Locking a thread by user - c#

I need a way to lock c# threads by user
I have my data object and I create new instance for every user.
Every user has several threads that use this object and in I.O. operations I want to lock this object instance for this user only.
Using simple Lock {} is locking all the object instances, there for blocking other user.
I need some simple solution.
I build new instance of MyDataObj per user;
Then run job that updating some data in MyDataObj every minute;
Using lockObj as lock, lock the data to all the users (Although it's not static Variables)
I need only to lock the data to the current user
this is the code sample
public sealed class MyDataObj
private static readonly Dictionary<object, MyDataObj> _instances = new Dictionary<object, MyDataObj>();
public object lockObj = new object();
public bool jobRunning = false;
private string data = string.Empty;
//// --------- constractor -------------------
private MyDataObj(int key)
public static MyDataObj GetInstance(int key)
lock (_instances)
MyDataObj instance;
if (_instances.TryGetValue(key, out instance))
instance = _instances[key];
return instance;
instance = new MyDataObj(key);
return instance;
private void LoadMyDataObj(int key)
// get the data from db
public void UpdateMyData(string newData)
lock (lockObj)
this.data = newData;
public string ReadMyData()
lock (lockObj)
return this.data;
public class ActionObject
MyDataObj myDataObj;
int UserID;
//// --------- constractor -------------------
public ActionObject(int userid)
this.UserID = userid;
myDataObj = MyDataObj.GetInstance(userid);
if (!myDataObj.jobRunning)
jobs jbs = new jobs(myDataObj);
System.Threading.Thread RunJob = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(jbs.dominutesAssignment));
myDataObj.jobRunning = true;
public ActionObject()
myDataObj = MyDataObj.GetInstance(this.UserID);
myDataObj.UpdateMyData("some data");
public class jobs
MyDataObj myDataObj = null;
public jobs(MyDataObj grp)
this.myDataObj = grp;
public void dominutesAssignment()
while (true)

I need a way to lock c# threads by user. I have my data object and I create new instance for every user
Create one lock per user. Or if the user exists longer than the threads: Use the user object as the lock.
lock (userOrTheUserObject)
//Do some op
Every user has several threads that use this object and in I.O. operations
That sounds more like you should use asynchronous IO instead of creating several threads (which will be less effecient)
I want to lock this object instance for this user only. Using simple Lock {} is locking all the object instances, there for blocking other user.
If the object is shared between all users you HAVE to lock it using lock. The lock won't be very effective otherwise. The other object is to redesign the object to now be shared.
I need some simple solution.
There are no simple threading solutions.

You can use Monitor. In this sample anyone but user 1 can execute DoIt method concurrently. While user 1 executing DoIt no one can enter it. A weak point is if user 1 tries to execute DoIt when user 2 already executing it, user 2 continues its execution. Also you have to handle exceptions properly otherwise there may be dead locks.
private static readonly object lockObj = new Object();
public void Do(int userId)
if (userId != 1)
if (userId == 1)
public void DoIt()
// Do It


