How to bind class fields to ItemTemplate - c#

I have a Windows Store App project.
I created a Items Page. It's all default and i want to bind my custom class to it's GridView so that the elements can be properly displayed.
The GridView's ItemTemplate is set to Standard250x250ItemTemplate. I would like to use that template and tell it how to display my custom elements. How can i do that? Do i have to create my own ItemTemplate? I would like to use the existing one.
Btw I'm setting itemGridView.ItemsSource to my collection. Is that the correct way of telling the GridView what to display?

you need to create your item template
here is an example i did it using Obout Ajax LIB
Grid SegmentsGrid = new Grid();
GridRuntimeTemplate AirlinesTemplate = new GridRuntimeTemplate();
AirlinesTemplate.ID = "AirlinesTemplate1";
AirlinesTemplate.ControlID = "AirlinesComboBox1";
AirlinesTemplate.Template = new Obout.Grid.RuntimeTemplate();
AirlinesTemplate.Template.CreateTemplate += new Obout.Grid.GridRuntimeTemplateEventHandler(CreateAirlinesTemplate);
GridRuntimeTemplate ClassesTemplate = new GridRuntimeTemplate();
ClassesTemplate.ID = "ClassesTemplate1";
ClassesTemplate.ControlID = "ClassesComboBox1";
ClassesTemplate.Template = new Obout.Grid.RuntimeTemplate();
ClassesTemplate.Template.CreateTemplate +=new Obout.Grid.GridRuntimeTemplateEventHandler(CreateClassesTemplate);
public void CreateAirlinesTemplate(Object sender, Obout.Grid.GridRuntimeTemplateEventArgs e)
PlaceHolder ph1 = new PlaceHolder();
AirlinesComboBox.ID = "AirlinesComboBox1";
AirlinesComboBox.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
AirlinesComboBox.Height = Unit.Pixel(200);
AirlinesComboBox.DataTextField = "Airline_Long_Name";
AirlinesComboBox.DataValueField = "Airline_Long_Name";
AirlinesComboBox.EmptyText = "Select Airline ...";
AirlinesComboBox.EnableLoadOnDemand = true;
AirlinesComboBox.LoadingItems += AirlinesComboBox1_LoadingItems;
protected void AirlinesComboBox1_LoadingItems(object sender, ComboBoxLoadingItemsEventArgs e)
// Getting the countries
DataTable data = GetAirlines(e.Text);
// Looping through the items and adding them to the "Items" collection of the ComboBox
for (int i = 0; i < data.Rows.Count; i++)
(sender as ComboBox).Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem(data.Rows[i]["Airline_Long_Name"].ToString(), data.Rows[i]["Airline_Long_Name"].ToString()));
e.ItemsLoadedCount = data.Rows.Count;
e.ItemsCount = data.Rows.Count;
protected void ClassesComboBox1_LoadingItems(object sender, ComboBoxLoadingItemsEventArgs e)
// Getting the countries
DataTable data = GetClasses(e.Text);
// Looping through the items and adding them to the "Items" collection of the ComboBox
for (int i = 0; i < data.Rows.Count; i++)
(sender as ComboBox).Items.Add(new ComboBoxItem(data.Rows[i]["Class_Name"].ToString(), data.Rows[i]["Class_Name"].ToString()));
e.ItemsLoadedCount = data.Rows.Count;
e.ItemsCount = data.Rows.Count;
public void CreateClassesTemplate(Object sender, Obout.Grid.GridRuntimeTemplateEventArgs e)
PlaceHolder ph1 = new PlaceHolder();
ClassesComboBox.ID = "ClassesComboBox1";
ClassesComboBox.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
ClassesComboBox.Height = Unit.Pixel(200);
ClassesComboBox.DataTextField = "Class_Name";
ClassesComboBox.DataValueField = "Class_Name";
ClassesComboBox.EmptyText = "Select Flight Class ...";
ClassesComboBox.EnableLoadOnDemand = true;
ClassesComboBox.LoadingItems += ClassesComboBox1_LoadingItems;


