C# alpha-beta pruning with reference - c#

So here is the problem. I'm working on a combat-simulator for an AI based game. The AI should calculate the best move for him when the enemy makes his best move against every move.
My team has X units with 5 possible moves and my opponent has Y units with 5 possible moves. X and Y > 0
using alpha-beta pruning we want to generate each possible outcome and take the best one out in the end. The problem is the fact that we save each outcome into a situation, this situation stores lists but the lists contain references to the objects stored, this makes them save their moves into the same situation (all 5 moves of 1 unit)
Imagine 2 of our units and one of theirs. We create a situation and add one unit with 1 of the 5 directions to it. Then for our second unit we add one direction, then for the enemy unit. Now we got the end situation we want to save this. Then from the situation we had in OUR second unit (so without the enemy unit) we want to add a different move for the enemy to the situation and save that new situation if it was better. But since C# uses references for lists this situation is the situation with the other enemy move included aswell.
Code is a bit large but I'm really stuck here so I'd hope if anyone has some spare time to help me out with ideas to fix this.
public Situation RecursiveMaxTree(List<SimAnt> undone, int index, bool[,] positions, Situation situation)
SimAnt front = undone[index];
int max = situation.Max;
List<SimAnt> bestmoves = new List<SimAnt>();
int frontY = front.position.Y;
int frontX = front.position.X;
if (!front.isEnemy() && undone[index + 1].isEnemy())//cutoff activated----------------------------------------------------------------------------
foreach (Direction direction in directions)
int newX = GameState.WrapHorizonal(frontX + direction.toVector().X);
int newY = GameState.WrapVertical(frontY + direction.toVector().Y);
if (!positions[newX, newY] && map.isNotWater(newX, newY))
//add the updated ant to the new allAnts list
positions[newX, newY] = true;
List<SimAnt> newallAnts = situation.GetList;
Friend newant = new Friend(newX, newY);
newant.direction = direction;
Situation current = RecursiveMinTree(undone, index + 1, positions, new Situation(newallAnts, max));//geeft min van alle enemy options
positions[newX, newY] = false;
if (current.Max > max)
max = current.Max;
bestmoves = current.GetList;
else //max-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
foreach (Direction direction in directions)
int newX = GameState.WrapHorizonal(frontX + direction.toVector().X);
int newY = GameState.WrapVertical(frontY + direction.toVector().Y);
if (!positions[newX, newY] && map.isNotWater(newX, newY))
//add the updated ant to the new allAnts list
positions[newX, newY] = true;
List<SimAnt> newallAnts = situation.GetList.Clone();
Friend newant = new Friend(newX, newY);
newant.direction = direction;
Situation current = RecursiveMaxTree(undone, index + 1, positions, new Situation(newallAnts, max));//geeft min van alle enemy options
positions[newX, newY] = false;
if (current.Max > max)
max = current.Max;
bestmoves = current.GetList;
return new Situation(bestmoves, max);
Situation RecursiveMinTree(List<SimAnt> undone, int index, bool[,] positions, Situation situation)
SimAnt front = undone[index];
int max = situation.Max;
int frontY = front.position.Y;
int frontX = front.position.X;
int currentmin = 100;
foreach (Direction direction in directions)
int newX = GameState.WrapHorizonal(frontX + direction.toVector().X);
int newY = GameState.WrapVertical(frontY + direction.toVector().Y);
if (!positions[newX, newY] && map.isNotWater(newX, newY))
//add the updated ant to the new allAnts list
List<SimAnt> newallAnts = situation.GetList;
Foe newant = new Foe(newX, newY);
if (index >= undone.Count - 1)
return new Situation(situation.GetList, CalculateBattleValue(situation.GetList));
positions[newX, newY] = true;
Situation current = RecursiveMinTree(undone, index + 1, positions, new Situation(newallAnts, max));//geeft min van alle enemy options
positions[newX, newY] = false;
if (current.Max < max)
return current;
else if (current.Max < currentmin)
currentmin = current.Max;
return new Situation(situation.GetList, currentmin);
class Situation
public Situation(List<SimAnt> ants, int max)
this.max = max;
this.ants = ants;
List<SimAnt> ants;
int max;
public List<SimAnt> GetList
{ get { return ants; } }
public int Max
{ get { return max; } }
Kind regards, me


c# Unity: Trying to make a biome generation algorithm multithreadable

I'm currently learning how to code games and have designed a biom generation algorithm.
