Kinect camera freeze - c#

I have started developing in c# for the kinect with WPF.
When I start the sample program "colorBasics" from Kinect for Windows Developer Toolkit, the camera works fine, but freezes after a couple of seconds.
I copied over the relevant code ( so only the code for viewing the camera ) and it also happens in my own program.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong ?
I don't get any error's.
Here is the code
namespace Testapp
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
private KinectSensor sensor;
private WriteableBitmap colorBitmap;
private byte[] colorPixels;
public MainWindow()
private void WindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
foreach (var potentialSensor in KinectSensor.KinectSensors)
if (potentialSensor.Status == KinectStatus.Connected)
this.sensor = potentialSensor;
if (null != this.sensor)
// Turn on the color stream to receive color frames
// Allocate space to put the pixels we'll receive
this.colorPixels = new byte[this.sensor.ColorStream.FramePixelDataLength];
// This is the bitmap we'll display on-screen
this.colorBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(this.sensor.ColorStream.FrameWidth, this.sensor.ColorStream.FrameHeight, 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null);
// Set the image we display to point to the bitmap where we'll put the image data
this.Image.Source = this.colorBitmap;
// Add an event handler to be called whenever there is new color frame data
this.sensor.ColorFrameReady += this.SensorColorFrameReady;
// Start the sensor!
catch (IOException)
this.sensor = null;
private void SensorColorFrameReady(object sender, ColorImageFrameReadyEventArgs e)
using (ColorImageFrame colorFrame = e.OpenColorImageFrame())
if (colorFrame != null)
// Copy the pixel data from the image to a temporary array
// Write the pixel data into our bitmap
new Int32Rect(0, 0, this.colorBitmap.PixelWidth, this.colorBitmap.PixelHeight),
this.colorBitmap.PixelWidth * sizeof(int),

Are you using any sort of extension with the USB cable, or is it plugged directly into the machine? I've seen what you are describing happen when the latency was too long between the sensor and the machine. In that instance it was caused by the Kinect USB cable being plugged into an extension cord.

Had same problem here, camera worked untill eventually just freezed and powered off, coming back after a few seconds only to repeat the freeze loop.
After many tests, my conclusion is that the issue is caused by three things:
PC is not fast/powerful as it should be to run your code.
Kinect is getting too hot. Even if you touch it and it's "not so hot", the sensor is very sensitive to overheat.
The Kinect is being "disturbed" somehow. This refers to vibrations or motion physically and/or too many things in the image that resembles a human, so the soft is trying it to compute it at every frame at 30fps, this is a lot of calculus, and this fact might lead to the two other problems listed above.
This also also may cause the latency issue described by Michal


