Monotouch daemon application - c#

Is there a way to create a daemon application for iOS, i'm not sure if daemons app are allowed in App Store, but Google Latitude does this in order to update user info when the application isn't loaded or in background.

iOS does not have services.
But you can setup your app to handle location updates when in the background. (But if a user force-quits the app from double-tapping home, your app will no longer receive these events)
I would review the iOS docs here, not sure if there is a MonoTouch example, but you should be able to translated what you would do in Objective-C.
I would not think it would be a trivial task, however.


For .net Core webApi hosted on IIS, looking for the simplest way to poke the end-user android app (PWA)

For .net Core webApi hosted on IIS, what is the simplest way to push event to the end-user app?
I do not need to notify user holding the device (ie "push notification"); I just want the app to catch the push so it knows to silently refresh the screen with current info. The brute force way to accomplish what I need would be to poll the webapi every 15 seconds or so, but I'm sure there's a better way.
Because of the breadth and evolution of the .net world, I've thoroughly confused as I search on how to push info event. I see discussion on Signal-R, push-notification api on google developers, firebase, etc etc.
I'd like to use the simplest way to send my simple poke from the server, telling the tablet to refresh itself, in reponse to, for instance, a record insert on the database.
This is a relatively simple app on Android tablets that for use inside the company, about 50 users at a time.
The webapi is written in c#, .net Core 3.1 hosted on IIS. The end-user Android tablet App, also hosted on IIS, is implemented as a progressive web app using React and run from Chrome. The tablets are used only for my app so I have control over how the tablets are set up. The web api program uses the MS-SQL database.
Thank you for any insight you may wish to share.

Is it possible to deploy a C# UWP App directly to a website?

I'm trying to make a UWP App where users have to log in to my website (a hypothetical one as of now). I want the user to be able to run the App while logged into the website without having to download the App to their own computer. I want this website deployment to work in web browsers beyond IE. Is this even possible?
You'll be surprised to learn about UNO which is a platform promising UWP everywhere. You can run your UWP app inside a browser (using WebAssembly), Android, iOS, and of course natively as UWP on Windows 10 devices.
Please be aware that as far as i know this is not production ready so you should expect issues, bugs, and weird behavior. Their gitter chat room is somewhat active and the team behind is responsive. But be warned.

Is there a possibility to start another App or Program from a Windows 8 Store App (C#)

I want to start another App or Program from my Windows Store App. For example my App is showing emails, so if someone clicks on such an email Outlook should open. Is this possible in an "App-Sandbox"?
It is not possible to just launch an arbitrary application, but with custom protocol activation you can launch an app that handles that protocol and if it is not installed - the OS will ask the user to install it. It means that if you can define a custom protocol in your app - you can launch it from another app with this protocol assuming no other app registers to handle it. An example of that is any XBOX Live app - if you check their manifest files - they all handle custom protocols.
If your specific question is about launching a specific app by name or location then no, this is not possible, but if you know a protocol handled by the app you want to launch - you can try using that - just bear in mind that there might be other apps that handle that protocol.
Short answer: no, it's not possible.
You can open files with their associated application but not spawn any arbitrary external process.
As #mitch-wheat pointed out, that's why it's called a sandbox.
Check out this sample
The sample is for Windows 8.1 but I think will work for Windows 8 as well.

How to Deploy App on iPad using Monotouch Professional Licence

I purchased MonoTouch Professional but while debugging with the iPhone it gives an error: “No
Valid iPhone code signing keys found in keychain”.
The store page of Xamarin for the Professional version shows two important things however:
Deploy to your devices
Publish to app stores
I connected my device but I don’t know how to actually get my app running on the iPhone. Basically I have two questions:
How to configure the iPhone to debug with?
How to deploy app to the iPhone with MonoTouch (Professional License) version?
A third, seperate question is if it is necessary to enroll in the iOS Developer program from
Apple. If so, which is suitable for us because I don’t want to put my app on to the App
My app is only available to our clients for their internal use.
In fact, you should start from their iPhone tutorial,
where deploying to device is mentioned. Also you need to learn from Apple resources, such as
You have to enroll you to the iOS Developer Programm otherwise you cant deploy to devices. If you dont like to Publish to the App Store you also can deploy Apps with the TestFlight SDK. It´s a free SDK which allows you to Deploy Apps without the App Store.
Actually this is the tutorial you need to follow. There are lots of hidden buttons you wown't find by yourself

Creating a service like app and reacting to notifications and system wide events

is there a way to create a service like application on windows phone 7.5 so that this application will stay active and will be able to receive raw notification without the user intervention even if it isn't he foreground application?
What i'm trying to do is to create an application that sits quietly in the background and waits for a notification from a website , and when receiving it, send back some info, and then sits there silently again.
By this I'm trying to solve an annoying every day situation, for which I couldn't find an app , so I'm sorry for not describing the whole situation :)
You can use the original "Push Notification Services" to send update to a device from a website.
Push Notifications for Windows Phone
These can even be used to Launch or deep link into your application from the notification of the user taps on the Notification popup or Toast message.
Although you could use background agents to poll a site for updates it would be more efficient for the server to send the update to the phone when it's available.
Only limitation is that you app has to be run at least once to negotiate with your server and record the required Microsoft Push notification authentication and detail (notificationUri)
There is also a Cloud based pack available to make use of the service as well.
Video Walkthrough of Push notification services using Azure
AFAIK it is not possible in WP7 to exactly like you want. Like you wrote - Background Agent runs only every 30min and when your app goes into background, it gets killed.
So you have to stay with 30min limit - or change the phone platform.
What you want to do , can easily be done with Background Agents for Windows Phone