Need help tweaking c# multi-threaded routine

I've created a windows service which runs a multi-threaded routine on a machine with 24 cores, 48 virtual, using Parallel.ForEach. This service, which has been running great in a production environment, bulk copies data into an SQL Server database. Currently it does this very well, around 6000 inserts per second, but I believe it can be tweaked. Below is part of the code I am using; there's an example of current functionality and proposed changes for tweaking. As can be seen from the code, currently a lock is taken for every call to Add, which I believe makes the Parallel.ForEach somewhat non-parallel. So I'm looking for a "fix"; and hoping my new method, also defined in the code, would do the trick.
public class MainLoop
public void DoWork()
var options = new ParallelOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = System.Environment.ProcessorCount * 2
var workQueueManager = new ObjWorkQueueManager(queueSize: 1000);
// ignore the fact that this while loop would be a never ending loop,
// there's other logic not shown here that exits the loop!
while (true)
ICollection<object> work = GetWork();
Parallel.ForEach(work, options, (item) =>
private ICollection<object> GetWork()
// return list of work from some arbitrary source
throw new NotImplementedException();
public class ObjWorkQueueManager
private readonly int _queueSize;
private ObjDataReader _queueDataHandler;
private readonly object _sync;
public ObjWorkQueueManager(int queueSize)
_queueSize = queueSize;
_queueDataHandler = new ObjDataReader(queueSize);
_sync = new object();
// current Add method works great, but blocks with EVERY call
public void AddOLD(object value)
lock (_sync)
if (_queueDataHandler.Add(value) == _queueSize)
// create a new thread to handle copying the queued data to repository
Thread t = new Thread(SaveQueuedData);
// start a new queue
_queueDataHandler = new ObjDataReader(_queueSize);
// hoping for a new Add method to work better by blocking only
// every nth call where n = _queueSize
public void AddNEW(object value)
int queued;
if ((queued = _queueDataHandler.Add(value)) >= _queueSize)
lock (_sync)
if (queued == _queueSize)
Thread t = new Thread(SaveQueuedData);
else if (queued == 0)
lock (_sync)
_queueDataHandler = new ObjDataReader(_queueSize);
// this method will Bulk Copy data into an SQL DB
private void SaveQueuedData(object o)
// do something with o as ObjDataReader
// implements IDataReader, Read method of IDataReader dequeues from _innerQueue
public class ObjDataReader
private readonly int _capacity;
private Queue<object> _innerQueue;
public ObjDataReader(int capacity)
_capacity = capacity;
_innerQueue = new Queue<object>(capacity);
public int Add(object value)
if (_innerQueue.Count < _capacity)
return _innerQueue.Count;
return 0;