Capturing all Screens with DirectX GetFrontBufferData

I'm trying to create a Screenshot of all Screens on my PC. In the past I've been using the GDI Method, but due to performance issues I'm trying the DirectX way.
I can take a Screenshot of a single Screen without issues, with a code like this:
using Microsoft.DirectX;
using Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
class Capture : Form
private Device device;
private Surface surface;
public Capture()
PresentParameters p = new PresentParameters();
p.Windowed = true;
p.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard;
device = new Device(0, DeviceType.Hardware, this, CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, p);
surface = device.CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height, Format.A8B8G8R8, Pool.Scratch);
public Bitmap Frame()
GraphicsStream gs = SurfaceLoader.SaveToStream(ImageFileFormat.Jpg, surface);
return new Bitmap(gs);
(Lets ignore deleting the Bitmap from memory for this question)
With that Code I can take a Screenshot of my Primary Screen. Changing the first parameter of the Device constructor to a different number corresponds to a different Screen. If I have 3 Screens and I pass 2 as a parameter, I get a Screenshot of my third Screen.
The issue I have is how to handle capturing all Screens. I came up with the following:
class CaptureScreen : Form
private int index;
private Screen screen;
private Device device;
private Surface surface;
public Rectangle ScreenBounds { get { return screen.Bounds; } }
public Device Device { get { return device; } }
public CaptureScreen(int index, Screen screen, PresentParameters p)
this.screen = screen; this.index = index;
device = new Device(index, DeviceType.Hardware, this, CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing, p);
surface = device.CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(screen.Bounds.Width, screen.Bounds.Height, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Scratch);
public Bitmap Frame()
device.GetFrontBufferData(0, surface);
GraphicsStream gs = SurfaceLoader.SaveToStream(ImageFileFormat.Jpg, surface);
return new Bitmap(gs);
class CaptureDirectX : Form
private CaptureScreen[] screens;
private int width = 0;
private int height = 0;
public CaptureDirectX()
PresentParameters p = new PresentParameters();
p.Windowed = true;
p.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard;
screens = new CaptureScreen[Screen.AllScreens.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < Screen.AllScreens.Length; i++)
screens[i] = new CaptureScreen(i, Screen.AllScreens[i], p);
//reset previous devices
if (i > 0)
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
width += Screen.AllScreens[i].Bounds.Width;
if (Screen.AllScreens[i].Bounds.Height > height)
height = Screen.AllScreens[i].Bounds.Height;
public Bitmap Frame()
Bitmap result = new Bitmap(width, height);
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(result))
for (int i = 0; i < screens.Length; i++)
Bitmap frame = screens[i].Frame();
g.DrawImage(frame, screens[i].Bounds);
return result;
As you can see, I iterate though the available Screens and create multiple devices and surfaces in a seperate Class. But calling Frame() of the CaptureDirectX class throws the following error:
An unhandled exception of type 'Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.InvalidCallException' occurred in Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.dll
At the line
device.GetFrontBufferData(0, surface);
I've been researching this a bit but didn't have a whole lot of success. I'm not really sure what the issue is.
I've found a link that offers a solution that's talking about resetting the Device Objects. But as you can see in my code above, I've been trying to reset all previously created Device objects, sadly without success.
So my questions are:
Is what I'm trying to achieve even possible through this method (i.e. GetFrontBufferData) ?
What am I doing wrong? What am I missing?
Do you see any performance issues when capturing the Screen at a high rate, like say 30 fps? (Capturing a single screen with a target of 30fps gave me a rate of about 25 - 30fps, compared with the GDI methology which sinks to like 15fps sometimes)
FYI it's a WPF application, i.e. .NET 4.5
Edit: I should mention that I'm aware of IDXGI_DesktopDuplication but sadly it doesn't fit my requirements. As far as I know, that API is only available from Windows 8 onwards, but I'm trying to get a solution that works from Windows 7 onwards because of my clients.
Well, in the end the solution was something completely different. The System.Windows.Forms.Screen Class doesn't play nicely with the DirectX Classes. Why? Because the indexes don't match up. The first object in AllScreens does not necessarly have to be index 0 in the Device instatiation.
Now usually this isn't a problem, except when you have a "strange" monitor setup like mine. On the desk I have 3 screens, one vertical (1200,1920), one horizontal (1920, 1200) and another horizontal laptop screen (1920, 1080).
What happened in my case: The first object in AllScreens was the vertical monitor on the left. I try to create a device for index 0, 1200 width and 1920 height. Index 0 corresponds to my main monitor though, i.e. the horizontal monitor in the middle. So I'm essentially going out of the screen bounds with my instatiation. The instatiation doesn't throw an exception and at some point later I try to read the front buffer data. Bam, Exception because I'm trying to take a 1200x1920 screenshot of a monitor that's 1920x1200.
Sadly, even after I got this working, the performance was no good. A single frame of all 3 monitors takes about 300 to 500ms. Even with a single monitor, the execution time was something like 100ms. Not good enough for my usecase.
Didn't get the Backbuffer to work either, it just produces black images.
I went back to the GDI method and enhanced it by only updating specific chunks of the bitmap on each Frame() call. You want to capture a 1920x1200 region, which gets cut into 480x300 Rectangles.