C# Drop Down List Not Trigger index changing

I select one value on the ddl , and it does not show the products in the page. The selected value remains binded but the page is blank.
Also , if I just call function getCat() without using if(!ispostback). When i load the page the drop down list is stuck on the first value , but it shows the products in page.
Drop Down List:
<asp:dropdownlist runat="server" id="ddcateg" AutoPostBack="true" onselectedindexchanged="Ddcateg_SelectedIndexChanged"></asp:dropdownlist>
This is the implementation:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
public void getCateg()
ProdusTipModel model = new ProdusTipModel();
FarmacieEntities db = new FarmacieEntities();
var lizt = (from c in db.ProdusTips select c).ToList();
ddcateg.DataSource = lizt;
ddcateg.DataValueField = "ID";
ddcateg.DataTextField = "Name";
ddcateg.SelectedIndexChanged += Ddcateg_SelectedIndexChanged;
public void afisare2(List<Produ> z)
ProdusModel mdl = new ProdusModel();
foreach (var produs in z)
Panel produsePnl = new Panel();
ImageButton imageButton = new ImageButton();
produsePnl.BorderColor = Color.AliceBlue;
Label lblNume = new Label();
Label lblPret = new Label();
produsePnl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Groove;
produsePnl.BorderColor = Color.LightSkyBlue;
imageButton.ImageUrl = "~/Img/Produse/" + produs.Image;
imageButton.CssClass = "imgProdus";
imageButton.PostBackUrl = "~/Pages/PaginaProdus.aspx?id=" + produs.ID;
lblNume.Text = produs.Name;
lblNume.CssClass = "numeProd";
lblPret.Text = produs.Price + "lei";
lblPret.CssClass = "produsPret";
produsePnl.Controls.Add(new Literal { Text = "<br /" });
produsePnl.Controls.Add(new Literal { Text = "<br /" });
private void Ddcateg_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
DropDownList selectedList = (DropDownList)sender;
int selectedLit = Convert.ToInt32(selectedList.SelectedValue);
ProdusModel mdl = new ProdusModel();
List<Produ> list = mdl.GetProdCateg(selectedLit).ToList();
Your problem could be that your code behind method is private:
private void Ddcateg_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Try making it protected or public so it can be seen by the aspx page.

Not able to store information while postback after creating dynamic dropdown in ASP.NET

here is my code
after button 2 click event it is creating the dropdown in table rows but when I try to save by button 1 click event it just disappear. I have not find any solution regarding this. I have used find control view State etc but it's not helping.
I want to store selected values of dropdown after button_1 click event starts.
public partial class StudentClassSectionMapping : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ClassCode.Enabled = false;
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
UpdateModalShowFlag.Value = "true";
Check.Value = "true";
private void CreateTableRows()
long h = long.Parse(LinkButtonIdCarrier.Value);
List<StudentsClassSectionMapping.StudentsClassSectionMappingForm> allStudentsInClass = StudentsClassSectionMapping.GetStudentsinClass(h);
ClassMaster.ClassMasterForm classCode = Schoolclasses.GetInfo(h);
ClassCode.Text = classCode.cCode;
List<StudentsClassSectionMapping.StudentsClassSectionMappingForm> allSectionsInClass = StudentsClassSectionMapping.GetSectionsinClass(h);
foreach (StudentsClassSectionMapping.StudentsClassSectionMappingForm studentList in allStudentsInClass)
TableRow row = new TableRow();
TableCell cell1 = new TableCell();
TableCell cell2 = new TableCell();
TableCell cell3 = new TableCell();
DropDownList t = new DropDownList();
t.Items.Add("No Section");
foreach (StudentsClassSectionMapping.StudentsClassSectionMappingForm sectionList in allSectionsInClass)
t.Items[t.Items.Count - 1].Value = sectionList.ssSectionID.ToString();
t.Attributes.Add("class", "form-control");
t.ID = studentList.ssStudentId.ToString();
cell1.Text = studentList.ssName;
cell2.Text = studentList.ssRegistrationNumber;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
long h = long.Parse(LinkButtonIdCarrier.Value);
List<StudentsClassSectionMapping.StudentsClassSectionMappingForm> allStudentsInClass = StudentsClassSectionMapping.GetStudentsinClass(h);
foreach (StudentsClassSectionMapping.StudentsClassSectionMappingForm studentList in allStudentsInClass)
DropDownList d = Table1.FindControl(studentList.ssStudentId.ToString()) as DropDownList;
if (d != null)
if (d.SelectedIndex != 0)
StudentsClassSectionMapping.StudentsClassSectionMappingForm studentSectionMapping = new StudentsClassSectionMapping.StudentsClassSectionMappingForm();
studentSectionMapping.ssClassId = h;
studentSectionMapping.ssStudentId = studentList.ssStudentId;
studentSectionMapping.ssStudentId = long.Parse(d.SelectedItem.Value);
StudentsClassSectionMapping.StudentsClassSectionMappingForm studentSectionMapping = new StudentsClassSectionMapping.StudentsClassSectionMappingForm();
studentSectionMapping.ssClassId = h;
studentSectionMapping.ssStudentId = 0;
studentSectionMapping.ssStudentId = 0;
It get vanished/disappear because you added it dynamically on page. If you want it back or want to reserver control which is dynamically created you need to recreate again and need to add dynamically.
Here is good example of how you can do it : How to create controls dynamically in ASP.NET and retrieve values from it

