I'm having a bit of trouble authorizing my Vimeo account through OAuth. I'm using the following .NET wrapper: http://afsharious.wordpress.com/vimeo-for-windows/vimeodotnet/
I understand that the user has to open a browser to get the verification code which is then needed for logging in through the API/wrapper. However, I need to simply list the videos I have on my Vimeo account on a webpage, so I don't want the user to open a new window and do all the verification-code thing described in the tutorial.
Is there any other way of doing it? I have tried by simply using my Consumer key, Consumer secret, my Access token and my Access Token Secret that I get by registrating a new application on Vimeo. However, this does not work, it seems I cannot log in like that :-(
The code I tried was the following:
Vimeo.API.VimeoClient vimeoClient = new VimeoClient(MyConsumerKey, MyConsumerSecret);
// Login to Vimeo
vimeoClient.Login(MyAccessToken, MyAccessTokenSecret);
// Get videos
Videos videos = vimeoClient.vimeo_videos_getAll(true, null, null, VimeoClient.VideosSortMethod.Default, MyUserId);
Anyone know how to do this? :-)
I'm trying to update an existing Asp.Net application using C# to avoid the Youtube V2 API deprecation. The 1st challenge is figuring out how to authenticate using the new API.
This is how the application currently authenticates:
string developerKey = (My Developer Key here);
string username = (My username here);
string password = (My password here);
ytService = new YouTubeService("SampleApplication", developerKey);
ytService.setUserCredentials(username, password);
I've researched, and reviewed the V3 API examples, and they all use OAuth2 to Authenticate like this:
UserCredential credential;
using (var stream = new FileStream("client_secrets.json", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
credential = await GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(
// This OAuth 2.0 access scope allows an application to upload files to the
// authenticated user's YouTube channel, but doesn't allow other types of access.
new[] { YouTubeService.Scope.YoutubeUpload },
However, that prompts the user to login to their own Google account, and for this application we want all uploaded videos to go into our account. Therefore I would like to continue using the Public API access if possible, and I can't find any examples of this for the V3 APIs.
I've also investigated OAuth2 Service Account, but for the life of me can not figure out how to authenticate using one of those.
Can you help point me in the right direction?
I faced a similar issue recently, except I was working with a shared Google Calendar instead of a Youtube account. What I ended up doing was adding an authorize button that only I could see, which was hooked up to the initial authorize request when clicked. It opened the popup from Google, I gave the permission from the shared account, and I stored the returned access token, refresh token, and expiration date in the database.
Then, whenever users need to view the shared calendar, I just have logic that says if the expiration date has passed, use the stored refresh token to request a new access token and reset the expiration date, then I use the access token to make my Google Calendar API call (getting the events list, in this case).
Unfortunately, V3 of the YouTube API does not support service accounts, and oAuth2 is the only authentication method.
One of the reasons behind this is to do away with having multiple individuals upload into a single account; the legal liability (for both YouTube and app developers) is too great. The only current alternative is the YouTube direct lite program (which has multiple clients ... see YouTube's Github page to find them), which gives you a simple management/admin pane for autogenerating a playlist based on users uploading videos into their own accounts (in other words, they upload the video through your app, to their account, but your account gets a record of it and manages what can/can't appear on the list).
So the goal here is to ask a user to post something to their wall with a specific hashtag , when they do this I would like to post a comment to this post from our app with something like "Thank you for your post, come back to http://www.mysite.com for the next step". So far I successfully query the user's posts , and I am successfully finding the post with the specific hashtag. When I find the post I also get the post_id of the post.
So after reading everything I could find from the docs , I am able to post a comment from the user if I do something like this with graph api. (This is using Facebook c# sdk)
FacebookClient client = new FacebookClient();
client.Post("832586561_10152125349566562/comments", new
message = "test message from app"
now with this code I am using the user's access_token, and it works fine , but on Facebook it will show up as the user commenting on their own post. That is not what we want , we want the comment to appear to be coming from our app. So I tried using the app access token instead of the user's access_token, and when I try i get an error for not enough permission. I do not even know if this is possible to be done with the app access token. I tried adding all the extended permissions that I could find that had anything to do with publiching and I still get the error for not enough permission , right now I ask for these extended permissions on login.
{ scope: 'email,publish_stream,email,rsvp_event,read_stream,user_likes,user_birthday,publish_actions,manage_pages' });
Does anyone have any idea how I can post a comment to a specific post and have that comment comming from the app?
I am new to developing against Facebook. I need to be able to post to other people's walls from my website, which is c#.NET and asp.net. I've already registered a facebook app to do this.
