C# Generics or Reflection - calling a function of unknown class - c#

I'm making a game where workers perform actions based on a current Task. Each worker will be assigned a list of tasks, in a preferred order (which is influenced by the player's decisions).
When a task is completed (e.g. take item from X to Y), the worker needs to start a new task by checking through their list of possible tasks, see if each can be performed, and if so, set their current task to that task and start it (the last task - "Wander Around" is always going to be available).
I currently have this working using a big switch statement and Enums, but now want to generalise this code to create a Task class, and give the workers a list of preferred Tasks, a GetNextTask() function, and in the worker's Update() method, call currentTask.update() (this will get the worker to do whatever he's required to do under the current task, and which will call worker.GetNextTask() when the task is complete).
What I'm unclear on is the best way to store Tasks in the worker.
Should I use:
1) Reflection. Store the possible Tasks as a list of types, then use reflection to a) call a static method public static virtual bool CanPerformThisTask() which is overridden in each subclass, and b) Create an instance of that task for the worker?
(example attempt at code for this below - but unable to test yet)
2) Instantiate all the Tasks whenever a worker needs to get a new task (probably using Activator), and check (Task)task.CanPerformThisTask() for each one - if true, do that task. Instantiating them all seems inefficient though?
3) Generics. Can this be done using generics? If so, how?
Here is a snippet of my classes to give the idea of what I'm trying to do:
Worker Class:
protected List<Point> waypoints = new List<Point>();
public bool reachedDestination { get { return waypoints.Count == 0; } }
protected Task task;
public List<Type> possibleTasks;
public Worker(Task initialTask, List<Type> initialPossibleTasks ...)
: base(...)
task = initialTask;
possibleTasks = initialPossibleTasks;
public override void Update()
if (!reachedDestination) Move();
public void GetNextTask()
foreach (Type t in possibleTasks)
//reflection code here - will this work and can we do this with generics instead?
Bool canDoT = (bool)t.GetMethod("CanPerformThisTask", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public).Invoke(null, null);
if (canDoT)
task = Activator.CreateInstance(t);
Here is some incomplete code for my base Task class (which shouldn't be instantiated):
public class Task
public Worker worker;
public virtual static bool CanPerformThisTask()
//never call this from here - always from subclasses
return false;
public Task()
//set up code here
public virtual void Update()
//make worker do relevant activities here
//call finish task when done
public void FinishTask()
and here is an example of a Task the worker will have in its list of possible tasks:
public class T_WorkerWander : Task
public static override bool CanPerformThisTask()
//can always wander (other Tasks will have conditions here)
return true;
public T_WorkerWander()
: base()
override public void Update()
//make the worker wander here
if (worker.reachedDestination) FinishTask();
Update: here is the code I've now got working
Task Class:
public abstract class Task
//the entity holding this task
public TaskableEntity taskEntity;
public List<TaskStage> taskStages;
public TaskStage currentTaskStage { get { return taskStages[0]; } }
public Task(TaskableEntity t) { taskEntity = t; }
/// <summary>
/// the conditions for the Task to be started
/// </summary>
public virtual bool CanStart()
return true;
public void Start()
taskStages = new List<TaskStage>();
public abstract void InitialiseTaskStages();
public void Update()
if (currentTaskStage.IsComplete()) TaskStageComplete();
public void TaskStageComplete()
if (taskStages.Count == 0) taskEntity.TaskComplete();
else currentTaskStage.Start();
public void SetTaskStages(params TaskStage[] t)
taskStages = t.ToList();
public void Interrupt()
TaskStage class:
public sealed class TaskStage
private Task task;
private List<Point> pointsToMoveTo;
public void SetPointsToMoveTo(Point p) { pointsToMoveTo = new List<Point>() { p }; }
public void SetPointsToMoveTo(params Point[] p) { pointsToMoveTo = p.ToList(); }
public void SetPointsToMoveTo(List<Point> p) { pointsToMoveTo = p; }
public Action actionToApply;
private float timeToWait;
public void SetWait(float wait) { timeToWait = wait; }
private IReservable[] itemsToReserve;
public void SetItemsToReserve(params IReservable[] items) { itemsToReserve = items; }
private IReservable[] itemsToUnreserve;
public void SetItemsToUnreserve(params IReservable[] items) { itemsToUnreserve = items; }
private Emotion emotionToSet;
public void SetEmotionToSet(Emotion e) { emotionToSet = e; }
private TaskStage _interrupt;
public void SetInterruptAction(TaskStage t) { _interrupt = t; }
public void Interrupt() { _interrupt.Start(); }
public TaskStage(Task t)
task = t;
public void Start()
if (actionToApply != null) actionToApply();
if (itemsToUnreserve != null) UnreserveItems();
if (itemsToReserve != null) ReserveItems();
if (pointsToMoveTo != null)
//this will need changing after pathfinding sorted out...
