C# Linq - Nested expression parameters - c#

I have a LINQ expression which calls another expression which also calls another expression...
public static Expression<Func<Models.Order, Models.Product,decimal?>> _ExpressionOfGetCounterValue
var _getAmountProxy = Product._ExpressionOfGetAmount;
var _convertQuantityProxy = Product._ExpressionOfConvertQuantity;
Expression<Func<Models.Order, Models.Product, decimal?>> cv =
(order,product) => (
return cv;
public static Expression<Func<Models.Product, decimal?, decimal?>> _ExpressionOfConvertQuantity
Expression<Func<Models.Product, decimal?, decimal?>> convertQuantity =
(product, quantity) => ModelEntities.DoubleToDecimal(
* Math.Pow(10.0, ModelEntities.DecimalToDouble(product.QuantityDecimals))
return convertQuantity;
When executing this, I get an error InvalidOperationException: The parameter 'order' was not bound in the specified LINQ to Entities query expression.
This exception comes from _convertQuantityProxy .Invoke(order.Product,order.Quantity)
How can I pass the original parameter "order" to this call ?
Please note that I use LinqKit / AsExpandable() function.
Thank you.

Finally I have found, I have to return
return cv.Expand();


Is there a way to declare a C# lambda and immediately call it?

It's possible to declare a lambda function and immediately call it:
Func<int, int> lambda = (input) => { return 1; };
int output = lambda(0);
I'm wondering if it's possible to do so in one line, e.g. something like
int output = (input) => { return 1; }(0);
which gives a compiler error "Method name expected". Casting to Func<int, int> doesn't work either:
int output = (Func<int, int>)((input) => { return 1; })(0);
gives the same error, and for reasons mentioned below I'd like to avoid having to explicitly specify the input argument type (the first int).
You're probably wondering why I want to do this, instead of just embedding the code directly, e.g. int output = 1;. The reason is as follows: I've generated a reference for a SOAP webservice with svcutil, which because of the nested elements generates extremely long class names, which I'd like to avoid having to type out. So instead of
var o = await client.GetOrderAsync(request);
return new Order {
OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
Shipments = o.Shipment_Order == null ? new Shipment[0]
o.Shipment_Order.Select(sh => new Shipment {
ShipmentID = sh.ShipmentID,
Address = CreateAddress(sh.ReceiverAddress_Shipment);
and a separate CreateAddress(GetOrderResultOrderShipment_OrderShipmentShipment_Address address) method (real names are even longer, and I have very limited control about the form), I'd like to write
var o = await client.GetOrderAsync(request);
return new Order {
OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
Shipments = o.Shipment_Order == null ? new Shipment[0]
o.Shipment_Order.Select(sh => new Shipment {
ShipmentID = sh.ShipmentID,
Address = sh.ReceiverAddress_Shipment == null ? null : () => {
var a = sh.ReceiverAddress_Shipment.Address;
return new Address {
Street = a.Street
I know I could write
Address = sh.ReceiverAddress_Shipment == null ? null : new Address {
Street = sh.ReceiverAddress_Shipment.Address.Street,
but even that (the sh.ReceiverAddress_Shipment.Address part) becomes very repetitive if there are many fields. Declaring a lambda and immediately calling it would be more elegant less characters to write.
Instead of trying to cast the lambda, I propose you use a small helper function:
public static TOut Exec<TIn, TOut>(Func<TIn, TOut> func, TIn input) => func(input);
which you could then use like this: int x = Exec(myVar => myVar + 2, 0);. This reads a lot nicer to me than the alternatives suggested here.
It's ugly, but it's possible:
int output = ((Func<int, int>)(input => { return 1; }))(0);
Anonymous functions, including lambda expressions, are implicitly convertible to a delegate that matches their signature, but this syntax requires the lambda to be enclosed in parentheses.
The above can be simplified as well:
int output = ((Func<int, int>)(input => 1))(0);
Lambda literals in C# have a curious distinction in that their meaning is dependent on their type. They are essentially overloaded on their return type which is something does not exist anywhere else in C#. (Numeric literals are somewhat similar.)
The exact same lambda literal can either evaluate to an anonymous function that you can execute (i.e. a Func/Action) or an abstract representation of the operations inside of the Body, kind of like an Abstract Syntax Tree (i.e. a LINQ Expression Tree).
The latter is, for example, how LINQ to SQL, LINQ to XML, etc. work: the lambdas do not evaluate to executable code, they evaluate to LINQ Expression Trees, and the LINQ provider can then use those Expression Trees to understand what the body of the lambda is doing and generate e.g. a SQL Query from that.
In your case, there is no way for the compiler to know wheter the lambda literal is supposed to be evaluated to a Func or a LINQ Expression. That is why Johnathan Barclay's answer works: it gives a type to the lambda expression and therefore, the compiler knows that you want a Func with compiled code that executes the body of your lambda instead of an un-evaluated LINQ Expression Tree that represents the code inside the body of the lambda.
You could inline the declaration of the Func by doing
int output = (new Func<int, int>(() => { return 1; }))(0);
and immediately invoking it.
You can also create the alias in the Select method
var o = await client.GetOrderAsync(request);
return new Order {
OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
Shipments = o.Shipment_Order == null ? new Shipment[0]
o.Shipment_Order.Select(sh => {
var s = sh.ReceiverAddress_Shipment;
var a = s.Address;
return new Shipment {
ShipmentID = sh.ShipmentID,
Address = s == null ?
null :
new Address {
Street = a.Street
or with the ?? operator
var o = await client.GetOrderAsync(request);
return new Order {
OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
Shipments = o.Shipment_Order?.Select(sh => {
var s = sh.ReceiverAddress_Shipment;
var a = s.Address;
return new Shipment {
ShipmentID = sh.ShipmentID,
Address = s == null ?
null :
new Address {
Street = a.Street
}).ToArray() ?? new Shipment[0]
If you don't mind violating a few of the extension methods design guidelines, extension methods combined with null-conditional operator ?. can take you reasonably far:
public static class Extensions
public static TOut Map<TIn, TOut>(this TIn value, Func<TIn, TOut> map)
where TIn : class
=> value == null ? default(TOut) : map(value);
public static IEnumerable<T> OrEmpty<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items)
=> items ?? Enumerable.Empty<T>();
will give you this:
return new Order
OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
Shipments = o.Shipment_Order.OrEmpty().Select(sh => new Shipment
ShipmentID = sh.ShipmentID,
Address = sh.ReceiverAddress_Shipment?.Address.Map(a => new Address
Street = a.Street
and if you mostly need arrays, then override ToArray extension method to encapsulate a few more method calls:
public static TOut[] ToArray<TIn, TOut>(this IEnumerable<TIn> items, Func<TIn, TOut> map)
=> items == null ? new TOut[0] : items.Select(map).ToArray();
resulting in:
return new Order
OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
Shipments = o.Shipment_Order.ToArray(sh => new Shipment
ShipmentID = sh.ShipmentID,
Address = sh.ReceiverAddress_Shipment?.Address.Map(a => new Address
Street = a.Street