As long as I run that algorithm below syncron, it generates the same output every time and works perfectly fine.
Now I tried to speed it up and make it multithreaded, but every time I call the method, it results in a different result.
As far as I know, I used Threadsave Collections, whenever necessary, but it still doesn't work.
Also, I tried to lock the collection, but this didn't work either.
So I'm completely clueless as to why this doesn't work.
If you see anything that I could make better or how I could fix that problem, please let me know.
This code is working:
private Biome[,] Generate(string worldSeed, Vector2Int targetChunk, List<(Biome, float)> multiplier, float centroidsPerChunk)
//Calculate the NeighboursToGenerate depeding on the cendroids per Chunk value
int chunkNeighboursToGenerate = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(1f / centroidsPerChunk * 12.5f));
int chunkSize = 8;
//Create List that contains all centroids of the chunk
List<(Vector2Int, Biome)> centroids = new();
//Create Centdroids for every chunk of the generated region around the targetchunk
for (int chunkX = targetChunk.x - chunkNeighboursToGenerate; chunkX < targetChunk.x + chunkNeighboursToGenerate + 1; chunkX++)
for (int chunkZ = targetChunk.y - chunkNeighboursToGenerate; chunkZ < targetChunk.y + chunkNeighboursToGenerate + 1; chunkZ++)
List<(Vector2Int, Biome)> generatedCentdroids = GetCentdroidsByChunk(worldSeed, new(chunkX, chunkZ), centroidsPerChunk, chunkSize, multiplier, targetChunk, chunkNeighboursToGenerate);
foreach ((Vector2Int, Biome) generatedCentdroid in generatedCentdroids)
Biome[,] biomeMap = new Biome[chunkSize, chunkSize];
//---Generate biomeMap of the target Chunk---
for (int tx = 0; tx < chunkSize; tx++)
for (int tz = 0; tz < chunkSize; tz++)
int x = chunkSize * chunkNeighboursToGenerate + tx;
int z = chunkSize * chunkNeighboursToGenerate + tz;
biomeMap[tz, tx] = GetClosestCentroidBiome(new(x, z), centroids.ToArray());
//Return the biome map of the target chunk
return biomeMap;
private static List<(Vector2Int, Biome)> GetCentdroidsByChunk(string worldSeed, Vector2Int chunkToGenerate, float centroidsPerChunk, int chunkSize, List<(Biome, float)> multiplier, Vector2Int targetChunk, int chunkNeighboursToGenerate)
List<(Vector2Int, Biome)> centroids = new();
//---Generate Cendroids of a single chunk---
float centroidsInThisChunk = centroidsPerChunk;
//Init randomizer
System.Random randomInstance = new(Randomizer.GetSeed(worldSeed, chunkToGenerate.x, chunkToGenerate.y));
while (centroidsInThisChunk > 0.0f)
//if at least one more centroid is to generate do it
//if not randomize by the given probability if another one should be generated
if (centroidsInThisChunk >= 1 || (float)randomInstance.NextDouble() * (1 - 0) + 0 <= centroidsInThisChunk)
//Generate random point for a new centroid
Vector2Int pos = new(randomInstance.Next(0, chunkSize + 1), randomInstance.Next(0, chunkSize + 1));
//map the point to a zerobased coordinatesystem
int mappedX = (((chunkToGenerate.x - targetChunk.x) + chunkNeighboursToGenerate) * chunkSize) + pos.x;
int mappedZ = (((chunkToGenerate.y - targetChunk.y) + chunkNeighboursToGenerate) * chunkSize) + pos.y;
Vector2Int mappedPos = new Vector2Int(mappedX, mappedZ);
//Select the biom randomized
Biome biome = Randomizer.GetRandomBiom(randomInstance, multiplier);
centroids.Add(new(mappedPos, biome));
centroidsInThisChunk -= 1.0f;
//if no centroid is left to generate, end the loop
return centroids;
//Calculates the closest Centroid to the given possition
Biome GetClosestCentroidBiome(Vector2Int pixelPos, IEnumerable<(Vector2Int, Biome)> centroids)
//Warp the possition so the biom borders won't be straight
//Vector2 warpedPos = pixelPos + Get2DTurbulence(pixelPos);
Vector2 warpedPos = pixelPos;
float smallestDst = float.MaxValue;
Biome closestBiome = Biome.Empty;
foreach ((Vector2Int, Biome) centroid in centroids)