When I press a button on my website, I want to share content to a list of my own users that have provided me with their facebook URLs. They will have granted the FB app permission to their wall.
There's not a lot of information on how to do this. I need to:
Retrieve a new accesstoken, server side, using Facebook SDK.
Given a facebook url, get a user's profile
Share a link to their wall.
i used php and javascript to connect FB SDK. i don't know it can implement to c#
you can get accessToken by FB.getLoginStatus
you can get some permission for grant what you want by "scope" parameter (look about Graph API)
share some text to wall(feed) see "Publishing" at Graph API
i hope it help you.
sorry for my English skill.
first download the nuget package or dll from https://github.com/barans/FacebookCsharpSdk
fill the appid and secret from www.facebook.com/developers
var config = new Dictionary<string, object>();
config.Add("appId", "3955.......");
config.Add("secret", "4c1d...............");
config.Add("fileUpload", true); //optional
FacebookClient client = new FacebookClient(config);
this code retrieves the access token
this code retrieves the current user information which is publicly available. you can replace me with a facebook id like "999999"
client.api("/me", "GET", null));
facebook does not allow server side wall posting to an arbitrary user. you can only post to the current user's wall and first you should ask publish_stream permission. after getting that this piece of code makes a wall post
request.Method = FacebookApiMethodType.POST;
request.Path = "/me/feed";
request.Params = new NameValueCollection();
request.Params.Add("link", "www.arcademonk.com");
request.Params.Add("message", "C# SDK Batch Request Messsage");
you can find the all documentation on github page. hope it helps.
I've got credentials of an account with access to Google Analytics,
I'm looking to utilise the Analytics Core Reporting API http://code.google.com/apis/analytics/docs/gdata/home.html
I've found examples which use username/password calling setUserCredentials, but have seen comments this is less secure/has a low request limit (And doesn't exist in the lastest client).
Plus I've seem examples which use oauth, but require user interaction and grant access to the users google account.
However I'm looking to run a service which doesn't require any user interaction, and connects to a predefined google account (un-related to the user viewing it).
I can then store the results in a database, and end users can query the results from the database.
I've seen information about using AccessType = Offline when you first login, which then returns an access token and a refreshtoken.
In my example though, the end user will never login to the application.
Could I have a seperate admin application which gets a refresh token, and stores the refresh token in the config/lookup table?
Then the main application can use the refresh token pulling from the config/lookup table, and get an access token to be able to query the Google Analytics account.
I'm looking for a C# example which uses AccessType = Offline, and seperates out the fetching of the refresh token and using the refresh token to get an access token to query the google analytics account.
Create your app https://code.google.com/apis/console/
For you App, turn on access to Google Analytics, and create an OAuth 2.0 client ID for your website.
Browse to:
Having changed YOUR_APP_ID, YOUR_CALL_BACK_URL to the relevant values.
Important to include access_type=offline.
Press Grant Access, this will redirect to HTTP://YOUR_CALL_BACK_URL?code=THIS_IS_YOUR_CODE. Copy the code in the URL.
With the code, request the Refresh Token using CMD prompt.
curl -d "code=THIS_IS_YOUR_CODE&client_id=YOUR_APP_ID.apps.googleusercontent.com&client_secret=YOUR_APPS_SECRET_CODE&redirect_uri=HTTP://YOUR_CALL_BACK_URL&grant_type=authorization_code" https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token
Record the refresh_token returned.
Download the latest version of the Core Reporting V3.0 .net libraries
There is a bug in the current version of Google.Apis.Analytics.v3.cs, to fix this copy the code in this file to your local solution (And don’t reference Google.Apis.Analytics.v3.bin)
And change the property Dimensions from a List<system.string> to a string.
Or you'll get an error like me and this guy did http://www.evolutiadesign.co.uk/blog/using-the-google-analytics-api-with-c-shar/
You can then use your Refresh Token, to generate you an Access Token without user interaction, and use the Access Token to run a report against Google Analytics.
