to get the file content using Read method.
Do you have any ideas why it doesn't work? Maybe you know some other library for wp8 which can decode ogg files?
[EDIT] I downloaded source code of NVorbis and used it directly from my project, and when i do this I don't get any FileNotFoundExceptions and everything seems to work. Maybe this exception is caused by missing library? I've got NVorbis reference added...
I think you are running into the same issue as this guy. Short version: I believe your Pack URI should be "pack://application:,,,/SomeProject;Component/Sounds/a_dog.ogg". NVorbis is not actually throwing the exception itself, but is instead causing the resource stream to do so...

WinRT image handling

A friend and I spent the better part of last night nearly tearing our hair out trying to work with some images in a metro app. We got images into the app with the share charm, and then I wanted to do some other work with them, cropping the images and saving them back into the appdata folder. This proved extremely frustrating.
My question, at the end of all this, is going to be "What's the proper way of doing this, without feeling like I'm hammering together a bunch of mismatched jigsaw puzzle pieces?"
When sharing multiple images with the app, they come in as a list of Windows.Storage.StorageFiles. Here's some code used to handle that.
var storageItems = await _shareOperation.Data.GetStorageItemsAsync();
foreach (StorageFile item in storageItems)
var stream = await item.OpenReadAsync();
var properties = await item.Properties.GetImagePropertiesAsync();
var image = new WriteableBitmap((Int32)properties.Width, (Int32)properties.Height);
Some searching online has indicated that currently, a Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Imaging.WriteableBitmap is the only thing capable of letting you access the pixel data in the image. This question includes a helpful answer full of extension methods for saving images to a file, so we used those.
Our problems were the worst when I tried opening the files again later. I did something similar to before:
var files = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.GetFilesAsync();
foreach (var file in files)
var fileStream = await file.OpenReadAsync();
var properties = await file.Properties.GetImagePropertiesAsync();
var bitmap = new WriteableBitmap((Int32)properties.Width, (Int32)properties.Height);
System.IO.Stream stream = bitmap.PixelBuffer.AsStream();
Here comes a problem. How long is this stream, if I want the bytes out of it?
// CRASH! Length isn't supported on an IRandomAccessStream.
var pixels = new byte[fileStream.Length];
Ok try again.
var pixels = new byte[stream.Length];
This works, except... if the image is compressed, the stream is shorter than you would expect, so you will eventually get an out of bounds exception. For now pretend it's an uncompressed bitmap.
await _stream.ReadAsync(pixels, 0, pixels.Length);
Well guess what. Even though I said bitmap.SetSource(fileStream); in order to read in the data, my byte array is still full of zeroes. I have no idea why. If I pass this same bitmap into a my UI through the sample data group, the image shows up just fine. So it has clearly got the pixel data in that bitmap somewhere, but I can't read it out of bitmap.PixelBuffer? Why not?
Finally, here's what ended up actually working.
var decoder = await BitmapDecoder.CreateAsync(BitmapDecoder.PngDecoderId, fileStream);
var data = await decoder.GetPixelDataAsync();
var bytes = data.DetachPixelData();
/* process my data, finally */
} // end of that foreach I started a while ago
So now I have by image data, but I still have a big problem. In order to do anything with it, I have to make assumptions about its format. I have no idea whether it's rgba, rgb, abgr, bgra, whatever they can be. If I guess wrong my processing just fails. I've had dozens of test runs spit out zero byte and corrupted images, upside down images (???), wrong colors, etc. I would have expected to find some of this info in the properties that I got from calling await file.Properties.GetImagePropertiesAsync();, but no luck. That only contains the image width and height, plus some other useless things. Minimal documentation here.
So, why is this process so painful? Is this just reflecting the immaturity of the libraries right now, and can I expect it to get better? Or is there already some standard way of doing this? I wish it were as easy as in System.Drawing. That gave you all the data you ever needed, and happily loaded any image type correctly, without making you deal with streams yourself.
From what I have seen - when you are planning on loading the WriteableBitmap with a stream - you don't need to check the image dimensions - just do new WriteableBitmap(1,1), then call SetSource().
Not sure why you were thinking var pixels = new byte[fileStream.Length]; would work, since the fileStream has the compressed image bytes and not a pixel array.
You might need to seek to the beginning of the stream to get the pixels array:
var pixelStream = pixelBuffer.AsStream();
var bytes = new byte[this.pixelStream.Length];
this.pixelStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
this.pixelStream.Read(bytes, 0, Bytes.Length);
I had started working on a WinRT port of WriteableBitmapEx - maybe it could help you: I have not tested it well and it is based on an older version of WBX, but it is fairly complete in terms of feature support. Might be a tad slower than it is possible too.

What is the best way to determine if WPF can load an image file?

