Integration testing database rebuild performance - c#

I am running some integration tests against a database. I want to setup the database with seed data, run my tests, and then delete the database for every test (so each test has a fresh slate). I'm currently using these setup/teardown methods to do it:
private ProjectDbContext db;
public void SetUp()
db = new ProjectDbContext("TestConnection");
(new SeedData()).Run(db); //Seed Data
public void Teardown()
My problem is that it takes a little over a half second per test and I'd like to see better performance. Any thoughts? Anyone have a better strategy?

According to your code, I understand that you want to delete the data you inserted into the database for testing. I have done it in slightly different way but it might be helpful to you. We can use TransactionScope instead of deleting the data manually. Image of code
You can also visit here for details of the approach.

You could do something like:
public static void ClearDatabase(DbContext context)
var objectContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext;
var entities = objectContext.MetadataWorkspace.GetEntityContainer(objectContext.DefaultContainerName, DataSpace.CSpace).BaseEntitySets;
var method = objectContext.GetType().GetMethods().First(x => x.Name == "CreateObjectSet");
var objectSets = entities.Select(x => method.MakeGenericMethod(Type.GetType(x.ElementType.FullName))).Select(x => x.Invoke(objectContext, null));
var tableNames = objectSets.Select(objectSet => (objectSet.GetType().GetProperty("EntitySet").GetValue(objectSet, null) as EntitySet).Name).ToList();
foreach (var tableName in tableNames)
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(string.Format("DELETE FROM {0}", tableName));
If you have no constraints and it's important that identity columns are set a certain way for your tests (which I'd recommend against), you could use TRUNCATE instead of DELETE FROM.
(code for deletion from here.)


Do I need multiple assert? xUnit Test

this is my first time writing unit test, and I just have a few questions. Im using in memory database to test my services and I'am wondering if I'm doing it correctly. My first question is do I need multiple assert on all of my service call? like do i need assert for InsertProduct? Second, Am I over testing this for using new instance of context on every service call?
public void ProductService_DeleteProduct_Test()
// arrange
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext>()
.UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "ProductService_DeleteProduct_Test")
var product = new Product() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Product"};
// act
// insert
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
var service = new Service(context);
// delete
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
var service = new Service(context);
service.ProductService.DeleteProducts(new List<Guid> { product.Id });
// assert
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
var service = new Service(context);
Assert.Equal(0, service.ProductService.GetAllProducts().Count);
I would make an objection on the structure of your test. Namely, you are using the service (production code) to prepare the underlying database. And you are also using the production code to make the assertion.
If any part of the production code is incorrect, this test will fail. However, this test is designed to assert that the delete feature is doing right.
Therefore, I would rewrite entire test in the following way:
public void ProductService_DeleteProduct_Test()
// arrange
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext>()
.UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "ProductService_DeleteProduct_Test")
var product = new Product() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Product"};
// Insert object using other means, i.e. direct INSERT statement
// act
using (var context = new ApplicationDbContext(options))
var service = new Service(context);
service.ProductService.DeleteProducts(new List<Guid> { product.Id });
// assert
// Execute SELECT COUNT(*) instruction to fetch previously existing row
Assert.Equal(0, rowsCount);
In this way, you will only touch production code in the acting part of the test. That is the part in which you are using the service object to delete an object from the database.
Subsequent assertion is done against a scalar value count which is fetched as the result of a raw SELECT statement executed directly on the storage.
Bottom line is that none of the parts of your test are now depending on correctness of the production code, except the DeleteProducts method which is in fact the method under test.
And, consequently, the answer to your question is that there is only one assertion to write in this test.
Answering your first question, I'd say no. Since this is a unit test and you're testing the delete specifically. I consider the insert part of the setup since you're getting the system into a state where you want to test the delete. To Zoran Horvat's point, if you can, put a row in the database via some means other than the service itself.
To answer your second question, it seems unnecessary to have three using blocks where you're new'ing up the service three times. I'd put the insert, delete, and assert in the same using, making use of one instance of the SUT, or service.
However, if you have multiple tests that all require there to be a row in the database, consider moving the insert into a SetUp method with the [SetUp] attribute that every test can call before hand. In that case, you'd be using multiple instances of the context.

Getting duplicates when testing "one-to-many" relationship?