How to write a method for OrderBy lambda expression

I have the code:
var trips = _db.Trips
.OrderBy(u => u.TripStops.Where(p=>p.StopTypeId == destinationTypeId).OrderByDescending(c=>c.StopNo).Select(p=>p.Appt).FirstOrDefault())
and this part (sort by appt for the last TripStop with type = destinationTypeId) should be used in many places in code.
I want to write a method like:
private xxx LastTripStopAppt(...)
and then use it like:
var trips = _db.Trips
But a little confused how to implement this method correctly.
PS. I have tried to do it as
private DateTime? ReturnLastDeliveryAppointment(Trip u, int destinationTypeId)
return u.TripStops.Where(p => p.StopTypeId == destinationTypeId).OrderByDescending(c => c.StopNo).Select(p => p.Appt).FirstOrDefault();
and then
.OrderBy(u => ReturnLastDeliveryAppointment(u, destinationTypeId))
but I get an error:
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method
ReturnLastDeliveryAppointment(Infrastructure.Asset.Trips.Trip, Int32)'
method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
The signature is probably something like:
private Expression<Func<Trip, apptType>> LastTripStopAppt(...)
where appType is the type of p.Appt
You'll need to pass as a parameter to this method the destinationTypeId.
So, if appType is a string:
private static Expression<Func<Trip, string>> LastTripStopAppt(int destinationTypeId)
return u => u.TripStops.Where(p=>p.StopTypeId == destinationTypeId).OrderByDescending(c=>c.StopNo).Select(p=>p.Appt).FirstOrDefault();
FROM (VALUES(1), (4), (3)) t(v)
Java 8:
Stream s = Stream.of(11, 41, 3);

