Complex "Contains" string comparison - c#

I'm developing a C# 4.5 app and I need a function to return true for the following comparison:
"bla LéOnAr d/o bla".ComplexContains("leonardo")
In other words, I need string.Compare(str1, str2, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase | CompareOptions.IgnoreSymbols | CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace) to also check for "contains!
Can anyone help?

You could use an appropriate CompareInfo and then CompareInfo.IndexOf(string, string, CompareOptions) and check the result against -1. Sample:
using System;
using System.Globalization;
class Program
static void Main()
var compareInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo;
var options = CompareOptions.IgnoreCase |
CompareOptions.IgnoreSymbols |
var haystack = "bla Lé OnAr d/o bla";
var needle = "leonardo";
var index = compareInfo.IndexOf(haystack, needle, options);
Console.WriteLine(index); // 4
Or in method form:
private static bool ComplexContains(string source, string value)
var index = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.CompareInfo.IndexOf
(source, value, CompareOptions.IgnoreCase |
CompareOptions.IgnoreSymbols | CompareOptions.IgnoreNonSpace);
return index != -1;


C# Convert string to if condition

Is it possible to convert string
"value > 5 && value <= 10"
to if statement?
if (value > 5 && value <= 10)
//do something
I have conditions stored as strings in DB, so it must be a dynamic conversion
Instead you can treat it as a javascript line and can get this done using Windows Script Engines, provided value is a real value instead of variable name.
if(ScriptEngine.Eval("jscript", "value > 5 && value <= 10"))
//Your logic
Or if its a variable then you can build a JS function like below to accomplish this:
using (ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngine("jscript"))
string JSfunction = "MyFunc(value){return " + "value > 5 && value <= 10" + "}";
ParsedScript parsed = engine.Parse(JSfunction);
if(parsed.CallMethod("MyFunc", 3))
// Your Logic
Use Compute method of System.Data.DataTable:
static class ExpressionHelper
private static readonly DataTable dt = new DataTable();
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> expressionCache = new Dictionary<string, string>();
private static readonly Dictionary<string, object> resultCache = new Dictionary<string, object>();
// to be amended with necessary transforms
private static readonly (string old, string #new)[] tokens = new[] { ("&&", "AND"), ("||", "OR") };
public static T Compute<T>(this string expression, params (string name, object value)[] arguments) =>
(T)Convert.ChangeType(expression.Transform().GetResult(arguments), typeof(T));
private static object GetResult(this string expression, params (string name, object value)[] arguments)
foreach (var arg in arguments)
expression = expression.Replace(, arg.value.ToString());
if (resultCache.TryGetValue(expression, out var result))
return result;
return resultCache[expression] = dt.Compute(expression, string.Empty);
private static string Transform(this string expression)
if (expressionCache.TryGetValue(expression, out var result))
return result;
result = expression;
foreach (var t in tokens)
result = result.Replace(t.old, t.#new);
return expressionCache[expression] = result;
var expr = "value > 5 && value <= 10";
var a1 = expr.Compute<bool>(("value", 5)); // false
var a2 = expr.Compute<bool>(("value", 7)); // true
var a3 = expr.Compute<bool>(("value", 11)); // false
You could use Linq.Expression to build up the expression tree, the one you provided:
"value > 5 && value <= 10"
var val = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "x");
var body = Expression.And(
Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType.GreaterThan, val, Expression.Constant(5)),
Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType.LessThanOrEqual, val, Expression.Constant(10)));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<int, bool>>(exp, val);
bool b = lambda.Compile().Invoke(6); //true
bool b = lambda.Compile().Invoke(11); //false
This is just an example to get some idea, still you need a smart way to parse and build the tree.
I am afraid that you will have to create the simple parser for that.
You can try use something like FParsec. This is an F# parser library. I am not aware of such code in C#