How to dynamically lock strings but remove the lock objects from memory

I have the following situation:
I have a lot of threads in my project, and each thread process one "key" by time.
Two threads cannot process the same "key" at the same time, but my project process A LOOOOOT OF KEYS, so I can't store the "keys" on memory, I need to store on memory that a thread is processing a "key" and if another thread tries to process the same "key" this thread will be waiting in a lock clause.
Now I have the following structure:
public class Lock
private static object _lockObj = new object();
private static List<object> _lockListValues = new List<object>();
public static void Execute(object value, Action action)
lock (_lockObj)
if (!_lockListValues.Contains(value))
lock (_lockListValues.First(x => x.Equals(value)))
It is working fine, the problem is that the keys aren't being removed from the memory. the biggest trouble is the multi thread feature because at any time a "key" can be processed.
How could I solve this without a global lock independent of the keys?
Sorry, but no, this is not the way it should be done.
First, you speak about keys, but you store keys as type object in List and then you are searching with LINQ to get that from list.
For that kind of stuff is here dictionary.
Second, object model, usually it is best to implement locking of some object around some class, make it nice and clean:
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
public LockedObject<T>
public readonly T data;
public readonly int id;
private readonly object obj = new object();
LockedObject(int id, T data)
this.id = id;
this.data = data;
//Usually, if you have Action related to some data,
//it is better to receive
//that data as parameter
public void InvokeAction(Action<T> action)
//Now it is a concurrently safe object applying some action
//concurrently on given data, no matter how it is stored.
//But still, this is the best idea:
ConcurrentDictionary<int, LockedObject<T>> dict =
new ConcurrentDictionary<int, LockedObject<T>>();
//You can insert, read, remove all object's concurrently.
But, the best thing is yet to come! :) You can make it lock free and very easily!
ConcurrentInvoke, dictionary like collection for concurrently safe invoking action over data. There can be only one action at the time on given key.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
public class ConcurrentInvoke<TKey, TValue>
//we hate lock() :)
private class Data<TData>
public readonly TData data;
private int flag;
private Data(TData data)
this.data = data;
public static bool Contains<TTKey>(ConcurrentDictionary<TTKey, Data<TData>> dict, TTKey key)
return dict.ContainsKey(key);
public static bool TryAdd<TTKey>(ConcurrentDictionary<TTKey, Data<TData>> dict, TTKey key, TData data)
return dict.TryAdd(key, new Data<TData>(data));
// can not remove if,
// not exist,
// remove of the key already in progress,
// invoke action of the key inprogress
public static bool TryRemove<TTKey>(ConcurrentDictionary<TTKey, Data<TData>> dict, TTKey key, Action<TTKey, TData> action_removed = null)
Data<TData> data = null;
if (!dict.TryGetValue(key, out data)) return false;
var access = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref data.flag, 1, 0) == 0;
if (!access) return false;
Data<TData> data2 = null;
var removed = dict.TryRemove(key, out data2);
Interlocked.Exchange(ref data.flag, 0);
if (removed && action_removed != null) action_removed(key, data2.data);
return removed;
// can not invoke if,
// not exist,
// remove of the key already in progress,
// invoke action of the key inprogress
public static bool TryInvokeAction<TTKey>(ConcurrentDictionary<TTKey, Data<TData>> dict, TTKey key, Action<TTKey, TData> invoke_action = null)
Data<TData> data = null;
if (invoke_action == null || !dict.TryGetValue(key, out data)) return false;
var access = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref data.flag, 1, 0) == 0;
if (!access) return false;
invoke_action(key, data.data);
Interlocked.Exchange(ref data.flag, 0);
return true;
ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, Data<TValue>> dict =
new ConcurrentDictionary<TKey, Data<TValue>>()
public bool Contains(TKey key)
return Data<TValue>.Contains(dict, key);
public bool TryAdd(TKey key, TValue value)
return Data<TValue>.TryAdd(dict, key, value);
public bool TryRemove(TKey key, Action<TKey, TValue> removed = null)
return Data<TValue>.TryRemove(dict, key, removed);
public bool TryInvokeAction(TKey key, Action<TKey, TValue> invoke)
return Data<TValue>.TryInvokeAction(dict, key, invoke);
ConcurrentInvoke<int, string> concurrent_invoke = new ConcurrentInvoke<int, string>();
concurrent_invoke.TryAdd(1, "string 1");
concurrent_invoke.TryAdd(2, "string 2");
concurrent_invoke.TryAdd(3, "string 3");
concurrent_invoke.TryInvokeAction(3, (key, value) =>
Console.WriteLine("InvokingAction[key: {0}, vale: {1}", key, value);
