Lists.AddAttachment throws object reference error - c#

I'm trying to add an attachment to a list item I just created on a sharepoint server using CAML. The code below is simplified (for example the path is normally a variable and the 2nd field (the item id, here 16847) is normally the id I get back from my insert statement in CAML).
This is my code:
String desktopPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
String savePath = desktopPath + #"\" + "tutorials.txt";
byte[] data = GetData(savePath);
lists.AddAttachment("Tasks", "16847", "tutorials.txt", data);
I'm getting this error:
Unable to update the security according your changes. The following exception occurred during ItemUpdating: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
See Event Viewer for more information.0x81020089
getdata is a method which converts the file on my desktop to a byte[]. data is not empty and it looks okay.
Other than that Tasks is the List needed and 16847 is the task id in which to add the attachment.
Most of the info I can find is about a different error: the index out of range exception (like on the msdn page:
I've also tried a http put (unauthorized access, obviously) and the copy service (I can post this code if we can't find the solution to the simpler way above).
Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
private dcp.Lists lists = new dcp.Lists();
lists.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
lists.Url = Values.SERVERADDRESS + "/_vti_bin/lists.asmx";
This initializes the connection to our web service. It works perfectly fine for updates, inserts...
GetData code:
private byte[] GetData(String savePath)
byte[] contents;
using (FileStream fStream = File.OpenRead(savePath))
contents = new byte[fStream.Length];
sFileName = fStream.Name;
fStream.Read(contents, 0, Convert.ToInt32(fStream.Length));
return contents;
Note that the following does work (I get a correct list of existing attachments from the task):
XmlNode ndAttach = lists.GetAttachmentCollection("Tasks", "16847");
And the following doesn't (same error as for the AddAttachment method):
lists.DeleteAttachment("Tasks", "16847", ndAttach.ChildNodes[0].InnerText);
Whereas I'm quite certain this should work since it does exactly the same as the example code on msdn:

The code above is fine, the error occured on our server. When adding an attachment, no contenttype is given in the xml. This was programmed to throw an error because we've always used this method to update and add new items. So we removed the contenttype out of the underlying code and it works like a charm.


C# Unable to Bind EmailMessage

I have a method which converts Email to .eml format.
However, the statement of EmailMessage.Bind suddenly stops working without any error.
Below is my code snippet:
public static string convertEmailToEml(EmailMessage emailMessage, string caseNumber, string EMLSaveFilePath)
Console.WriteLine(emailMessage.Subject); //correct value
Console.WriteLine(caseNumber); //correct value
Console.WriteLine(EMLSaveFilePath); //correct value
Console.WriteLine(emailMessage.Id); //correct value
ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
PropertySet props = new PropertySet(EmailMessageSchema.MimeContent);
var email = EmailMessage.Bind(service, emailMessage.Id, props); //not executed
string emlFullPath = EMLSaveFilePath + caseNumber + ".eml"; //not executed
Console.WriteLine(emlFullPath); //code not reached
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(emlFullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
fs.Write(email.MimeContent.Content, 0, email.MimeContent.Content.Length);
return emlFullPath;
May I know if there are any places that I can look into?
There were warning messages upon solution building as follows, not sure if they are linked:
Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent
assembly that could not be resolved. These reference conflicts are
listed in the build log when log verbosity is set to detailed.
Exception Thrown during Debug Mode:
'Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceLocalException' in
Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll("The Url property of the
ExchangeService object must be set.")
I have verified that service, emailMessage.Id, and props values are not null.
Based on the documentation for `EmailMessage.Bind(...), it states that this method results in a call to Exchange Web Services (EWS).
You create an instance of ExchangeService but you do not provide a URL to it (documentation). This is a requirement. The exception that is thrown is pointing you directly at the missing data.