if (pointsToMoveTo.Count == 1) task.taskEntity.SetWaypoints(pointsToMoveTo[0]);
else task.taskEntity.waypoints = pointsToMoveTo;
if (emotionToSet != null) emotionToSet.StartEmotion();
public void Update()
if (timeToWait > 0) timeToWait -= GV.elapsedTime;
public bool IsComplete()
if (pointsToMoveTo != null && !task.taskEntity.reachedDestination) return false;
if (timeToWait > 0) return false;
return true;
public void ReserveItems()
foreach (IReservable i in itemsToReserve)
i.reserved = true;
public void UnreserveItems()
foreach (IReservable i in itemsToUnreserve)
i.reserved = false;
Example Task:
public class T_WorkerGoToBed : Task
public FactoryWorker worker { get { return taskEntity as FactoryWorker; } }
public T_WorkerGoToBed(TaskableEntity t)
: base(t) { }
public override bool CanStart()
return Room.Available<Bed>(GV.Bedrooms);
public override void InitialiseTaskStages()
Bed bedToSleepIn = Room.NearestAvailableFurniture<Bed>(GV.Bedrooms, taskEntity.X, taskEntity.Y);
//stage 1 - reserve bed and move there
TaskStage ts1 = new TaskStage(this);
//stage 2 - sleep in bed
TaskStage ts2 = new TaskStage(this);
ts2.SetWait((worker.maxEnergy - worker.energy) / worker.energyRegeneratedPerSecondWhenSleeping);
ts2.SetEmotionToSet(new E_Sleeping(worker, false));
//stage 3 - unreserve bed
TaskStage ts3 = new TaskStage(this);
ts3.SetEmotionToSet(new E_Happy(worker, false));
SetTaskStages(ts1, ts2, ts3);

It sounds like you need to reverse responsibility between task and worker. Instead of asking whether the task can be performed, ask the worker if he can perform a given task:
class Worker
bool CanPerformTask<T>() where T : Task
var type = typeof(T);
// code to determine whether worker can perform the task T
// alternative with instance parameter
bool CanPerformTask<T>( T task ) where T : Task
// code to determine whether worker can perform the task passed in
This solution avoids the "instantiate all tasks or call static method" problem.
Also, consider using the built-in collection classes. Things such as queues and stacks can greatly simplify the code needed to schedule execution of things.

I think you are abusing the point of static classes. The "Task" class should be standard (not static). Your "Worker" class is not static therefore implying that there is more than one "Worker" instance. Given this paradigm, these workers can probably have the same task assigned to them.
Your "Worker" class needs to have this property modified from:
public List possibleTasks;
public List _possibleTasks;
You probably should not have public access to this property either. You can modify "CanPerformThisTask" as necessary.


Is it possible to inject services inside a Timer in ASP.NET Core?

I am currently developing a multiplayer web game with timer using ASP.NET Core. For real time communication I am using SignalR. Everythning up to the moment had been working just fine.
The way I implemented the timer functionality was the following: I created a static dictionary where the key is the Id of the game and the value is the timer corresponding to the given game. Then I exposed public methods for managing the state of the dictionary:
public class TimerManager
private static readonly Dictionary<string, GameTimer> gameTimersByGameIds = new();
public void AttachTimerToGameState(GameTimer timer, string gameId)
if (!gameTimersByGameIds.ContainsKey(gameId))
gameTimersByGameIds.Add(gameId, timer);
gameTimersByGameIds[gameId] = timer;
public GameTimer? GetTimer(string gameId)
if (!gameTimersByGameIds.ContainsKey(gameId))
return null;
return gameTimersByGameIds[gameId];
public GameTimer CreateTimer(GameState gameState)
if (gameState.RemainingSecondsByUserNames.Count == 0)
return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<StandardTimer>(_serviceProvider, gameState);
return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<ChessTimer>(_serviceProvider, gameState, _gamesService);
I created my own base GameTimer class which encapsulates a System.Timers.Timer inside of it:
public abstract class GameTimer
protected readonly System.Timers.Timer _timer = new();
public virtual void Reset()
_timer.AutoReset = true;
_timer.Interval = 1_000;
public virtual void Start()
public virtual void Dispose()
Then I inherited from the abstract GameTimer class to create different types of timers.
