StringBuilder used with PadLeft/Right OutOfMemoryException - c#

All, I have the following Append which I am performing when I am producing a single line for a fixed text file
formattedLine.Append(this.reversePadding ?
strData.PadLeft(this.maximumLength) :
This particular exception happens on the PadLeft() where this.maximumLength = 1,073,741,823 [a field length of an NVARCHAR(MAX) gathered from SQL Server]. formattedLine = "101102AA-1" at the time of exception so why is this happening. I should have a maximum allowed length of 2,147,483,647?
I am wondering if be the answer here - however, I am managing any memory with the appropriate Dispose() calls on any disposable objects and using block where possible.
Note. This fixed text export is being done on a background thread.
Thanks for your time.

This particular exception happens on the PadLeft() where this.maximumLength = 1,073,741,823
Right. So you're trying to create a string with over a billion characters in.
That's not going to work, and I very much doubt that it's what you really want to do.
Note that each char in .NET is two bytes, and also strings in .NET are null-terminated... and have some other fields beyond the data (the length, for one). That means you'd need at least 2147483652 bytes + object overhead, which pushes you over the 2GB-per-object limit.
If you're running on a 64-bit version of Windows, in .NET 4.5, there's a special app.config setting of <gcAllowVeryLargeObjects> that allows arrays bigger than 2GB. However, I don't believe that will change your particular use case:
Using this element in your application configuration file enables arrays that are larger than 2 GB in size, but does not change other limits on object size or array size:
The maximum number of elements in an array is UInt32MaxValue.
The maximum index in any single dimension is 2,147,483,591 (0x7FFFFFC7) for byte arrays and arrays of single-byte structures, and 2,146,435,071 (0X7FEFFFFF) for other types.
The maximum size for strings and other non-array objects is unchanged.
What would you want to do with such a string after creating it, anyway?

In order to allocate memory for this operation, the OS must find contiguous memory that is large enough to perform the operation.
Memory fragmentation can cause that to be impossible, especially when using a 32-bit .NET implementation.

I think there might be a better approach to what you are trying to accomplish. Presumably, this StringBuilder is going to be written to a file (that's what it sounds like from your description), and apparently, you are also potentially dealing with large (huge) database records.
You might consider a streaming approach, that wont require allocating such a huge block of memory.
To accomplish this you might investigate the following:
The SqlDataReader class exposes a GetChars() method, that allows you to read a chunk of a single large record.
Then, instead of using a StringBuilder, perhaps using a StreamWriter ( or some other TextWriter derived class) to write each chunk to the output.
This will only require having one buffer-full of the record in your application's memory space at one time. Good luck!


How can I determine the sizeof for an unmanaged array in C#?

I'm trying to optimize some code where I have a large number of arrays containing structs of different size, but based on the same interface. In certain cases the structs are larger and hold more data, othertimes they are small structs, and othertimes I would prefer to keep null as a value to save memory.
My first question is. Is it a good idea to do something like this? I've previously had an array of my full data struct, but when testing mixing it up I would virtually be able to save lots of memory. Are there any other downsides?
I've been trying out different things, and it seams to work quite well when making an array of a common interface, but I'm not sure I'm checking the size of the array correctly.
To simplified the example quite a bit. But here I'm adding different structs to an array. But I'm unable to determine the size using the traditional Marshal.SizeOf method. Would it be correct to simply iterate through the collection and count the sizeof for each value in the collection?
IComparable[] myCollection = new IComparable[1000];
myCollection[0] = null;
myCollection[1] = (int)1;
myCollection[2] = "helloo world";
myCollection[3] = long.MaxValue;
The last line will throw this exception:
Type 'System.IComparable[]' cannot be marshaled as an unmanaged structure; no meaningful size or offset can be computed.
Excuse the long post:
Is this an optimal and usable solution?
How can I determine the size
of my array?
I may be wrong but it looks to me like your IComparable[] array is a managed array? If so then you can use this code to get the length
int arrayLength = myCollection.Length;
If you are doing platform interop between C# and C++ then the answer to your question headline "Can I find the length of an unmanaged array" is no, its not possible. Function signatures with arrays in C++/C tend to follow the following pattern
void doSomeWorkOnArrayUnmanaged(int * myUnmanagedArray, int length)
// Do work ...
In .NET the array itself is a type which has some basic information, such as its size, its runtime type etc... Therefore we can use this
void DoSomeWorkOnManagedArray(int [] myManagedArray)
int length = myManagedArray.Length;
// Do work ...
Whenever using platform invoke to interop between C# and C++ you will need to pass the length of the array to the receiving function, as well as pin the array (but that's a different topic).
Does this answer your question? If not, then please can you clarify
Optimality always depends on your requirements. If you really need to store many elements of different classes/structs, your solution is completely viable.
However, I guess your expectations on the data structure might be misleading: Array elements are per definition all of the same size. This is even true in your case: Your array doesn't store the elements themselves but references (pointers) to them. The elements are allocated somewhere on the VM heap. So your data structure actually goes like this: It is an array of 1000 pointers, each pointer pointing to some data. The size of each particular element may of course vary.
This leads to the next question: The size of your array. What are you intending to do with the size? Do you need to know how many bytes to allocate when you serialize your data to some persistent storage? This depends on the serialization format... Or do you need just a rough estimate on how much memory your structure is consuming? In the latter case you need to consider the array itself and the size of each particular element. The array which you gave in your example consumes approximately 1000 times the size of a reference (should be 4 bytes on a 32 bit machine and 8 bytes on a 64 bit machine). To compute the sizes of each element, you can indeed iterate over the array and sum up the size of the particular elements. Please be aware that this is only an estimate: The virtual machine adds some memory management overhead which is hard to determine exactly...