float distance = Vector2.Distance(warpedPos, centroid.Item1);
if (distance < smallestDst)
smallestDst = distance;
closestBiome = centroid.Item2;
return closestBiome;
public static class Randomizer
//Generates a random integerseed by combining an hashing the inputvalues
public static int GetSeed(string worldSeed, int chunkx, int chunkz)
var stringSeed = worldSeed + ":" + chunkx + ";" + chunkz;
MD5 md5Hasher = MD5.Create();
byte[] hashed = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringSeed));
return BitConverter.ToInt32(hashed, 0);
//Returns a random biome based on the given properbilities/multiplier
//multiplier = 2 for example means the biom is generated twice as often as usually
public static Biome GetRandomBiom(System.Random rndm, List<(Biome, float)> multiplier)
float multmax = 0.0f;
multiplier.ForEach(x => multmax += x.Item2);
//Generate a random value that is in the range of all multiplieres added
float biome = (float)rndm.NextDouble() * (multmax + 0.01f);
//Map the biome to the multipliers and return the biome
float multcalc = 0.0f;
for (int r = 0; r < multiplier.Count; r++)
multcalc += multiplier[r].Item2;
if (multcalc >= biome)
return multiplier[r].Item1;
//Return Biome.Empty if something did't worked correct
return Biome.Empty;
This doesn't work:
private Biome[,] Generate(string worldSeed, Vector2Int targetChunk, List<(Biome, float)> multiplier, float centroidsPerChunk)
//Calculate the NeighboursToGenerate depeding on the cendroids per Chunk value
int chunkNeighboursToGenerate = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(1f / centroidsPerChunk * 12.5f));
int chunkSize = 8;
//Create List that contains all centroids of the chunk
ConcurrentBag<(Vector2Int, Biome)> centroids = new();
ConcurrentQueue<Task> tasks = new();
//Create Centdroids for every chunk of the generated region around the targetchunk
for (int chunkX = targetChunk.x - chunkNeighboursToGenerate; chunkX < targetChunk.x + chunkNeighboursToGenerate + 1; chunkX++)
for (int chunkZ = targetChunk.y - chunkNeighboursToGenerate; chunkZ < targetChunk.y + chunkNeighboursToGenerate + 1; chunkZ++)
tasks.Enqueue(Task.Run(() =>
List<(Vector2Int, Biome)> generatedCentdroids = GetCentdroidsByChunk(worldSeed, new(chunkX, chunkZ), centroidsPerChunk, chunkSize, multiplier, targetChunk, chunkNeighboursToGenerate);
foreach ((Vector2Int, Biome) generatedCentdroid in generatedCentdroids)
Biome[,] biomeMap = new Biome[chunkSize, chunkSize];
//---Generate biomeMap of the target Chunk---
for (int tx = 0; tx < chunkSize; tx++)
for (int tz = 0; tz < chunkSize; tz++)
int x = chunkSize * chunkNeighboursToGenerate + tx;
int z = chunkSize * chunkNeighboursToGenerate + tz;
biomeMap[tz, tx] = GetClosestCentroidBiome(new(x, z), centroids.ToArray());
//Return the biome map of the target chunk
return biomeMap;
If you're starting to get into programming and you want to learn multi-threading, converting a large piece of complex code like this is not where you want to start. I highly recommend you pick up a book or tutorial on threading/async in C#/.NET before starting something like this. Unity also has its own multi-threading library with its Job System, which is built for the Unity workflow: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/JobSystemMultithreading.html
I don't think most people could find what's causing the problem in these two code snippets alone. But I have a couple of suggestions
Change your tasks collection to a List<T>, tasks is only ever accessed on one thread so there's no need to use ConcurrentQueue<T>
Is Biome a class? Cause if so it's technically fine but modifying data structures from multiple threads gets hairy fast. And while I can't see that you're modifying data from these snippets, without the full code I can't say for sure. Turn Biome into a struct or make a struct equivalent for threading purposes.