I'm running into some issues testing Fluent NHibernate's persistence. I'm not sure if this is simply poor understanding on my part or improper expectations of the test. If so, does anyone have any advice on how best to set up a Unit Test for this part of the DAL?
I have a pair of classes Client and Facility with a one-to-many relationship:
One: Client can have Many Facility
Using this FluentNHibernate's mapping structure, I'd expected they should look like this:
public class ClientMapping : DataMapping<Client>
public ClientMapping()
HasMany(client => client.Facilities)
public class FacilityMapping : DataMapping<Facility>
public FacilityMapping()
References(fac => fac.Owner);
I followed FNH's advice on creating tests such as below but when running it- I get a Client table with 2 Clients and a Facility table with two different Ids, even though I'm passing in a single object.
public void CanCorrectlyCreateFacilityTable()
_client = new Client {Name = "Preston"};
new PersistenceSpecification<Facility>(session, new DataEqualityComparer())
.CheckProperty(f => f.Id, 1)
.CheckProperty(f => f.Name, _facility1.Name)
.CheckReference(f => f.Owner, _client)
new PersistenceSpecification<Facility>(session, new DataEqualityComparer())
.CheckProperty(f => f.Id, 2)
.CheckProperty(f => f.Name, _facility2.Name)
.CheckReference(f => f.Owner, _client)
Closest q/a I've found is those below but even when running the Client test first, I seem to get the same result (likely because the database state resets itself for each test):
Cascade persist creates duplicate rows?
Hibernate - one to Many relationship
It turns out my expectations were incorrect. The Persistence Specification test simply tests where data hits the database - hence, it'll send new items each time it's run.
To test whether the mappings are cascading data correctly I needed to write a test like below:
public void CanSaveAndLoadFacilityMapping()
object id;
object id2;
using (var trans = _session.BeginTransaction())
id = _session.Save(_facility1);
id2 = _session.Save(_facility2);
using (var trans = _session.BeginTransaction())
var facility = _session.Get<Facility>(id);
var facility2 = _session.Get<Facility>(id2);
Assert.AreEqual(facility.Name, _facility1.Name);
Assert.AreEqual(facility.Owner.Name, _client.Name);
Assert.AreEqual(facility2.Owner.Name, _client.Name);
Assert.AreEqual(facility.Owner.Id, facility2.Owner.Id);

Setting Up MOQ Update Test

I am developing Moq tests for various entities. I can setup create and delete tests fine, but not update - the entity in the repository does not change. I know this is due to the PersistAll doing nothing (probably due to a setup I am missing).
This is a sample of an insert persist setup (I am looking for an Update version):
agg.Setup(a => a.InsertOnPersist<Thingy>(model)).Callback(() => mockThingies.Add(model));
In addition, I also have this to link the List to being the repository:
agg.Setup(a => a.GetObjectStore<Artist>()).Returns(mockThingies.AsQueryable());
This is a sample of an update test I have:
public List<Thingy> mockThingies; //this is our repository
public void SetupTests()
mockThingies= new List<Thingy>();
Thingy someThingy = new Thingy();
someThingy.Name = "MyName";
someThingy.ID = 1;
public void CanEditExistingThingy()
Mock<BusinessExceptionBroadcaster> beb = new Mock<BusinessExceptionBroadcaster>();
Mock<IValidationEngine> valid = new Mock<IValidationEngine>();
Mock<IAggregate> agg = new Mock<IAggregate>();
agg.Setup(a => a.GetObjectStore<Thingy>()).Returns(mockThingies.AsQueryable());
ThingyRepository repo = new ThingyRepository (agg.Object);
ThingyService service = new ThingyService (repo, beb.Object, valid.Object);
Thingy newThingy = new Thingy();
newThingy.ID = 1; //same as old
newThingy.Name = "newname"; //new name
Assert.AreEqual(newThingy.Name, mockThingies[0].Name); //FAILS HERE
This is the code to update:
public bool Update(Thingy entity)
Thingy existingThingy= _Thingy.FirstOrDefault(t=>t.ID == entity.ID);
if (existingThingy != null)
return true;
return false;
Don't worry about testing whether the update call actually updates something. You'll just want to verify that your service calls the appropriate method on the repo to perform the update and persist. Testing the actual update is a little outside the scope of this one test.
As far as I can see, it can't work, because you're setting one Thingy with ID=1 in Setup, and then create other one with same ID in test. Although they share same ID, they are not same, so your changes can't be ever propagated to repository.
In fact, I think that it's a bug in your CUT code, because while you're testing ID match, you don't test that your repository knows something about entity you're updating. To add, I personally think that there's something wrong with your repository design if it allows such things.
If we were talking about EntityFramework I'd say you have to attach your entity to context.