public class StandardTimer : GameTimer
public class ChessTimer : GameTimer
The problem is inside of the ChessTimer class:
public class ChessTimer : GameTimer
private readonly GameState _gameState;
private readonly IGameService _gameService;
private readonly IHubContext<GameHub, IGameClient> _hubContext;
private readonly IMatchmakingService _matchmakingService;
private readonly IGamesService _gamesService;
public ChessTimer(
GameState gameState,
IGamesService gamesService,
IGameService gameService,
IHubContext<GameHub, IGameClient> hubContext,
IMatchmakingService matchmakingService)
_gameState = gameState;
_gameService = gameService;
_hubContext = hubContext;
_matchmakingService = matchmakingService;
_gamesService = gamesService;
_timer.Elapsed += async (sender, args) => await OnTimedEvent(sender, args);
public int SecondsRemaining { get; private set; }
public override void Reset()
string currentPlayerName = _gameState.CurrentTeam.CurrentPlayer.UserName;
SecondsRemaining = _gameState.RemainingSecondsByUserNames[currentPlayerName];
private async Task OnTimedEvent(object? sender, ElapsedEventArgs args)
if (SecondsRemaining >= 0)
string currentPlayerUserName = _gameState.CurrentTeam.CurrentPlayer.UserName;
_gameState.RemainingSecondsByUserNames[currentPlayerUserName] = SecondsRemaining;
int minutes = SecondsRemaining / 60;
int seconds = SecondsRemaining % 60;
var viewModel = new UpdateGameTimerViewModel
Minutes = minutes,
Seconds = seconds,
foreach (Player player in _gameState.Players)
if (player.ConnectionId == null)
await _hubContext.Clients
if (_gameState.RemainingSecondsByUserNames.All(x => x.Value <= 0))
foreach (Player player in _gameState.Players)
_gameService.FillPlayerTiles(_gameState, player);
foreach (Player player in _gameState.Players)
if (player.ConnectionId == null)
var viewModel = _gameService.MapFromGameState(_gameState, player.UserName);
await _hubContext.Clients
if (_gameState.IsGameOver)
await _hubContext.Groups
player.ConnectionId, _gameState.GameId);
if (_gameState.IsGameOver)
await _gamesService!.SaveGameAsync(new SaveGameInputModel
GameId = _gameState.GameId,
Players = _gameState.Players
Basically the way my OnTimedEvent method works is that it executes every second. Then checks whether the time of all players has run out. If it hasn't it updates the state of the game, otherwise is ends the game. After everything else is done, I try to save the game inside my database in order to enable the users to see summary about their played games. I am using a class called GamesService for this task. It uses UserManager internally to perform some work with the Users in the database.
if (_gameState.IsGameOver)
await _gamesService!.SaveGameAsync(new SaveGameInputModel
GameId = _gameState.GameId,
Players = _gameState.Players
The problem is that when the game ends and the above code is executed it produces the following exception:
Unhandled exception. Unhandled exception. System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'UserManager`1'.
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UserManager`1.ThrowIfDisposed()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UserManager`1.FindByNameAsync(String userName)
at SuperScrabble.Services.Data.Users.UsersService.GetByUserNameAsync(String userName) in C:\Users\georg\Source\Github\SuperScrabble\src\Server\Services\SuperScrabble.Services.Data\Users\UsersService.cs:line 64
at SuperScrabble.Services.Data.Games.GamesService.SaveGameAsync(SaveGameInputModel input) in C:\Users\georg\Source\Github\SuperScrabble\src\Server\Services\SuperScrabble.Services.Data\Games\GamesService.cs:line 52
at SuperScrabble.WebApi.Timers.ChessTimer.OnTimedEvent(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs args) in C:\Users\georg\Source\Github\SuperScrabble\src\Server\WebApi\SuperScrabble.WebApi\Timers\ChessTimer.cs:line 120
at SuperScrabble.WebApi.Timers.ChessTimer.<.ctor>b__5_0(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs args) in C:\Users\georg\Source\Github\SuperScrabble\src\Server\WebApi\SuperScrabble.WebApi\Timers\ChessTimer.cs:line 35
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__128_1(Object state)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.<>c.<.cctor>b__6_0(QueueUserWorkItemCallback quwi)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunForThreadPoolUnsafe[TState](ExecutionContext executionContext, Action`1 callback, TState& state)
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.Execute()
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
at System.Threading.PortableThreadPool.WorkerThread.WorkerThreadStart()
at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()
It seems to me that the _gamesService object which I pass to the CreateInstance() method inside the TimerManager.CreateTimer() method is already disposed or that some of the services it uses internally are.