Also avoid calling centroids.ToArray() in your loop, as doing so will actually copy the original array over and over and over again. Call it once outside of your loop and that alone should be a pretty huge performance bump.
Just find a full-blown tutorial for threading/async/Unity's Job system (depending on which you'd rather learn for your use case) and start from there, I can tell from your use of the concurrent libraries and List<T> inside your tasks that you're new to threading. Understanding what code is ran on another thread and the repercussions from that (race conditions, and so on) is huge.

Find points with maximum visibility in a room-as-grid

I have a 2D grid of cells, like so:
I want to find the "centroids," or the places in each room that can see the most other cells. For example, "centroid" 1 can see 500 other cells, "centroid" 2 can see 400 other cells (NOT included in the first 500), and so on (if there's a better name for this let me know).
I'm currently doing this with the code below.
public void SetCentroids(CellWalkableState[,] grid)
centroids = new List<((int, int), int)>();
List<(int, int)> cellsCopy = new List<(int, int)>();
for (int i = 0; i < cells.Count; i++)
Debug.Log(DateTime.Now.ToString("o") + " - Setting centroids for room with " + cells.Count + " cells");
var perCellInView = cellsCopy.AsParallel().Select(x => (x, StaticClass.FindInView(x, grid))).ToList();
var force_start = perCellInView.First();
Debug.Log(DateTime.Now.ToString("o") + " - got in view");
var perCellInViewOrdered = perCellInView.AsParallel().OrderByDescending(xxx => xxx.Item2.Count);
var force_start_1 = perCellInViewOrdered.First();
Debug.Log(DateTime.Now.ToString("o") + " - sorted");
List<(int, int)> roomCellsAdded = new List<(int, int)>();
while(roomCellsAdded.Count < (cells.Count*0.9))
if(cellsCopy.Count == 0)
Debug.LogError("something is wrong here.");
var centroid = perCellInViewOrdered.First().x;
var centroidCells = perCellInViewOrdered.First().Item2;
if(centroidCells.Count == 0)
Debug.Log("this shouldnt be happening");
centroids.Add((centroid, centroidCells.Count));
Debug.Log(DateTime.Now.ToString("o") + " - added centroids, " + roomCellsAdded.Count + " cells in view");
var loopPerCellInView = perCellInView.AsParallel().Where(x => centroids.Select(y => y.Item1).Contains(x.x) == false).Select(x => (x.x, x.Item2.Except(roomCellsAdded).ToList())).ToList();
Debug.Log(DateTime.Now.ToString("o") + " - excluded");
perCellInViewOrdered = loopPerCellInView.AsParallel().OrderByDescending(xxx => xxx.Item2.Count);
Debug.Log(DateTime.Now.ToString("o") + " - resorted");
public static List<(int, int)> FindInView((int,int) start, CellWalkableState[,] grid)
List<(int, int)> visible = new List<(int, int)>() { start };
bool alive = true;
int r = 1;
var length_x = grid.GetLength(0);
var length_y = grid.GetLength(1);
List<(int, int)> searched = new List<(int, int)>();
List<double> angles = new List<double>();
//alive = false;
int newR = r;
int count = CountFromR(newR);
var angleInc = 360.0 / count;
var rNexts = Enumerable.Repeat(1, count).ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var angle = angleInc * i;
if(angles.Contains(angle) == false)
float cos = Mathf.Cos((float)(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle));
float sin = Mathf.Sin((float)(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle));
var b = r;
var p = i % (r * 2);
var d = math.sqrt(math.pow(b, 2) + math.pow(p, 2));
var dScaled = d / r;
bool keepGoing = true;
var rCur = dScaled * (rNexts[i]);
var loc = (start.Item1 + Mathf.RoundToInt(rCur * cos), start.Item2 + Mathf.RoundToInt(rCur * sin));
if (searched.Contains(loc) == false)
if (loc.Item1 >= 0 && loc.Item1 < length_x && loc.Item2 >= 0 && loc.Item2 < length_y)
if (grid[loc.Item1, loc.Item2] == CellWalkableState.Interactive || grid[loc.Item1, loc.Item2] == CellWalkableState.Walkable)
keepGoing = false;
keepGoing = false; // invalid, stop
if (visible.Contains(loc) == false)
keepGoing = false; // can stop, because we can't see past this place
angles = angles.Distinct().ToList();
searched = searched.Distinct().ToList();
visible = visible.Distinct().ToList();
if(rNexts.All(x => x <= r))
alive = false;
r = rNexts.Max();
return visible;
static int CountFromR(int r)
return 8 * r;
The "short" summary of the code above is that each location first determines what cells around itself it can see. That becomes a list of tuples, List<((int,int), List<(int,int)>)>, where the first item is the location and the second is all cells it views. That main list is sorted by the count of the sublist, such that the item with the most cells-it-can-vew is first. That's added as a centroid, and all cells it can view are added to a second ("already handled") list. A modified "main list" is formed, with each sublist now excluding anything in the second list. It loops doing this until 90% of the cells have been added.
