Handle PageIndexChanging event - c#

I have a Query that runs when the user submits a search and the gridview is loaded.
I want to page the gridview and would usually have my grid in a LoadGrid(). I have the paging working ok and everything is good until I want to view page 2 of the GridView.
protected void btn_Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Init()
// -----
pnl_Message.Visible = false;
lbl_message.Text = String.Empty;
// Clear grid of previous results
// ==============================
ResultsGridView.DataSource = null;
using (var db = new dbDataContext())
// Check Fields
// ------------
if (txt_CustomerName.Text == string.Empty && txt_CCNo.Text == string.Empty &&
txt_SwiftNo.Text == string.Empty && drp_Provider.SelectedValue == string.Empty)
lbl_message.Text += "* Please enter a search term";
pnl_Message.Visible = true;
pnl_Message.CssClass = "loginError";
pnl_results.Visible = false;
// Search Database
// ---------------
if (lbl_message.Text == String.Empty)
var customer = txt_CustomerName.Text.Length > 1 ? txt_CustomerName.Text.Trim() :
//var provider = drp_Provider.SelectedItem.Text.Trim();
var concern = txt_CCNo.Text == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(txt_CCNo.Text);
var swiftid = txt_SwiftNo.Text == "" ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(txt_SwiftNo.Text);
// Check which fields populated
// ----------------------------
var result =
from c in db.tbl_Concerns
where (c.ProviderId == Convert.ToInt32(drp_Provider.SelectedValue))
|| (c.person_Fullname.Contains(customer))
|| (c.SwiftId == swiftid)
|| (c.ConcernId == concern)
select new
Swift = c.SwiftId,
FullName = c.person_Fullname,
Provider = c.tbl_Provider.provider_Name,
Concern_Detail = c.tbl_RaisedConcern.RaisedConcernText,
DateFrom = c.concern_DateFrom,
DateTo = c.concern_DateTo
// If No Results
// -------------
if (!result.Any())
lbl_message.Text += "* No results match your search, please try again.";
pnl_Message.Visible = true;
pnl_Message.CssClass = "loginError";
// Show Table
// ----------
pnl_results.Visible = true;
ResultsGridView.DataSource = result;
// Table Header Names
// ------------------
ResultsGridView.HeaderRow.Cells[0].Text = "Select";
catch (SystemException ex)
var exceptionUtility = new genericExceptions();
Page.TemplateSourceDirectory.Remove(0, 1) + Page.AppRelativeVirtualPath.Remove(0, 1),
My PageIndexChanging event I would usually call the loadGrid() but I do not have that situation. I have tried just adding ResultsGridView.DataBind() but get the error Sequence contains no elements.
protected void ResultsGridView_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
ResultsGridView.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
** How Can I bind the Grid**

Try this..
protected void ResultsGridView_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
var somename=session["somename"].Tostring();
ResultsGridView.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;


My function is not called after a postback in asp.net webforms

I have a function called SetActionSection() which i placed in my pageload. I'm expecting it to be called but nothing happens. I get the result I want when I reload the page.
Here's the my pageload
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
string fullName = GetUserFullName();
string id = Request.QueryString["id"];
TextBoxProjectManager.Text = fullName;
if (id != null)
int valid = ValidateUserAccess(id, fullName);
if (valid > 0)
Response.Write("You are not allowed to access this data.");
ActionSection.Visible = false;
TextBoxProjectManager.Text = fullName;
Here is SetActionSection() function which shows the a button based on the status in the database.
private void SetActionSection()
string id = Request.QueryString["id"];
if (id == null)
LinkButtonSaveDraft.Visible = true;
LinkButtonSubmit.Visible = true;
ActionSection.Visible = true;
string status = GetStatus(id);
string projectManager = GetCMM(id, "ProjectManager");
string buco = GetCMM(id, "Buco");
string businessExecutiveOfficer = GetCMM(id, "BusinessExecutiveOfficer");
string i2lFunctionLead = GetCMM(id, "I2LFunctionLead");
string user = GetUserFullName();
if ((status.Equals("Draft", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
&& user.Equals(projectManager, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
Response.Write(status + " Draft");
LinkButtonSaveDraft.Visible = true;
LinkButtonSubmit.Visible = true;
ActionSection.Visible = true;
if (status.Equals("Submitted", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
Response.Write(status + " Submitted");
LinkButtonSaveDraft.Visible = false;
LinkButtonSubmit.Visible = false;
LinkButtonBUCOApprove.Visible = true;
ActionSection.Visible = true;
if (status.Equals("(Approved) - BUCO", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
Response.Write(status + " (Approved) - BUCO");
LinkButtonBUCOApprove.Visible = false;
LinkButtonBEOApprove.Visible = true;
if (status.Equals("(Approved) - BEO", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
Response.Write(status + " (Approved) - BEO");
LinkButtonBEOApprove.Visible = false;
LinkButtonI2LFunctionLeadApprove.Visible = true;
if (status.Equals("(Approved) - I2L Function Lead", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
Response.Write(status + " (Approved) - I2L Function Lead");
LinkButtonI2LFunctionLeadApprove.Visible = false;
I have tested the SetActionSection method and it works. I just want it to be called when the user clicks the submit button. By the way. I'm redirecting to the same form.
Anything inside your if(!IsPostBack) condition will only be executed on initial load and not on submit. You could put the code you want to run on submit (postback) inside an else if you want
if (!IsPostBack)
Or put your code inside a button click event

