Using Entity Framework 5, I have a generic method that retrieves entities from my context with optional parameters to filter, include related entities, and set the order of results. When I pass the method a set of include properties, however, it never modifies the query with joins to include the related entities. Any ideas why my query isn't updating?
public virtual IQueryable<TEntity> Get(
Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter = null,
string includeProperties = "",
Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IOrderedQueryable<TEntity>> orderBy = null)
IQueryable<TEntity> query = dbSet.AsExpandable();
if (filter != null)
query = query.Where(filter);
foreach (var includeProperty in includeProperties.Split
(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
query = query.Include(includeProperty);
if (orderBy != null)
return orderBy(query);
return query;
Query before foreach (var includeProperty... that remains unchanged afterwards
[Extent1].[Pid] AS [Pid],
[Extent1].[Created] AS [Created],
[Extent1].[Creator] AS [Creator]
FROM [Administrator] AS [Extent1]}
EDIT...More Info
Originally I was using the following method call: AdministratorDTO admin = unitOfWork.AdministratorComponent.GetByID(userPid); on the following POCO class:
public virtual TEntity GetByID(object id)
return dbSet.Find(id);
public class Administrator : IPrincipal
[Display(Name = "PID")]
public string Pid { get; set; }
public DateTime Created { get; set; }
public string Creator { get; set; }
public ICollection<Role> Roles { get; set; }
public ICollection<Area> Areas { get; set; }
And using AutoMapper to map to a DTO with the following configuration:
public class AdministratorDTO
[Display(Name = "PID")]
public string Pid { get; set; }
public string[] Roles { get; set; }
public string[] Areas { get; set; }
public class WebApiApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
public static class AutoMapperConfiguration
public static void Configure()
private static void ConfigureAdministratorMapping()
Mapper.CreateMap<Administrator, AdministratorDTO>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Roles,
opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.Roles == null ?
null : src.Roles.Select(r => r.Name).ToArray()))
.ForMember(dest => dest.Areas,
opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.Areas == null ?
null : src.Areas.Select(a => a.Id).ToArray()));
public class BusinessComponent<TEntity, TDto>
: IBusinessComponent<TEntity, TDto>
where TEntity : class
where TDto : class
protected TDto Flatten(TEntity entity)
return Mapper.Map<TEntity, TDto>(entity);
My understanding was that if I didn't mark the Administrator's navigation properties (Areas and Roles) as virtual they would be eagerly loaded, but I kept getting an empty string[] in my DTO.
I looked at the TEntity parameter going into my Flatten method and Areas/Roles were null before I called Map, so I don't think it was something to do with AutoMapper.
Next I tried using the following method call:
AdministratorDTO admin = unitOfWork.AdministratorComponent
.Get(filter: a => a.Pid == "csherman", includeProperties: "Roles, Areas")
Finally, just in case the Include was being ignored because the navigation properties were not virtual, I added the virtual keyword to both Areas and Roles on my Administrator class. When I did this, both the GetByID and the Get(filter: ..., includeProperties: ...) methods worked, thereby including the Areas/Roles in my TEntity Flatten parameter and populating the string arrays in my DTO.
Problem solved I suppose, but...
Question is, especially for the GetById method, why did it work with the virtual keyword but not without?
If EF actually factors in the projection from the time of the original method call, why would these entities be included?
Includes don't work if you do any sort of projection after the include.
Here's a post that deals with this and how to work around it.
And here's an SO question that deals with it as well.
EDIT: In response to your edit I tried looking around to see if I could find a reason why the virtual keyword would make your Include work but not work without it. I couldn't find anything in passing that would directly answer that.
Here's what I think is happening, though: The virtual keyword, on navigation properties, tells Entity Framework that this property should employ lazy loading. If there are times that you want to load them eagerly is when you would use Include. I think that that's what Include is built for. I think it tries to look specifically for virtual properties with that name, and when it can't find it, dies gracefully without exception. If you don't mark it as virtual I think the implementation of Include misses it completely. I base this guess on the fact that none of the articles that I've seen on Include mentioned it outside the context of lazy loading--which would mean using the virtual keyword.
There's a serious problem with IQueryable.Include: the underlying object must be of type ObjectQuery or DbQuery, otherwise this method will not work!
Include is leaky abstraction and it works only with Entity framework. EF 4.1 already contains Include over generic IQueryable but it internally only converts passed generic IQueryable to generic ObjectQuery or DbQuery and calls their Include.