Danger of C# Substring method?

Recently I have been reading up on some of the flaws with the Java substring method - specifically relating to memory, and how java keeps a reference to the original string. Ironically I am also developing a server application that uses C# .Net's implementation of substring many tens of times in a second. That got me thinking...
Are there memory issues with the C# (.Net) string.Substring?
What is the performance like on string.Substring? Is there a faster way to split a string based on start/end position?
Looking at .NET's implementation of String.Substring, a substring does not share memory with the original.
private unsafe string InternalSubString(int startIndex, int length, bool fAlwaysCopy)
if (((startIndex == 0) && (length == this.Length)) && !fAlwaysCopy)
return this;
// Allocate new (separate) string
string str = FastAllocateString(length);
// Copy chars from old string to new string
fixed (char* chRef = &str.m_firstChar)
fixed (char* chRef2 = &this.m_firstChar)
wstrcpy(chRef, chRef2 + startIndex, length);
return str;
Every time you use substring you create a new string instance - it has to copy the character from the old string to the new, along with the associated new memory allocation — and don't forget that these are unicode characters. This may or not be a bad thing - at some point you want to use these characters somewhere anyway. Depending on what you're doing, you might want your own method that merely finds the proper indexes within the string that you can then use later.
Just to add another perspective on this.
Out of memory (most times) does not mean you've used up all the memory. It means that your memory has been fragmented and the next time you want to allocate a chunk the system is unable to find a contiguous chunk of memory to fit your needs.
Frequent allocations/deallocations will cause memory fragmentation. The GC may not be in a position to de-fragment in time sue to the kinds of operations you do. I know the Server GC in .NET is pretty good about de-fragmenting memory but you could always starve (preventing the GC from doing a collect) the system by writing bad code.
it is always good to try it out & measure the elapsed milliseconds.
Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
// run string.Substirng code
In the case of the Java memory leak one may experience when using subString, it's easily fixed by instantiating a new String object with the copy constructor (that is a call of the form "new String(String)"). By using that you can discard all references to the original (and in the case that this is actually an issue, rather large) String, and maintain only the parts of it you need in memory.
Not ideal, in theory the JVM could be more clever and compress the String object (as was suggested above), but this gets the job done with what we have now.
As for C#, as has been said, this problem doesn't exist.
The CLR (hence C#'s) implementation of Substring does not retain a reference to the source string, so it does not have the "memory leak" problem of Java strings.
most of these type of string issues are because String is immutable. The StringBuilder class is intended for when you are doing a lot of string manipulations:
Note that the real issue is memory allocation rather than CPU, although excessive memory alloc does take CPU...
I seem to recall that the strings in Java were stored as the actual characters along with a start and length.
This means that a substring string can share the same characters (since they're immutable) and only have to maintain a separate start and length.
So I'm not entirely certain what your memory issues are with the Java strings.
Regarding that article posted in your edit, it seems a bit of a non-issue to me.
Unless you're in the habit of making huge strings, then taking a small substring of them and leaving those lying around, this will have near-zero impact on memory.
Even if you had a 10M string and you made 400 substrings, you're only using that 10M for the underlying char array - it's not making 400 copies of that substring. The only memory impact is the start/length bit of each substring object.
The author seems to be complaining that they read a huge string into memory then only wanted a bit of it, but the entire thing was kept - my suggestion would be they they might want to rethink how they process their data :-)
To call this a Java bug is a huge stretch as well. A bug is something that doesn't work to specification. This was a deliberate design decision to improve performance, running out of memory because you don't understand how things work is not a bug, IMNSHO. And it's definitely not a memory leak.
There was one possible good suggestion in the comments to that article, that the GC could more aggressively recover bits of unused strings by compressing them.
This is not something you'd want to do on a first pass GC since it would be relatively expensive. However, where every other GC operation had failed to reclaim enough space, you could do it.
Unfortunately it would almost certainly mean that the underlying char array would need to keep a record of all the string objects that referenced it, so it could both figure out what bits were unused and modify all the string object start and length fields.
This in itself may introduce unacceptable performance impacts and, on top of that, if your memory is so short for this to be a problem, you may not even be able to allocate enough space for a smaller version of the string.
I think, if the memory's running out, I'd probably prefer not to be maintaining this char-array-to-string mapping to make this level of GC possible, instead I would prefer that memory to be used for my strings.
Since there is a perfectly acceptable workaround, and good coders should know about the foibles of their language of choice, I suspect the author is right - it won't be fixed.
Not because the Java developers are too lazy, but because it's not a problem.
You're free to implement your own string methods which match the C# ones (which don't share the underlying data except in certain limited scenarios). This will fix your memory problems but at the cost of a performance hit, since you have to copy the data every time you call substring. As with most things in IT (and life), it's a trade-off.
For profiling memory while developing you can use this code:
bool forceFullCollection = false;
Int64 valTotalMemoryBefore = System.GC.GetTotalMemory(forceFullCollection);
//call String.Substring
Int64 valTotalMemoryAfter = System.GC.GetTotalMemory(forceFullCollection);
Int64 valDifferenceMemorySize = valTotalMemoryAfter - valTotalMemoryBefore;
About parameter forceFullCollection: "If the forceFullCollection parameter is true, this method waits a short interval before returning while the system collects garbage and finalizes objects. The duration of the interval is an internally specified limit determined by the number of garbage collection cycles completed and the change in the amount of memory recovered between cycles. The garbage collector does not guarantee that all inaccessible memory is collected." GC.GetTotalMemory Method
Good luck!;)