Is there any way to determine if WPF will be able to load an image file without attempting to construct a BitmapImage and catching the exception if it fails?
I'm creating an image browser that attempts to show previews of all the images on a removable drive. There could be a lot of files that aren't images and catching an exception for each one seems somewhat inefficient but I can't think of a way that isn't prone to error.
Any suggestions?
I recently asked a very similar question and got an excellent answer here.
Basically, you find all the codecs on a user's machine which BitmapImage can use to open various image formats. From these codecs, you build a list of the file extensions that these can open.
Then, when your program tries to open a file, check the extension of that file against this list.
WPF uses WIC to handle images. It contains a core set of codecs that handle common image formats, and I believe you can hard-code the extensions of these from here. WIC is also extensible, so, for example, camera manufacturers can incorporate custom image formats into WIC. The code in the answer above searches your computer for these extra codecs, and provides the corresponding file extensions for these.
This method assumes that the file extensions are correct for a file. This is usually a fair assumption in most cases though - even Windows Explorer is happy to assume this. Still, I would wrap the BitmapImage construction in a try-catch, should the odd rogue file appear where the extension appears to be an image, but it still won't open.
EDIT: I have also wrapped this functionality into a class you can copy-paste into your own project here.
WPF uses WIC, what you want is demonstrated in C++ in the MSDN but the decompiled sources of the framework show that IWICImagingFactory::CreateComponentEnumerator isn't even exposed in the internal class of the framework.
Your best solution would be to create a static list of extensions supported (The formats that WIC support out-of-the box are on MSDN) and use it.
First, you can try to check the image file extension to verify if your application is able to read it.
Then you have to read Validate image from file in C#
and here Getting image dimensions without reading the entire file
I found the answer to this in another question on StackOverflow, but I don't remember the question I got it from. In any event, here's some code I wrote based on what one of the answerws to that question said:
public static string GetImageFileExtension( byte[] plateImage ) {
string imageFileExtension = String.Empty;
using ( Stream ms = new MemoryStream( plateImage ) ) {
BitmapDecoder decoder = BitmapDecoder.Create( ms, BitmapCreateOptions.None, BitmapCacheOption.None );
if ( decoder is BmpBitmapDecoder ) imageFileExtension = ".bmp";
else if ( decoder is GifBitmapDecoder ) imageFileExtension = ".gif";
else if ( decoder is IconBitmapDecoder ) imageFileExtension = ".ico";
else if ( decoder is JpegBitmapDecoder ) imageFileExtension = ".jpg";
else if ( decoder is PngBitmapDecoder ) imageFileExtension = ".png";
else if ( decoder is TiffBitmapDecoder ) imageFileExtension = ".tiff";
else if ( decoder is WmpBitmapDecoder ) imageFileExtension = ".wmp";
return imageFileExtension;
This works well in production code.

How To Write To An Embedded Resource?

I keep getting the error "Stream was not writable" whenever I try to execute the following code. I understand that there's still a reference to the stream in memory, but I don't know how to solve the problem. The two blocks of code are called in sequential order. I think the second one might be a function call or two deeper in the call stack, but I don't think this should matter, since I have "using" statements in the first block that should clean up the streams automatically. I'm sure this is a common task in C#, I just have no idea how to do it...
string s = "";
using (Stream manifestResourceStream =
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(manifestResourceStream))
s = sr.ReadToEnd();
string s2 = "some text";
using (Stream manifestResourceStream =
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(manifestResourceStream))
Any help will be very much appreciated. Thanks!
Embedded resources are compiled into your assembly, you can't edit them.
As stated above, embedded resources are read only. My recommendation, should this be applicable, (say for example your embedded resource was a database file, XML, CSV etc.) would be to extract a blank resource to the same location as the program, and read/write to the extracted resource.
Example Pseudo Code:
if(!Exists(new PhysicalResource())) //Check to see if a physical resource exists.
PhysicalResource.Create(); //Extract embedded resource to disk.
PhysicalResource pr = new PhysicalResource(); //Create physical resource instance.
pr.Read(); //Read from physical resource.
pr.Write(); //Write to physical resource.
Hope this helps.
Your embedded resource may be entirely blank, contain data structure and / or default values.
A bit late, but for descendants=)
About embedded .txt:
Yep, on runtime you couldnt edit embedded because its embedded. You could play a bit with disassembler, but only with outter assemblies, which you gonna load in current context.
There is a hack if you wanna to write to a resource some actual information, before programm starts, and to not keep the data in a separate file.
I used to worked a bit with winCE and compact .Net, where you couldnt allow to store strings at runtime with ResourceManager. I needed some dynamic information, in order to catch dllNotFoundException before it actually throws on start.
So I made embedded txt file, which I filled at the pre-build event.
like this:
cd $(ProjectDir)
dir ..\bin\Debug /a-d /b> assemblylist.txt
here i get files in debug folder
and the reading:
using (var f = new StreamReader(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("Market_invent.assemblylist.txt")))
str = f.ReadToEnd();
So you could proceed all your actions in pre-build event run some exes.
Enjoy! Its very usefull to store some important information and helps avoid redundant actions.