public GameTimer CreateTimer(GameState gameState)
if (gameState.RemainingSecondsByUserNames.Count == 0)
return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<StandardTimer>(_serviceProvider, gameState);
return ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance<ChessTimer>(_serviceProvider, gameState, _gamesService);
I am not sure if what I am trying to do is correct. I need to use service classes inside my timer classes to perform operations every time the timer ticks. However, I cannot use dependency injection and that's the reason why I use the ActivatorUtilities class to instantiate the object.
I create all timers from a method inside my SignalR hub class:
private async Task StartGameAsync()
var gameState = _matchmakingService.GetGameState(UserName);
string gameId = gameState.GameId;
foreach (Player player in gameState.Players)
await Groups.AddToGroupAsync(player.ConnectionId!, gameId);
var timer = _timerManager.CreateTimer(gameState);
_timerManager.AttachTimerToGameState(timer, gameId);
await Clients.Group(gameId).StartGame(gameId);
await UpdateGameStateAsync(gameState);
So my question would be: Is it possible to find a work around of the problem?
If you need any more clarification please feel free to ask me anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Prevent static property being accessed before async function initializes it

I have a function that asynchronously loads a xml file, parses it, and adds certain values to a list. I'm using async and await for this. The issue I've run into is that after calling await the program moves on to executing code that accesses that list before the async function has finished adding all items.
My static class with async function:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.AsyncOperations;
using UnityEngine.AddressableAssets;
namespace Drok.Localization
public static class Localization
/// <summary>
/// The currently available languages.
/// </summary>
public static List<string> Available { get; private set; } = new List<string>();
/// <summary>
/// The currently selected language.
/// </summary>
public static string Current { get; private set; } = null;
public static async Task Initialize()
await LoadMetaData();
private static async Task LoadMetaData()
AsyncOperationHandle<TextAsset> handle = Addressables.LoadAssetAsync<TextAsset>("Localization/meta.xml");
TextAsset metaDataFile = await handle.Task;
XDocument metaXMLData = XDocument.Parse(metaDataFile.text);
IEnumerable<XElement> elements = metaXMLData.Element("LangMeta").Elements();
foreach (XElement e in elements)
string lang = e.Attribute("lang").Value;
int id = Int32.Parse(e.Attribute("id").Value);
Debug.LogFormat("Language {0} is availible with id {1}.", lang, id);
public static void LoadLanguage(string lang)
Current = lang;
throw new NotImplementedException();
public static string GetString(string key)
return key;
The class that initializes it and accesses the list:
using Drok.Localization;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Spellbound.Menu
public class LanguageMenu : MonoBehaviour
private async void Awake()
await Localization.Initialize();
private void Start()
private void Update()
I have no idea how to prevent access to that list until after all items have been added. The code I posted just collects info on what languages are available so that only the one language being used can be loaded later.
A Task<T> represents some value (of type T) that will be determined in the future. If you make your property this type, then it will force all callers to await for it to be loaded:
public static class Localization
public static Task<List<string>> Available { get; private set; }
static Localization() => Available = LoadMetaDataAsync();
private static async Task<List<string>> LoadMetaDataAsync()
var results = new List<string>();
return results;
private async Task StartAsync()
var languages = await Localization.Available;
One possibility might be to add some logic to wait for the metadata to be loaded when returning the list from the get accessor.
One way to do this is to have a bool field that is set to true when the list is ready, and then we either return a private backing List<string> or null, depending on the value of our bool field:
public static class Localization
private static bool metadataLoaded = false;
private static List<string> available = new List<string>();
// The 'Available' property returns null until the private list is ready
public static List<string> Available => metadataLoaded ? available : null;
private static async Task LoadMetaData()
// Add items to private 'available' list here
// When the list is ready, set our field to 'true'
metadataLoaded = true;
The Awake method is async void, so there is no way for the caller to guarantee that it finishes before moving on to something else.