I modified a KeyedLock class that I posted in another question, to use internally the Monitor class instead of SemaphoreSlims. I expected that using a specialized mechanism for synchronous locking would offer better performance, but I can't actually see any difference. I am posting it anyway because it has the added convenience feature of releasing the lock automatically with the using statement. This feature adds no significant overhead in the case of synchronous locking, so there is no reason to omit it.
Another reason that justifies this separate implementation is that the Monitor has different semantics than the SemaphoreSlim. The Monitor is reentrant while the SemaphoreSlim is not. A single thread is allowed to enter the Monitor multiple times, before finally Exiting an equal number of times. This is not possible with a SemaphoreSlim. If a thread make an attempt to Wait a second time a SemaphoreSlim(1, 1), most likely it will deadlock.
The KeyedMonitor class stores internally only the locking objects that are currently in use, plus a small pool of locking objects that have been released and can be reused. This pool reduces significantly the memory allocations under heavy usage, at the cost of some added synchronization overhead.
public class KeyedMonitor<TKey>
private readonly Dictionary<TKey, (object, int)> _perKey;
private readonly Stack<object> _pool;
private readonly int _poolCapacity;
public KeyedMonitor(IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer = null,
int poolCapacity = 10)
_perKey = new Dictionary<TKey, (object, int)>(keyComparer);
_pool = new Stack<object>(poolCapacity);
_poolCapacity = poolCapacity;
public ExitToken Enter(TKey key)
var locker = GetLocker(key);
return new ExitToken(this, key);
// Abort-safe API
public void Enter(TKey key, ref bool lockTaken)
try { }
finally // Abort-safe block
var locker = GetLocker(key);
try { Monitor.Enter(locker, ref lockTaken); }
finally { if (!lockTaken) ReleaseLocker(key, withMonitorExit: false); }
public bool TryEnter(TKey key, int millisecondsTimeout)
var locker = GetLocker(key);
bool acquired = false;
try { acquired = Monitor.TryEnter(locker, millisecondsTimeout); }
finally { if (!acquired) ReleaseLocker(key, withMonitorExit: false); }
return acquired;
public void Exit(TKey key) => ReleaseLocker(key, withMonitorExit: true);
private object GetLocker(TKey key)
object locker;
lock (_perKey)
if (_perKey.TryGetValue(key, out var entry))
int counter;
(locker, counter) = entry;
_perKey[key] = (locker, counter);
lock (_pool) locker = _pool.Count > 0 ? _pool.Pop() : null;
if (locker == null) locker = new object();
_perKey[key] = (locker, 1);
return locker;
private void ReleaseLocker(TKey key, bool withMonitorExit)
object locker; int counter;
lock (_perKey)
if (_perKey.TryGetValue(key, out var entry))
(locker, counter) = entry;
// It is important to allow a possible SynchronizationLockException
// to be surfaced before modifying the internal state of the class.
// That's why the Monitor.Exit should be called here.
// Exiting the Monitor while holding the inner lock should be safe.
if (withMonitorExit) Monitor.Exit(locker);
if (counter == 0)
_perKey[key] = (locker, counter);
throw new InvalidOperationException("Key not found.");
if (counter == 0)
lock (_pool) if (_pool.Count < _poolCapacity) _pool.Push(locker);
public readonly struct ExitToken : IDisposable
private readonly KeyedMonitor<TKey> _parent;
private readonly TKey _key;
public ExitToken(KeyedMonitor<TKey> parent, TKey key)
_parent = parent; _key = key;
public void Dispose() => _parent?.Exit(_key);
Usage example:
var locker = new KeyedMonitor<string>();
using (locker.Enter("Hello"))
DoSomething(); // with the "Hello" resource
Although the KeyedMonitor class is thread-safe, it is not as robust as using the lock statement directly, because it offers no resilience in case of a ThreadAbortException. An aborted thread could leave the class in a corrupted internal state. I don't consider this to be a big issue, since the Thread.Abort method has become obsolete in the current version of the .NET platform (.NET 5).
For an explanation about why the IDisposable ExitToken struct is not boxed by the using statement, you can look here: If my struct implements IDisposable will it be boxed when used in a using statement? If this was not the case, the ExitToken feature would add significant overhead.
Caution: please don't store anywhere the ExitToken value returned by the KeyedMonitor.Enter method. There is no protection against misuse of this struct (like disposing it multiple times). The intended usage of this method is shown in the example above.
Update: I added an Enter overload that allows to take the lock with thread-abort resilience, albeit with an inconvenient syntax:
bool lockTaken = false;
locker.Enter("Hello", ref lockTaken);
if (lockTaken) locker.Exit("Hello");
As with the underlying Monitor class, the lockTaken is always true after a successful invocation of the Enter method. The lockTaken can be false only if the Enter throws an exception.

