Remove left and right side borders - c#

I want my TextBox to look like this
How can I remove the left and right sides of my TextBox control?

Normally, you'd have to override the OnPaint event to do this, for a Textbox however, this will not work because OnPaint wont get called.
An approach would be to subclass TextBox as described here
However I wouldnt suggest you to do this at all, it sounds like a daunting task to me (never did this myself), espacially when you are new to programming.
Maybe it would suffice to just draw a line above or beneath the TextBox?
Maybe this will explain it better:
The TextBox is special in that you can't custom paint it.
If you just want a custom border, you can create a new UserControl and add a TextBox with border style set to None. Make sure you leave enough room around the outside of the TextBox for a border. Then paint the border on the UserControl surface.
An alternative method would be to handle the WM_NCPAINT message of the TextBox and paint the border then, but that is significantly more complicated.
Source: shawn.ohern in msdn forums: here
(Sorry I didnt know how to link to his post directly)
This link shows a way to create your own TextBox, which, again, I would not recommend to someone who is new to c# and programming ;)

Windows Forms is based on Win32 API which, unlike WPF which uses declarative language for describing UI, gives you full control of painting your own control.
Take a look here: Custom Control Painting and Rendering.


Including SelectionColor in TextBox

I need the property called SelectionColor in the TextBox class, for a simple Syntax Highlighter - I can't use directly a RichTextBox - it causes too many problems, that's why I try to do this.
Is there any way to make that property available for a TextBox?
If it isn't possible, I'd try to write my own, but I need an idea on how to do it, basically how it works - is it based on drawing strings over the original text?
Thanks in advance.
Basically, using a TextBox for anything but plain text is a bad idea. First of all, you will eventually get a new feature to implement which is not present in TextBox and you will have to handle it manually. After some time you will implement a custom RichTextBox or something similar.
Second, it is relatively hard to even solve the problem you mentioned. Technically, you can override painting function (which you have to do if you want new functionality for TextBox). You can then let TextBox paint itself and paint the colored text above the image. But don't do it. You will get two (maybe more) problems:
Flicker of image. Once the original textbox has drawn itself, the image can be shown on screen (if you don't use double buffering).
Text alignment. It is hard to place colored text exactly above black text, plus you can run into problems with text rendering: you will need to clear area you're drawing in.

Scrolling all but the top line in a multiline textbox

I have a multiline textbox in a WinForms application. What I'd like to do is always have the top line visible, even if it scrolls. Is there some trick someone knows to do this?
Fake it. Use two TextBox objects, draw your own borders. You will need to deal with wrapping to the next line yourself.
You could also copy the first X characters to a label so when the TextBox scrolls they can see the first line in the label.
Unless it is an essential feature I would try to cut it.
The simple answer; depending on the appearance you are going for is to use existing windows controls to get the effect you want.
You can use a label control above a textbox and allow the textbox to scroll.
You can use two textbox - the top with it's .multiline property set to false, while the bottom allows scrolling.
You could encapsulate this all into a user control for reuseability.
Beyond that, I think you'd be looking at a fairly large project to implement your control (or at least overriding the onPaint() event of the textbox) with the desired behavior.

Windows aero glass form text problem

I use windows form with GlassForm(using Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell;). my problem when I change form to GlassForm my textbox texts doesnt
Place a panel on the form set the dock style to fill, set the panel's BackColor to color X and then set the form's TransparencyKey to the same color X.
Yes, that's how it works. With the Aero Glass effect applied, anything drawn in the color black will be rendered as transparent. That includes text in a textbox control. This general theme has been the subject of many other questions here. When well-written, they gather lots of upvotes, but few answers.
There just aren't a lot of good solutions here. All of them that I've come across qualify as both "ugly" and "hackish". Owner-drawing is a reasonable approach when you're using something like a label control, but I wouldn't recommend trying to draw your own textbox—it's just too hard to get right. Someone tried to do that here; like I said, the result is both ugly and hackish. I wasn't satisfied with it for my own use, but it may work for you, depending on how high your standards are.
The goal with owner-drawing, of course, is either to do all of the drawing using GDI+ (which natively supports transparency) instead of GDI (which all of the built-in controls use by default), or calling functions like DrawThemeTextEx, which is specifically designed for rendering text with a shadow that is [somewhat] readable over glass.
As well, the usual tricks like enabling compatible text rendering (which causes the built-in controls to draw using GDI+ routines, as they did in the early versions of .NET) don't work for a textbox.
Honestly, your best bet is to place the textbox over a region of your form that is not rendered as glass. Use the DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow function to selectively enable the glass effect behind certain areas of your form, rather than the entire thing. I provide a complete, ready-to-use .NET implementation in my answer here.
Check this sample out:
I was not studying it any further but putting a TextBox or Button or other components over this Aero glass area worked - the rendered component didn't have the transparency problem. The labels aren't perfect but these can be easily drawn with GDI+
The direct link to the sample project is here:
It looks like he puts a panel behind the control and setting the TransparencyKey for the panel.

