I have one master document into which I want to insert a number of files. These should be inserted into the file one after another at a certain point in the middle of the document.
So I have created a bookmark at this point called "TESTS", since this seems to be the easiest way of programatically finding the point.
I am able to insert a single file using this code:
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application oWord = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document oWordDoc = oWord.Documents.Open(#"C:\master.doc");
oWordDoc.Bookmarks.Cast<Bookmark>().First(b => b.Name == "TESTS").Range.InsertFile(#"C:\test1.doc");
But this removes the bookmark, making it impossible to insert a second file at the same point. I don't mind losing the bookmark, but only once I have inserted all files.
Can this be done? I am guessing that the above code replaces the range with the bookmark so finding the location just before or after and then deleting the bookmark range would be best - but I just can't find the code for it. Everything I have tried seems to replace the whole document.
Alternatively, is there any way to do this without the Interop (i.e. by parsing the file - no touching MS Word at all)?
There must be something particular about the way your document is set up and the exact range of the the bookmark because I am able to get this to work without losing the bookmark. According to this MVP article Inserting text at a bookmark without deleting the bookmark, adding Text to a bookmarked range should delete the bookmark; maybe you are running into similar issue with InsertFile.
Try their suggestion of storing the bookmark's range into a variable ie MyRange and then calling Bookmarks.Add "mybookmark", MyRange
Dim BMRange As Range
Set BMRange = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("MyBookmark").Range
BMRange.Text = "Hello world"
ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Add "MyBookmark", BMRange
How can I capture the paragraph numbering as a 'part' of the text and export it to a DOCX?
I have a document that's split into sections and sub-sections that reads similarly to a set of state statutes (Statute 208, with subsections Statute 208.1, Statute 208.2, etc.). We created this by modifying the numbering.xml file within the .docx zip.
I want to export a 'sub-section' (208.5) and its text to a separate .docx file. My VSTO add-in exports the text well enough, but the numbering resets to 208.1. This does make some sense as it's now the first paragraph with that <ilvl> in the document.
PDF works okay
Funnily enough, I'm able to call Word.Range's ExportAsFixedFormat function and export this selection to PDF just fine - even retaining the numbering. This led me down a path of trying to 'render' the selection, possibly as it would be printed, in order to throw it into a new .docx file, but I haven't figured that out, either.
What I've tried:
Range.ExportFragment() using both wdFormatStrictOpenXMLDocument and wdFormatDocumentDefaultas the wdSaveType values.
These export but also reset the numbering.
Document.PrintOut() using PrintToFile = true and a valid filename. I realize now that this, quite literally, generates 'printout instructions' and won't inject a new file at path filename with any valid file structure.
Plainly doesn't work. :)
Application.Selection.XML to a variable content and calling Document.Content.InsertXML(content) on a newly added Document object.
Still resets the numbering.
Code Section for Context
using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
Word.Range range = Application.ActiveDocument.Range(startPosition, endPosition);
//export to DOCX?
filename, Word.WdSaveFormat.wdFormatDocumentDefault);
You could use ConvertNumbersToText(wdNumberAllNumbers) before exporting, then _Document.Undo() or close without saving after the export.
There is some good information at this (dated) link that still should work with current Word APIs:
Information at that link suggests that you can create a name/handle for your ListTemplate so that you can reference it in code--as long as your statute-style bullets are associated with a named style for the document. The idea is to first name the ListTemplate that's associated with the statute bullet style for the active document and then reference that name when accessing the ListLevels collection.
For instance, you could have code that looks something like this:
ActiveDocument.Styles("StatutesBulletStyle").ListTemplate.Name = "StatuteBulletListTemplate";
After the above assignment, you can refer to the template by name:
ActiveDocument.ListTemplates("StatuteBulletListTemplate").ListLevels(1).StartAt = 5;
Using the above technique no longer requires that you try to figure out what the active template is...
Does that help?
I have an issue I've stuck with for over a year now. I made a Forms application in VB.net which allows the user to type in some information and select items which represent docx-files with tables with special formatting, pictures and other formatting quirks in them.
At the end the software creates a Word document via Office.Interop, using the information the user provided in text fields in the Forms and the items they selected (e.g. it creates a table in Word, listing the user's selections with some extra info) and then appends the content from multiple docx-files depending on the user's selection to the document created via Interop.
The problem is: To achieve this I had to use a pretty dirty method:
I open the respective docx-files, select all content (Range.Wholestory()) and copy it (Range.Copy()). Then I insert this content from the clipboard into my newly created document with the following option:
Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatOriginalFormatting)
This produces a satisfactory result but it feels super dirty since it uses the user's clipboard (which I save at the beginning of the runtime and restore at the end).