C# Regex ask for "Parameter" and return "Value" for command line parse

Is it possible create Regex pattern for parse command line request?
Like:something text -PARAMETER="Hello world" something else.. -PARAMETER=HelloWorld
I want to ask for -PARAMETER and get two items "Hello world" (OR just Hello world) and second occurrence HelloWorld
Sorry for an austere question. My question is what is the best method of Regex or something better for this problem.
In regex I used this pattern: -PARAMETER=".*"|-PARAMETER=.*?\s , but I mean that can be better.
One of possible method:
string command = "PARAMETER";
string pattern = $"-{command}= \".*\" | -{command}=.*?\\s";
foreach (Match _m in Regex.Matches(CommandBlockArgs, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
Console.WriteLine(_m.Value.Replace($"-{command}=", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim());
// *sorry for possible error, I wrote code now by head.*
But, also I mean that this is not nice solution.
For example, for me nice method for parse command by quotation marks is:
[DllImport("shell32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr CommandLineToArgvW(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string lpCmdLine, out int pNumArgs);
public static string[] CommandLineToArgs(string commandLine)
int argc;
var argv = CommandLineToArgvW(commandLine, out argc);
if (argv == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception();
var args = new string[argc];
for (var i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
var p = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(argv, i * IntPtr.Size);
args[i] = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(p);
return args;
But here is not my commands list. And Regex can be better.. Or combination?
*Sorry for English =)
So, my solution (C# 5.0):
internal static object CallMethod(Type type, string method, string parameters)
MethodInfo m = type.GetMethod(method, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);
ParameterInfo[] p = m.GetParameters();
object[] param = new object[p.Count()];
UInt16 i = 0;
foreach (ParameterInfo pi in p)
string pattern = $"-{pi.Name}=\".*\"|-{pi.Name}=.*?\\s"; // -paramName=paramValue || -paramName="param Value"
foreach (Match _m in Regex.Matches(parameters, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
Type paramType = pi.ParameterType;
string value = Regex.Replace(_m.Value, $"-{pi.Name}=", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Replace("\"", "").Trim();
param[i] = Convert.ChangeType(value, pi.ParameterType);
return m.Invoke(null, param);
It works, but maybe could be better.

Iterate Collection and Assign Each to Single Property with OR Operator

For example, this SecurityProtocol property can be assigned using an OR operator:
System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol =
SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
Now if we wanted to not hard code this assignment in the application by moving it to AppSettings as a comma-separated string like "192,768,3072", how would we convert the string to it's enumeration and assign it to a property using an OR operator?
public enum E
Foo = 1 << 2,
Bar = 1 << 4,
Baz = 1 << 9,
Planxty = Foo | Bar | Baz
var s = "16,4,512";
E enumresult =
// Split string by commas...
// Parse each numeric substring in turn and cast the result to the enum type...
.Select(nstr => (E)Int32.Parse(nstr))
// bitwise or each succeeding value against the rest
.Aggregate((a, b) => a | b);
You can cast an integer directly to an enum value, provided it's a valid value for that enum type. This will work fine:
var x = (E)(4 | 512);
You can split it by commas and apply | in a loop to parsed value array you have got from split:
string v = "192,768,3072";
string[] vals = v.Split(',');
var result = (SecurityProtocolType)int.Parse(vals[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < vals.Length; i++)
result = result | (SecurityProtocolType)int.Parse(vals[i]);
Here is the DEMO
You can create a function for it like"
public static SecurityProtocolType GetProtocolType(string v)
string[] vals = v.Split(',');
var result = (SecurityProtocolType)int.Parse(vals[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < vals.Length; i++)
result = result | (SecurityProtocolType)int.Parse(vals[i]);
return result;
and use it like:

How do you test an enum flag combination?