Singleton instance is always null

I have an ASP.net with MVC program with the current singleton class:
public sealed class Foo
private static volatile Foo_instance;
private static object syncRoot = new Object();
private List<Obj> _objList;
private Foo()
_objList = new List<Obj>();
public static Foo Instance
if (_instance == null)
lock (syncRoot)
_instance = new Foo();
return _instance;
public void AddObjToList(Obj _object)
lock (_instance)
public void FindAndRemoveObj(string id)
lock (_instance)
Obj _object = null;
_object= _objList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.UniKey == id);
if (_object!= null)
The first time that a class get the instance of this class it will return a new/clean instace of foo class, as expected, and then populating the list however a second class that will remove itens from the same list is receveing an new instance with an empty list.
This code has the lock in the wrong place:
if (_instance == null)
lock (syncRoot)
_instance = new Foo();
As thread 1 creates _instance, a second thread will block on the lock, then create _instance anew when it is released.
Another thing to be careful about it that you should never rely on static variables in IIS across server lookups. The application pool can be recycled at any time.
The conclusion was that the asp.net is creating new instances of the domain and that causes a new singleton object each time. I have searched how to sync objects between domains but that is too "workaround" for me, so I decided to add a boolean column that update the value with the confirmation or failure.
Thanks everyone

Concurrency - editing 1 resource a time

I have a WCF service and an resource with records (having IDs to identify them). I want that only 1 ID can be accessed simultaneously - so i have written a little resource helper:
public sealed class ConcurrencyIdManager
private static object _syncRootGrant = new object();
private static List<int> _IdsInUse = new List<int>();
... // singleton
public void RequestAndWaitForIdGrant(int id)
lock (_syncRootGrant)
while (_IdsInUse.Where(i => i == id).Count() != 0)
public void ReleaseGrantForId(int id)
lock (_syncRootGrant)
So in my WCF service i have
public void UpdateMySpecialEntity(Entity foo)
try {
// do something with the entity foo
finally { ConcurrencyIdManager.Instance.ReleaseGrantForId(foo.Id); }
Is the implementation correct so far? :-)
If am reading your notes right, you want id's 3 4 and 5 to edit simultaneously, but two threads with id 5 to block and wait for each other.
In that case use a concurrent collection of lock objects and use a simple lock on the object for that Id.
e.g. in pseudo c#
ConcurrentDictionary<int,object> lockObjects = new ConcurrentDictionary<int,object)
public void UpdateMySpecialEntity(Entity foo)
object idLock = lockObject.GetOrAdd(foo.id,new object());
lock (idLock)
// do lock sensitive stuff in here.

Better way to handle read-only access to state with another thread?

This is a design question, not a bug fix problem.
The situation is this. I have a lot of collections and objects contained in one class. Their contents are only changed by a single message handler thread. There is one other thread which is doing rendering. Each frame it iterates through some of these collections and draws to the screen based on the value of these objects. It does not alter the objects in any way, it is just reading their values.
Now when the rendering is being done, if any of the collections are altered, my foreach loops in the rendering method fail. How should I make this thread safe? Edit: So I have to lock the collections outside each foreach loop I run on them. This works, but it seems like a lot of repetitive code to solve this problem.
As a short, contrived example:
class State
public object LockObjects;
public List<object> Objects;
// Called by message handler thread
void HandleMessage()
lock (LockObjects)
Objects.Add(new object());
class Renderer
State m_state;
// Called by rendering thread
void Render()
lock (m_state.LockObjects)
foreach (var obj in m_state.Objects)
This is all well and good, but I'd rather not put locks on all my state collections if there's a better way. Is this "the right" way to do it or is there a better way?
The better way is to use begin/end methods and separated lists for your both threads and synchronization using auto events for example. It will be lock-free to your message handler thread and enables you to have a lot of render/message handler threads:
class State : IDisposable
private List<object> _objects;
private ReaderWriterLockSlim _locker;
private object _cacheLocker;
private List<object> _objectsCache;
private Thread _synchronizeThread;
private AutoResetEvent _synchronizationEvent;
private bool _abortThreadToken;
public State()
_objects = new List<object>();
_objectsCache = new List<object>();
_cacheLocker = new object();
_locker = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
_synchronizationEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
_abortThreadToken = false;
_synchronizeThread = new Thread(Synchronize);
private void Synchronize()
while (!_abortThreadToken)
int objectsCacheCount;
lock (_cacheLocker)
objectsCacheCount = _objectsCache.Count;
if (objectsCacheCount > 0)
lock (_cacheLocker)
public IEnumerator<object> GetEnumerator()
foreach (var o in _objects)
yield return o;
// Called by message handler thread
public void HandleMessage()
lock (_cacheLocker)
_objectsCache.Add(new object());
public void Dispose()
_abortThreadToken = true;
Or (the simpler way) you can use ReaderWriteerLockSlim (Or just locks if you sure you have only one reader) like in the following code:
class State
List<object> m_objects = new List<object>();
ReaderWriterLockSlim locker = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
public IEnumerator<object> GetEnumerator()
foreach (var o in Objects)
yield return o;
private List<object> Objects
get { return m_objects; }
set { m_objects = value; }
// Called by message handler thread
public void HandleMessage()
Objects.Add(new object());
Humm... have you tried with a ReaderWriterLockSlim ? Enclose each conllection with one of this, and ensure you start a read or write operation each time you access it.