Are C# Strings (and other .NET API's) limited to 2GB in size?

Today I noticed that C#'s String class returns the length of a string as an Int. Since an Int is always 32-bits, no matter what the architecture, does this mean that a string can only be 2GB or less in length?
A 2GB string would be very unusual, and present many problems along with it. However, most .NET api's seem to use 'int' to convey values such as length and count. Does this mean we are forever limited to collection sizes which fit in 32-bits?
Seems like a fundamental problem with the .NET API's. I would have expected things like count and length to be returned via the equivalent of 'size_t'.
Seems like a fundamental problem with
the .NET API...
I don't know if I'd go that far.
Consider almost any collection class in .NET. Chances are it has a Count property that returns an int. So this suggests the class is bounded at a size of int.MaxValue (2147483647). That's not really a problem; it's a limitation -- and a perfectly reasonable one, in the vast majority of scenarios.
Anyway, what would the alternative be? There's uint -- but that's not CLS-compliant. Then there's long...
What if Length returned a long?
An additional 32 bits of memory would be required anywhere you wanted to know the length of a string.
The benefit would be: we could have strings taking up billions of gigabytes of RAM. Hooray.
Try to imagine the mind-boggling cost of some code like this:
// Lord knows how many characters
string ulysses = GetUlyssesText();
// allocate an entirely new string of roughly equivalent size
string schmulysses = ulysses.Replace("Ulysses", "Schmulysses");
Basically, if you're thinking of string as a data structure meant to store an unlimited quantity of text, you've got unrealistic expectations. When it comes to objects of this size, it becomes questionable whether you have any need to hold them in memory at all (as opposed to hard disk).
Correct, the maximum length would be the size of Int32, however you'll likely run into other memory issues if you're dealing with strings larger than that anyway.
At some value of String.length() probably about 5MB its not really practical to use String anymore. String is optimised for short bits of text.
Think about what happens when you do
msString += " more chars"
Something like:
System calculates length of myString plus length of " more chars"
System allocates that amount of memory
System copies myString to new memory location
System copies " more chars" to new memory location after last copied myString char
The original myString is left to the mercy of the garbage collector.
While this is nice and neat for small bits of text its a nightmare for large strings, just finding 2GB of contiguous memory is probably a showstopper.
So if you know you are handling more than a very few MB of characters use one of the *Buffer classes.
It's pretty unlikely that you'll need to store more than two billion objects in a single collection. You're going to incur some pretty serious performance penalties when doing enumerations and lookups, which are the two primary purposes of collections. If you're dealing with a data set that large, There is almost assuredly some other route you can take, such as splitting up your single collection into many smaller collections that contain portions of the entire set of data you're working with.
Heeeey, wait a sec.... we already have this concept -- it's called a dictionary!
If you need to store, say, 5 billion English strings, use this type:
Dictionary<string, List<string>> bigStringContainer;
Let's make the key string represent, say, the first two characters of the string. Then write an extension method like this:
public static string BigStringIndex(this string s)
return String.Concat(s[0], s[1]);
and then add items to bigStringContainer like this:
and call it a day. (There are obviously more efficient ways you could do that, but this is just an example)
Oh, and if you really really really do need to be able to look up any arbitrary object by absolute index, use an Array instead of a collection. Okay yeah, you use some type safety, but you can index array elements with a long.
The fact that the framework uses Int32 for Count/Length properties, indexers etc is a bit of a red herring. The real problem is that the CLR currently has a max object size restriction of 2GB.
So a string -- or any other single object -- can never be larger than 2GB.
Changing the Length property of the string type to return long, ulong or even BigInteger would be pointless since you could never have more than approx 2^30 characters anyway (2GB max size and 2 bytes per character.)
Similarly, because of the 2GB limit, the only arrays that could even approach having 2^31 elements would be bool[] or byte[] arrays that only use 1 byte per element.
Of course, there's nothing to stop you creating your own composite types to workaround the 2GB restriction.
(Note that the above observations apply to Microsoft's current implementation, and could very well change in future releases. I'm not sure whether Mono has similar limits.)
In versions of .NET prior to 4.5, the maximum object size is 2GB. From 4.5 onwards you can allocate larger objects if gcAllowVeryLargeObjects is enabled. Note that the limit for string is not affected, but "arrays" should cover "lists" too, since lists are backed by arrays.
Even in x64 versions of Windows I got hit by .Net limiting each object to 2GB.
2GB is pretty small for a medical image. 2GB is even small for a Visual Studio download image.
If you are working with a file that is 2GB, that means you're likely going to be using a lot of RAM, and you're seeing very slow performance.
Instead, for very large files, consider using a MemoryMappedFile (see: Using this method, you can work with a file of nearly unlimited size, without having to load the whole thing in memory.