Some output:
2021-04-27T15:24:39.8678545-04:00 - Setting centroids for room with 7129 cells
2021-04-27T15:45:26.4418515-04:00 - got in view
2021-04-27T15:45:26.4578551-04:00 - sorted
2021-04-27T15:45:27.3168517-04:00 - added centroids, 4756 cells in view
2021-04-27T15:45:27.9868523-04:00 - excluded
2021-04-27T15:45:27.9868523-04:00 - resorted
2021-04-27T15:45:28.1058514-04:00 - added centroids, 6838 cells in view
2021-04-27T15:45:28.2513513-04:00 - excluded
2021-04-27T15:45:28.2513513-04:00 - resorted
2021-04-27T15:45:28.2523509-04:00 - Setting centroids for room with 20671 cells
This is just too slow for my purposes. Can anyone suggest alternate methods of doing this? For all of the cells essentially the only information one has is whether they're "open" or one can see through them or not (vs something like a wall).
An approximate solution with fixed integer slopes
For a big speedup (from quadratic in the number of rooms to linear), you could decide to check just a few integer slopes at each point. These are equivalence classes of visibility, i.e., if cell x can see cell y along such a line, and cell y can see cell z along the same line, then all 3 cells can see each other. Then you only need to compute each "visibility interval" along a particular line once, rather than per-cell.
You would probably want to check at least horizontal, vertical and both 45-degree diagonal slopes. For horizontal, start at cell (1, 1), and move right until you hit a wall, let's say at (5, 1). Then the cells (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1) and (4, 1) can all see each other along this slope, so although you started at (1, 1), there's no need to repeat the computation for the other 3 cells -- just add a copy of this list (or even a pointer to it, which is faster) to the visibility lists for all 4 cells. Keep heading right, and repeat the process as soon as you hit a non-wall. Then begin again on the next row.
Visibility checking for 45-degree diagonals is slightly harder, but not much, and checking for other slopes in which we advance 1 horizontally and some k vertically (or vice versa) is about the same. (Checking for for general slopes, like for every 2 steps right go up 3, is perhaps a bit trickier.)
Provided you use pointers rather than list copies, for a given slope, this approach spends amortised constant time per cell: Although finding the k horizontally-visible neighbours of some cell takes O(k) time, it means no further horizontal processing needs to be done for any of them. So if you check a constant number of slopes (e.g., the four I suggested), this is O(n) time overall to process n cells. In contrast, I think your current approach takes at least O(nq) time, where q is the average number of cells visible to a cell.

Check if 2 objects from an array overlap and change their position on y if they do

So how can I update the position every time I call the StartRandomizingRightSpikePosition
private bool CheckOverlap(GameObject o1, GameObject o2)
return spikeRight.Select(t => t.GetComponent<Collider>().bounds.Intersects(t.GetComponent<Collider>().bounds)).FirstOrDefault();
public void StartRandomizingRightSpikesPosition()
foreach (var t in spikeRight)
foreach (var t1 in spikeRight)
if (t == t1) continue;
if (!CheckOverlap(t, t1)) continue;
yPosition = Random.Range(-7, 7);
var position = t1.transform.position;
desiredPosition = new Vector3(position.x, yPosition, position.z);
t1.transform.position = desiredPosition;
Debug.Log(t.gameObject + " intersects " + t1.gameObject);
The short answer is yes but I'm not sure you would want too. I'm not sure you're going to find a way to do this efficiently and you might be better off finding a way to generate the objects such that this step is not necessary.