using System;
using DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2;
using Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2;
using AnalyticsService = Google.Apis.Analytics.v3.AnalyticsService;
class Program
public static void Main()
var client = new WebServerClient(GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description, "YOUR_APP_ID.apps.googleusercontent.com", "YOUR_APPS_SECRET_CODE");
var auth = new OAuth2Authenticator<WebServerClient>(client, Authenticate);
var asv = new AnalyticsService(auth);
var request = asv.Report.Get("2012-02-20", "2012-01-01", "ga:visitors", "ga:YOUR_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT_ID");
request.Dimensions = "ga:pagePath";
request.Sort = "-ga:visitors";
request.MaxResults = 5;
var report = request.Fetch();
private static IAuthorizationState Authenticate(WebServerClient client)
IAuthorizationState state = new AuthorizationState(new string[]{}) { RefreshToken = "REFRESH_TOKEN" };
return state;
Great Answer Ian and it helped me to get going in the correct Direction more than any other answer I could find online. Something must have changed in the AnalyticsService object because the line:
var request = asv.Report.Get("2012-02-20", "2012-01-01", "ga:visitors", "ga:YOUR_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT_ID");
did not work for me and I had to use the following:
var request = asv.Data.Ga.Get("ga:YOUR_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT_ID", "2012-01-01", "2012-02-20", "ga:visitors");
Hopefully this will help others like your answer helped me. Thanks!
Ian's answer helped me a lot but I kept getting an error running the curl command. Did some research and found that the steps to get the access code and refresh token can be made easier by going to https://code.google.com/oauthplayground/ and checking your oAuth configuration settings. Top right of the page there is a settings button. selected "Use your own OAuth credentials". You can get your access code and request a refresh token all from here.
Hope this helps.
You can manually get a refresh token from the OAuth Playground.
If you are needing a refresh token for a Service Account as I was, make sure you
Click on the settings on the right.
Check Use your own OAuth credentials
Fill in your Client ID and Secret
Close the settings
Click the Refresh button on step 2
Then save the refresh token for use in your app
I'm trying to create web page that access the (business) private calendar of the company and insert events if the time slot is available. Still I'm facing an authentication problem.
The API manual states that I should use an API key and Oauth2LeggedAuthenticator, so I did all this and the request that is fired is quite okey (it has a oauth token and such) But still the response is an exception with Invalid Credentials; Easy to say is that my credentials are wrong, still clientID, clientSecret and API Key are valid; I doubt the 2 last params of the 2legged authenticater, is this correct?
var provider = new NativeApplicationClient(GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description);
provider.ClientIdentifier = ClientCredentials.ClientID;
provider.ClientSecret = ClientCredentials.ClientSecret;
var authenticator =
new OAuth2LeggedAuthenticator(ClientCredentials.ClientID, ClientCredentials.ClientSecret, "myworkusername", "workdomain.com");
Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.CalendarService service = new Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.CalendarService(authenticator);
service.Key = ClientCredentials.ApiKey;
var result = service.CalendarList.List().Fetch();
Assert.IsTrue(result.Items.Count > 0);
NB: At the time of writing you can only used 2-legged authentication with Google Apps for Business/Eduction, this won't work on personal accounts as there's no way to get an OAuth 1.0 key/secret pair, you will have to use online authentication at least once (but you can use the out-of-browser option so you don't have to create a dedicated page).
Your code is correct apart from you don't need the first three lines relating to the NativeApplicationClient. This is most likely failing because you haven't properly set the OAuth keys, this causes 401s.
The other thing that causes 401s is using "matt#example.com" instead of "matt" as the username, the username is without including your domain.
To setup OAuth follow the instructions in this article from Google.
The most important parts to note are "Allow access to all APIs" must be unchecked and you have to individually grant access to all the APIs. If this hasn't been done you will get a 401 Invalid Credentials error. You then also need to turn those services on in the api console. If the api console step hasn't been done you will get a different error of 403 Daily Limit Exceeded.
This will cause you problems if you were previously relying on the "Allow access to all APIs" to use various services, you will have to grant them all individually as far as I understand it to use the v3 APIs. This seems to have been confirmed by google (4th reply by Nicolas Garnier) and is supposedly a bug, but that is an old post so it looks as if it's here to stay.
For reference once this has been done, this code will work, which in essence is the same as yours:
var auth = new OAuth2LeggedAuthenticator(domainName, consumerSecret, usernameWithoutDomain, domainName); //domainName is presently used as the OAuth ConsumerKey for Google's 2legged OAuth
var service = new CalendarService(auth);
service.Key = serviceKey;
var results = service.CalendarList.List().Fetch();
So in summary:
In Google Apps "Manage this Domain" > "Advanced Tools"
Using "Manage OAuth domain key" enable key, generate secret, uncheck "Allow access to all APIs".
Using "Manage third party OAuth Client access" enable the APIs you want access to using your domain as "Client Name" and the APIs you want to access e.g. "http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/" for the calendar.
Then finally create a project in the API console, use the APIKey as the serviceKey in the above example and turn on the APIs you need to access.
I am answering this as I kept hitting this question when I was trying to find out why my code was constantly returning 401s. Hope this helps someone as the Google instructions are awful and scattered all over the place at the moment.