Best approach to holding large editable documents in memory

I need to hold a representation of a document in memory, and am looking for the most efficient way to do this.
The documents can be pretty large, up
to 100MB.
More often than not the document
will remain unchanged - (i.e. I don't
want to do unnecessary up front
Changes will typically be quite close
to each other in the document (i.e. as
the user types).
It should be possible to apply changes fast (without copying the whole document)
Changes will be applied in terms of
offsets and new/deleted text (not as
To work in C#
Current considerations
Storing the data as a string. Easy to
code, fast to set, very slow to
Array of Lines, moderatly easy to code, slower to set (as we have to parse the string into lines), faster to update (as we can insert remove lines easily, but finding offsets requires summing line lengths).
There must be a load of standard algorithms for this kind of thing (it's not a million miles of disk allocation and fragmentation).
Thanks for your thoughts.
I would suggest to break the file into blocks. All blocks have the same length when you load them, but the length of each block might change if the user edits this blocks. This avoids moving 100 megabyte of data if the user inserts one byte in the front.
To manage the blocks, just but them - together with the offset of each block - into a list. If the user modifies a blocks length you must only update the offsets of the blocks after this one. To find an offset, you can use binary search.
File size: 100 MiB
Block Size: 16 kiB
Blocks: 6400
Finding a offset using binary search (worst case): 13 steps
Modifying a block (worst case): copy 16384 byte data and update 6400 block offsets
Modifying a block (average case): copy 8192 byte data and update 3200 block offsets
16 kiB block size is just a random example - you can balance the costs of the operations by choosing the block size, maybe based on the file size and the probability of operations. Doing some simple math will yield the optimal block size.
Loading will be quite fast, because you load fixed sized blocks, and saving should perform well, too, because you will have to write a few thousand blocks and not millions of single lines. You can optimize loading by loading blocks only on demand and you can optimize saving by only saving all blocks that changed (content or offset).
Finally the implementation will not be to hard, too. You could just use the StringBuilder class to represent a block. But this solution will not work well for very long lines with lengths comparable to the block size or larger because you will have to load many blocks and display only a small parts with the rest being to the left or right of the window. I assume you will have to use a two dimensional partitioning model in this case.
Good Math, Bad Math wrote an excellent article about ropes and gap buffers a while ago that details the standard methods for representing text files in a text editor, and even compares them for simplicity of implementation and performance. In a nutshell: a gap buffer - a large character array with an empty section immediately after the current position of the cursor - is your simplest and best bet.
You might find this paper useful --- Data Structures for Text Sequences which describes and experimentally analyses a few standard algorithms, and compares [among other things] gap buffers and piece tables.
FWIW, it concludes piece tables are slightly better overall; though net.wisdom seems to prefer gap buffers.
I would suggest you to take a look at Memory Mapped Files (MMF).
Some pointers:
Memory Mapped Files .NET
I'd use a b-tree or skip list of lines, or larger blocks if you aren't going to edit much.
You don't have much extra cost determine line ends on load, since you have to visit each character on loading anyway.
You can move lines within a node without much effort.
The total length of the text in each node is stored in the node, and changes propagated up to parent nodes.
Each line is represented by a data array, and start index, length and capacity. Line break/carriage returns aren't put in the data array. Common operations such as breaking lines only requires changes to the references into the array; editing lines requires a copy if capacity is exceeded. A similar structure might be used per line temporarily when editing that line, so you don't perform a copy on each key-press.
Off the top of my head, I would have thought an indexed linked list would be fairly efficient for this sort of thing unless you have some very long lines.
The linked list would give you an efficient way to store the data and add or remove lines as the user edits. The indexing allows you to quickly jump to a particular point in your file. This sort of idea lends itself well to undo/redo type operations too as it should be reasonably easy to sort edits into small atomic operations.
I'd agree with crisb's point though, it's probably better to get something simple working first and then see if it really is slow..
From your description it sounds a lot like your document is unformatted text only - so a stringbuilder would do fine.
If its a formatted document, I would be inclined to use the MS Word APIs or similar and just offload your document processing to them - will save you an awful lot of time as document parsing can often be a pain in the a** :-)
I wouldn't get too worried about the performance yet - it sounds a lot like you haven't implemented one yet, so you also don't know what performance characteristics the rest of your app has - it may be that you can't actually afford to hold multiple documents in memory at all when you actually get round to profiling it.