I can't tell from your question how the objects are actually stored so I'm going to provide some sample code that just deals with a simple array of Rectangles. You should be able to adapt it to your specifics.
I tried to make it slightly more efficient by not checking both t1 == t and t == t1.
const int Bounds = 1000;
static bool RemovedOverlappingRects(Rectangle[] rects)
for (int pos = 0; pos < rects.Length; ++pos)
for (int check = pos +1; check < rects.Length; ++check)
var r1 = rects[pos];
var r2 = rects[check];
if (r1.IntersectsWith(r2))
r2.Y = Rng.Next(1, Bounds);
rects[check] = r2;
Console.WriteLine($"{pos} overlaps with {check}");
return true;
return false;
Once we've randomly generated a new rectangle we have to start over. Which means invoking the above method in a loop.
var rects = GetRandomeRects(20).ToArray();
while (RemovedOverlappingRects(rects))
Because of the random movement I'm not certain you can guarantee this will always end. If you can deal with the non-random look of the results changing it to stack the overlaps would I believe always finish. That would be this:
r2.Y = r1.Y + r1.Height + 1;
in place of
r2.Y = Rng.Next(1, Bounds);
But even then you're still dealing with a very unpredictable run time due to the random input.
Maybe someone else can show us a more efficient way...

Optimisation of route finding code

Small bit of background first. I am developing a system that generates a "route" between locations. Locations have a pre-defined list of neighbours not limited to those adjacent to it. The search can safely assume that by picking the closest neighbour (numerically) to the target destination, it is making the optimal move towards it.
I have working code as shown below:
public Route GetRoute(int StartPoint, int Destination)
Route returnRoute = new Route();
returnRoute.steps = new List<int>();
bool locationReached = false;
int selectedNeighbour;
int distanceFromTarget;
int currentPoint = StartPoint; // set the current point to the start point
while (!locationReached)
selectedNeighbour = 0;
distanceFromTarget = 5000; // nominal amount guaranteed to be overwritten
var neighbours = locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.LocationID == currentPoint).Neighbours;
for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.Length; i++)
// get the current neighbours, then check proximity
int currentNeighbour = neighbours[i];
int tempDistance = Math.Abs( currentNeighbour - Destination );
// if nearer than previous neighbour, set it as the chosen location
if ( tempDistance < distanceFromTarget )
distanceFromTarget = tempDistance;
selectedNeighbour = currentNeighbour;
// if the selected neighbour is the destination, we're done
if ( selectedNeighbour == Destination )
locationReached = true;
} // for
// add the selected neighbour if we found one
if ( selectedNeighbour != 0 )
currentPoint = selectedNeighbour;
Debug.Log ("No Route Found");
return returnRoute;
} // while
return returnRoute;
My question is regarding the loop of the neighbours (int[]) variable. How can this best be optimised? I've seen some use of linq and ordering, but also comments that this approach might be inefficient. I need efficiency over neatness here.
Many thanks.

Did I implement this minimax function correctly?

It's for a game of checkers. See revision history for older versions of code.
private static Move GetBestMove(Color color, Board board, int depth)
var bestMoves = new List<Move>();
var validMoves = board.GetValidMoves(color);
int highestScore = int.MinValue;
Board boardAfterMove;
int tmpScore;
var rand = new Random();
Debug.WriteLine("{0}'s Moves:", color);
foreach (var move in validMoves)
boardAfterMove = board.Clone().ApplyMove(move);
if(move.IsJump && !move.IsCrowned && boardAfterMove.GetJumps(color).Any())
tmpScore = NegaMax(color, boardAfterMove, depth);
tmpScore = -NegaMax(Board.Opposite(color), boardAfterMove, depth);
Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", move, tmpScore);
if (tmpScore > highestScore)
highestScore = tmpScore;
else if (tmpScore == highestScore)
return bestMoves[rand.Next(bestMoves.Count)];
private static int NegaMax(Color color, Board board, int depth)
var validMoves = board.GetValidMoves(color);
int highestScore = int.MinValue;
Board boardAfterMove;
if (depth <= 0 || !validMoves.Any())
return BoardScore(color, board);
foreach (var move in validMoves)
boardAfterMove = board.Clone().ApplyMove(move);
if(move.IsJump && !move.IsCrowned && boardAfterMove.GetJumps(color).Any())
highestScore = Math.Max(highestScore, NegaMax(color, boardAfterMove, depth));
highestScore = Math.Max(highestScore, -NegaMax(Board.Opposite(color), boardAfterMove, depth - 1));
return highestScore;
private static int BoardScore(Color color, Board board)
if (!board.GetValidMoves(color).Any()) return -1000;
return board.OfType<Checker>().Sum(c => (c.Color == color ? 1 : -1) * (c.Class == Class.Man ? 2 : 3));
I'm trying it with depth 0, and the scores are correct for about half the game, and then all of a sudden it starts screwing up. One of the players will start proclaiming his score is higher than it really is. Why would it only work for half a game?!