LookUpEdit does not work

I have XtraTabControl with two pages, both of them has one LookUpEdit,
when page load which on the secondpage does not work,
void Frm1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
lookUpEditA.Properties.DataSource = datasource. . . . .
lookUpEditA.Properties.ValueMember = "ID";
lookUpEditA.Properties.DisplayMember = "xxxx";
lookUpEditA.Properties.Columns["ID"].Visible = false;
lookUpEditB.Properties.DataSource = datasource. . . . .
lookUpEditB.Properties.ValueMember = "ID";
lookUpEditB.Properties.DisplayMember = "xxxx";
lookUpEditB.Properties.Columns["ID"].Visible = false;
I can see the issue only with setting visibility of 'ID' column on second LookUpEdit.
The reason of this issue is that the LookUpEdit can't operate with datasource representation (perform populating columns, operating with column's visibility and etc.) until it's handle been created. The second LookUpEdit will create it's handle only when the second tab page has been shown.
To avoid the issue you can use the following approach:
lookUpEditB.HandleCreated += lookUpEditB_HandleCreated;
else InitLookUpEditDataSource();
void lookUpEditB_HandleCreated(object sender, EventArgs e) {
lookUpEditB.HandleCreated -= lookUpEditB_HandleCreated;
void InitLookUpEditDataSource() {
lookUpEditB.Properties.DataSource = this.categoriesBindingSource;
lookUpEditB.Properties.DisplayMember = "CategoryName";
lookUpEditB.Properties.ValueMember = "CategoryID";
lookUpEditB.Properties.Columns["CategoryID"].Visible = false;
As #DmitryG said, you can not use lookUpEditB.Properties.PopulateColumns() statement until control's UI handlers are not created.
As per my understanding these are created only when the second tab page shown. Except creating conditional statement to create handlers etc, you can use the XtraTabControl.SelectedPageChanged Event where you can bind the data source of the lookUpEditB by checking condition that XtraTabControl.SelectedTabPage Property is set with Page2 which contain the lookUpEditB.
Check the tested Code Snippet below:
public partial class TabControlTest : Form
List<Category> dataSource = new List<Category>();
public TabControlTest()
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
dataSource.Add(new Category { ID = i + 1, Name = "Category" + (i + 1) });
private void TabControlTest_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
lookUpEditA.Properties.DataSource = dataSource;
lookUpEditA.Properties.ValueMember = "ID";
lookUpEditA.Properties.DisplayMember = "Name";
lookUpEditA.Properties.Columns["ID"].Visible = false;
private void xtraTabControl1_SelectedPageChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraTab.TabPageChangedEventArgs e)
if (xtraTabControl1.SelectedTabPage == xtraTabPage2)
lookUpEditB.Properties.DataSource = dataSource;
lookUpEditB.Properties.ValueMember = "ID";
lookUpEditB.Properties.DisplayMember = "Name";
lookUpEditB.Properties.Columns["ID"].Visible = false;
Hope this help.