Adding items to a SharePoint list using UpdateList

I've come across a SharePoint problem that I hope someone can help with. Basically, when I am trying to add a column called "MigratedChemist" to a list called "WorkCards" (pListName in the method parameters). No matter what I try I am getting a FaultException error raised when calling UpdateList. I am connecting using the SharePoint web service. I have confirmed the following:
The column doesn't already exist and I do have permissions to create it in SharePoint
The connection to SharePoint is established corectly to /_vti_bin/lists.asmx
The list name is correct as I have another method which returns items from the list and that works perfectly.
The xVersion and xId values are set correctly when the program runs and passed as parameters - as far as I am concerned I should just be able to pass the list name, as opposed to the GUID, but neither method works.
My code is as follows:
public static bool AddColumnToList(string pUri, string pListName, string pViewName, string pMaxRecords)
string version = string.Empty;
XAttribute xId = null;
XAttribute xVersion = null;
XElement listDetails = client.GetList(pListName);
xVersion = listDetails.Attribute("Version");
xId = listDetails.Attribute("ID");
catch { throw; }
XElement ndNewFields = new XElement ("Fields", "");
string newXml = "<Method ID='1' Cmd='New'><Field Name='MigratedChemist' Type='Text' DisplayName='MigratedChemist' /></Method></Fields>";
XElement result;
result = client.UpdateList(xId.Value, null, ndNewFields, null, null, xVersion.Value);
catch (FaultException fe)
return true;
In addition to this does anyone know how to get any decent information from FaultRequest? At the moment I get the following error message, which is of no use and there appears to be no extra detail. I have tried, as some have suggested removing the error handling and letting the program halt, but that doesn't give me any extra information either.
{"Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException' was thrown."}
For future reference I have solved both the problem of the SharePoint update failing AND the FaultException problem, so am including it here for posterity:
Problem 1 - Problem with UpdateList
This problem was caused because my XML was malformed. When I called ndNewFields.Add(newXml) then XML that was being returned was replacing < and > than with control characters, as shown below (I have added an extra space because this editor converts them automatically.
<Method ID="1" Cmd="New"&gt ;&lt ;Field Name="MigratedChemist"&gt ;&lt ;/Field&gt ;&lt ;/Method&gt ;
Now, I did notice this pretty early on but wasn't sure whether it would cause a problem or not. However using the XElement.Parse command I was able to remove these characters and this resolved the problem:
ndNewFields.Add(XElement.Parse (newXml));
Problem 2 - Problem with the SharePoint error coming back as FaultException
This has been bugging for me ages so I am glad I have finally solved it. I can't take credit for it, as I took it from another page, but the following code was how I got the details.
catch (FaultException fe)
MessageFault msgFault = fe.CreateMessageFault();
XmlElement elm = msgFault.GetDetail<XmlElement>();
Hopefully this will save someone some frustration in the future!

Add an attachment to Bugzilla using XML-RPC in VBA

I am currently developing an Excel macro which allows creating Bugs in a Bugzilla instance.
After some trial and error this now turns out to work fine.
I wanted to enhance the client so that it's also possible to add screenshots to the newly created bug.
The environment I'm using is a little bit tricky:
I have to use MS Excel for my task.
As Excel does not understand XML-RPC, I downloaded an interface DLL (CookComputing.XmlRpcV2.dll from which makes the XML-RPC interface accessible from .NET.
Then I created an additional DLL which can be called from Excel macros (using COM interop).
As already mentioned, this is working fine for tasks like browsing or adding new bugs.
But when adding an attachment to the bug, the image must be converted into a base64 data type. Although this seems to work fine and although the creation of the screenshot seems to succeed, the image seems to be corrupted and cannot be displayed.
Here's what I do to add the image:
The Bugzilla add_attachment method accepts a struct as input:
This type was defined in C# and is visible also in VBA.
This is the struct definition:
public class TAttachmentInputData
public string[] ids;
public string data; // base64-encoded data
public string file_name;
public string summary;
public string content_type;
public string comment;
public bool is_patch;
public bool is_private;
public void addId(int id)
ids = new string[1];
ids[0] = id.ToString();
public void addData(string strData)
byte[] encData_byte = new byte[strData.Length];
encData_byte = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(strData);
string encodedData = Convert.ToBase64String(encData_byte);
data = new Byte[System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(encodedData).Length];
data = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(encodedData);
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception("Error in base64Encode" + e.Message);
This is the part in my macro where I would like to add the attachment:
Dim attachmentsStruct As New TAttachmentInputData
fname = attachmentFileName
attachmentsStruct.file_name = GetFilenameFromPath(fname)
attachmentsStruct.is_patch = False
attachmentsStruct.is_private = False
'multiple other definitions
Open fname For Binary As #1
attachmentsStruct.addData (Input(LOF(1), #1))
Close #1
attachmentsStruct.file_name = GetFilenameFromPath(fname)
Call BugzillaClass.add_attachment(attachmentsStruct)
Where BugzillaClass it the interface exposed from my DLL to Excel VBA.
The method add_attachment refers to the XML-RPC method add_attachment.
I assume that my problem is the conversion from the binary file into base64.
This is done using the addData method in my C# DLL.
Is the conversion done correctly there?
Any idea why the images are corrupted?
I think the issue is that you are reading in binary data in the macro, but the addData method is expecting a string. Try declaring the parameter in addData as byte[].