Owner-Drawn ToolStripDropDownButton

I'm writing some custom behavior for a ToolStripDropDown control. I'd also like to modify the ToolStripDropDownButton itself to display a colored shape.
I see that I can handle the Paint event and draw whatever I like. However, is there any way to have the button paint the default background before I paint the shape? It would be hard to get the background exactly right, especially with future versions of .NET and Windows.
In plain ol' Windows, I could invoke the default proc handler before or after my paint code. I'm not seeing any way to accomplish that in .NET. Or perhaps there's a way to tell the button to paint only the background?
When you handle the Paint event (as opposed to overriding the OnPaint method in a derived class) the base class (default proc handler) is already getting called. Everything gets drawn as normal, and then you're essentially drawing on top of that in the Paint event. You can see that clearly here:
The trick is making sure that you leave enough of the control's clipping rectangle exposed to show the part you want. The e.ClipRectangle property retrieves the entire button's client area, so if you just
fill that with a color swatch, you're going to cover up the drop-down arrow and default background, too. The above demonstration was created using the following ugly sample code:
private void ToolStripDropDownButton1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
e.ClipRectangle.X + 3, e.ClipRectangle.Y + 3,
e.ClipRectangle.Width - 12,
e.ClipRectangle.Height - 12);
Other than that, I don't think there's a way to customize what exactly gets drawn by the base class. Owner-drawing (at least in WinForms) tends to be an all-or-nothing affair. You get complete control,
but it comes at the price of having to implement everything yourself.
Of course, in case you haven't already noticed, the ToolStrip control already doesn't look like a native Windows control. And even worse, it is always going to look exactly the same as it does now,
even in future versions of Windows that completely overhaul the UI. (The MenuStrip is plagued by
this same phenomenon, and the difference is very visible in Windows Vista/7 where the standard API menus have changed dramatically). The reason is that both controls are drawn entirely in C# code written in their WinForms implementations. Personally, I think it looks ridiculously cheesy, and wouldn't use it in one of my applications on a bet.
You can assign a custom renderer that uses the UxTheme API to draw the buttons, which will get much closer to approximating the look of the native menus and toolbars. A pretty thorough sample is available here. I've written something very similar for the WinForms development that I've done requiring the additional features of the ToolStrip class (such as embedding combo boxes) not offered by the
old-school MainMenu and ToolBar controls that simply wrap their Windows API equivalents. By choosing to do things this way, you do have more control over exactly what parts of the base class renderer you wish to call, as you've written the code explicitly yourself. Highly recommended if you're
the type that cares at all about UI, native feel, or user experience.

Winforms: creating a dynamic timeline control

I need to create a winforms control what looks something like this:
Currently i'm considering taking a picturebox/panel and overriding onpaint event and drawing all the stuff myself. But somehow this approach doesn't seem right.
I was wondering maybe there's an easier way out or perhaps a better solution?
How would you make a control like this?
No, that is the right way to do it. Trying to use something like a TableLayoutPanel is not only excruciatingly painful, it also sucks serious mud taking a second or more to paint itself. It will take a bunch of code, but it isn't hard code. Plenty of for loop opportunities as well.
Get the scrolling view with panel's AutoScrollMinSize. Use Graphics.TranslateTransform() passing AutoScrollPosition in the Paint event or OnPaint override. The latter is recommended, derive your own control from Panel to keep the code separate. You have lots of flexibility here to customize the appearance, have fun.
The last time I did something like this I did the grid as a bitmap, loaded the image into a picture box, and drew directly on the image. The problem with using the paint event it's not persistent with minimizing etc unless you keep redrawing it.
It would probably be easier to override a literal control or inherit from the CompositeControl class and then render it with HTML (tables) and Javascript as opposed to drawing it.