Reading a large file into a Dictionary

I have a 1GB file containing pairs of string and long.
What's the best way of reading it into a Dictionary, and how much memory would you say it requires?
File has 62 million rows.
I've managed to read it using 5.5GB of ram.
Say 22 bytes overhead per Dictionary entry, that's 1.5GB.
long is 8 bytes, that's 500MB.
Average string length is 15 chars, each char 2 bytes, that's 2GB.
Total is about 4GB, where does the extra 1.5 GB go to?
The initial Dictionary allocation takes 256MB.
I've noticed that each 10 million rows I read, consume about 580MB, which fits quite nicely with the above calculation, but somewhere around the 6000th line, memory usage grows from 260MB to 1.7GB, that's my missing 1.5GB, where does it go?
It's important to understand what's happening when you populate a Hashtable. (The Dictionary uses a Hashtable as its underlying data structure.)
When you create a new Hashtable, .NET makes an array containing 11 buckets, which are linked lists of dictionary entries. When you add an entry, its key gets hashed, the hash code gets mapped on to one of the 11 buckets, and the entry (key + value + hash code) gets appended to the linked list.
At a certain point (and this depends on the load factor used when the Hashtable is first constructed), the Hashtable determines, during an Add operation, that it's encountering too many collisions, and that the initial 11 buckets aren't enough. So it creates a new array of buckets that's twice the size of the old one (not exactly; the number of buckets is always prime), and then populates the new table from the old one.
So there are two things that come into play in terms of memory utilization.
The first is that, every so often, the Hashtable needs to use twice as much memory as it's presently using, so that it can copy the table during resizing. So if you've got a Hashtable that's using 1.8GB of memory and it needs to be resized, it's briefly going to need to use 3.6GB, and, well, now you have a problem.
The second is that every hash table entry has about 12 bytes of overhead: pointers to the key, the value, and the next entry in the list, plus the hash code. For most uses, that overhead is insignificant, but if you're building a Hashtable with 100 million entries in it, well, that's about 1.2GB of overhead.
You can overcome the first problem by using the overload of the Dictionary's constructor that lets you provide an initial capacity. If you specify a capacity big enough to hold all of the entries you're going to be added, the Hashtable won't need to be rebuilt while you're populating it. There's pretty much nothing you can do about the second.
Everyone here seems to be in agreement that the best way to handle this is to read only a portion of the file into memory at a time. Speed, of course, is determined by which portion is in memory and what parts must be read from disk when a particular piece of information is needed.
There is a simple method to handle deciding what's the best parts to keep in memory:
Put the data into a database.
A real one, like MSSQL Express, or MySql or Oracle XE (all are free).
Databases cache the most commonly used information, so it's just like reading from memory. And they give you a single access method for in-memory or on-disk data.
Maybe you can convert that 1 GB file into a SQLite database with two columns key and value. Then create an index on key column. After that you can query that database to get the values of the keys you provided.
Thinking about this, I'm wondering why you'd need to do it... (I know, I know... I shouldn't wonder why, but hear me out...)
The main problem is that there is a huge amount of data that needs to be presumably accessed quickly... The question is, will it essentially be random access, or is there some pattern that can be exploited to predict accesses?
In any case, I would implement this as a sliding cache. E.g. I would load as much as feasibly possible into memory to start with (with the selection of what to load based as much on my expected access pattern as possible) and then keep track of accesses to elements by time last accessed.