Converting Texture2D into a video

I've did a lot of research, but I can't find a suitable solution that works with Unity3d/c#. I'm using a Fove-HMD and would like to record/make a video of the integrated camera. So far I managed every update to take a snapshot of the camera, but I can't find a way to merge this snapshots into a video. Does someone know a way of converting them? Or can someone point me in the right direction, in which I could continue my research?
public class FoveCamera : SingletonBase<FoveCamera>{
private bool camAvailable;
private WebCamTexture foveCamera;
private List<Texture2D> snapshots;
void Start ()
//-------------just checking if webcam is available
WebCamDevice[] devices = WebCamTexture.devices;
if (devices.Length == 0)
Debug.LogError("FoveCamera could not be found.");
camAvailable = false;
foreach (WebCamDevice device in devices)
if ("FOVE Eyes"))
foveCamera = new WebCamTexture(;//screen.width and screen.height
if (foveCamera == null)
Debug.LogError("FoveCamera could not be found.");
//-------------camera found, start with the video
camAvailable = true;
void Update () {
if (!camAvailable)
//loading snap from camera
Texture2D snap = new Texture2D(foveCamera.width,foveCamera.height);
The code works so far. The first part of the Start-Method is just for finding and enabling the camera. In the Update-Method I'm taking every update a snapshot of the video.
After I "stop" the Update-Method, I would like to convert the gathered Texture2D object into a video.
Thanks in advance
Create MediaEncoder
using UnityEditor; // VideoBitrateMode
using UnityEditor.Media; // MediaEncoder
var vidAttr = new VideoTrackAttributes
bitRateMode = VideoBitrateMode.Medium,
frameRate = new MediaRational(25),
width = 320,
height = 240,
includeAlpha = false
var audAttr = new AudioTrackAttributes
sampleRate = new MediaRational(48000),
channelCount = 2
var enc = new MediaEncoder("sample.mp4", vidAttr, audAttr);
Convert each snapshot to Texture2D
Call consequently AddFrame to add each snapshot to MediaEncoder
Once done call Dispose to close the file
I see two methods here, one is fast to implement, dirty and not for all platforms, second one harder but pretty. Both rely on FFMPEG.
1) Save every frame into image file (snap.EncodeToPNG()) and then call FFMPEG to create video from images (FFmpeg create video from images) - slow due to many disk operations.
2) Use FFMPEG via wrapper implemented in AForge and supply its VideoFileWriter class with images that you have.
Image sequence to video stream?
Problem here is it uses System.Bitmap, so in order to convert Texture2D to Bitmap you can use: How to create bitmap from byte array?
So you end up with something like:
Bitmap bmp;
Texture2D snap;
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(snap.EncodeToPNG()))
bmp = new Bitmap(ms);
Both methods are not the fastest ones though, so if performance is an issue here you might want to operate on lower level data like DirectX or OpenGL textures.

Unity: How can I get realtime image capturing at ~60fps?

I am writing an application in Unity which will be required to capture an image from a camera every frame (at ~60fps), and send the resultant data to another service running locally.
The issue is, I am aware that capturing the rendered data from the camera can cause massive frame rate drops (as explained in this article) when using the GetPixels() method. The article explains that "GetPixels() blocks for ReadPixels() to complete" and "ReadPixels() blocks while flushing the GPU" which is why the GPU and CPU have to sync up, resulting in a lag.
I have produced a sample project with a script attached which simply outputs frames to a file as a PNG to replicate the functionality of the program I wish to create. I have done my best to implement what is described in the article, namely allowing the GPU to render a frame, then wait a few frames before calling GetPixels() so as not to cause the GPU and CPU to forcefully sync up. However, I really haven't made any progress with it. The project still plays at about 10-15fps.
How can I achieve a realtime capture of 60 frames per second in Unity?
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Assets
public class MyClass: MonoBehaviour
private const float reportInterval = 0.5f;
private int screenshotCount = 0;
private const float maxElapsedSecond = 20;
private string screenshotsDirectory = "UnityHeadlessRenderingScreenshots";
public Camera camOV;
public RenderTexture currentRT;
private int frameCount = 0;
private Texture2D resultantImage;
public void Start()
camOV.forceIntoRenderTexture = true;
if (Directory.Exists(screenshotsDirectory))
Directory.Delete(screenshotsDirectory, true);
if (!Application.isEditor)
camOV.targetTexture = currentRT;
// Update is called once per frame
public void Update()
//Taking Screenshots
frameCount += 1;
if (frameCount == 1)
else if (frameCount == 3)
if (frameCount >= 3)
frameCount = 0;
public void TakeScreenShot()
screenshotCount += 1; = camOV.targetTexture;
resultantImage = new Texture2D(camOV.targetTexture.width, camOV.targetTexture.height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);
resultantImage.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, camOV.targetTexture.width, camOV.targetTexture.height), 0, 0);
private void ReadPixelsOut(string filename)
if (resultantImage != null)
resultantImage.GetPixels(); = currentRT;
byte[] bytes = resultantImage.EncodeToPNG();
// save on disk
var path = screenshotsDirectory + "/" + filename;
File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);
The article implies that it is possible, but I haven't managed to get it to work.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
I am not sure if OP still need the answer. But in case someone in the future getting the same problem, Let me share what i found.
This is a plugin designed for rendering animation video in Unity editor. But it can also work in standalone. In my case, i take some part of it, and make my app stream Motion Jpeg. I did it with 30fps, never tried 60fps