However, you could preserve the task and await it in the Start method to ensure that it is completed. Awaiting it twice does not harm anything.
public class LanguageMenu : MonoBehaviour
private Task _task;
private async void Awake()
_task = Localization.Initialize();
await _task;
private async void Start()
await _task;
private void Update()
Expanding on Rufus' comment:
Declare a bool property that's initialized to false. And in your list's getter, return the list only if the said bool property is true, and return maybe null (this depends on your requirements) if false.
public static bool IsAvailable { get; set; } = false;
private static List<string> _available;
public static List<string> Available
if (IsAvailable)
return _available;
return null;
set { _available = value; }
Finally, in your async function, when the work is done set the above property to true.
Latest when there is an Update method involved that should also wait with its execution using async and await might not be enough anyway.
Usually there is always one big alternative to using async for the Unity messages: an event system like e.g.
public static class Localization
public static event Action OnLocalizationReady;
public static async void Initialize()
await LoadMetaData();
And wait for that event in any class using it like e.g.
public class LanguageMenu : MonoBehaviour
private bool locaIsReady;
private void Awake()
Localization.OnLocalizationReady -= OnLocalizationReady;
Localization.OnLocalizationReady += OnLocalizationReady;
private void OnDestroy ()
Localization.OnLocalizationReady -= OnLocalizationReady;
// This now replaces whatever you wanted to do in Start originally
private void OnLocalizationReady ()
locaIsReady = true;
private void Update()
// Block execution until locaIsReady
if(!locaIsReady) return;
Or for minimal better performance you could also set enabled = false in Awake and set it to true in OnLocalizationReady then you could get rid of the locaIsReady flag.
No async and await needed.
If you would move the Localization.Initialize(); instead to Start you would give other classes the chance to also add some callbacks before to Localization.OnLocalizationReady in Awake ;)
And you can extend this in multiple ways! You could e.g. together with firering the event directly also pass in the reference to Availables so listeners can directly use it like e.g.
public static class Localization
public static event Action<List<string>> OnLocalizationReady;
and then in LanguageMenu change the signiture of OnLocalizationReady to
public class LanguageMenu : MonoBehaviour
// This now replaces whatever you wanted to do in Start originally
private void OnLocalizationReady(List<string> available)
locaIsReady = true;
If anyway LanguageMenu will be the only listener then you could even pass the callback directly as parameter to Initialize like
public static class Localization
public static async void Initialize(Action<List<string>> onSuccess)
await LoadMetaData();
and then use it like
private void Awake()
private void OnLocalizationReady(List<string>> available)
locaIsReady = true;
or as lambda expression
private void Awake()
Localization.Initialize(available =>
locaIsReady = true;
Debug.Log(available .Count);
As to your question about later Initialization: Yes there is a simple fix as well
public static class Localization
public static event Action OnLocalizationReady;
public static bool isInitialized;
public static async void Initialize()
await LoadMetaData();
isInitialized = true;
Then in other classes you can do it conditional either use callbacks or Initialize right away:
private void Awake()
Localization.OnInitialized -= OnLocaInitialized;
Localization.OnInitialized += OnLocaInitialized;
private void OnDestroy ()
Localization.OnInitialized -= OnLocaInitialized;
private void OnLocaInitialized()
var available = Localization.Available;
private void Update()
if(!Localization.isInitialized) return;

Awaiting on a task from a different class

I have a singleton class and a property that gets set from another class (class b), no problem. I want a different class (class a) to wait indefinitely until the property in the singleton class transitions true. I want the most efficient way possible of doing this, so I felt tasks were ideal, but I can't effectively put all of the pieces together. I don't want to continue to poll and sleep thread.sleep.
public class A
public static void Main(string[] args)
//await until the task in the Monitor class is complete
public class Monitor
private static Monitor instance;
private bool _hasChanged;
private Monitor() { }
public static Monitor Instance
if (instance == null)
instance = new Monitor();
return instance;
public bool HasChanged
return _hasChanged;
_hasChanged = value;
if (_hasChanged)
//kick off a task
public class B
private static readonly Monitor _instance;
public void DoSomething()
Monitor.Instance.HasChanged = true;
I would use a TaskCompletionSource for this. You would do something like:
public class Monitor
private TaskCompletionSource<bool> _changedTaskSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
public Task HasChangedTask => _changedTaskSource.Task;
public bool HasChanged
This sets up a task completion source and completes the task when the value changes. You would wait on it like so:
await Monitor.Instance.HasChangedTask;
One thing that is not clear from your question and you will need to address is resetting the task. To do so, just re-create the TaskCompletionSource.

