Sub-Query in linq - c#

What is the best way to write this query in linq?
FROM product_master
where product_id in (select product_id from product where buyer_user_id=12)

var _result = from a in product_master
where (product.Where(s => s.buyer_user_id == 12))
select a;
var _result = (from a in product_master
join b in product
on a.product_id equals b.product_id
where b.buyer_user_id == 12
select a).Distinct();

JW's answer is correct. Alternatively, given that the subquery is not correlated, you could express it separately:
var pids = product.Where(p => p.buyer_user_id == 12);
var r = product_master.Where(pm => pids.Contains(pm.product_id));


Linq SQL with Select MAX Sub Query

I have the following SQL query which has a sub query so that only the max value is in the result set:
from Result r , Transact t, Product p
WHERE r.ResultIdentifier = (Select MAX(r2.ResultIdentifier) from Result r2
where r2.Status = 'Fail'
and r2.ID = r.ID
and r2.Start >= getdate() - 30)
and r.ID = t.ID
and p.productID = 9
and t.productID = p.productID
I'm trying to convert this to a LINQ query
var failures = from result in db.Results
join transact in db.Transacts on result.ID equals transact.ID
join product in db.Products on transact.ProductID equals product.ProductID
where result.ResultIdentifier == ??
select new{ ID = transact.ID,
I'm really struggling with the max ResultIdentifier in the LINQ - tried multiple variations with .MAX() but cant seem to get it right.Any suggestions welcome.
You can use the max keyword, Sorry for using method syntax as I can see you are using query :(
Should look something like the following
where result.ResultIdentifier == (Results.Max().Where(x => x.Status.equals("Fail") && == && x.start => Datetime.Now().Add(-30)).Select(x => x.ResultIdentifier))
Try the following query:
var results = db.Results;
var failedResults = results
.Where(r => r.Status == "Fail" && r.Start >= DataTime.Date.AddDays(-30));
var failures =
from result in results
join transact in db.Transacts on result.ID equals transact.ID
join product in db.Products on transact.ProductID equals product.ProductID
from failed in failedResults
.Where(failed => failed.ID == result.ID)
.OrderByDescending(failed => failed.ResultIdentifier)
where result.ResultIdentifier == failed.ResultIdentifier
select new{ ID = transact.ID,

Convert sql query to linq in C#

Hi Could any one help how to write this below query in Linq C#
select YearValue from [Information].Year
where YearId in (select max(YearId) from curreny where BudgetCodeId = 2)
Here's what I've tried:
var maxYear =
from year in dbContext.Years
join exchange in dbContext.CurrencyExchangeRates
on year.YearId equals exchange.YearId
where exchange.BudgetCodeId == budgetCodeId
orderby year.YearValue descending
select new { yearValue = year.YearValue };
This is what you're looking for:
var maxYear = from year in dbContext.Years where (from exchange in dbContext.CurrencyExchangeRates where exchange.BudgetCodeId == 2 select exchange)
.Max(m => m.YearId) ==
year.YearId select year.YearValue;
int mYear = maxYear.First();

SQL Query to ASP.NET LINQ Query

What is the equivalent .NET LINQ Query for the below SQL Query?
select *
from customers
where CUSTOMERID not in ('123','321')
var exceptList = new List<string> {"123","321"};
var target = (from item in Db.customers select item.CUSTOMERID ).Except(exceptList);
from d in Members
where d.CUSTOMERID !=123 || d.CUSTOMERID !=321
select d
var ids=new[]{'123','321'};
var results= from x in Customers
where !ids.Contains(x)
For only those two values 123 and 321 you can simple do this:
var results = Customers.Where(c => c.CUSTOMERID != 123 && c.CUSTOMERID != 321);
For a list of values, something like nums where nums is an array of CUSTOMERID you can do this:
var nums = new int[]{123, 321};
var results = Customers.Where(c => !nums.Contains(c.CUSTOMERID));

how to use Linq " NOT IN"

I'm using Entity Framework
So I want to write a sql command using two tables - tblContractor and tbSiteByCont tables.
It looks like this in SQL
SELECT PKConID, Fname, Lname
FROM tblContractor
FROM tbSiteByCont
WHERE (FKSiteID = 13)))
but I don't know how to write in Linq.
I tried like this
var query1 = from s in db.tblSiteByConts
where s.FKSiteID == id
select s.FKConID;
var query = from c in db.tblContractors
where c.PKConID != query1.Any()
select Contractor;
But this doesn't work.
So how should I write it? What is the procedure? I'm new to Linq.
var _result = from a in tblContractor
where !(from b in tbSiteByCont
where FKSiteID == 13
select b.FKConID)
select a;
var siteLst = tbSiteByCont.Where(y => y.FKSiteID == 13)
.Select(x => x.FKConID);
var _result = tblContractor.Where(x => !siteLst.Contains(x.PKConID));
I'd use a HashSet, it ensures you only evaluate the sequence once.
var result = from p in tblContractor
let hasht = new HashSet<int>((from b in tbSiteByCont
where b.FKSiteID == 13
select b.PKConID).Distinct())
where !hasht.Contains(p.PKConID)
select p;
may this work too
var _result = from a in tblContractor
.Where(c => tbSiteByCont
.Count(sbc => sbc.FKSiteID == 13 && c.PKConID == sbc.FKConID) == 0)

transform sql to linq with join, group-by and where

I have the following sql, which I want to convert to linq
SELECT Contrato.finca, SUM(Pago.Importe_subtotal)
FROM Pago, Contrato
WHERE Pago.Contrato = Contrato.ID AND Pago.pagado = 1
GROUP BY Contrato.finca
What I have now in linq is the following, but the group by doesn't work.
var x = from contrato in ctx.Contratos
join pago in ctx.Pagos
on contrato.ID equals pago.Contrato
where pago.pagado == true
group contrato by contrato.finca
select contrato.Finca1;
Think this should work:
.Select(m=> new { Id= m.Key, Val= m.Sum(n => n.Importe_subtotal)})
var x = from contrato in ctx.Contratos
join pago in ctx.Pagos
on contrato.ID equals pago.Contrato
where pago.pagado == true
group new {contrato, pago} by contrato.finca into g
select new {
key = g.Key,
sum = g.Sum(p => p.pago.Importe_subtotal)