Bind ListView to dynamic Accordion

In the page_load I'm creating dynamically the headers using data from SpGetCompanies, which is working fine. Then I'm trying to add a ListView to every dynamically created accordion pane with the data source SpSearchPublicationsTop1.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!this.IsPostBack)
SQLConnection dataAccessor = new SQLConnection();
dtCompanies = dataAccessor.SpGetCompanies();
if (dtCompanies.Rows.Count > 0)
AccordionPane pn;
Label lblContent;
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dtCompanies.Rows.Count; i++)
lblHeader = new Label();
lblHeader.Text = dtCompanies.Rows[i][1].ToString();
lblContent = new Label();
lblContent.Text = "Hallo";
pn = new AccordionPane();
pn.ID = "Pane" + j;
ListView view = new ListView();
view.LayoutTemplate = new LayoutTemplate();
view.ItemTemplate = new ItemTemplate();
//view = (ListView)FindControl("lv_result");
view.DataSource = SQLConnection.SpSearchPublicationsTop1(lblHeader.Text);
#region commented stuff
//dt2 = SQLConnection.SpSearchPublicationsTop1(lblHeader.Text);
//if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
// //view = (ListView)FindControl("lv_result");
// //column1.Text = dt2.Rows[0][0].ToString();
// //view.Columns.Add(column1);
// //Label lblAcronym = new Label();
// //lblAcronym.Text = dt2.Rows[0][0].ToString();
// //view.DataSource = lblAcronym;
// view.DataSource = dt2;
// view.DataBind();
//foreach (DataRow dr in dt2.Rows)
// ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(dr[0].ToString()); // column in datatable, instead of 0 you can write column`s name like: ["CustomerID"]
// lvi.SubItems.Add(dr[1].ToString()); //2nd column from datatable
// view.Items.Add(lvi);
//ListView lv_result = new ListView();
////lv_result.ItemTemplate = new ItemTemplate();
//lv_result.ID = "lvpane" + i;
//lv_result.Visible = true;
//dt2 = SQLConnection.SpSearchPublicationsTop1(lblHeader.Text);
//if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
// lv_result.DataSource = dt2;
// lv_result.DataBind();
//var level2 = (ListView)FindControl("lv_result");
//level2.ItemTemplate = view.ItemTemplate;
////level2.DataSource = dt2(e.AccordionItem.DataItemIndex);
//dt2 = SQLConnection.SpSearchPublicationsTop1(lblHeader.Text);
//if (dt2.Rows.Count > 0)
// level2.DataSource = dt2;
// level2.DataBind();
private class LayoutTemplate : ITemplate
public void InstantiateIn(Control container)
var ol = new HtmlGenericControl("ol");
var li = new HtmlGenericControl("li") { ID = "itemPlaceholder" };
private class ItemTemplate : ITemplate
public void InstantiateIn(Control container)
var li = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
li.DataBinding += DataBinding;
public void DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
var container = (HtmlGenericControl)sender;
var dataItem = ((ListViewDataItem)container.NamingContainer).DataItem;
container.Controls.Add(new Literal() { Text = dataItem.ToString() });
With the code above the headers from the accordion are working fine, but instead of the ListView data in the content I'm only getting: System.Data.DataRowView
What am I doing wrong?
You are missing a call to:
DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, "YouBindingProperty");
public void DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
var genericControl = (HtmlGenericControl)sender;
var container = (ListViewDataItem)container.NamingContainer;
container.Controls.Add(new Literal() { Text = DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, "YouBindingProperty") });