Unable to check all check boxes in a GridView

I am using grid view check box to select all the values in the grid view when i click the check box, but the problem i am facing is it is selecting the only the first page value how ever i have coded to bring all the values in but in design it is not working out
this is the image
i want all the check box to checked in design when i press the all check button.
protected void gvBatch_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType != DataControlRowType.Header && e.Row.RowType != DataControlRowType.Footer && e.Row.RowType != DataControlRowType.Pager)
DropDownList ddlcountry1 = (DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("ddlcountry");
ArrayList checkboxvalues = (ArrayList)Session["BP_PrdId"];
//string Bp_Id = "";
if (checkboxvalues != null && checkboxvalues.Count > 0)
string strBp_Id = ((HiddenField)e.Row.FindControl("hf_ProductLblId")).Value.ToString();
if (checkboxvalues.Contains(strBp_Id))
CheckBox myCheckBox = (CheckBox)e.Row.FindControl("chkPLPSltItem");
myCheckBox.Checked = true;
DataSet dsaccess = MenuRestriction();
DataRow dr = null;
string sView = "";
string sEdit = "";
string sInsert = "";
string sDeactive = "";
if (dsaccess.Tables.Count > 0)
if (dsaccess.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
dr = dsaccess.Tables[0].Rows[0];
sView = dr["MnuRgts_View"].ToString();
sEdit = dr["MnuRgts_Edit"].ToString();
sInsert = dr["MnuRgts_Insert"].ToString();
sDeactive = dr["MnuRgts_DeActivate"].ToString();
if (sInsert == "Y" && sDeactive == "Y")
BtnDelete.Visible = true;
imgNew.Visible = true;
BtnDelete.Visible = false;
imgNew.Visible = false;
if (sInsert == "Y")
imgNew.Visible = true;
if (sDeactive == "Y")
BtnDelete.Visible = true;
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("gvBatch_RowDataBound", ex);
protected void gvBatch_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
gvBatch.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
private void RememberOldValues()
ArrayList checkboxvalues = new ArrayList();
string strBp_Id = "";
foreach (GridViewRow row in gvBatch.Rows)
//index = (int)gvBatch.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Value;
strBp_Id = ((HiddenField)row.FindControl("hf_ProductLblId")).Value.ToString();
bool result = ((CheckBox)row.FindControl("chkPLPSltItem")).Checked;
// Check in the Session
if (Session["BP_PrdId"] != null)
checkboxvalues = (ArrayList)Session["BP_PrdId"];
if (result)
if (!checkboxvalues.Contains(strBp_Id))
if (checkboxvalues.Contains(strBp_Id))
if (checkboxvalues != null && checkboxvalues.Count > 0)
Session["BP_PrdId"] = checkboxvalues;
protected void gvBatch_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (gvBatch.TopPagerRow != null)
((Label)gvBatch.TopPagerRow.FindControl("lbCurrentPage")).Text = (gvBatch.PageIndex + 1).ToString();
((Label)gvBatch.TopPagerRow.FindControl("lbTotalPages")).Text = gvBatch.PageCount.ToString();
((LinkButton)gvBatch.TopPagerRow.FindControl("lbtnFirst")).Visible = gvBatch.PageIndex != 0;
((LinkButton)gvBatch.TopPagerRow.FindControl("lbtnPrev")).Visible = gvBatch.PageIndex != 0;
((LinkButton)gvBatch.TopPagerRow.FindControl("lbtnNext")).Visible = gvBatch.PageCount != (gvBatch.PageIndex + 1);
((LinkButton)gvBatch.TopPagerRow.FindControl("lbtnLast")).Visible = gvBatch.PageCount != (gvBatch.PageIndex + 1);
DropDownList ddlist = (DropDownList)gvBatch.TopPagerRow.FindControl("ddlPageItems");
ddlist.SelectedIndex = ddlist.Items.IndexOf(ddlist.Items.FindByValue(ViewState["DropDownPageItems"].ToString()));
gvBatch.AllowPaging = true;
gvBatch.TopPagerRow.Visible = true;
catch (Exception ex)
protected void gvBatch_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == "EDIT")
GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)((Control)e.CommandSource).Parent.Parent;
string strAgentName = ((HiddenField)row.FindControl("hf_loginName")).Value.ToString();
if (strAgentName != "")
Response.Redirect("CustomerDetails.aspx?Name=" + strAgentName, false);
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("gvAgentRowcommand_AgentSummary", ex);
You can keep a boolean field in your code and set its value to true whenever the select all is clicked. When loading new pages, you can check that field to automatically display all checked. The same can be done when exporting the grid also.
you can modify and use the following Method
private void selectAllChecksInDAtaGrid()
foreach (DataGridViewRow item in myDataGrid.Rows)
if (Convert.ToBoolean(item.Cells["Column_Name"].Value) == false)
item.Cells["Column_Name"].Value = true;
the 'Column_name' is the name of the checkbox column. if you haven'nt named it yet you can also use the index number .
in your case its 0
private void selectAllChecksInDAtaGrid()
foreach (DataGridViewRow item in myDataGrid.Rows)
if (Convert.ToBoolean(item.Cells[0].Value) == false)
item.Cells[0].Value = true;
You should update (ArrayList)Session["BP_PrdId"] to include all the "Id"s of datasource of gridview. then bind data again.