How Should I be wrapping my select statements in a transaction?

I am going threw my site with nhibernate profiler and I got this message
Alert: Use of implicit transactions is
I see they are on every single select statement.
private readonly ISession session;
public OrderHistoryRepo(ISession session)
this.session = session;
public void Save(OrderHistory orderHistory)
public List<OrderHistory> GetOrderHistory(Guid Id)
List<OrderHistory> orderHistories = session.Query<OrderHistory>().Where(x => x.Id == Id).ToList();
return orderHistories;
public void Commit()
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
Should I be wrapping my GetOrderHistory with a transaction like I have with my commit?
How would I wrap select statements around with a transaction? Would it be like this? But then "transaction" is never used.
public List<OrderHistory> GetOrderHistory(Guid Id)
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
List<OrderHistory> orderHistories = session.Query<OrderHistory>().Where(x => x.Id == Id).ToList();
return orderHistories;
Ninject (maybe I can leverage it to help me out like I did with getting a session)
public class NhibernateSessionFactory
public ISessionFactory GetSessionFactory()
ISessionFactory fluentConfiguration = Fluently.Configure()
.Database(MsSqlConfiguration.MsSql2008.ConnectionString(c => c.FromConnectionStringWithKey("ConnectionString")))
.Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<Map>().Conventions.Add(ForeignKey.EndsWith("Id")))
.ExposeConfiguration(cfg => cfg.SetProperty("adonet.batch_size", "20"))
return fluentConfiguration;
private static void BuidSchema(NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration config)
new NHibernate.Tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport(config).Create(false, true);
public class NhibernateSessionFactoryProvider : Provider<ISessionFactory>
protected override ISessionFactory CreateInstance(IContext context)
var sessionFactory = new NhibernateSessionFactory();
return sessionFactory.GetSessionFactory();
public class NhibernateModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Bind<ISession>().ToMethod(context => context.Kernel.Get<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession()).InRequestScope();
Edit 3
If I do this
public List<OrderHistory> GetOrderHistory(Guid Id)
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
List<OrderHistory> orderHistories = session.Query<OrderHistory>().Where(x => x.Id == Id).ToList();
return orderHistories;
I get this alert
If I do this
public List<OrderHistory> GetOrderHistory(Guid Id)
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
List<OrderHistory> orderHistories = session.Query<OrderHistory>().Where(x => x.Id == Id).ToList().ConvertToLocalTime(timezoneId);
return orderHistories;
I can get rid of the errors but can get unexpected results.
For instance when I get orderHistories back I loop through all of them and convert the "purchase date" to the users local time. This is done through an extension method that I created for my list.
Once converted I set it to override the "purchase date" in the object. This way I don't have to create a new object for one change of a field.
Now if I do this conversion of dates before I call the commit nhibernate thinks I have updated the object and need to commit it.
So I am putting a bounty on this question.
How can I create my methods so I don't have to wrap each method in a transaction? I am using ninject already for my sessions so maybe I can leverage that however some times though I am forced to do multiple transactions in a single request.
So I don't know have just one transaction per request is a soultion.
how can I make sure that objects that I am changing for temporary use don't accidentally get commit?
how can I have lazy loading that I am using in my service layer. I don't want to surround my lazy loading stuff in a transaction since it usually used in my service layer.
I am finding it very hard to find examples of how to do it when your using the repository pattern. With the examples everything is always written in the same transaction and I don't want to have transactions in my service layer(it is the job of the repo not my business logic)
The NHibernate community recommends that you wrap everything in a transaction, regardless of what you're doing.
To answer your second question, generally, it depends. If this is a web application, you should look at the session-per-request pattern. In most basic scenarios, what this means is that you'll create a single session per HTTP request in which the session (and transaction) is created when the request is made and committed/disposed of at the end of the request. I'm not saying that this is the right way for you, but it's a common approach that works well for most people.
