saving get data to a local variable - c#

I was wondering is there a way to save get parameters that the website sends to the server to be saved to a local variable via java script. something like a cookie or the session variable.
I am also willing to save it to a server-side cookie, but i still don't know how to do that.
i am using MVC4 in VisualStudio with C# as server-side lang. if there is an easier method to do it server side I'm up for that.
The comment game me an idea, and i managed to get the solution via the session class server-side. thanks ppl :)

function getUrlParams() {
var params = {};[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(str,key,value) {
params[key] = value;
return params;

Using the Session.AddItem method i was able to save all the data i needed. thanks for your help guys.


Why use post to keep session alive?

I'm developing a web application with C# MVC and using Session to persist data between multiple requests.
Sometimes the session timed out so I looked for way to keep it alive and found some solutions here in stackoverflow. Being reluctant to simply copy-paste code into my project I attempted to rewrite the code to fit my needs and understand it better.
At first I attempted to keep the session alive using the following code:
JS + jQuery - client side:
function keepAliveFunc(){
setTimeout("keepAlive()", 300000);
function keepAlive() {
$.get("/Account/KeepAlive", null, function () { keepAliveFunc(); });
C# - server side:
public bool KeepAlive()
return true;
This however did not seem to keep my session alive, it expired normally.
After a while of fiddling around I changed the code to:
JS + jQuery - client side:
function keepAliveFunc(){
setTimeout("keepAlive()", 10000);
function keepAlive() {
$.post("/Account/KeepAlive", null, function () { keepAliveFunc(); });
C# - server side:
public JsonResult KeepAlive()
return new JsonResult { Data = "Success" };
The latter worked well which has me conclude, with some uncertainty, that the Session is kept alive because of the POST request instead of the GET. Which raises the question: Why do I need to use POST when trying to keep my Session alive? What's the difference? Am I making some other mistake which I do not comprehend?
I've looked for answers but I cannot seem to find any on this matter, merely solutions without much explanation. Reading up on Session on MSDN also didn't help me much. This makes me conclude that there are some "words" related to Session and this perticular problem that I haven't encountered yet which makes me unable to google effectively.
With either GET or POST, the browser does send the SessionId cookie with the request. So for keep-alive purposes it doesn't matter which one you use. Most likely you are seeing the difference in behavior because of the different interval you and "pinging" the server.
With the GET request you did it at an interval of 300000 ms, while with the POST request you did it at an interval of 10000 ms.
Most likely, your server's session lifespan is somewhere between the two values.
You could, however, configure the session lifespan to fit your needs (as in increasing it), but keep in mind that expiring sessions is a security feature so try to find a small value that is big enough to let your application work ok, but still allow the session to expire in a safe interval of time.

Is sending Session from javascript safe?

Well, this is a bit weird i think to ask this question, because i am not sure if that's the place to ask that.
OK, into the question..
I have this code
var session = "<%= Session["User"]%>";
So, i was thinking, is that safe? let me tell you what i mean..
I have a web api which you can get the name, last name, age and everything about the user with his Session, can i send this web api this session and use it?
Is that a safe thing to do ? in matter of securiy? if not, is there any better way?
What am i trying to aaccomplish? simple, i will store the UserId in the session, the UserId will Guid, when the user is loogin in the javascript can send post to an API server to get info, the API will send the UserId from the session.
Is That ok?
Workflow that you describe looks fine. For me it seems safe to use some ID to get more information about some user, especially if this is supposed to be an API, at least, Facebook API uses such principle not being afraid of some hackers :)
My main concern here is the coding style when you try to mix code and view which is not good. If you really need to share some information between client and server sides then I would go with one of these options.
Option # 1 - Cookies
What is the difference between a Session and a Cookie?
You can keep some simple information in a cookie and get it this way :
Client : $.cookie('ID')
Server : Response.Cookies["ID"]
In this case there is no need to put in a mess your client side JS with C# code and cookies will be saved on users PC which means that nobody will see them except him.
Option # 2 - Templates
Server : put all needed information into hidden form or ViewState
Client : take information from hidden form using HTML selectors
Straight answer :
In general, if you worry only about safety then it is fine to use this code, it should not break security of your site.
Although, personally I do not like this approach because :
you will mix code and view, MVC was created to split them
it is not clear where exactly in your view you will put this code and thus it is not clear how you are going to check that this variable was initialized
it may happen that you will put there some value that will break JS syntax and will cause JS error
In my personal opinion, I would replace it with one of the mentioned options.
Option 1 - MVC + JQuery + Cookie Example
public ActionResult Index()
string demo = Request.QueryString["MyNameSpace.ID"]; // get value from client
Response.Cookies["MyNameSpace.ID"].Value = "server"; // change value in response
return View();
Then in your JS file :
$(document).ready(function() { // make sure server rendered page
var ID = $.cookie('MyNameSpace.ID'); // get cookie value from server
$.cookie('MyNameSpace.ID', 'client'); // update, on the next request server will get it
Option 2 - MVC + JQuery + Templates Example
public class OptionsModel // View Model
public string ID { get; set; }
public string User { get; set; }
public ActionResult Index() // Controller
OptionsModel options = new OptionsModel();
options.ID = "server";
return View(options);
Your view :
<%# Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<OptionsModel>" %>
<%=Html.HiddenFor(m => Model.ID, new { #class = "MyNameSpace:ID" })%>
<%=Html.HiddenFor(m => Model.User, new { #class = "MyNameSpace:User" })%>
Then in your JS file :
$(document).ready(function() { // make sure server rendered page
var options = $('[class^=MyNameSpace]') // get values from hidden fields
options[0] = 'client'; // update data
$.ajax({ data : options }); // create handler to send data back to server
Examples for Web Forms do not differ significantly.
The code you have posted will be rendered on the page as so when it hits the client (assuming you are using ASP.NET
var session = "John Smith";
This is due to the use of the server side scripting tags <%= %> (
As a note its probably not the best thing in the world to fully expose the session to javascript if that is your intention. At the end of the day it depends what you are storing in there and using it for (but ASP.NET will also use it for certain things) but exposing it just opens another area for someone to attack. is a great place to learn more about securing your website.