Using a background worker to efficiently write to a GUI thread

I am using a BackgroundWorker to pull video from a camera and write it to a PictureBox on my WinForms form. In the BW thread I simply pull a frame from the camera, put it into the PictureBox, sleep, and continue:
while (CaptureThreadRunning)
Image tmp = Camera.GetFrame(500);
pbCameraFeed.Image = tmp;
//this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { pbCameraFeed.Image = Camera.GetFrame(500); }));
The issue is that eventually adjusting or moving the form around my screen will throw the exception System.InvalidOperationException with the message Additional information: Object is currently in use elsewhere. on the line pbCameraFeed.Image = tmp;
I assume that the library is trying to paint something to do with the PictureBox at the same time as my while loop is, so I switched to the this.BeginInvoke implementation that is commented out above. Unfortunately that cuts my framerate significantly. I am running this code on a very slow Mini PC which may be contributing to the issue.
What I really want is a way to update my GUI with the image reliably that doesn't drop my framerate by nearly half. Are there other standard ways to do this? A BW thread seemed perfect for this application, but am I missing something?
If I were you I would definitely check out the AForge.NET Framework. No need to reinvent the wheel ;)
AForge.NET is an open source C# framework designed for developers and
researchers in the fields of Computer Vision and Artificial
Intelligence - image processing, neural networks, genetic algorithms,
fuzzy logic, machine learning, robotics, etc.
The framework is comprised by the set of libraries and sample
applications, which demonstrate their features:
AForge.Imaging - library with image processing routines and filters;
AForge.Vision - computer vision library;
AForge.Video - set of libraries for video processing;
I would recommend not to use a PictureBox, and instead directly draw to a UserControl surface. This can be easily done by addig code to the Paint and Invalidate events of a UserControl.
This example below, creates a user control which has a BitMap property that it's drawed to its surface every time the control is invalidated.
So, for example, to randomly render JPG images from folder D:\MyPictures, you can do the following:
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
void Main()
var pictures = Directory.GetFiles(#"D:\MyPictures", "*.jpg");
var rnd = new Random();
var form = new Form();
var control = new MyImageControl() { Dock = DockStyle.Fill };
var timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
timer.Interval = 50;
timer.Tick += (sender, args) =>
if (control.BitMap != null)
control.BitMap = new Bitmap(pictures[rnd.Next(0, pictures.Length)]);
timer.Enabled = true;
public class MyImageControl : UserControl // or PictureBox
public Bitmap BitMap { get; set; }
public MyImageControl()
this.Paint += Graph_Paint;
this.Resize += Graph_Resize;
private void Graph_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
if (this.BitMap != null)
lock (this.BitMap)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
g.DrawImage(this.BitMap, this.ClientRectangle);
private void Graph_Resize(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
I think this can be easily changed to render the camera images instead of the picture files.
The code was tested on LinqPad

Emgucv return null Image for QueryFrame for IP Camera [duplicate]

