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How to embed a text file in a .NET assembly?
I have a c# winforms application that use several text files.
I would like to somehow embed those files either into the exe or dlls, so that they cannot be seen by the user when the application is deployed.
Can visual studio do something like that?
With text files you can also proceed as following:
Double click your Properties -> Resources.resx file to open the resource designer.
From the first small drop down on the top, select "Files" as resource type.
Click on Add Resource -> Add Existing File... and select your text files.
Let's say that the TXT you added was called Foo.txt... you can just access it's content like so:
String foo = Properties.Resources.Foo;
Then you can also change te file names inside the resource designer and they will be automatically refactored in your code. From the Resources directory, where they are now located in your project, you can also edit them.
I just recommend you to keep their access level as internal.
Here's how I do it:
In the solution Explorer, right-click on Properies/Resources.resx.
Choose "View Designer".
You can use the "Add Resource" button, but I often just drag the file right onto the designer window.
Visual Studio will perform code generation, such that you can access your file using Properties.Resources.YourFileName.
Be wary: Visual Studio will copy your chosen file into your project's Resources folder. It will not create a link to wherever the file was originally stored.
I have a Visual Studio 2017 solution, which is split in several C#-WinForm applications.
To have a similar user interface I put all the icons/pictures into one project (ResourceProject) and marked the resource file public.
By directly editing the .Designer-file of a Form I can now explicitly assign the Image to something from the resource file of the ResourceProject by stating
button1.Image = ResourceProject.Properties.Resources.DemoPic
However, from time to time, the designer overwrites this with
button1.Image = ((System.Drawing.Image)resources.GetObject("button1.Image")));
and creates a local resource file, which has the image embedded.
This is exactly what I wanted to avoid in the first place, since I might want to alter easily some icons later on and have those changes directly spread over all projects.
The only way to avoid it seems to be to assign the images not in the Designer file but in some other method in the actual form file.
Is there any other way around this problem?
You should not change designer.cs file, it's auto-generated and any change which you make in the file will be replaced with auto-generated code the next time which you change something in the form.
But to share image resources between multiple projects in a solution with design-time support, you can follow these steps:
Create a class library project, let's call it ResourceLibrary.
Add a Resx resource file to the root folder of the project with this name Resources.Resx.
Open the resource designer and change its Access Modifier to Public. (It will set its Custom Tool to PublicResXFileCodeGenerator)
Add a few images to the resource designer and save it.
Then in the Windows forms project do the following settings:
Add a reference to ResourceLibrary.
Right click on windows forms project and choose Add → Existing item...
Browse to the ResourceLibrary folder and choose Resources.Resx file.
Click on drop-down arrow of the Open button, and choose Add As Link.
Select Resource.Resx which has added to windows forms project and choose properties.
Set its Build Action to None
Set its Custom Tool to a text like None
Set its Custom Tool Namespace to the namespace of the resource in the other assembly: ResourceLibrary.
Rebuild the project.
Then for all the image properties you can choose the other resource file from drop-down in the Select Resource dialog. The code generation will generate correct code for the property and you have a correct build and it works as expected at design-time as well as run-time.
You can clone or download a working example here:
I'm trying to add images to my tree nodes (ImageList.Add()), but just can't figure out a nice way of doing it.
I've read from MSDN help I should use System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path). But cannot just get a file somewhere.
I'm building a DLL, and want it to be a single file, no bitmaps being copied together with it.
So I've read I should add Image files to the project and mark them with Build Action as "Resource".
Ok, but where do I get them??? I saw people using it in XAML files, but I don't have that.
Saw people using Resources.SomeName, but can't find those Resources class.
So....How do I do it?? I've got the files marked as resources, just need to add them to the ImageList.
By the way, I'd love to use the path relative to the Code File that is adding the images to the ImageList. But if not possible, just relative to the assembly root.