When I pass the method a set of include properties, however, it never modifies the query with joins to include the related entities. Any ideas why my query isn't updating?
You seem to be using LinqKit:
IQueryable<TEntity> query = dbSet.AsExpandable();
Extension method AsExpandable gets IQueryable parameter and returns a new object of type ExpandableQuery, that decorates the original ObjectQuery or DbQuery object. Extension method IQueryable.Include, applied to ExpandableQuery, can't make the conversion and silently skips.
why did it work with the virtual keyword but not without?
Virtual method has nothing to do with include. Instead it turns on lazy loading. It means that navigation properties are not loaded on the first request, but are loaded on separate requests when these properties are actually used.
I have my Unit of Measure which users fill in and save, they can then save a list of Unit Sizes which has its own table and is a foreign key to the Unit Of Measure. When I am fetching all the data back, the Unit Size value is coming back blank.
I have read a half dozen ways to do this and I am not comprehending them. The one that makes the most sense to me is using a Queryable extension so I am trying to go that route but my code still hasn't quite gotten there.
Here is where I am at - these are my entities:
namespace Mudman.Data.Entities
public class UnitOfMeasure : IEntityBase, IAuditBase
public string Id { get; set; }
public string TenantId { get; set; }
public virtual Tenant Tenant { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual IEnumerable<UnitOfMeasureSize> UnitSize { get; set; }
public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } = DateTime.UtcNow;
public string CreateUserId { get; set; }
public DateTime UpdateDate { get; set; }
public string UpdateUserId { get; set; }
Unit Of Measure size entity:
namespace Mudman.Data.Entities
public class UnitOfMeasureSize : IEntityBase, IAuditBase
public string Id { get; set; }
public string TenantId { get; set; }
public virtual Tenant Tenant { get; set; }
public string UnitOfMeasureId { get; set; }
public virtual UnitOfMeasure UnitOfMeasure { get; set; }
public int UnitSize { get; set; }
public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; } = DateTime.UtcNow;
public string CreateUserId { get; set; }
public DateTime UpdateDate { get; set; }
public string UpdateUserId { get; set; }
Unit Of Measure Repository including Unit Size:
namespace Mudman.Repository
public class UnitOfMeasureRepository : EntityBaseRepository<UnitOfMeasure>,
MudmanDbContext context;
public UnitOfMeasureRepository(MudmanDbContext context) : base(context)
{ this.context = context; };
public IEnumerable<UnitOfMeasure> GetAllUnitsOfMeasure(string TenantId)
var result = context.UnitOfMeasure
.Where( uom => uom.TenantId == TenantId)
.Include(uom => uom.UnitSize);
return result;
My GetAllAsync method in my service:
public Task<IEnumerable<UnitOfMeasureViewModel>> GetAllAsync()
var result = _unitOfMeasureRepo.GetAllUnitsOfMeasure(TenantId);
result.OrderBy(r => r.Name);
return _mapper.Map<List<UnitOfMeasure>, List<UnitOfMeasureViewModel>>(result.ToList());
AutoMapper Code:
CreateMap<UnitOfMeasure, UnitOfMeasureViewModel>().ReverseMap()
.ForMember(dest => dest.UnitSize, uos => uos.Ignore())
.ForMember(uom => uom.UnitSize, src => src.MapFrom(uom => uom.UnitSize));
There are a few issues with your attempts so far.
Firstly, your GetAllAsync looks like it wants to be an async method but you have it making entirely synchronous calls, and hasn't been marked as async. I would avoid diving into asynchronous methods until you have the fundamentals of retrieving your data down.
What we cannot see from your example is the mapping between your unit of measure entity and the view model. The entity has a one-to-many relationship between unit of measure and UnitSizes, so what gets updated depends on how the view model is laid out and configured for mapping. This is most likely the root of your problem where your view model mapping from the entity is likely relying on a convention that isn't pairing up with the data you expect.
Performance wise, this approach will run into problems as your data model grows in terms of entities and rows. The fundamental problem with using a repository like this is that a method like this:
IEnumerable<UnitOfMeasure> GetAllUnitsOfMeasure(string TenantId)
will load all data into memory and you explicitly need to include related entities, whether the consumer will want them or not, which adds to the amount of work the queries need to do and the memory required. If TenantId is for something like a multi-tenant database such as in a SaaS application with multiple tenants using a single data source, this is a good reason to adopt a Repository pattern, but I would not pass tenantIds around as parameters. Instead, have the repository accept a dependency that can validate and resolve the current TenantId from the session. This way the repository can always ensure that the current tenant rules are validated and applied for every query without worrying about where the caller might have gotten a TenantId from. (I.e accepting a TenantId from a POST request would be bad as that value could easily be tampered with)
To address performance and probably touch on what you had read about IQueryable extensions, rather than returning IEnumerable<TEntity> from a repository, you can return IQueryable<TEntity>. The advantages here are that you can still have the repository add base filtering rules like the tenantID, and allow the consumer to handle things like sorting and projection.
For example, the repository looks more like:
public class UnitOfMeasureRepository : IUnitOfMeasureRepository
private readonly MudmanDbContext _context;
private readonly ICurrentUserLocator _currentUserLocator;
public UnitOfMeasureRepository(MudmanDbContext context, ICurrentUserLocator currentUserLocator )
_context = context ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
_currentUserLocator = currentUserLocator ?? throw new ArgumentNullException("currentUserLocator");
public IQueryable<UnitOfMeasure> GetUnitsOfMeasure()
var tenantId = _currentUserLocator.CurrentUserTenantId; // Checks session for current user and retrieves a tenant ID or throws an exception. (no session, etc.)
var query = _context.UnitOfMeasure
.Where( uom => uom.TenantId == tenantId)
return query;
The changes to note here is that we do away with the base generic repository class. This was confusing as you were passing the context to a base class then setting a local context instance as well. Generic repositories with EF are a bad code smell as they lead to either very complex code, very poor performing code, or both. There is a CurrentUserLocator with the container can inject which is a simple class that can verify that a user is currently authenticated and can return their Tenant ID. From there we will return an IQueryable<UnitOfMeasure> which has a base filter for the TenantID which will allow our consumers to make up their own minds how they want to consume it. Note that we do not need to use Include for related entities, again the consumers can decide what they need.
Calling the new repository method and projecting your view models looks fairly similar to what you had. It looks like you are using Automapper, rather than using .Map() we can use .ProjectTo() with the IQueryable and Automapper can essentially build a Select() expression to pull back only the data that the view model will need. To use ProjectTo extension method we do need to provide it with the MappingConfiguration that was used to create your mapper and that will tell it how to build the ViewModel. (So rather than having a dependency of type 'Mapper' you will need one for the MapperConfiguration you set up for that mapper.)
public IEnumerable<UnitOfMeasureViewModel> GetAll()
var models = _unitOfMeasureRepo.GetUnitsOfMeasure()
.OrderBy(r => r.Name)
What this does is call our repository method to get the IQueryable, which we can then append the ordering we desire, and call ProjectTo to allow Automapper to populate the view models before executing the query with ToList(). When using Select or ProjectTo we don't need to worry about using Include to eager load related data that might be mapped, these methods take care of loading data related entities if/when needed automatically.
Even in cases where we want to use a method like this to update entities with related entities, using IQueryable works there to:
public void IncrementUnitSize(string unitOfMeasureId)
var unitOfMeasure = _unitOfMeasureRepo.GetUnitsOfMeasure()
.Include(r => r.UnitSizes)
.Where(r => r.Id == unitOfMeasureId)
foreach(var unitSize in unitOfMeasure.UnitSizes)
unitSize.UnitSize += 1;
Just as an example of fetching related entities as needed, versus having a method that returns IEnumerable and needs to eager load everything just in case some caller might need it.
These methods can very easily be translated into an asyncronous method without touching the repository:
public async Task<IEnumerable<UnitOfMeasureViewModel>> GetAll()
var models = await _unitOfMeasureRepo.GetAllUnitsOfMeasure(TenantId)
.OrderBy(r => r.Name)
... and that is all! Just remember that async doesn't make the call faster, if anything it makes it a touch slower. What it does is make the server more responsive by allowing it to move the request handling to a background thread and free the request thread to pick up a new server request. That is great for methods that are going to take a bit of time, or are going to get called very frequently to avoid tying down all of the server request threads leading to timeouts for users waiting for a response from the server. For methods that are very fast and aren't expected to get hammered by a lot of users, async doesn't add a lot of value and you need to ensure every async call is awaited or you can end up with whacky behaviour and exceptions.
I am trying to delete an entity of Employee from the database which contains different tables like Employee, Project, Skills using a generic repository pattern.
namespace Information.Repository
public class IRepositoy<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _dbContext;
public IRepositoy(ApplicationDbContext dbContext)
_dbContext = dbContext;
public void Remove(int id)
TEntity element = _dbContext.Set<TEntity>().Find(id);
When the above Remove method is called it makes two database call
One for getting the entity.
Second for deleting it.
I have found the query like the below one which executes with single SQL query
when the entity type(Employee or Project or Skill) is known
public void Remove(int id)
Employee employee = new Employee { EmployeeId = id };
_dbContext.Entry(employee).State = EntityState.Deleted;
can anyone please suggest me how to delete an entity without fetching it using a generic repository pattern similar to the above example.
Using raw SQL
Entity Framework doesn't allow you to delete an object that you haven't loaded (or attached). This also extends to conditional deletes (e.g. deleting all users named John) as it requires you to load the users before deleting them.
You can get around this by executing raw SQL. It's not ideal as you tend to use EF so you don't have to write SQL, but the lack of a decent delete behavior (without loading) makes this an acceptable solution.
Something along the lines of:
using (var context = new FooContext())
var command = "DELETE * FROM dbo.Foos WHERE Id = 1";
Where relevant, don't forget about SQL injection protection. However, it's usually a non-issue for simple deletes as the FK is usually a GUID or int, which doesn't expose you to injection attacks.
Making it generic
The example you posted works as well, but you're probably not using it because it can't easily be made generic-friendly.
What I tend to do in all my EF projects is to have an (abstract) base class for all my entities, something along the lines of:
public class BaseEntity
public int Id { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedOn { get; set; }
public string CreatedBy { get; set; }
public DateTime? UpdatedOn { get; set; }
public string UpdatedBy { get; set; }
An interface would also work, I just prefer a base class here.
The audit fields are not part of this answer but they do showcase the benefits of having a base class.
When all your entities inherit from the same base class, you can put a generic type constraint on your repositories which ensures that the generic type has an Id property:
public class IRepositoy<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : BaseEntity
At which point you can generically implement your proposed solution:
public void Remove(TEntity obj)
dbContext.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Deleted;
You can also specify a parameterless constructor type constraint:
where TEntity : BaseEntity, new()
which enables you to instantiate your generic type as well:
public void Remove(int id)
TEntity obj = new TEntity() { Id = id };
dbContext.Entry(obj).State = EntityState.Deleted;
There is a generic raw SQL solution as well, but I've omitted it as it is more complex because it requires you to retrieve the table name based on the entity type.
The raw SQL variant is only valuable in cases where you want to execute conditional deletes (e.g. removing all entities whose id is an even number).
However, since most conditional deletes are entity-specific, this means that you generally don't need to make them generic, which makes the raw SQL approach more viable as you only have to implement it in a specific repository and not the generic one.
You still have to fetch it. Entity Framework caches your dbSets so it's usually pretty quick. Use the same context like so:
public virtual void Delete(object id)
TEntity entityToDelete = dbSet.Find(id);
public virtual void Delete(TEntity entityToDelete)
if (context.Entry(entityToDelete).State == EntityState.Detached)
Where dbSet =
The current limitation of Entity Framework is, in order to update or delete an entity you have to first retrieve it into memory. However there are few alternatives to delete a specific record.
You can try ExecuteSqlCommandto delete a specific record
_dbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Delete Employee where EmployeeId = {0}", id );
or try using EntityFramework.Extended Library to delete a specific record
_dbContext.Settings.Where(s=> s.EmployeeId == id).Delete();
I'm getting the following content when I invoke my API. It kind of breaks up in the middle when the tenant entity that member is linked to, will start listing its member entities.
"name":"First Fake Org",
I configured the lazy loading like this.
services.AddDbContext<Context>(config => config
How should I change the code so that the lazily loaded entities don't get served? I was hoping that it would simply return an empty list to the client. Should I use a DTO for that purpose and not return from the DB like this? There's talk about not using lazy loading for APIs at all here.
[HttpGet("test1/{username}"), AllowAnonymous]
public IActionResult GetStuff(string userName)
Member output;
output = Context.Members
.Include(e => e.Tenant)
.Single(e => e.UserName == userName);
return Ok(output);
I'm not sure what to google for and all the hits I got were pointing to the UseLazyLoadingProxies() invokation.
This will probably be somewhat long winded: But here goes.
It sounds like you have Entities which look something like:
public partial class Member
public virtual long Id { get; set; }
public virtual List<Tenant> Tenants { get; set; } //tables have fk relationship
public partial class Tenant
public virtual long Id { get; set; }
public virtual List<Member> Members{ get; set; } //tables have another fk relationship?
And then for this method:
[HttpGet("test1/{username}"), AllowAnonymous]
public IActionResult GetStuff(string userName)
Member output;
output = Context.Members
.Include(e => e.Tenant)
.Single(e => e.UserName == userName);
return Ok(output);
I see a few issues, but I'll try to keep it short:
I wouldn't have the controller do this directly. But it should work.
What I think you over looked is exactly what the .Include statement does. When the object is instantiated, it will get all of those related entities. Includes essentially converts your where statement to a left join, where the foreign keys match (EF calls these navigation properties).
If you don't want the Tenant property, then you can omit the .Include statement. Unless this is meant to be more generic (In which case, an even stronger reason to use a different pattern and auto mapper).
Hopefully your database doesn't truly have a FK relationship both ways, if it does, fix that ASAP.
The next issue is that you might not want a list of child properties, but it is in the model so they will be "there". Although your List Tenants might be null. And while this might be fine to you, right now. As a general rule when I see an API returning a property, I expect something to be either not there (This Member doesn't have tenants) or something is wrong, like perhaps there is a second parameter I missed. This probably isn't a problem 93.284% of the time, but it is something to be mindful of.
This starts to get into why an AutoMapper is great. Your Database Models, Business Models and views are likely different. And as much as you shouldn't return the database models directly. Taking control of how the data is represented for each part of the application is a great idea.
You could reduce the code easily, and remove the navitation properties:
[HttpGet("test1/{username}"), AllowAnonymous]
public IActionResult GetStuff(string userName)
return Ok(Context.Members
.Include(e => e.Tenant)
.Single(e => e.UserName == userName));
But again, a business layer would be better:
[HttpGet("test1/{username}"), AllowAnonymous]
public IActionResult GetStuff(string userName)
return Ok(MemberRepository.GetMember(userName));
The main point I'd stress though, is creating a view model.
For example, Let's say a user Detail:
public class MemberDetail
public string UserName {get; set;}
public long UserId { get; set; }
public string FullName { get; set; }
This way the view always receives exactly what you want to see, and not the extra data. Add this with the fact that you can know exactly how every use of Member to MemberDetail will map.
I'm having problems with having two foreign key references to the same table.
The foreign key id fields are populated but the navigation fields and lists (the Team fields) are not - they are both null.
My classes are:
public class Team
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Fixture> HomeFixtures { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Fixture> AwayFixtures { get; set; }
public class Fixture
public int Id { get; set; }
public int HomeTeamId { get; set; }
public int AwayTeamId { get; set; }
public Team HomeTeam { get; set; }
public Team AwayTeam { get; set; }
and my dbContext
public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser>
public DbSet<Team> Teams { get; set; }
public DbSet<Fixture> Fixtures { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.HasOne(f => f.HomeTeam)
.WithMany(t => t.HomeFixtures)
.HasForeignKey(t => t.HomeTeamId)
.HasOne(f => f.AwayTeam)
.WithMany(t => t.AwayFixtures)
.HasForeignKey(t => t.AwayTeamId)
I have tried adding [ForeignKey()] attributes to the HomeTeam and AwayTeam properties but it has no effect.
I have also tried changing the OnModelCreating method to work the other way, i.e.
.HasMany(t => t.HomeFixtures)
.WithOne(f => f.HomeTeam)
.HasForeignKey(f => f.HomeTeamId)
and the same for away fixtures but this produces identical behaviour.
It doesn't seem to matter how I query but the simplest case is
Fixture fixture = await _context.Fixtures.SingleOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == id);
The returned fixture object contains team Ids that are valid and in the database but the Team objects are still not populated.
Has anyone any idea what I'm doing wrong?
This is a brand new project and a brand new database so there's no legacy code interfering.
I'm using Visual Studio 2017rc with Entity Framework Core.
At present EF Core does not support lazy loading. Tracking issue here
That means by default navigation properties will not be loaded and will remain null. As a work-around you can use eager loading or explicit loading patterns.
Eager Loading
Eager loading is pattern where you request for the referenced data you need eagerly while running the query using Include API. The usage is somewhat different from how it worked in EF6. To include any navigation, you specify the lambda expression (or string name) in include method in your query.
e.g. await _context.Fixtures.Include(f => f.HomeTeam).FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == id);
Presently, filtered include is not supported so you can request to load navigation fully or exclude it. So the lambda expression cannot be complex. It must be simple property access. Also to load nested navigation, you can either chain them with property access calls (like a.b.c) or when its after collection navigation (since you cannot chain them) use ThenInclude.
e.g. await _context.Fixtures.Include(f => f.HomeTeam).ThenInclude(t=> t.HomeFixtures).FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == id);
It would be good to remember that include represent a path of navigation from the entity type its being called on to populate all naviagations on the path. Often you may need to write repeated calls if you are including multiple navigations at 2nd or further level. That is just for syntax though and query will be optimized and will not do repeated work. Also with string include you can specify whole navigation path without needing to use ThenInclude. Since reference navigation can utilize join to fetch all data needed in single query, & collection navigation can load all related data in single query, eager loading is most performant way.
Explicit Loading
When you have loaded object in the memory and need to load a navigation, while lazy loading would have loaded it while accessing navigation property, in the absence of that you need to call Load method by yourself. These methods are defined on ReferenceEntry or CollectionEntry.
Fixture fixture = await _context.Fixtures.SingleOrDefaultAsync(f => f.Id == id);
_context.Entry(fixture).Reference(f => f.HomeTeam).Load();
var team = await _context.Teams.SingleOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Id == id);
_context.Entry(team).Collection(f => f.HomeFixtures).Load();
For reference navigation you would need Reference on EntityEntry to get ReferenceEntry. For collection navigation equivalent method is Collection. Then you just call Load method on it to load the data in the navigation. There is also async version of LoadAsync if you need.
Hope this helps.
I was trying to create a generic method to update an Entity and all it's collection properties from a detached object. For example:
public class Parent{
public int Id { get; set; }
public string ParentProperty { get; set; }
public List<Child> Children1 { get; set; }
public List<Child> Children2 { get; set; }
public class Child{
public int Id { get; set; }
public string ChildProperty { get; set; }
So, my first intention was to use something like this:
It would be perfect have a magic inside this method that update Parent properties and compare the list of Children of the parentObj to the current values in database and add/update/remove them accordingly, but it's too complex to my knowledge about EF/Reflection/Generic... and so I tried a second more easier way like this:
Repository<Parent>.Update(parentObj, parent => parent.Children1
parent => parent.Children2);
This method would be a little harder to use, but yet acceptable. But how I think the second parameter had to be params Expression<Func<TEntity, ICollection<TRelatedEntity>>>[] relatedEntities I had problems to specify multiple TRelatedEntity. So my try was to 3rd step with no success yet...
Now I tried to call a method to update Parent and a sequence of methods to update Childreen, like this:
Repository<Parent>.UpdateChild(parentObj, parent => parent.Id, parent => parent.Children1);
Repository<Parent>.UpdateChild(parentObj, parent => parent.Id, parent => parent.Children2);
And the code:
public virtual void Update(TEntity entityToUpdate)
context.Entry(entityToUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified;
public virtual void UpdateChild<TRelatedEntity>(TEntity entityToUpdate, Func<TEntity, object> keySelector, Expression<Func<TEntity, ICollection<TRelatedEntity>>> relatedEntitySelector) where TRelatedEntity: class
var entityInDb = dbSet.Find(keySelector.Invoke(entityToUpdate));
var current = relatedEntitySelector.Compile().Invoke(entityToUpdate);
var original = relatedEntitySelector.Compile().Invoke(entityInDb);
foreach (var created in current.Except(original))
foreach (var removed in original.Except(current))
foreach (var updated in current.Intersect(original))
context.Entry(updated).State = EntityState.Modified;
context.Entry(entityInDb).State = EntityState.Detached;
First problem was to get original values, because when I call dbSet.Find the entity is already in context (context.Entry(entityToUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified;).
So I tried to change order calling first Child:
Repository<Parent>.UpdateChild(parentObj, parent => parent.Id, parent => parent.Children1);
Repository<Parent>.UpdateChild(parentObj, parent => parent.Id, parent => parent.Children2);
And now I have the error:
Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0). Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. See for information on understanding and handling optimistic concurrency exceptions.
In summary, it would be very nice the first way, but I would be satisfied with the second/third too.
Thanks very much
Edit 1
Please, I need a native solution or using Automapper (which we already use in the project), because my customer don't like external dependencies and if we need to adapt something to the project, like working with Attached objects to update their related entities, so GraphDiff mencioned in the comments doesn't fit our needs (and VS 2015 RC crashed when I tried to install the package for tests)
Have you considered getting the object from the DB and using AutoMapper to modify all the property values?
I mean:
var obj = GetObjectFromDB(...);
AutoMapObj(obj, modifiedObj);