There are a lot of examples out there showing how this can be done. Definitely worth taking the time to do a search and read through things.
EDIT: Example of how I do the session/transaction per request:
I have a SessionModule that loads the session from my dependency resolver (this is a MVC3 feature):
namespace My.Web
public class SessionModule : IHttpModule {
public void Init(HttpApplication context) {
context.BeginRequest += context_BeginRequest;
context.EndRequest += context_EndRequest;
void context_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) {
var session = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<ISession>();
void context_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) {
var session = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<ISession>();
public void Dispose() {}
This is how I register the session (using StructureMap):
new Container(x => {
x.Scan(a => {
x.For<ISession>().HybridHttpOrThreadLocalScoped().Use(sf => sf.GetInstance<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession());
Keep in mind that this is something I've experimented with and have found to work well for the scenarios where I've used NHibernate. Other people may have different opinions (which are, of course, welcome).
Well, i guess you could set a Transaction level that's appropriate for the kind of reads that you perform in your application, but the question is: should it really be required to do that within the application code? My guess is no, unless you have a use case that differs from the default transaction levels that (n)hibernate will apply by configuration.
Maybe you can set transaction levels in your nhibernate config.
Or maybe the settings for the profiler are a bit overzealous? Can't tell from here.
But: Have you tried commiting a read transaction? Should not do any harm.
You're passing the ISession into the repository's constructor, which is good. But that's the only thing I like about this class.
Save just calls session.Save, so it's not needed.
GetOrderHistory appears to be retrieving a single entity by ID, you should use session.Get<OrderHistory>(id) for this. You can put the result into a collection if needed.
The Commit method shouldn't be in a repository.
To answer your questions directly...
How can I create my methods so I don't have to wrap each method in a
transaction? I am using ninject
already for my sessions so maybe I can
leverage that however some times
though I am forced to do multiple
transactions in a single request.
The pattern I recommend is below. This uses manual dependency injection but you could use Ninject to resolve your dependencies.
List<OrderHistory> orderHistories;
var session = GetSession(); // Gets the active session for the request
var repository = new OrderHistory(Repository);
// new up more repositories as needed, they will all participate in the same transaction
using (var txn = session.BeginTransaction())
// use try..catch block if desired
orderHistories = repository.GetOrderHistories();
So I don't know have just one
transaction per request is a soultion.
It's perfectly fine to have multiple transactions in a session. I don't like waiting until the request ends to commit because it's too late to provide good feedback to the user.
how can I make sure that objects that
I am changing for temporary use don't
accidentally get commit?
The only sure way is to use an IStatelessSession. Less sure ways are to Evict the object from the Session or Clear the session. But with NHibernate it's not recommended to modify persistent objects.
how can I have lazy loading that I am using in my service layer. I don't
want to surround my lazy loading stuff
in a transaction since it usually used
in my service layer.
If you're using session-per-request this shouldn't be a problem. But you're right that lazy-loading can happen outside of the transaction. I ignore these warnings. I suppose you could "touch" every child object needed so that lazy loads are in a transaction but I don't bother.
I don't want to have transactions in
my service layer(it is the job of the
repo not my business logic)
I disagree with this. The UI or business logic should manage the transaction. The UI is where the user expresses their intent (save or cancel my changes) and is the natural place to manage the transaction.
Recommended approach is unit of work
(session+transaction) per request.
Sure you can use NInject to manage
session lifecycle, I blogged
recently about similar approach
using Castle Windsor.
Here are 4 options:
Don't change entities temporary
Use stateless session in such cases
Detach objects when you are going to
do temporary change
Rollback transaction
I'd go with first one.
You don't have to worry about lazy loading if you are using session-per-request pattern - it will be executed in same request and wrapped with transaction automatically.