Let’s say I have an enum flag:
public enum ColorType
None = 0,
Red = 1 << 0,
White = 1<<1,
Yellow = 1 << 2,
Blue = 1 << 3,
All = Red | White | Yellow | Blue
I have the below function, which parameter is a combination of flag, such as DoSomething( ColorType.Blue | ColorType.Yellow ).
public void DoSomethingr(ColorType theColorTypes)
if (theColorTypes.HasFlag(All)) Foo1();
if (theColorTypes.HasFlag(White) && theColorTypes.HasFlag(Red) ) Foo2();
if (!theColorTypes.HasFlag(Blue)) Foo3();
. . .
Is there an easy way to test all of possible flag bitwise combination?
public void Test1(ColorType.Red | ColorType.Yellow | ColorType.White)
public void Test1(ColorType.Red | ColorType.Yellow | ColorType.white | ColorType.Blue)
Loop over all the possible values and put it in a TestCaseSource to generate a different test for each enumeration value:
public IEnumerable<ColorType> TestCaseSource
int start = (int)ColorType.None;
int count = (int)ColorType.All - start + 1;
return Enumerable.Range(start, count).Select(i => (ColorType)i);
public void Test1(ColorType colorType)
// whatever your test is
Just my two cents and this could probably be improved to accept 'other' value types as well, but as an alternative when you like extension methods:
public static class EnumExtensions
public static bool HasFlags<TEnum>(this TEnum #enum,
TEnum flag,
params TEnum[] flags)
where TEnum : struct
var type = typeof(TEnum);
if (!type.IsEnum)
throw new ArgumentException("#enum is not an Enum");
var hasFlagsMethod = type.GetMethod("HasFlag");
var hasFlag = new Func<TEnum, bool>(e =>
return (bool)hasFlagsMethod.Invoke(#enum, new object[] { e });
// test the first flag argument
if (!hasFlag(flag))
return false;
// test the params flags argument
foreach (var flagValue in flags)
if (!hasFlag(flagValue))
return false;
return true;
public enum ColorType
None = 0,
Red = 1 << 0,
White = 1 << 1,
Yellow = 1 << 2,
Blue = 1 << 3,
All = Red | White | Yellow | Blue
Call it like this:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var color = ColorType.Red;
Console.WriteLine(color.HasFlags(ColorType.Red)); // true;
Console.WriteLine(color.HasFlags(ColorType.Red, ColorType.Blue)); // false;
color = ColorType.All;
Console.WriteLine(color.HasFlags(ColorType.Red, ColorType.Blue)); // true;

How to convert a string with comma to integer in C#

For example I have a string "99,999 ABC XYZ"
Now I want to convert to integer "99999"
I have made a code that worked:
var regex = new Regex("[A-z]");
linksOnPage = regex.Replace(linksOnPage, "");
regex = new Regex(" ");
linksOnPage = regex.Replace(linksOnPage, "");
int noPage = int.Parse(regex.Replace(linksOnPage, ""),
But I feel it's not good enough, can anyone help me to make it shorter?
This Regex will remove all the letters and spaces:
var regex = new Regex(" |[A-z]");
linksOnPage = regex.Replace(linksOnPage, "");
You could use int.Parse and add the NumberStyles.AllowThousands flag:
int num = int.Parse(linksOnPage , NumberStyles.AllowThousands);
Or int.TryParse letting you know if the operation succeeded:
int num;
if (int.TryParse(linksOnPage , NumberStyles.AllowThousands,
CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num))
// parse successful, use 'num'
Or you can also try this:
int num = int.Parse(linksOnPage.Replace(",", ""));
This would be my approach, it's not really shorter though:
public static void Main(string[] args)
string input = "99,999 ABC XYZ";
var chars = input.ToCharArray().ToList();
var builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var character in chars)
if (char.IsNumber(character))
int result = 0;
int.TryParse(builder.ToString(), out result);
you could do something like this:
int? ParseIntFromString( string s )
Match m = rxInt.Match(s) ;
int? value = m.Success ? int.Parse( m.Value , NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign|NumberStyles.AllowThousands ) : (int?)null ;
return value ;
static Regex rxInt = new Regex( #"^-?\d{1,3}(,\d\d\d)*");
the return value is null if no integer value was found and the parsed value if it was.
Note that the match is anchored at start-of-string via ^; if you want to match an number anywhere in the string, simply remove it.
You could also kick it old-school and do something like this:
public int? ParseIntFromString( string s )
bool found = false ;
int acc = 0 ;
foreach( char c in s.Where( x => char.IsDigit )
found = true ;
acc += c - '0' ;
return found ? (int?)acc : (int?) null ;
