SOAP API with DomainBox in ASP.NET application - c#

I am trying to integrate an ASP.NET application to using their SOAP API. I couldn't find any examples. The only thing they offer is the SOAP Resquest and Response examples. My question is how do I call the request and how to I get the response data to use in my application?
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi=””
xmlns:xsd=”” xmlns:soap12=”
<QueryDomainRenewalSettings xmlns=””>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=””
xmlns:xsi=”” xmlns:xsd=”http://www.”>
<QueryDomainRenewalSettingsResponse xmlns=””>
<ResultMsg>Domain Renewal Settings Queried Successfully</ResultMsg>

You should add the Domainbox API as a service reference if you're using ASP.NET.
That will let you use it just like a normal C#/VB class,
var parameters = new Domainbox.CheckDomainAvailabilityParameters {DomainName= ""};
var result = apiObject.CheckDomainAvailiability(authObject, paramters);
if (result.ResultCode == 100) { // get results... }
I can provide more detailed example if required.


Sending a SOAP request to a web service using C#?

I am new to C# and my supervisor wants me to send a SOAP request to a web service and receive the connection string in C#. I have worked with Python before but I am really confused as how to do it in C#. This is the Python code I wrote. I am really lost.
import requests
#headers = {'content-type': 'application/soap+xml'}
headers = {'content-type': 'text/xml'}
body = """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:soap=''>
<DatabaseConnectionString xmlns=''>
response =,data=body,headers=headers)
print response.content
I need to convert the above code to C#.

How to read soap response in c#?

Soap Respose as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<LoginResponse xmlns="">
I'm trying to read it as:
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(strReturnStatus);
List<XElement> result = doc.Elements("LoginResponse").ToList();
for (int intc = 0; intc <= result.Count - 1; intc++)
strResponseCode = result[intc].Element("FirstName").Value.ToString();
strResponseText = result[intc].Element("LastName").Value.ToString();
But it returning null result.
How to read above respose in c#??
The easiest thing is to create a proxy class for your service.
You can do that using the 'Add Service Reference' option in Visual Studio. Enter the URL of the service, and Visual Studio will generate the source code for you.
From that point you can access the service using C# code. No need to manually extract the payload of the SOAP message.
Note if you are the implementator of the service: ASMX webservices are deprecated for a long time already. If you can, use WCF.
Use Descendants() method in XDocumentobject to navigate through XML nodes to get elements, you can follow steps provided in this post Using C# to parse a SOAP Response

Adding custom SOAPHeader in C# for a web service call

I am trying to add a custom soap header information in c# before calling a web service. I am using SOAP Header class to get this done. I could do this partly but not completely the way I need it. Here is how I need the soap header to look like
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Security xmlns="">
I am able to add soap header as below
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<UsernameToken xmlns="">
What I am not able to do is add the "Security" elements which wraps the "UsernameToken" as in the first sample. Any help would be appreciated.
This link adding soap header worked for me. I am calling a SOAP 1.1 service that I did not write and have no control over. Am using VS 2012 and added the service as a web reference in my project. Hope this helps
I followed the steps 1-5 from J. Dudgeon's post towards the bottom of the thread.
Here's some sample code (this would be in a separate .cs file):
// This is needed since the web service must have the username and pwd passed in a custom SOAP header, apparently
public partial class MyService : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol
public Creds credHeader; // will hold the creds that are passed in the SOAP Header
[XmlRoot(Namespace = "")] // your service's namespace goes in quotes
public class Creds : SoapHeader
public string Username;
public string Password;
And then in the generated proxy class, on the method that calls the service, per J Dudgeon's step 4 add this attribute: [SoapHeader("credHeader", Direction = SoapHeaderDirection.In)]
finally, here's the call to the generated proxy method, with the header:
using (MyService client = new MyService())
client.credHeader = new Creds();
client.credHeader.Username = "username";
client.credHeader.Password = "pwd";
rResponse = client.MyProxyMethodHere();

Getting MIME type from Web Service Response header

I invoke a web service provided by an external partner company. The web service returns files (.pdf, .dox, .png, ...) as a byte array.
If I would need to get the Header information (in detail I am interested in the content-type data) from the code, how can I get this information?
On our side, we are using VS 2010 and C# as language.
Here the code:
var client = new PublicService();
wsRequest request = new wsRequest();
var docInfo = new documentInfo();
docInfo.documentId = HSdocumentID;
docInfo.position = 1;
request.documentInfos = { docInfo };
byte[] doc = client.deliver(deliverRequest); //returns the file as byte array
The RESPONSE header would look like:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<S:Body><ns2:deliverResponse xmlns:ns2="">
<Include xmlns=""
Content-Id: <>
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Type: application/pdf <-- THIS IS THE INFO I NEED TO GET
Check out if there are SOAP headers on the Web Method call that answer your question
On the web method I do not have any properties/attributes that refer to the header. Is there a general way to get the Response header or is the web service that should provide features to get it?
(I provided an answer, rather than a comment, due to the code to be copied)

Consuming in Java a .NET Web Service that requires a custom SOAP Header

So I need to consume a Web Service that uses a custom SoapHeader, as described below. What is the simplest way to pass the correct values through this header using Java. I'm using Netbeans.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?\>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<CustomSoapHeader xmlns="http://snip">
<SomeWebMethod xmlns="http://snip" />
EDIT: What's the best way to display XML on Stack Overflow?
It might help to add that the Web Service is implemented in .NET and I cannot change the server side code.
Here are the basic steps, assuming you're doing this on the client side:
Install a HandlerResolver on your service interface (service.setHandlerResolver())
Override HandlerResolver.getHandlerChain() to insert your own implementation of SOAPHandler
Implement SOAPHandler.handleMessage() to modify the SOAP header before it's sent out
You can pass parameters to your handler through the request context:
Map<String, Object> context = ((BindingProvider) port).getRequestContext();
context.put("userName', "foo");
in handleMessage() you can get at the header like this:
public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext context) {
SOAPMessage msg = context.getMessage();
Hope that helps. I'm guessing there's also a way to do this stuff with annotations as well.