Dynamically selecting fields in a linq subquery

I am trying to dynamically filter the fields in a select clause similar to what was requested by a user as was described in the post dynamically selecting fields in a linq query. (I describe my problem and fully below so you don't need to go to the link)
What I am trying to do in short is to define a query and then at runtime determine what fields are part of the select statement and which are filterd out.
QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter {
ShowClientInfo = false,
ShowPackaging = true,
ShowName = true,
ShowWeight = false
//Below is a sample linq query that works without desired filtering.
// Comments are to the right of the fields I want filterd with the object above
var testQuery = db.Client
.Where(c => c.ID == clientId)
.Select(c =>
ClientInfo = c, // <== Supress this
Packaging = c.ClientPackaging // <== Show this
.Where(cp => !cp.IsDeleted)
.Select(cp =>
Name = cp.Name, // <== Show this
Weight = cp.Weight // <== Suppress this
The first answer of the related question was not sufficient, so I am not going to go into it further. It is insufficient because the linq statement would still query the database for specific fields, and would only just not assign the value on return.
The second awesome answer by Ivan Stoev is what I am trying to have expanded upon. This answer prevents the fields from even being part of the query to the database and is preferred. But this only works for the outermost select of the linq query. The part I am having trouble with is creating a helper method that will work on subqueries in the select statement.
The reason for the trouble, is the first use of the overload is of type IQueryable, the nested queries in the select are of type IEnumerable and thus will not map to the current extension of the answer.
Extension from other post mentioned above that works for the outermost select statement
public static class MyExtensions
public static IQueryable<TResult> Select<TSource, TResult>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector, object options)
var memberInit = (MemberInitExpression)selector.Body;
var bindings = new List<MemberBinding>();
foreach (var binding in memberInit.Bindings)
var option = options.GetType().GetProperty("Show" + binding.Member.Name);
if (option == null || (bool)option.GetValue(options)) bindings.Add(binding);
var newSelector = Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource, TResult>>(
Expression.MemberInit(memberInit.NewExpression, bindings), selector.Parameters);
return source.Select(newSelector);
Here is my sample query that works with the first Select, but the nested select statements do NOT work as they need to be an IEnumerable extension.
public class QueryFilter
public bool ShowClientInfo {get;set;}
public bool ShowPackaging {get;set;}
public bool ShowName {get;set;}
public bool ShowWeight {get;set;}
QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter {
ShowClientInfo = false,
ShowPackaging = true,
ShowName = true,
ShowWeight = false
var testQuery = db.Client
.Where(c => c.ID == clientId)
.Select(c =>
ClientInfo = c,
Packaging = c.ClientPackaging
.Where(cp => !cp.IsDeleted)
.Select(cp => // <==== This select does not work
Name = cp.Name,
Weight = cp.Weight,
packages = cp.ShipmentPackage
.Select(sp => // <==== Neither does this
Dimension_x = sp.Dimension_x,
Dimension_y = sp.Dimension_y,
Dimension_z = sp.Dimension_z
}, filter //<== additional filter parameter for the select statement
}, filter //<== additional filter parameter for the select statement
}, filter //<== additional filter parameter for the select statement
The error I am getting on the two nested queries in the .Select is:
Method 'Select' has 1 parameter(s) but is invoked with 2 argument(s)
I need to create an IEnumerable version of the method that would work in this case.
How would I create the method as an IEnumerable?

Error casting FieldExpression to LambdaExpression using Linq to SQL

I'm getting the error Unable to cast object of type 'System.Linq.Expressions.FieldExpression' to type 'System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression' when running the below code.
The intent of this code is to allow me to filter records (Entity Framework Code First / Linq to SQL) for those containing certain strings.
NB: I'm using the third party library LinqKit: http://www.albahari.com/nutshell/predicatebuilder.aspx
FilterHelper<Country> helper = new FilterHelper<Country>();
helper.AddContains(searchAlpha2, c => c.Alpha2);
helper.AddContains(searchAlpha3, c => c.Alpha3);
helper.AddContains(searchName, c => c.Name);
IQueryable<Country> countries = db.Countries.AsExpandable().Where(helper.Predicate);
public class FilterHelper<T>
public delegate string GetColumn<T>(T item);
private Expression<Func<T,bool>> predicate;
public FilterHelper()
this.predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<T>();
public void AddContains(string searchText, GetColumn<T> getColumn)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchText))
predicate = predicate.And(c => getColumn(c) != null ? getColumn(c).Contains(searchText) : false);
public Expression<Func<T,bool>> Predicate
get { return this.predicate; }
Any suggestions on how I could rewrite this to avoid the above error?
NB: code also on CodeReview as my original question related to refactoring. https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/54888/refactor-c-linq-code-to-reduce-duplication
A FieldExpression is not a LambdaExpression. You can make one as the body of an expression. In the debugger you can try the following to explore the structure of a LambdaExpression:
Expression<Func<U,T>> f = t => t.FieldName;
then in the debugger, look at f, which is of type LambdaExpression, and the Body of LambdaExpression which is Field Expression.