Rolling back records created by PersistenceSpecifications in Fluent NHibernate

I'm learning some Fluent NHibernate and I've run across the semi-awesome PersistenceSpecification class.
I've set it up in a unit test to verify my mappings and it works great. However, it leaves the record in the database when done. I tried throwing it in a transaction so I can rollback the changes but I get an error:
System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'AdoTransaction'..
Without a transaction I have to figure out the ID's of the record, retrieve them and delete them and that doesn't seem very elegant.
Any thoughts?
Here is the code snippet:
var factory = GetSessionFactory();
using (var session = factory.OpenSession())
using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
new PersistenceSpecification<TimePeriod>(session)
.CheckProperty(x => x.EndDate, DateTime.Today)
Try setting the IsolationLevel on the transaction. This snippet worked for me:
using (var trans = _session.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted))
new PersistenceSpecification<Event>(_session)
.CheckProperty(p => p.StartTime, new DateTime(2010, 1, 1))
The PersistenceSpecification is usually used with an in-memory database like SQLite, that's why it doesn't roll anything back. I believe there's a constructor overload that takes an ISession instance, have you tried getting a transaction from there then rolling that back after?
I think the issue here is VerifyTheMappings() calls TransactionSave() which does a tx.Commit() to the database. As James indicated, this technique seems to work great for throw away in-memory testing techniques. This would not work in the case of testing mappings against a legacy database.
Setting IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted will work, but only incidentally, since all it is doing is telling the session that it can read without needing a new transaction (a dirty read, in DBMS parlance) - so Session.Transaction.Commit () doesn't have to commit a database transaction before the verification reads. This also means that it is not necessarily testing what you think it is testing! (I also think this has probably-questionable support amongst non-MS SQL databases). The answer from leebrandt works because of the explicit rollback, not the isolation level (nb. At the time of the answer this helped more than it does now, see note below).
The good news is that the correct way to do this is to just rollback the transaction manually. Session.Transaction is automatically replaced whenever the transaction is committed, so you'll need to hold a reference to it, and you'll have to open one explicitly anyways, since TransactionalSave () checks if the current transaction is active and creates (and disposes!) its own if not. I typically test all of my mappings in the same fixture, where I also verify the factory creation and a few other infrastructural persistence things, so I like the following pattern for this to keep the plumbing down:
class TestFixture {
static ISessionFactory factory = CreateMyFactorySomehowHere();
ISession session;
ITransaction tx;
public void Setup ()
session = factory.OpenSession ();
tx = session.BeginTransaction ();
public void Cleanup ()
tx.Rollback ();
tx.Dispose ();
session.Close ();
public void TestAMappingForSomething ()
var spec = new PersistenceSpecification<Something> (session);
spec.VerifyTheMappings ();
Obviously, insert your own test-framework-specific terminology and attributes/annotations wherever, but you get the idea.
I've just now noticed how old this question is: this behavior was fixed in this commit in July 09, to handle existing transactions nicely so that the above works! Clearly this is what you were doing originally anyways.
i think that it's very important to do this testing with your real db, to see that his tables definition r ok, so i'v developed a very simple class that perform a crud test on a mapped entity and roll back at the end;
internal class GenericMappingTesterWithRealDB<T> where T : IIdentifiable
public T EntityToTest { get; set; }
public Func<T, object> PerformEntityManipulationBeforeUpdate { get; set; }
public GenericMappingTesterWithRealDB()
public void RunTest()
using (ISession session = SessionFactoryProvider.NewSession)
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
var item = session.Get<T>(EntityToTest.ID);
if (PerformEntityManipulationBeforeUpdate != null)
catch (Exception e)
Assert.Fail(e.Message, e.StackTrace);
IIdentifiable in my project is the most basic interface of my entities
the class is using the nunit.framework but u can do it with every testing framework u want
sessionfactoryprovider needs to supply the isession obj
here is a sample of use
/// <summary>
/// Testing the mapping of our entities.
/// there must be a server connection for this kind of test.
/// </summary>
internal class someMappingTest
[Test(Description = "Check the Encoding Profile FluentNHibernate Mapping")]
public void checkthatMappingWorks()
// creatw the new entity
TestedType testOn = new TestedType();
// set the initialization values
testOn.Name = "TestProfileExecution";
// create the test object
new GenericMappingTesterWithRealDB<TestedType>
// assign an entity
EntityToTest = testOn,
// assign new values for update check
PerformEntityManipulationBeforeUpdate =
delegate(TestedType testedTypeBeingTested)
return testedTypeBeingTested.Name = "Updateing Test";
// call run test to perform the mapping test.