Implement AsyncManualResetEvent using Lazy<T> to determine if the task has been awaited

I'm implementing an AsyncManualResetEvent based on Stephen Toub's example. However, I would like to know if the event, or specifically, the underlying Task<T> has been waited on.
I've already investigated the Task class, and there doesn't seem to be a sensible way to determine if it has ever been 'awaited' or if a continuation has been added.
In this case however, I control access to the underlying task source, so I can listen for any calls to the WaitAsync method instead. In thinking about how to do this, I decided to use a Lazy<T> and just see if it has been created.
sealed class AsyncManualResetEvent {
public bool HasWaiters => tcs.IsValueCreated;
public AsyncManualResetEvent() {
public Task WaitAsync() => tcs.Value.Task;
public void Set() {
if (tcs.IsValueCreated) {
tcs.Value.TrySetResult(result: true);
public void Reset() {
tcs = new Lazy<TaskCompletionSource<bool>>(LazyThreadSafetyMode.PublicationOnly);
Lazy<TaskCompletionSource<bool>> tcs;
My question then, is whether this is a safe approach, specifically will this guarantee that there are never any orphaned/lost continuations while the event is being reset?
If you truly wanted to know if anyone called await on your task (not just the fact that they called WaitAsync()) you could make a custom awaiter that acts as a wrapper for the TaskAwaiter that is used by m_tcs.Task.
public class AsyncManualResetEvent
private volatile Completion _completion = new Completion();
public bool HasWaiters => _completion.HasWaiters;
public Completion WaitAsync()
return _completion;
public void Set()
public void Reset()
while (true)
var completion = _completion;
if (!completion.IsCompleted ||
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _completion, new Completion(), completion) == completion)
public class Completion
private readonly TaskCompletionSource<bool> _tcs;
private readonly CompletionAwaiter _awaiter;
public Completion()
_tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
_awaiter = new CompletionAwaiter(_tcs.Task, this);
public CompletionAwaiter GetAwaiter() => _awaiter;
public bool IsCompleted => _tcs.Task.IsCompleted;
public bool HasWaiters { get; private set; }
public void Set() => _tcs.TrySetResult(true);
public struct CompletionAwaiter : ICriticalNotifyCompletion
private readonly TaskAwaiter _taskAwaiter;
private readonly Completion _parent;
internal CompletionAwaiter(Task task, Completion parent)
_parent = parent;
_taskAwaiter = task.GetAwaiter();
public bool IsCompleted => _taskAwaiter.IsCompleted;
public void GetResult() => _taskAwaiter.GetResult();
public void OnCompleted(Action continuation)
_parent.HasWaiters = true;
public void UnsafeOnCompleted(Action continuation)
_parent.HasWaiters = true;
Now if anyone registered a continuation with OnCompleted or UnsafeOnCompleted the bool HasWaiters will become true.
I also added TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously to fix the issue Stephen fixes with the Task.Factory.StartNew at the end of the article (It was introduced to .NET after the article was written).
If you just want to see if anyone called WaitAsync you can simplify it a lot, you just need a class to hold your flag and your completion source.
public class AsyncManualResetEvent
private volatile CompletionWrapper _completionWrapper = new CompletionWrapper();
public Task WaitAsync()
var wrapper = _completionWrapper;
wrapper.WaitAsyncCalled = true;
return wrapper.Tcs.Task;
public bool WaitAsyncCalled
get { return _completionWrapper.WaitAsyncCalled; }
public void Set() {
_completionWrapper.Tcs.TrySetResult(true); }
public void Reset()
while (true)
var wrapper = _completionWrapper;
if (!wrapper.Tcs.Task.IsCompleted ||
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _completionWrapper, new CompletionWrapper(), wrapper) == wrapper)
private class CompletionWrapper
public TaskCompletionSource<bool> Tcs { get; } = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
public bool WaitAsyncCalled { get; set; }

Using C# 5 async to wait for something that executes over a number of game frames

My son is writing a simple RPG game that has a number of non-player characters (aka NPC's). Each NPC has an associated "script" that controls its behaviour. We were going to use a mini custom script language to write these behaviours but I'm now wondering if this would be better done in C#5/Async.