I originally tried to use the Selection.InsertFile-Method and tried this again today but it completely screws the formatting.
When the content of the docx is inserted this way it neither has the formatting of the original docx nor the one of the file I created with the program. E.g. the SpaceBefore and SpaceAfter values are wrong, even if I explicitly define them in my created file. Changing the formatting afterwards is no option since the source files contain a lot of special formatting and can change all the time.
Another factor which makes it hard: I cannot save the file before it is presented to the user, using temp folder is not an option in the environment this application is deployed into, so basically everything happens in RAM.
Basically what I want is to create the same outcome as with my "Copy and Paste" method utilizing the OriginalFormatting WITHOUT using the clipboard. The problem is, the InsertFile-Method doesn't provide an option for the formatting.
Any idea or help would be greatly appreciated.
The FormattedText option as suggested by Rich Michaels produces the same result as the InsertFile-Method. Here is the relevant part of what I did (word is the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application):
#Opening the source file
Dim doctemp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document
doctemp = word.Documents.Open(doctempfilepath)
#Selecting whole document; this is what I did for the "Copy/Paste"-Method, too
Dim insert_range As wordoptions.Range
#Jumping to the end and selecting the range
insert_range = word.Selection.Range
#Inserting the text
insert_range.FormattedText = doctemp.Range.FormattedText
This is the problem:
Use the Range.FormattedText property. It doesn't touch the clipboard and it maintains the source formatting. The process is ...
Set the range in the Source document you want "copied" and set the insertion point in the Destination document and then,
DestinationRange.FormattedText = SourceRange.FormattedText
I'm working on an application which has to create word documents with the use of Office Open XML SDK 2.5. The idea that I'm having now is that I will start from a template with an empty body (so I have all the namespaces etc. defined already), and add Paragraphsto it. If I need images I will add the ImageParts and try to give the ImagePart the Id present in the predefined paragraphpart which will contain the image. I will store the paragraphs as xml in a database, fetch the ones I need, fill in/modify some values if needed and insert them into my word document. But this is the tricky part, how can I easily insert them in a way so I don't have to query on their content to later on find one of the paragraphs? In other words, I need Id's. I have some options in mind:
For each possible paragraph I have, manually create a SdtBlock. This SdtBlock will have an Id which matches the Id of each paragraph in the database. This seems like a lot of manual work though, and I'd rather be able to create future word documents easier...
I chose this approach but I insert Building Blocks which can be stored in templates with a specific tagname.
Create the paragraphs, copy the xml from the developer tool, and manually add a ParagraphId. This seems even more of a nightmare though, because for every future new paragraphs I will have to create new Id's etc. Also it would be impossible to insert tables as there is no way (afaik) to give those an Id.
Work with bookmarks to know where to insert the data. I don't really like this either as bookmarks are visible for everyone. I know I can replace them, but then I don't have any way to identify individual paragraphs later on.
**** my database and just add everything in the template :D Remove the paragraphs I don't need by deleting the bookmarks with their content. This idea seems the worst of all though as I don't want to depend on having a templatefile with all possible content per word-file I need to generate.
Anyone with experience in OpenXml who knows which approach would be the best? Maybe there is another approach which is better and I have completely overlooked? The ideal solution would be that I can add Ids in Office Word but that's a no-go as I haven't found anything to do that yet.
Thanks in advance!
Content Controls (std) were designed for this, although I'm not sure the designers ever contemplated "targeting" each and every paragraph in the document...
Back in the 2003/2007 days it was possible to add custom XML mark-up to a Word document, which would have been exactly what you're looking for. But Microsoft lost a patent court case around 2009 and had to pull the functionality. So content controls are really your only good choice.
Your approach could, possibly, be combined with the BuildingBlocks concept. BuildingBlocks are Word content stored in a Word template file as valid Word Open XML. They can be assigned to "galleries" and categorized. There is a Content Control of type BuildingBlock that can be associated with a specific Gallery and Category which might help you to a certain extent and would be an alternative to storing content in a database.
Ok, I did a small research, you can do it in strict OpenXML, but only before you open your file in Word. Word will remove everything it cannot read.
using (WordprocessingDocument document = WordprocessingDocument.Open(path, true)) {
.SetAttribute(new OpenXmlAttribute() {
LocalName = "someIdName",
Value = "111" });
Here, for example, I set attribute "someIdName", which doesn't exits in OpenXML, to some random element. You can set it anywhere and use it as id
I have an observable collection with a class that has 2 string properties: Word and Translation. I want to create a word file in format:
word = translation word = translation
word = translation word = translation...
The word document needs to be in 2 Columns (PageLayout) and the Word should be in bold.
I have first tried Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.