Update DataGrid inside AJAX accordion

I have an AJAX accordion from the ajax control toolkit on a page with a datagrid inside on of the panels. I have a custom itemtemplate for the one column to create a multiline textbox when I click edit on the row. When I click update on the row, the original content of the textbox gets rendered into the textbox. It is supposed to update and go back to the literal not the textbox. When I put the DataBind() into a !IsPostBack, it doesnt get rendered when I click on the accordion pane. Any ideas?
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
announ.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "header";
announ.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
announ.GridLines = GridLines.None;
announ.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
announ.CellPadding = 10;
announ.CellSpacing = 0;
announ.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
announ.HeaderStyle.Font.Bold = true;
announ.EnableViewState = false;
announ.AlternatingItemStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.GhostWhite;
//announ.DeleteCommand += AnnounDeleteCommand;
announ.EditCommand += announ_EditCommand;
announ.UpdateCommand += announ_UpdateCommand;
announ.CancelCommand += announ_CancelCommand;
announ.DataKeyField = "id";
var tc1 = new TemplateColumn
HeaderTemplate = new
DataGridTemplate(ListItemType.Header, "Announcement"),
ItemTemplate = new DataGridTemplate(ListItemType.Item, "announcement_text"),
EditItemTemplate = new
DataGridTemplate(ListItemType.EditItem, "announcement_text")
var editColumn = new EditCommandColumn
ButtonType = ButtonColumnType.PushButton,
HeaderText = "Edit",
EditText = "Edit",
UpdateText = "Update",
CancelText = "Cancel"
var dateColumn = new BoundColumn {HeaderText = "Posted On", DataField = "date", ReadOnly = true};
var expirationColumn = new BoundColumn {HeaderText = "Expiration Date", DataField = "expiration_date"};
announ.DataSource = myAnnouncements;
var deptMgtaccord = new Accordion
ID = "deptMgtaccord",
HeaderCssClass = "accordion-header",
HeaderSelectedCssClass = "accordion-headerSelected",
AutoSize = AutoSize.None,
SelectedIndex = 0,
FadeTransitions = true,
TransitionDuration = 250,
FramesPerSecond = 40,
RequireOpenedPane = false,
SuppressHeaderPostbacks = true
if (IsPostBack)
deptMgtaccord.SelectedIndex = selected;
var announcementPane = new AccordionPane {ID = "announcementPane"};
announcementPane.HeaderContainer.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "'#e3e2e2';");
announcementPane.HeaderContainer.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "'#ffffff';");
announcementPane.HeaderContainer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Announcements >>"));
var statsPane = new AccordionPane {ID = "statsPane"};
statsPane.HeaderContainer.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "'#e3e2e2';");
statsPane.HeaderContainer.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "'#ffffff';");
statsPane.HeaderContainer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Statistics >>"));
statsPane.ContentContainer.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Stats"));
protected void announ_CancelCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
announ.EditItemIndex = -1;
protected void announ_UpdateCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
var dc = new MTCDataDataContext();
var announText = (TextBox) e.Item.Cells[1].Controls[1];
int announId = (int)announ.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex];
var currentAnnoun = (from a in dc.announcements
where == announId
select a).SingleOrDefault();
currentAnnoun.announcement_text = announText.Text;
announ.EditItemIndex = -1;
protected void announ_EditCommand(object source, DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
announ.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;
public class DataGridTemplate : ITemplate
ListItemType templateType;
string columnName;
public DataGridTemplate(ListItemType type, string colname)
templateType = type;
columnName = colname;
public void InstantiateIn(Control container)
Literal lc = new Literal();
TextBox tb = new TextBox();
switch (templateType)
case ListItemType.Header:
lc.Text = "<B>" + columnName + "</B>";
case ListItemType.Item:
lc.DataBinding += lc_DataBinding;
case ListItemType.EditItem:
tb.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
tb.Rows = 6;
tb.Columns = 57;
tb.DataBinding += tb_DataBinding;
case ListItemType.Footer:
lc.Text = "<I>" + columnName + "</I>";
void tb_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
TextBox tb = (TextBox)sender;
DataGridItem row = (DataGridItem)tb.NamingContainer;
tb.ID = "txt_" + row.ItemIndex;
tb.Text = DataBinder.Eval(row.DataItem, columnName).ToString();
void lc_DataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
Literal lc = (Literal)sender;
DataGridItem row = (DataGridItem)lc.NamingContainer;
lc.ID = "txt_" + row.ItemIndex;
lc.Text = DataBinder.Eval(row.DataItem, columnName).ToString();
You need to add your dynamic controls in PreInit on every request in order for the controls to get back into the ControlTree and raise events.
Page Event:
Typical Use:
Raised after the start stage is complete and before the initialization stage begins.
Use this event for the following:
Check the IsPostBack property to determine whether this is the first
time the page is being processed. The
IsCallback and IsCrossPagePostBack
properties have also been set at this
Create or re-create dynamic controls.
Set a master page dynamically.
Set the Theme property dynamically.
Read or set profile property values.
Note: If the request is a postback, the values of the controls have not yet been restored from view state. If you set a control property at this stage, its value might be overwritten in the next event.