Setting up 3DCart API with a C# App

I have been trying to create an application to go through our database at a set interval and update/add any new items to 3DCarts database. Their code example uses soap in an xml file to send 1 request per call. So I need to to be able to generate the xml I need with the items information on the fly before sending it. I have done hardly anything with XML files like this and cannot figure out how to create the chunk of code I need and send it. One method that has been suggested is create a file but still executing has been a problem and would be very inefficient for a large number of items. Here is what I have so far
sqlStatement = "SELECT * FROM products WHERE name = '" + Convert.ToString(reader.GetValue(0)) + "'";
ServiceReferenceCart.cartAPIAdvancedSoapClient bcsClient = new ServiceReferenceCart.cartAPIAdvancedSoapClient();
ServiceReferenceCart.runQueryResponse bcsResponse = new ServiceReferenceCart.runQueryResponse();
bcsClient.runQuery(storeUrl, userKey, sqlStatement, callBackURL);
string result = Convert.ToString(bcsResponse);
EDIT: Changed from sample code block to current code block as I got a service reference setup finally. They provide no details though for using the functions in the reference. With this bcsResponse is just a blank, when I try adding .Body I have the same result but when I add .runQuery to the .Body I get a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error. As I have said I have not messed with service references before.
I hope I have explained well enough I just really have not worked with this kind of stuff before and it has become extremely frustrating.
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
I actually ended up figuring this out after playing around with it. Here is what I did to get the reference to work. This may have been easy for anyone who have used the references before but I have not and have decided to post this in case anyone else has this problem. The SQL can be SELECT, ADD, UPDATE and DELETE statements this was to see if the sku was listed before updating/adding.
//Will be using these multiple times so a variable makes more sense
// DO NOT include http:// in the url, also id is not shown in their
//database layout pdf they will give but it is the sku/product number
string sqlStatement = "SELECT id FROM products WHERE id = '" + Convert.ToString(reader.GetValue(0)) + "')))";
string userKey = "YourKeyHere";
string storeUrl = "YourStoresURLHere";
// Setting up instances from the 3DCart API
cartAPIAdvancedSoapClient bcsClient = new cartAPIAdvancedSoapClient();
runQueryRequest bcsRequest = new runQueryRequest();
runQueryResponse bcsResponse = new runQueryResponse();
runQueryResponseBody bcsRespBod = new runQueryResponseBody();
runQueryRequestBody bcsReqBod = new runQueryRequestBody();
//assigning required variables to the requests body
bcsReqBod.storeUrl = storeUrl;
bcsReqBod.sqlStatement = sqlStatement;
bcsReqBod.userKey = userKey;
//assigning the body to the request
bcsRequest.Body = bcsReqBod;
//Setting the response body to be the result
bcsRespBod.runQueryResult = bcsClient.runQuery(bcsReqBod.storeUrl, bcsReqBod.userKey, bcsReqBod.sqlStatement, bcsReqBod.callBackURL );
bcsResponse.Body = bcsRespBod;
//adding the result to a string
string result = bcsResponse.Body.runQueryResult.Value;
//displaying the string, this for me was more of a test
You will also need to activate the Advanced API on your shop as you may notice there is no actual option as the pdf's say, you need to go to their store and purchase(its free) and wait for them to activate it. This took about 2 hrs for us.

How to get a list of defects in QC11.0 via C# OTA using BugFilter

I have successfully connected to QC using VBscript via the OTA interface. In VbScript I had the following code to filter out defects and get load them in a list.
BugFilter.Filter("BG_STATUS") = "Not Canceled and NOT Closed"
BugFilter.Filter("BG_PROJECT") = "Business*"
Set BugList = BugFilter.NewList()
The above worked flawlessly in Vbscript.
In C#.NET (4.0), I am able to connect to QC successfully but when I try to apply the filter , it give me a error..
TDConnection qcc = new TDConnection();
qcc.ConnectProjectEx("XXXX", "------", "----", "-----");
if (qcc.Connected)
BugFactory bf = (BugFactory)qcc.BugFactory;
bf.Filter["BG_STATUS"] = "Not Canceled and NOT Closed";
bf.Filter["BG_PROJECT"] = "Business*";
List bugs = (List)bf.NewList(bf.Filter);
on the last line of code , it gives me the following error "Could not convert argument 0 for call to NewList."
I am relative new to C#, Can anybody help me here?
Try bg.Filter.text()
You'd need to check the method, 'cause I do that in java. But there is a method by that name. How I normally do that is like this:
List bugs = (List)bg.NewList();
I usually pass a string into the bug factory by using the .Text property of the Filter object rather than the filter object itself.
For example, I've had success with handling the filtering like this:
var tdFilter = (TDFilter)bf_filter;
tdFilter["BG_STATUS"] = "Not Canceled and NOT Closed";
tdFilter["BG_PROJECT"] = "Business*";
var bugs = bf.NewList(tdFilter.Text);