Interesting approach, the first time I see MaxiMax. But I see a problem here:
var minMove = GetBestMove(... board.Clone().ApplyMove(move), ...);
float score = ... BoardScore(color, board.Clone().ApplyMove(minMove));
In this code, move and minMove are moves for different sides and yet you apply them equally at the same level here. The second line should be something like:
float score = ... BoardScore(... board.Clone().ApplyMove(move).ApplyMove(minMove));
You can of course store and re-use the board.Clone().ApplyMove(move) part.
But then you still loose information: At Depth 100 you filter out the best boardScore at depth 99 but you don't have/use anything from levels 98..0 except when there was no move (null), but as you noticed yourself that part goes wrong.
Tried looking at some pseudo
algorithms, but all the seem to return
a score. That confuses me, because I
don't really want to get a score back,
I want to get a Move back.
Still, that is the way to go. The main result from a tree-search is the value of the best branch. The move itself is only essential at the root level. Leave it until you start implementing alpha/beta, then you will be able to store the best branch in a single table.
I would advice switching to a regular NegaMax,
also see this SO question.
Found the bug: What could cause this to start miscalculating after awhile?
New code:
private static Move GetBestMove(Color color, Board board, int depth)
var bestMoves = new List<Move>();
IEnumerable<Move> validMoves = board.GetValidMoves(color);
int highestScore = int.MinValue;
Board boardAfterMove;
int tmpScore;
var rand = new Random();
Debug.WriteLine("{0}'s Moves:", color);
foreach (Move move in validMoves)
boardAfterMove = board.Clone().ApplyMove(move);
if (move.IsJump && !move.IsCrowned && boardAfterMove.GetJumps(color).Any())
tmpScore = NegaMax(color, boardAfterMove, depth);
tmpScore = -NegaMax(Board.Opposite(color), boardAfterMove, depth);
Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", move, tmpScore);
if (tmpScore > highestScore)
highestScore = tmpScore;
else if (tmpScore == highestScore)
return bestMoves[rand.Next(bestMoves.Count)];
private static int NegaMax(Color color, Board board, int depth)
IEnumerable<Move> validMoves = board.GetValidMoves(color);
int highestScore = int.MinValue;
Board boardAfterMove;
if (depth <= 0 || !validMoves.Any())
return BoardScore(color, board);
foreach (Move move in validMoves)
boardAfterMove = board.Clone().ApplyMove(move);
if (move.IsJump && !move.IsCrowned && boardAfterMove.GetJumps(color).Any())
highestScore = Math.Max(highestScore, NegaMax(color, boardAfterMove, depth));
highestScore = Math.Max(highestScore, -NegaMax(Board.Opposite(color), boardAfterMove, depth - 1));
return highestScore;
private static int BoardScore(Color color, Board board)
if (!board.GetValidMoves(color).Any()) return -1000;
return board.OfType<Checker>().Sum(c => (c.Color == color ? 1 : -1) * (c.Class == Class.Man ? 2 : 3));
I'm not 100% convinced this works perfectly. It seems to work for depth 0, and usually for depth 1... beyond that, I have no idea what the computer is thinking. Still doesn't appear to play super intelligently.
Edit: Running this and max speed... NegaMax agent vs Random. NegaMax always wins. Watching the scores for occurrences of "1000". He always wins within a few turns after that, so it does appear to be working, finally!