Taking a really simple example, suppose one of the NPC's just walks between two points I'm thinking it would be nice to write something like this:
while (true)
await WalkTo(100,100);
await WalkTo(200,200);
The WalkTo method would be an async method that handles everything to do with walking between the two points and does this over a number of frames from the game loop. It's not a blocking method that can be off-loaded to a background thread.
And this is where I'm stuck... I haven't been able to find any examples using async/await in this manner, but it seems it would be perfect for it.
Here's some very rough pseudo code for what I'd like to do:
class NpcBase
// Called from game loop
public void onUpdate(double elapsedTime)
// Move the NPC
// Arrived at destination?
if (Arrived)
// How do I trigger that the task is finished?
// Async method called by NPC "script"
public async Task WalkTo(int x, int y)
// Store new target location
// return a task object that will be "triggered" when the walk is finished
_currentTask = <something??>
return _currentTask;
Task _currentTask;
Okay, it sounds like one option would be to have a TaskCompletionSource for each frame of the game. You can then await the Task from WalkTo, and set the result in OnUpdate:
private TaskCompletionSource<double> currentFrameSource;
// Called from game loop
public void OnUpdate(double elapsedTime)
var previousFrameSource = currentFrameSource;
currentFrameSource = new TaskCompletionSource<double>();
// This will trigger all the continuations...
// Async method called by NPC "script"
public async Task WalkTo(int x, int y)
// Store new target location
while (/* we're not there yet */)
double currentTime = await currentFrameSource.Task;
// Move
I'm not sure how efficient this will be, admittedly... but it should work.
I think I've figured it out in a simple test program
Firstly, I've got a base class for the NPC's like this:
EDIT: Updated NpcBase to use TaskCompletionSource:
public class NpcBase
// Derived classes to call this when starting an async operation
public Task BeginTask()
// Task already running?
if (_tcs!= null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("busy");
_tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<int>();
return _tcs.Task;
TaskCompletionSource<int> _tcs;
// Derived class calls this when async operation complete
public void EndTask()
if (_tcs != null)
var temp = _tcs;
_tcs = null;
// Is this NPC currently busy?
public bool IsBusy
return _tcs != null;
For reference, here's the old version of NpcBase with custom IAsyncResult implementation instead of TaskCompletionSource:
public class NpcBase
// Derived classes to call this when starting an async operation
public Task BeginTask()
// Task already running?
if (_result != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("busy");
// Create the async Task
return Task.Factory.FromAsync(
// begin method
(ac, o) =>
return _result = new Result(ac, o);
// End method
(r) =>
// State object
// Derived class calls this when async operation complete
public void EndTask()
if (_result != null)
var temp = _result;
_result = null;
// Is this NPC currently busy?
public bool IsBusy
return _result != null;
// Result object for the current task
private Result _result;
// Simple AsyncResult class that stores the callback and the state object
class Result : IAsyncResult
public Result(AsyncCallback callback, object AsyncState)
_callback = callback;
_state = AsyncState;
private AsyncCallback _callback;
private object _state;
public object AsyncState
get { return _state; ; }
public System.Threading.WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public bool CompletedSynchronously
get { return false; }
public bool IsCompleted
get { return _finished; }
public void Finish()
_finished = true;
if (_callback != null)
bool _finished;
Next, I've got a simple "NPC" that moves in one dimension. When a moveTo operation starts it calls BeginTask in the NpcBase. When arrived at the destination, it calls EndTask().
public class NpcTest : NpcBase
public NpcTest()
_position = 0;
_target = 0;
// Async operation to count
public Task MoveTo(int newPosition)
// Store new target
_target = newPosition;
return BeginTask();
public int Position
return _position;
public void onFrame()
if (_position == _target)
else if (_position < _target)
private int _position;
private int _target;
And finally, a simple WinForms app to drive it. It consists of a button and two labels. Clicking the button starts both NPC and their position is displayed on the labels.
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void onButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
public async void RunNpc1()
while (true)
await _npc1.MoveTo(20);
await _npc1.MoveTo(10);
public async void RunNpc2()
while (true)
await _npc2.MoveTo(80);
await _npc2.MoveTo(70);
NpcTest _npc1 = new NpcTest();
NpcTest _npc2 = new NpcTest();
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
label1.Text = _npc1.Position.ToString();
label2.Text = _npc2.Position.ToString();
And it works, all seems to be running on the main UI thread... which is what I wanted.
Of course it needs to be fixed to handle cancelling of operations, exceptions etc... but the basic idea is there.