PageSetup.TextColumns.SetCount(2) sets the PageLayout. As for the text itself I used a foreach loop and in each iteration I did this:
paragraph.Range.Text = Word + " = " + Translation;
object boldStart = paragraph.Range.Start;
object boldEnd = paragraph.Range.Start + Word.Length;
Word.Range boldPart = document.Range(boldStart, boldEnd);
boldPart.Bold = 1;
This does exactly what I want, but if there are 1000 items in the collection it takes about 10sec, much much more if the number is 10k+. I then used a StringBuilder and just set document.Content.Text = sb.ToString(); and that takes less than a sec, but I can't set the word to be bold that way.
Then I switched to using Open XML SDK 2.5, but even after reading the msdn documentation I still have no idea how to make just a part of the text bold, and I don't know if it's even possible to set PageLayout Columns count. The only thing I could do was to make it look the same as with Interop.Word, but with just 1 column and <1sec creation time.
Should I be using Interop.Word or Open XML (or maybe combined) for this? And can someone pls show me how to write this properly, so it doesn't take forever if the collection is relatively large? Any help is appreciated. :)
OOXML can be intimidating at first. http://officeopenxml.com/anatomyofOOXML.php has some good examples. Whenever you get confused unzip the docx and browse the contents to see how it's done.
The basic idea is you'd open Word, create a template with the styling you want and a code word to find the paragraph, then multiply the paragraph, replacing the text in that template with each word.
Your Word template would look like this:
Here's some pseudo code to get you started, assuming you have the SDK installed
var templateRegex = new Regex("\\[templateForWords\\]");
var wordPlacementRegex = new Regex("\\[word\\]");
var translationPlacementRegex = new Regex("\\[translation]\\]");
using (var document = WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, true))
MainDocumentPart mainPart = document.MainDocumentPart;
// do your work here...
var paragraphTemplate = mainPart.Document.Body
.Where(p=>templateRegex.IsMatch(p.InnerText)); //pseudo
//... or whatever gives you the text of the Para, I don't have the SDK right now
foreach (string word in YourDictionary){
var paraClone = paragraphTemplate.Clone(); // pseudo
// you may need to do something like
// paraClone.Descendents<Text>().Where(t=>regex.IsMatch(t.Value))
// to find the exact element containing template text
paraClone.Text = templateRegex.Replace(paraClone.Text,"");// pseudo
paraClone.Text = wordPlacementRegex.Replace(paraClone.Text,word);
paraClone.Text = translationPlacementRegex.Replace(paraClone.Text,YourDictionary[word]);
paragraphTemplate.Parent.InsertAfter(paraClone,ParagraphTemplate); // pseudo
// document should auto-save
OpenXML is absolutely better, because it is faster, has less bugs, more reliable and flexible in runtime (especially in server environment). And it's not really difficult to find out how to make one or another element using OpenXML. As docx file is just a zip file with xml files inside, I open it and read the xml to get the idea, how word itself makes it. First of all, I create a document, then format it (in your case, you can create some file with two columns and bold words inside), save it, rename it to .zip file. Then open it, open "word" directory inside and the file "document.xml" inside the directory. This document contains essential part of xml, looking at this it's not difficult to figure out how to recreate it in OpenXML
Open XML is a much better option than Office COM. But the problem is that it is a low-level file format library that unlike Office COM doesn’t work on a high abstraction level. You might want to go that route but I recommend you to first consider looking into a commercial library that will give you the benefits of a high-level DOM without the need to have MS Word installed on the production machine. Our company recently purchased this toolkit which allows you to use template based approach and also DOM/programmatic approach to generate/modify/create documents.
I am trying to access word application from C#.
I want to write a paragraph as soon as I find a particular text in a word file.
For example if I find a text/header "Address" in word doc, below this I would write complete address as contents.
I am trying to approach this by getting control of the cursor and placing it after I find address, but am unable to do. Can anyone please sugest an approach for the same.
It sounds like you want to insert text into a document at a predetermined location. If that's true then you should consider using Word's Bookmarks feature instead of searching for arbitrary text like "Address". You can define bookmark names within a Word document (using the Insert > Bookmark command). Bookmarks are easy to access from C#, allowing you to insert or replace text at that location.
For example, create a new Word document and enter some arbitrary text. Select the text you want to be replaced, then click Insert > Bookmark and name the bookmark "BOOKMARK1". Save and close the document. You can now use code like the following to replace the text:
var app = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
var document = app.Documents.Open("c:\\temp\\interoptest.docx");
document.Bookmarks["BOOKMARK1"].Range.Text = "This text has been replaced.";
app.Quit(SaveChanges: false);
Note that you'll need to add a reference to the Microsoft Word Object Library for the above code to compile. This library is found under the COM section when adding references in the most recent version of Visual Studio.