I am working on one application where I want to use IP camera for displaying video streaming and and some other major operations on image captured by the IP Camera.
Libraries used in Camera capture
For Camera Capture : Emgu.CV Library
Below is the code which I am using in C#.
Variable Declaration
private Capture capture; //takes images from camera as image frames
private Emgu.CV.UI.ImageBox img; // Dynamic Picture Controls
private int nCam; // no of cameras
Code for Processing Image
private void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs arg)
// Live Streaming Display
Image<Bgr, Byte> ImageFrame = capture.QueryFrame();
// If Ip camera try to reinitialize the IP camera
if(ImageFrame == null)
capture = new Capture(URL);
ImageFrame = capture.QueryFrame();
ImageFrame = ImageFrame.Resize(img.Width, img.Height, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR);
img.Image = ImageFrame;
// Here I am doing some other operations like
// 1. Save Image captured from the IP Camera
// 2. Detect faces in Image
// 3. Draw Face markers on Image
// 4. Some database based on result of Face Detection
// 4. Delete image File
// continue Looping for other Ip Cameras
catch (NullReferenceException e)
Now, The Problem is after some time the QueryFrame() provide null value and camera Stop streaming.
Can any one tell me why this is happening?
How I can resolve this problem?
If any more information is needed Please Let me know.
Thanks in Advance.
Sorry about the delay but I have provide an example that works with several public IP cameras. It will need the EMGU reference replacing with your current version and the target build directory should be set to "EMGU Version\bin" alternatively extract it to the examples folder.
Rather than using the older QueryFrame() method it uses the RetrieveBgrFrame() method. It has worked reasonably well and I have had no null exceptions. However if you do replace the ProcessFrame() method with something like this
You should not be attempting to do any operations if the frame returned is Image is a nullable field and should not have a problem if _capture.RetrieveBgrFrame(); returns null if there is a problem then there is a bigger issue.
private void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs arg)
//If you want to access the image data the use the following method call
//Image<Bgr, Byte> frame = new Image<Bgr,byte>(_capture.RetrieveBgrFrame().ToBitmap());
if (RetrieveBgrFrame.Checked)
Image<Bgr, Byte> frame = _capture.RetrieveBgrFrame();
//because we are using an autosize picturebox we need to do a thread safe update
Image<Bgr, Byte> ImageFrame = frame.Resize(img.Width, img.Height, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_LINEAR);
// Here I am doing some other operations like
// 1. Save Image captured from the IP Camera
// 2. Detect faces in Image
// 3. Draw Face markers on Image
// 4. Some database based on result of Face Detection
// 4. Delete image File
// continue Looping for other Ip Cameras
//else do nothing as we have no image
else if (RetrieveGrayFrame.Checked)
Image<Gray, Byte> frame = _capture.RetrieveGrayFrame();
//because we are using an autosize picturebox we need to do a thread safe update
if (frame != null) DisplayImage(frame.ToBitmap());
On a separate note your comment 'continue Looping for other Ip Cameras' may cause several issues. You should have a new Capture constructor for each camera camera you are using. How many camera are you using? and what public ip camera are you using so I can attempt to replicate the issue? The reason for the separate constructor is that ip cameras take a while to negotiate connections with and constantly Disposing of the original construct and replacing it will play havoc with the garbage collector and introduce no end if timing issues.
If your camera is returning null frames after a timeout period then I would check to see if there is an issue with the setup or maybe your connection is so slow it disconnects you to reduce lag to others there are various causes but this is not a code problem. You can use c# alone to acquire the data to a bitmap and then pass this to an Image type variable. There is a great article here:
I've adapted this so you can use a HttpWebRequest as a final check to see if the stream is alive although there are still null exceptions that will be produced here:
using System.Net;
using System.IO;
string url;
private void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs arg)
//***If you want to access the image data the use the following method call***/
//Image<Bgr, Byte> frame = new Image<Bgr,byte>(_capture.RetrieveBgrFrame().ToBitmap());
if (RetrieveBgrFrame.Checked)
Image<Bgr, Byte> frame = _capture.RetrieveBgrFrame();
//because we are using an autosize picturebox we need to do a thread safe update
if (frame != null)
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
// get response
WebResponse resp = req.GetResponse();
//get stream
Stream stream = resp.GetResponseStream();
if (!stream.CanRead)
//try reconnecting the camera
captureButtonClick(null, null); //pause
_capture.Dispose();//get rid
captureButtonClick(null, null); //reconnect
else if (RetrieveGrayFrame.Checked)
Image<Gray, Byte> frame = _capture.RetrieveGrayFrame();
//because we are using an autosize picturebox we need to do a thread safe update
if (frame != null) DisplayImage(frame.ToBitmap());
private void captureButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
url = Camera_Selection.SelectedItem.ToString(); //add this
... the rest of the code
To display multiple webcams you would create a class to handle the Capture construct and processframe event. Ideally you would raise an purpose built event call that would include a camera identifier as the frameready event call does not call this. I have to make things easier created a form with as a MDI parent and opened an object to manage the capture variables and frame ready event. The Alpha version is available here:
