I am just starting to familiarise myself with ServiceStack and have come upon FluentValidation. I have followed the introductions and created a small Hello App.
My problem is that when I try to validate the request DTO no error messages are returned to describe how it failed validation, only a blank Json object {}.
Myself, I think the validation is autowired to the DTO so there should be no need for me to write any extra code.
The answer is probably blatant but I cannot see it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My code is below:
namespace SampleHello2
public class Hello
public string Name { get; set; }
public class HelloResponse
public string Result { get; set; }
public class HelloService : Service
public object Any(Hello request)
return new HelloResponse { Result = "Hello, " + request.Name };
public class HelloValidator : AbstractValidator<Hello>
public HelloValidator()
//Validation rules for all requests
RuleFor(r => r.Name).NotNull().NotEmpty().Equal("Ian").WithErrorCode("ShouldNotBeEmpty");
RuleFor(r => r.Name.Length).GreaterThan(2);
public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
public class HelloAppHost : AppHostBase
//Tell Service Stack the name of your application and where to find your web services
public HelloAppHost() : base("Hello Web Services", typeof(HelloService).Assembly) { }
public override void Configure(Funq.Container container)
//Enable the validation feature
Plugins.Add(new ValidationFeature());
//register any dependencies your services use, e.g:
// container.Register<ICacheClient>(new MemoryCacheClient());
//Initialize your application singleton
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
new HelloAppHost().Init();
P.S. Really enjoying using ServiceStack, It really is a fantastic project so thanks.
So for example:
Calling: http://localhost:60063/hello/Ian?format=json returns {"Result":"Hello, Ian"}.
Whereas Calling: http://localhost:60063/hello/I?format=json returns {}.
The second call returns {} where I was expecting auto generated error messages.
I found the answer. It was an overlook on my behalf:
This was in the documentation and I overlooked it:
All Error handling and validation options described below are treated
in the same way - serialized into the ResponseStatus property of your
Response DTO making it possible for your clients applications to
generically treat all Web Service Errors in the same way.
So all that was missing from my code was to add the following line into the HelloResponse class.
public ResponseStatus ResponseStatus { get; set; }
I have an ASP.NET MVC 5 Application with a SignalR 2 hub and using autofac for the DI.
The entire business logic is encapsulated in manager classes in their own layer. Some manager methods need informations about the current logged in user (UserId, TenantId, ..).
I solved this problem by injecting an AuthorizationProvider into each manager class that needs the user information.
public interface IAuthorizationProvider
long? GetUserId();
long? GteTenantId();
public class MyManager : IMyManager
private IAuthorizationProvider _authorizationProvider;
public MyManager(IAuthorizationProvider authorizationProvider)
_authorizationProvider = authorizationProvider;
public void MyMethod()
// Getting the User information here is pretty simple
long userId = _authorizationProvider.GetUserId();
Normally I can get the user information from the HttpContext and from the session. So I wrote a SessionAuthorizationProvider:
public class SessionAuthorizationProvider{
public long? GetUserId()
public long? GteTenantId() { ... }
But now I have a new method in the SignalR hub that use the same mechanism.
public class MyHub : Hub
private IMyManager _myManager;
public MyHub(IMyManager myManager)
_myManager = myManager;
public void MyHubMethod(long userId, long tenantId)
The problem is that a SignalR request doesn't have a session. Therefore I have also set the required user information in the hub method as parameters postet from the client.
So I thought it is the best solution for this problem to write a new AuthorizationProvider for SignalR and adapt the depdendency resolver. But I can't get the current user in the new SignalrAuthorizationProvider.
public class SignalrAuthorizationProvider{
public long? GetUserId()
// How to get the user information here???
public long? GteTenantId() { /* and here??? */ }
Is there a recommended solution to this problem?
Of course, I can extend MyMethod to accept the user information as a parameter. But MyMethod calls another method from another manager and that manager also calls another method. The user information is only needed for the last method call. So I had to change at least 3 methods and many more in the future.
Here is a sketch of the problem
This is a potential solution. But it's very bad
Session is not supported by SignalR by default and you should avoid using it. See No access to the Session information through SignalR Hub. Is my design is wrong?. But you still can use cookie or querystring to get the desired value.
In both case you need to have access to the HubCallerContext of the underlying hub, the one that is accessible through the Context property of the Hub.
In a ideal word you should just have to had the dependency to the SignalAuthorizationProvider
ie :
public class SignalrAuthorizationProvider {
public SignalrAuthorizationProvider(HubCallerContext context){
this._context = context;
private readonly HubCallerContext _context;
public long? GetUserId() {
return this._context.Request.QueryString["UserId"]
But due to SignalR design it is not possible. Context property is assigned after construction of the Hub and AFAIK there is no way to change it.
Source code here : HubDispatcher.cs
One possible solution would be to inject a mutable dependency inside the Hub and alter the object in the OnConnected, OnReconnected methods.
public class SignalrAuthorizationProvider : IAuthorizationProvider
private Boolean _isInitialized;
private String _userId;
public String UserId
if (!_isInitialized)
throw new Exception("SignalR hack not initialized");
return this._userId;
public void OnConnected(HubCallerContext context)
public void OnReconnected(HubCallerContext context)
private void Initialize(HubCallerContext context) {
this._userId = context.QueryString["UserId"];
this._isInitialized = true;
and the Hub
public abstract class CustomHub : Hub
public CustomHub(IAuthorizationProvider authorizationProvider)
this._authorizationProvider = authorizationProvider;
private readonly IAuthorizationProvider _authorizationProvider;
public override Task OnConnected()
return base.OnConnected();
public override Task OnReconnected()
return base.OnReconnected();
Having a mutable dependency is not the best design but I can't see any other way to have access to IRequest or HubCallerContext.
Instead of having an abstract Hub class which is not a perfect solution. You can change the RegisterHubs autofac method to use AOP with Castle.Core and let the interceptor calls the methods for you.
First of all, I want to share my scenario what i want to build -
I am building a client app using wpf. In some cases, I need to call a web service to get data from the server. In order to do this, I added a web reference using wsld url. And I created a ServiceManager class that will call service method. For security reason, I need to add some header info at soap xml request for example, UserToken, SAML Token and so on. I can this from my ServiceManager class. But I want to add another class which will be called before sending request to the server. In that class, I will do something like adding security header to soap xml request with request and then send it to the server.
I used SOAP Extension to fulfill my purpose and it works well. But the problem is, every-time I need to add annotation in Reference.cs (for each web service reference) file at top of the service method. I believe that there is some other easiest way to make this working better than SOAP Extension. Is there any way where I can only call the service and a delegate class will be called automatically and I don't need to add any annotation to the reference file? I will share my sample code here.
ServiceManage class:
public class ServiceManager
public UserDataService dataService; //web service added at Web Reference
public ServiceManager()
dataService = new UserDataService();
getUserServiceRequest rqst = new getUserServiceRequest();
getUserServiceResponse resp = dataService.getUser(rqst);
[TraceExtensionAttribute(Name = "First")]
public getUserServiceResponse getUser([System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute(Form=System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)] getUserServiceRequest request) {
object[] results = this.Invoke("getUser", new object[] {
return ((getUserServiceResponse)(results[0]));
public class TraceExtensionAttribute : SoapExtensionAttribute
private string mstrName = null;
public override Type ExtensionType
get { return typeof(TraceExtension); }
public override int Priority
get { return 1; }
set { }
public string Name
get { return mstrName; }
set { mstrName = value; }
public class TraceExtension : SoapExtension
public override object GetInitializer(LogicalMethodInfo methodInfo, SoapExtensionAttribute attr){//..do something}
public override void Initialize(object initializer){//..do something}
public override Stream ChainStream(Stream stream){//...do something}
public override void ProcessMessage(SoapMessage message) {//..do something}
Finally, I found the solution. Just through out Web Reference and add Service Reference instead. Then go to the following link. It works for me.
I am attempting to implement the IAsyncService interface with ServiceStack
Here is the code for my service definition:
public class TestService : IAsyncService<int>
object IAsyncService<int>.ExecuteAsync(int request)
return "Yup that worked";
And here is the code from my Global.asax.cs:
public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
public class TestServiceAppHost : AppHostBase
public TestServiceAppHost() : base("Test Async Web Services", typeof(TestService).Assembly) { }
public override void Configure(Funq.Container container)
When I run and go to the metadata page I see the other 2 services that exist in this project which just implement IService (removed to keep samples clean) but my IAsyncService doesn't display and if i try to hit it i get the following message:
<Int32Response xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="">
<Message>The given key was not present in the dictionary.</Message>
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Utils.FilterAttributeCache.GetRequestFilterAttributes(Type requestDtoType)
at ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.EndpointHost.ApplyRequestFilters(IHttpRequest httpReq, IHttpResponse httpRes, Object requestDto)
at ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.RestHandler.ProcessRequest(IHttpRequest httpReq, IHttpResponse httpRes, String operationName)
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
I have update the code to look like this after a suggestion from mythz (thanks again for replying).
DTO and Service:
public class TestDTO
public int request { get; set; }
public class TestService : IAsyncService<TestDTO>
object IAsyncService<TestDTO>.ExecuteAsync(TestDTO request)
return "Yup that worked";
I left the Global.asax.cs the same except i changes the route to use the DTO and made the route lower case to match the attribute on the DTO. I am still having the same issue.
Edit #2:
I upgraded to v3.9.71 and am still having the same issue.
ServiceStack Services require a Request DTO, i.e. a concrete POCO class. You cannot use an int as a Request DTO. If you need to you can wrap it in a POCO class, e.g:
public class Request
public int Int { get; set; }
Currently I'm writing a bot for a browsergame and there are several responses.
They are unencrypted and the data is provided by a normal http response.
So because there are severaly slightly different response-types and structures I thought I could use my (low) oop knowledge to handle this - but my concept does not work.
I thought I can make for each request (login request, logout request, attack request, harvest request, ..) a own class which is a child from the basic request class.
And the same concept I thought I can do for the responses.
So here is a small demo of my code:
public class BasicRequest
public BasicRequest(string serverId) { }
public virtual BasicResponse DoRequest(string[] requestData)
// request is handled here
public class LoginRequest : BasicRequest
public LoginRequest(string serverId) : base(serverId) { }
public class BasicResponse
public BasicResponse(string[] responseData) { }
public virtual void DoSomeStuffWithTheResponse() { }
public class LoginResponse : BasicResponse
public LoginResponse(string[] responseData) : base(responseData) { }
public override void DoSomeStuffWithTheResponse() { }
This is my basic structure (ofc I have some more request and response classes).
Now I tried to use it like this:
LoginResponse response = new LoginRequest("serverXX").DoRequest(new string[] { "data" }) as LoginResponse;
But then 'response' is just null.
The important thing is, that it should perform the actions that the constructor of the base class do (this is some basic stuff that every request and response need) and then the constructor and the override of the specific class (loginrequest/response in this case) should be called.
Hope you can help me out, thanks in advice.
Since you haven't overriden DoRequest in your LoginRequest class, when you invoke DoRequest the base classes implementation is being called.
In order for this to work, LoginRequest needs to override the base implementation:
public class LoginResponse : BasicResponse
public LoginResponse(string[] responseData) : base(responseData) { }
public override void DoSomeStuffWithTheResponse()
public override BasicResponse DoRequest(string[] requestData)
// Do stuff
return new LoginResponse();
In the service stack configuration I'm getting an error "No registration for type IRequestLogger could be found." with the default configuration, after looking around it looks that I need to add a a pluging like in the configuration.
Plugins.Add(new RequestLogsFeature { RequiredRoles = new string[] { } });
the question is why am I getting this error? and if necessary to define the IRequestLogger.
I'm using Simple Injector as the IoC Container.
this is my IoC Code:
public override void Configure(Container container)
var simpleInjector = new SimpleInjectorContainer();
container.Adapter = simpleInjector;
Plugins.Add(new RequestLogsFeature { RequiredRoles = new string[] { } });
simpleInjector.SContainer.Register<ICacheClient, MemoryCacheClient>();
public class SimpleInjectorContainer:ISimpleInjectorContainer
public SimpleInjectorContainer()
SContainer = new SimpleInjector.Container();
public SimpleInjector.Container SContainer { get; set; }
public T TryResolve<T>()
return (T)SContainer.GetInstance(typeof(T));
public T Resolve<T>()
return (T)SContainer.GetInstance(typeof(T));
public interface ISimpleInjectorContainer : IContainerAdapter
SimpleInjector.Container SContainer { get; set; }
You need to make your TryResolve implementation more forgiving. It needs to be able to handle not being able to resolve the Service. If IRequestLogger resolves to null then ServiceStack will simply skip it.
Resolve should require the interface be registered.
TryResolve should gracefully handle the interface not being registered.
See this SO answer for how to do this Prevent Simple Injector to throw an exception when resolving an unregistered service