Google Places Autocomplete does not populate the address

I have an active Google Places autocomplete working with Xamarin Forms or Cross Platform. I have a working solution that auto populates the address when the user types in the address. My problem is when the user selects it from the list the address does not go to the search_bar.text… The search bar just remains with the text that was typed? how can I get the text when selected to populate in the search bar.
I am new to Xamarin forms and C#.
public Createbusinessaccount ()
InitializeComponent ();
search_bar.ApiKey = GooglePlacesApiKey;
search_bar.Type = PlaceType.Address;
search_bar.Components = new Components("country:us"); // Restrict results to Australia and New Zealand
search_bar.PlacesRetrieved += Search_Bar_PlacesRetrieved;
search_bar.TextChanged += Search_Bar_TextChanged;
search_bar.MinimumSearchText = 2;
results_list.ItemSelected += Results_List_ItemSelected;
void Search_Bar_PlacesRetrieved(object sender, AutoCompleteResult result)
results_list.ItemsSource = result.AutoCompletePlaces;
spinner.IsRunning = false;
spinner.IsVisible = false;
if (result.AutoCompletePlaces != null && result.AutoCompletePlaces.Count > 0)
results_list.IsVisible = true;
void Search_Bar_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.NewTextValue))
results_list.IsVisible = false;
spinner.IsVisible = true;
spinner.IsRunning = true;
results_list.IsVisible = true;
spinner.IsRunning = false;
spinner.IsVisible = false;
async void Results_List_ItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.SelectedItem == null)
var prediction = (AutoCompletePrediction)e.SelectedItem;
results_list.SelectedItem = null;
var place = await Places.GetPlace(prediction.Place_ID, GooglePlacesApiKey);
if (place != null)
await DisplayAlert(
place.Name, string.Format("Lat: {0}\nLon: {1}", place.Latitude, place.Longitude), "OK");
In your ItemSelected method, you need to set the text of the searchbar:
async void Results_List_ItemSelected(object sender, SelectedItemChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.SelectedItem == null)
var prediction = (AutoCompletePrediction)e.SelectedItem;
search_bar.Text = prediction.Name? // Your property here
results_list.SelectedItem = null;
var place = await Places.GetPlace(prediction.Place_ID, GooglePlacesApiKey);
if (place != null)
await DisplayAlert(
place.Name, string.Format("Lat: {0}\nLon: {1}", place.Latitude, place.Longitude), "OK");
I am still trying to fix this, it only adds the street name and number not the whole address