LINQ query null exception when Where returns 0 rows

I have the following LINQ method that works as expected except if there are No Rows Found then I get a Null Exception. I am struggling on how I modify this to return 0 if that occurs.
public static int GetLastInvoiceNumber(int empNumber)
using (var context = new CmoDataContext(Settings.Default.LaCrosse_CMOConnectionString))
context.Log = Console.Out;
IQueryable<tblGreenSheet> tGreenSheet = context.GetTable<tblGreenSheet>();
return (tGreenSheet
.Where(gs => gs.InvoiceNumber.Substring(2, 4) == empNumber.ToString())
.Max(gs => Convert.ToInt32(gs.InvoiceNumber.Substring(6, gs.InvoiceNumber.Length)))
I tried one of Jon Skeet's suggestions, below, and now I get Unsupported overload used for query operator 'DefaultIfEmpty'
public static int GetLastInvoiceNumber(int empNumber)
using (var context = new CmoDataContext(Settings.Default.LaCrosse_CMOConnectionString))
context.Log = Console.Out;
IQueryable<tblGreenSheet> tGreenSheet = context.GetTable<tblGreenSheet>();
return tGreenSheet
.Where(gs => gs.InvoiceNumber.Substring(2, 4) == empNumber.ToString())
.Select(gs => Convert.ToInt32(gs.InvoiceNumber.Substring(6, gs.InvoiceNumber.Length)))
You're using
which means if there are no results, pretend it's a sequence with a single null result. You're then trying to use that null result in the Max call...
You can probably change it to:
return tGreenSheet.Where(gs => ...)
.Max(gs => (int?) Convert.ToInt32(...)) ?? 0;
This uses the overload finding the maximum of int? values - and it returns an int? null if there were no values. The ?? 0 then converts that null value to 0. At least, that's the LINQ to Objects behaviour... you'll have to check whether it gives the same result for you.
Of course, you don't need to use the ?? 0 if you're happy to change the method signature to return int? instead. That would give extra information, in that the caller could then tell the difference between "no data" and "some data with a maximum value of 0":
return tGreenSheet.Where(gs => ...)
.Max(gs => (int?) Convert.ToInt32(...));
Another option is to use the overload of DefaultIfEmpty() which takes a value - like this:
return tGreenSheet.Where(gs => ...)
.Select(gs => Convert.ToInt32(...))
In situations like this when there may or may not be a matching item, I prefer to return an object rather than a value type. If you return a value type, you have to have some semantics about what value means "there is nothing here." I would change it to return the last invoice, then (when it is non-null) get the invoice number from the invoice. Add a method to the class to return the numeric invoice number from the string.
public static tbleGreenSheet GetLastInvoice(int empNumber)
using (var context = new CmoDataContext(Settings.Default.LaCrosse_CMOConnectionString))
context.Log = Console.Out;
return context.GetTable<tblGreenSheet>()
.Where(gs => gs.InvoiceNumber.Substring(2, 4) == empNumber.ToString())
.OrderByDescending(gs => Convert.ToInt32(gs.InvoiceNumber.Substring(6, gs.InvoiceNumber.Length)))
public class tbleGreenSheet
public int NumericInvoice
get { return Convert.ToInt32(InvoiceNumber.Substring(6, InvoiceNumber.Length)); }
Used as
var invoice = Foo.GetLastInvoice( 32 );
if (invoice != null)
var invoiceNumber = invoice.NumericInvoice;
...do something...
...do something else...
I had a remarkably similar experience with IQueryable<T> and NHibernate. My solution:
public static TExpr MaxOrDefault<TItem, TExpr>(this IQueryable<TItem> query,
Expression<Func<TItem, TExpr>> expression) {
return query.OrderByDescending(expression).Select(expression).FirstOrDefault();
The only drawback is that you are stuck with the standard default value, instead of getting to specify one.
