So I have my WinForms application with a StatusStrip. Inside this StatusTrip, there's a StatusLabel (it's not the default Label, as it's not supported for some reason).
Now, when I set StatusLabel.IsLink = true;, you'll get a hand cursor (which is great!). But now, if you do StatusLabel.Visible = false; the whole StatusStrip has a hand cursor on it right now. Making the StatusLabel visible again does not fix it.
This seems like either a .NET or C# bug to me.
My question is: is there any workaround for this, I'm not aware of? Either by fixing this hand cursor bug or by placing a real Label inside the StatusStrip? I've found out that when placing a MessageBox just right before you make the label non-visible, it's not doing this weird bug.
You can download a test solution here. In the Main.cs file there's a line with the MessageBox which you can uncomment. Try it yourself.
You can try setting the Cursor of your StatusStrip back to Default
private void toolStripStatusLabel1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//MessageBox.Show("It's not doing the bug when showing this message.");
toolStripStatusLabel1.Visible = false;
statusStrip1.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
I am creating a rs232 dial pad in a WPF. The problem I am running into is with the star character. I don't know how to ask the question correctly because all I am getting results for are "password characters only".
Ultimately I'm trying to add the "*" programmatically. It does not matter if I used the keyboard or the virtual button. Whenever the character is added the program freezes. The debugger isn't pointing to anything and seems like its still waiting for instruction.
Any ideas?
Im adding the star with
Honestly I am not sure what happened. I started a new WPF and it worked. So i removed auto generated method all together and recreated it. Now it works. The entire method looked like this
private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
textBox.Text = "*";
No clue but it works. Thank you for the replies
My issue is in the .NET framework using C# to create a simple form application that contains a rich text box (RTB) control.
Briefly the issue I am experiencing is that when trying to clear the contents (.Text) of the RTB, the scroll bar doesn't go away. I would like to know if there is anything inherently wrong with the way I am using the RTB. I apologize, but the site will not allow me to post images yet. So if there is a misunderstanding regarding what "doesn't go away" means, please ask!
So first, I write data to the box using the following code snippet:
// append the new message
this.rtb_receive_0.Text += message;
this.rtb_receive_0.SelectionStart = this.rtb_receive_0.Text.Length;
Later on, I clear the RTB contents (RTB.Text) with the following code:
this.rtb_receive_0.Text = String.Empty;
In the above code I have attempted to fix my problem with the, "Refresh," method. However it does not seem to be doing the job.
When I clear the RTB contents, the scroll bar does not go away... I noticed that if I grab another window and drag it over the top of the application, that the frozen scroll bar disappears. Also, I can minimize the application, then maximize it again and the bar will disappear. There has to be a way to prevent this frozen scroll bar from happening in the first place though.
Per the answer, here was the fix to stop the bar from freezing up:
this.rtb_receive_0.Text = String.Empty;
this.rtb_receive_0.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.None;
this.rtb_receive_0.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Vertical;
Have you tried simply just programatically setting the Scrollbars property on the RTB?
myRichTextBox.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.None;
Edit: I think I misinterpreted what you needed. Searching around, I found this similar post on another forum:
This user is setting the value of an RTB based on a selection in a list view. When a new value is set and does not require a scrollbar it doesn't re-draw and still shows the bar.
It seems like adding myRichTextBox.Clear(); myRichTextBox.Refresh(); should help. In this case that user is also programatically setting the ScrollBars property as well.
Also, are you able to determine how many lines of text can fit in the RichTextBox before a scrollbar is needed? I suppose that might vary based on system settings on the machine, but you might just be able to programatically check myrtb.Scrollbars = (myrtb.Lines.Length > X) ? Vertical : None; (excuse the psuedo code syntax)
What helped for me was just calling the refresh() method twice. Very ugly, but it does the job.
Hmm, after more thorough testing this ugly fix proved to be not so much of a fix afterall. It helps, but still some glitches.
seems like a better solution.
I was having this same problem. I solved it by calling the Invalidate() method which forces the control to repaint.
'Call Invalidate in order to force the RichTextBox to repaint. I do this so that any
'Visible Scroll bars are removed after clearing the Text
I tried with Refresh(); Update(); Invalidate();,but it didn't worked for me.
I solved this problem using following three lines :-
RitchTextBox.Clear(); //Clearing text in RichTextBox
RitchTextBox.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.None; //Remove scroll
RitchTextBox.ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Vertical; //Again add scroll
Try those above three lines. It will work 100%.
I use StatusStrip that contains ToolStripStatusLabel. OS - Windows 7, framework 2.0.
Usually all displayed normal, but sometimes ToolStripStatusLabel looks like black box:
I read that windows bug, but how I can fix it?