How to persist keeping the info in the Session["Stuff"]?

When the user makes selection and clicks a button, I call to:
public ActionResult Storage(String data)
Session["Stuff"] = data;
return null;
Then, I redirect them to another page where the data is accessed by
This far, I'm happy. What I do next is that upon a click on a button on the new page, I perform a call to:
public ActionResult Pdfy()
Client client = new Client();
byte[] pdf = client.GetPdf("http://localhost:1234/Controller/SecondPage");
return File(pdf, "application/pdf", "File.pdf");
Please note that the PDFization itself works perfectly well. The problem is that when I access the second page a second time (it's beeing seen by the user and looks great both in original and on reload), it turns out that Session["Stuff"] suddenly is null!
Have I started a new session by the recall?
How do I persistently retain data stored in Session["Stuff"] before?
If you're simply storing string data (as would be indicated by your method signature) in an MVC application, don't.
It's far easier to pass the data as a query parameter to each method that needs it. It's far easier to manage and doesn't rely on Session sticky-ness.
To generate the appropriate links, you can pass data to your views and use Html.ActionLink to generate your links with the appropriate parameter data.
Here's several reasons why the session variable could return null:
null is passed into Storage
Some other code sets Session["Stuff"] to null
The session times out
Something calls Session.Clear() (or Session.Abandon())
The underlying AppPool is restarted on the server
Your web server is farmed and session state is not distributed properly
The first two can be discovered by debugging.

Where to store global settings for my SPItemEventReceivers?

I have a SPItemEventReceiver that does nothing else than notify another HTTP server at a given IP and Port abouth the events using POST requests.
The HTTP server runs on the same computer as sharepoint, so I used to send the notification at localhost and a fixed Port number. But since the eventreceiver can be called in other servers in the serverfarm, localhost:PORT will not be available then.
So, everytime my HTTP server starts, it needs to save its IP address and Port somewhere in SharePoint where all EventReceivers have access, no matter on what server they are called.
What would be a good place to store such globally available information?
I tought about SPWebService.ContentService.Properties , but I'm not really sure if that's a good idea. What do you think?
Well, if you are using Sharepoint 2010 I would consider store those values in the property bag. Using client object model or even Javascript/ECMAScript Client Object Model. These codes maybe help you.
using (var context = new ClientContext("http://localhost"))
var allProperties = context.Web.AllProperties;
allProperties["testing"] = "Hello there";
Or using javascript:
function getWebProperty() {
var ctx = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var web = ctx.get_site().get_rootweb();
this.props = web.get_allProperties();
this.props.set_item(“aProperty”, “aValue”);
ctx.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, gotProperty), Function.createDelegate(this, failedGettingProperty));
function gotProperty() {
function failedGettingProperty() {
There are actually several ways of saving configuration values in SharePoint:
Property Bags of SharePoint objects SPWebApplication, SPFarm,SPSite, SPWeb, SPList, SPListItem`
A "configuration" list in SharePoint - just a regular list you might set to Hidden = TRUE
The web.config file - specifically the <AppSettings>
Wictor Wilen actually explains the 6 ways to store settings in SharePoint.
As you are talking about an external process trying to save its settings somewhere, generally I would recommend the web.config, but each change in the web.config would lead to an IISRESET making it not a good option. I would strongly advise to use either a property bag (e.g. the SPWebApplication.Properties bag) or a hidden list in your favorite web site. You would set the property bag like so:
SPWebApplication webApplication = ...
object customObject = ...
// set value in hashtable
webApp.Add("MySetting", customObject);
// persist the hashtable
See what is cool about this? You can actually store an object with the web application which could contain multiple settings as long as you keep your object serializable.

Client side message functionality

How the ilusion of causing site to change content from server side is done? Let the example be gmail chat or chat on facebook. Or even new message sign on stack overflow.
Is it done by ?
Thanks for help
That sort of things is usually done with a block of JavaScript firing again and again according to a timer. It will check the state of the things in the database and adjust something in the markup. For instance, change the CSS class of some element to introduce a different color or a bold font, replace a picture with the one done in a brighter color etc. Quite simple really. No magic involved.
The client side has to 'poll' the server for changes. i.e. a timer based Ajax call that checks the server every 15 seconds for new data, and takes action based on the result.
very loose example:
function checkMessages() {
//using jquery
$.get( .......... , function (data) { if (data == "newmsg") { $('#newmsgind').blink(); });
Web browsers don't really maintain a connection to the server. You pull a page and that's it. Ajax allows continuous asynchronous communication, but it's always the client that initiates.
If you really don't like the javascript approach, you can write a Java applet that works the way you seem to prefer, maintaining an open connection to the server. But that's a heavyweight solution to what is usually a lightweight problem.