If you want to use file paths, for items that are in your project, you must set the "Copy to Output Directory" property to "Copy Always" or "Copy if newer", otherwise it won't be in the bin folder, and then you'll be trying to pass a path to a file that doesn't exist. Build action isn't all that important in this scenario.
If you want to use compiled resources, and reference them via the Resources object, see the rest of my answer. I assume you are using Visual Studio, 2005 or later.
To add an image as a compiled resource to a clean Windows Forms project, so that you can access it via Resources.SomeName do the following:
In Solution Explorer, under the windows forms project (mine is called WinFormsApplication1), expand the "Properties" folder. By default this folder should contain: AssemblyInfo.cs, Resources.resx, Settings.settings.
Double-click on the Resources.resx file. This will open an editor for it. You'll probably see a table of strings, with columns "Name", "Value", "Comment".
Click the drop-down arrow on the "Add Resource" button, and select "Existing File", which will allow you to browse to the image you want to add.
You should now see the image appear in a gallery of sorts. Mine has the name TestImage
Now when you edit the code (mine is Fom1.cs), I can access the image as a System.Drawing.Bitmap as Properties.Resources.TestImage.
To my mind, this is the best way to do images that you want compiled into the application. If you want user-added images, you'll need to use OpenFileDialog, or something like that to get your file path. Then the Image.FormFile() will be what you want.
i create a custom Control and using the XML file now i need to have just one dll file to use that to another project can you help me to embed xml file to my custom control project?
my programming language is
If you are using Visual Studio (My version is 2008, if you have 2010, this might be slightly different.)
Open properties for your DLL project.
Click the Resources tab.
Click the blue link (if there is one to add resources to your DLL).
Top Left with the little down arrow choose files.
Click Add Resource, find your file and add it. Give it a name like XmlFile with no dots, this is your handle to the file.
Save and Close Properties for the DLL.
Then somewhere in your project you will use this line, or something like it to access your file.
XElement root = XElement.Parse(Properties.Resources.XmlFile);
I have a resource file named rs.resx. In the Visual Studio designer, I can add an image to my resource file by clicking "Add resource" and specifying the path to my image file.
After adding the image, the image file itself is also copied to a folder in my Visual Studio solution named Resources. I would like all of my image files to be placed in a folder named Images instead. Is this possible?
This is a little tricky, but it is possible.
VS checks if the file added to a resource is already defined somewhere within your project. If it can't find it, it creates the folder Resources, puts a copy to the file there, adds this file to the project and puts a reference into the resource designer to this fresh copy of your file.
To avoid this behaviour you should add the file to your project before you add it into the resource file. If the file isn't somewhere within your project structure you can just create a folder, right click it, select Add file and before you click on the Add button of the OpenFileDialog, push on the little arrow next to the button and select Add as link.
Now the file resides on the place on your hdd wherever you like and the resource designer doesn't create a copy within your project file if you now add the file within the resource designer.
Maybe this little picture helps to find the Add as link button:
That's just a subdirectory of your project directory. Your program doesn't use it at runtime, it should use the embedded resources. Anything you add to the .resx file gets copied there, not just images. But you can rename the folder if you really want to, right-click it and click Rename.
Instead of adding a .resx file to your project, I'd recommend you use the existing one. Project + Properties, Resources tab. Makes it very easy to retrieve the resource at runtime, just use Properties.Resources.Something in your code.
I want to use HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject for localizing strings in my application, but I am unable to create the xml file, i want to know how should i form my XML resource file so that it can be read from the HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject method.
The easiest way is to use Visual Studio to add and edit the resource files.
To add a global resource file to a web project, right-click the project, select Add > Add ASP.NET Folder > App_GlobalResources (if it's not already visible in Solution Explorer).
Then right-click App_GlobalResources folder, select Add > New Item..., then select the Resources File item (.RESX), type in a name and click OK.
Visual Studio will also open the RESX file after adding it to the project, and you can enter resource keys and values from there. No need to get into the XML for basic operations.
If you are interested in the XML structure you can open up the RESX file in a text editor to see the underlying XML format.