Bind GridView on Button Click Event with Pagination

I'm new to asp.net and needs some help. I have a gridview with paging for every 20 records per page, I have a search button outside the gridview. What I need to do is when I click the search button, the results must be bind to gridview(which is happening now), however when the records are more than the pagesize and I need to go to the next page of the grid, the binding is lost and the binded records are the ones form the page on load event. below is my code sample.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
public void BindData()
List<EventFile> eventFile = new List<EventFile>();
eventFile = CoMailAssociationDAL.GetUploadFileUnAssigned(0, "", "", "U");
if (gvwAssociation.DataSource == null)
gvwAssociation.DataSource = eventFile;
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int uFlag = 0;
string uploadFlag = this.ddlUploadDate.SelectedValue;
string fileName = this.txtSearchText.Text;
string uploadDt = this.txtDate.Text;
string status = this.ddlStatus.SelectedValue.ToString();
bt = true;
if (status == "Un-Assigned")
status = "U";
else if (status == "Assigned")
status = "A";
status = "B";
if ((uploadFlag == "On") && (uploadDt == ""))
uFlag = 0;
else if (uploadFlag == "On")
uFlag = 1;
else if (uploadFlag == "OnorBefore")
uFlag = 2;
uFlag = 3;
fileSearch = CoMailAssociationDAL.SearchFile(uFlag, fileName, uploadDt, status);
gvwAssociation.DataSource = fileSearch;
protected void gvwAssociation_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
gvwAssociation.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
First of all you should have the following event handler for paging
protected void gvwAssociation_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
gvwAssociation.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
Then, move your search/ filter logic within the search button to a private method (say "bindGridWithFilter")
TIP: Try to combine both BindData and bindGridWithFilter so when there's no filter you display all records
Here's some refactored code for you to get an idea what I meant above.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
protected void gvwAssociation_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
gvwAssociation.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void bindGridWithFilter()
List<EventFile> eventFile = new List<EventFile>();
eventFile = CoMailAssociationDAL.GetUploadFileUnAssigned(0, "", "", "U");
if (gvwAssociation.DataSource == null)
// If you don't have a filter you show all records
gvwAssociation.DataSource = eventFile;
// This is same as the logic in your search button
// display only the filtered records
int uFlag = 0;
string uploadFlag = this.ddlUploadDate.SelectedValue;
string fileName = this.txtSearchText.Text;
string uploadDt = this.txtDate.Text;
string status = this.ddlStatus.SelectedValue.ToString();
bt = true;
if (status == "Un-Assigned")
status = "U";
else if (status == "Assigned")
status = "A";
status = "B";
if ((uploadFlag == "On") && (uploadDt == ""))
uFlag = 0;
else if (uploadFlag == "On")
uFlag = 1;
else if (uploadFlag == "OnorBefore")
uFlag = 2;
uFlag = 3;
List<EventFile> fileSearch = CoMailAssociationDAL.SearchFile(uFlag, fileName, uploadDt, status);
gvwAssociation.DataSource = fileSearch;
This should work.

how to get selected column value or name from datagrid in asp.net using c#

My code is like this : Now I have now idea how to get column name of selected row
protected void gv_imageslist_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
string status;
string sts;
int result;
lblerror2.Text = "";
string str = gv_imageslist.c
if (str == "Status")
status = ((Label)gv_imageslist.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("lbl_Status")).Text;
Gm.Gallery_Id = Convert.ToInt32(gv_imageslist.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString());
if (status == "True")
Gm.Is_Active = false;
Gm.Is_Active = true;
result = Gm.Change_Image_Status();
if (result == 1)
lblerror2.Visible = true;
lblerror2.Text = "Unable to Change Status !";
//------For Checking of cover pic
sts = ((Label)gv_imageslist.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("lbl_Cover")).Text;
Gm.Gallery_Id = Convert.ToInt32(gv_imageslist.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Value.ToString());
string sp = ((Label)gv_imageslist.Rows[e.RowIndex].FindControl("lbl_category_Id")).Text;
Gm.Category_Id = Convert.ToInt32 (sp);
if (sts == "False")
Gm.Is_Cover = true;
Gm.Is_Cover = false;
result = Gm.Change_Gallery_Cover();
if (result == 1)
lblerror2.Visible = true;
lblerror2.Text = "Unable To Change Cover Pic !!";
Try this code snippet;
Why not create an object of the selected row and work with it from there?
var selectedRow = (TYPE)gridViewName.GetFocusedRow();
You could then use the selectedRow object and call any properties belonging to it
i.e. var name = selectedRow.Name
It can be possible through DataKeyNames and Normal method also
1) 'e' as Commandargument
int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
string request = gvRequests.Rows[index].Cells[4].Text.ToString();
2) GridViewRow selectedRow = gvRequests.Rows[index];
string Id = gvRequests.DataKeys[index].Value.ToString().Trim();
string headerText=gvProductList.HeaderRow.Cells[1].Text;
protected void gvCustomers_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if ((e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow))
LinkButton lnk = (LinkButton) e.Row.FindControl("lnk");
Label lblName= (Label) e.Row.FindControl("lblName");
lnk.Attributes.Add("onclick", "getValue(" + lblName.ClientID + ");"
}... You can try this... method in your own way
Enjoy... ..