This is an obscure bug, triggered when you display the form with the Windows toolbar overlapping your StatusStrip. Moving the window away from the toolbar doesn't get the ToolStripItems on the status strip repainted properly. You'll find a bit of background in this forum post. There was a weak promise for a future fix for it, no idea if that ever happened. Probably not if you are running this on Win7.
You'll need to pay more attention to the position of the window, making sure that parts of it don't disappear underneath the toolbar. In general something you'd always consider, extra important as long as this bug doesn't get fixed. If you don't want to nail down the startup position (you ought to, users tend to like a window getting redisplayed where they last moved it) then simply change the form's StartPosition property to "CenterScreen".
This bug has never been fixed. It was in framework 2 and is still in framework 4.
The answer from Hans is a copy of the answer in
But it is not helpful for me because "CenterScreen" does not solve the problem.
The cause of the problem is not the Windows Taskbar. The cause is a bug that does not draw the StatusStrip when the main Form is behind ANY other window at the first moment of drawing the StatusStrip. But this will also happen when you start the new process with Process.Start() from another process and the new process opens behind the window of another process.
I found a much better solution than the one proposed by Microsoft.
First I tried with
but it does not work. So we need a stronger way to force Windows to redraw the StatusStrip. Important: The redrawing must happen when the Form with the StatusStrip is ALREADY in foreground! This is so easy that I don't understand why Microsoft does not suggest this method.
Timer mi_StatusTimer = new Timer();
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
mi_StatusTimer.Interval = 500;
mi_StatusTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(OnTimerBugFix);
protected override void OnActivated(EventArgs e)
void OnTimerBugFix(object sender, EventArgs e)
I have a button that launches a time intensive process. When the user hovers over this button a tool-tip is displayed, which is good. However, before this process gets re-routed onto a background thread (10 seconds or so for some stuff to take place) the tool-tip is displayed semi-transparent. I know this is awful coding and it should be put on to a non-UI thread ASAP, but this is the way it is for now...
My question is, how can I get a reference to the buttons tool-tip object so I can make it not visible? I envisage it to look like:
ToolTip someTT = Button.ToolTip; // This only gets or set the tool tip text.
someTT.Active = false;
someTT.Dispose(); // As a last resort.
Sorry guys, I aknowledge that I am a disgusting person for doing this.
Edit: The button is of the ComponantOne RibbonButton-type as part of the Studio for WinForms.
Usually, when you working with the ToolTip, you can find the following code within the Form.InitializeComponent() method:
this.toolTip1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip(this.components);
this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
this.toolTip1.SetToolTip(this.button1, "Tooltip for button1");
Thus you can disable tooltip for the specific button using the same approach:
this.toolTip1.SetToolTip(this.button1, null);
You can also disable a button when the background thread have been started. This also avoids unnecessary the tooltips above this button:
void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
button1.Enabled = false;
//start the background thread here
You have to work with the ToolTip control that you added to your project. Something like ToolTip.Active might work.
From above link:
With the Active property, you can enable or disable the display of
ToolTip text for all controls that have text specified by this
particular ToolTip component. Although more than one ToolTip component
can be created and assigned to a form, setting the Active property to
false only affects the current ToolTip.
If the UI thread is doing work then it won't matter if you find a way to hide the tool tip, it still won't take place until the UI thread is freed up again.
Your solution is what you always knew it would be, move the non-UI processing to a non-UI thread.
I would like to hide several textboxes, a label and a button as soon as a button is clicked... however, for some reason, my code doesn't seem to cause this effect. Nothing appears to happen. I'm using WPF.
Here is my code:
private void doSomething_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Name.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
This code doesn't seem to work.. any ideas?
I believe Visibility.Collapsed is what you need and not Visibility.Hidden.
EDIT: Did you try follow up this code with UpdateLayout() method of parent element/component?
Your code seems to work fine, the "Signing in..." label appears after everything else disappear. I suggest you to just copy all your code from the .xaml.cs file and the .xaml file into a new project, but make sure you don't copy the first line"<Window x:Class="..." because it could generate an error if the class name isn't the same in the new project.
For the xaml code I suggest you not think the same as you design windows forms applications. WPF has the layout system, which re-orientates or re-sizes its elements when re-sizing the window. So you should not specify exact numbers in the margin property as if they where coordinates. Create a grid, create rows or columns for each element and then just set the horizontal or vertical alignment or margins. Think different than the old windows forms way.
I've run your code... and it's working great for me. I've not changed anything (except the variable names) so I guess it's a bug from VS.
As said nikolamm94 try to add this.UpdateLayout(); at the end of connect_Click it might help. I tried and it is still working fine. Or maybe create a new VS projet, it already worked for me a few times.
Sorry my answer is not the most helpful, I wanted to put a comment instead but I don't have enough reputation :/
Please refer:
Set to Visible: tb1.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
Set to Hide: tb1.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;
You can hide a textbox by going to properties->appearance->visibility, then setting it to "hidden"