If I hit something that wasn't in the cache, then it would be loaded and replace the oldest item in the cache.
This would result in the most commonly used stuff being accessible in memory, but would incur additional work for cache misses.
In any case, without knowing a little more about the problem, this is merely a 'general solution'.
It may be that just keeping it in a local instance of a sql db would be sufficient :)
You'll need to specify the file format, but if it's just something like name=value, I'd do:
Dictionary<string,long> dictionary = new Dictionary<string,long>();
using (TextReader reader = File.OpenText(filename))
string line;
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
string[] bits = line.Split('=');
// Error checking would go here
long value = long.Parse(bits[1]);
dictionary[bits[0]] = value;
Now, if that doesn't work we'll need to know more about the file - how many lines are there, etc?
Are you using 64 bit Windows? (If not, you won't be able to use more than 3GB per process anyway, IIRC.)
The amount of memory required will depend on the length of the strings, number of entries etc.
I am not familiar with C#, but if you're having memory problems you might need to roll your own memory container for this task.
Since you want to store it in a dict, I assume you need it for fast lookup?
You have not clarified which one should be the key, though.
Let's hope you want to use the long values for keys. Then try this:
Allocate a buffer that's as big as the file. Read the file into that buffer.
Then create a dictionary with the long values (32 bit values, I guess?) as keys, with their values being a 32 bit value as well.
Now browse the data in the buffer like this:
Find the next key-value pair. Calculate the offset of its value in the buffer. Now add this information to the dictionary, with the long as the key and the offset as its value.
That way, you end up with a dictionary which might take maybe 10-20 bytes per record, and one larger buffer which holds all your text data.
At least with C++, this would be a rather memory-efficient way, I think.
Can you convert the 1G file into a more efficient indexed format, but leave it as a file on disk? Then you can access it as needed and do efficient lookups.
Perhaps you can memory map the contents of this (more efficient format) file, then have minimum ram usage and demand-loading, which may be a good trade-off between accessing the file directly on disc all the time and loading the whole thing into a big byte array.
Loading a 1 GB file in memory at once doesn't sound like a good idea to me. I'd virtualize the access to the file by loading it in smaller chunks only when the specific chunk is needed. Of course, it'll be slower than having the whole file in memory, but 1 GB is a real mastodon...
Don't read 1GB of file into the memory even though you got 8 GB of physical RAM, you can still have so many problems. -based on personal experience-
I don't know what you need to do but find a workaround and read partially and process. If it doesn't work you then consider using a database.
If you choose to use a database, you might be better served by a dbm-style tool, like Berkeley DB for .NET. They are specifically designed to represent disk-based hashtables.
Alternatively you may roll your own solution using some database techniques.
Suppose your original data file looks like this (dots indicate that string lengths vary):
Split it into index file and values file.
Values file:
Index file:
Records in index file are fixed-size key->value-offset pairs and are ordered by key.
Strings in values file are also ordered by key.
To get a value for key(N) you would binary-search for key(N) record in index, then read string from values file starting at value(N)-offset and ending before value(N+1)-offset.
Index file can be read into in-memory array of structs (less overhead and much more predictable memory consumption than Dictionary), or you can do the search directly on disk.
