Logout from service - c#

I'm currently logging in with a username and password this way:
var client = new ServiceReference.CalcServiceClient();
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "test";
client.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "test";
This works fine. Now, I'd like to add a way to logout (the user presses a button and a logout request should be send somehow).
Is this possible and if so, what would be the best way to implement this?

If the WCF is configured PerSession, a client.Close(); will do the work.
The process will be:
The client creates the proxy of the WCF service and makes method
A WCF service instance is created which serves the method response.
The client makes one more method call in the same session.
The same WCF service instance serves the method call.
When the client finishes its activity, the WCF instance is destroyed
and served to the garbage collector for clean up.
With the Close you will trigger the garbage collector clean up.
If the WCF is configured PerCall, there is no need to worry about Close/Logof. I would recommend always perform an explicit Close (and an using), but it's not really necessary in that case.
If the WCF is configured SingleInstance... well, maybe you are doing it wrong :) anyway, you should proceed with a Close().


State inside self-hosted WCF service being lost with InstanceContextMode.Single

I am using WCF service and self hosting it as not everything is contained within the service itself (some external events are happening outside of the service):
WCF Service and I am self hosting it in a C# Console App. When WCF clients conncet they call the Login function, and I (try!) to store their callback via GetCallbackChannel
3rd party DLL which calls my console back via a delegate on a different thread from the library
On this console callback I then call in to the WCF service who pool which is then passed on to the WCF service who then broadcasts to all connected clients via a callback contract.
All is fine with the client connecting, calling Login, and I save the callback interface object.
However when I access the code from my service, i find it is an entirely new object and my _endPointMap is empty (despite me storing it in the Login method which is called by the client):
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]
public class Service : IService, IEndpointNotifier
public readonly TwoWayDictionary<string, IClientCallback> _endpointMap = new TwoWayDictionary<string, IClientCallback>();
// called by WCF client when they click the login button - it works
public void Login(string username)
var callback = OperationContext
_endpointMap.AddOrUpdate(username, callback);
// called by the WCF self-host console app
public void IEndpointNotifier.Notify(string info, string username)
// at this point my list _endpointMap is empty despite
// having received a Login previously and adding to the
// list. so i am unable to call my clients back!!
_endPointMap.Count(); // is 0 at this point?!!
My main console app starts up the service fine also as below:
static void Main(string[] args)
var service = new Service();
var host = new ServiceHost(service);
// between the above line and the task below calling
// service.Notify I click a number of times on client
// which calls the Login method
Task.Run(() =>
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// at this point, service seems like a new object?!
// any data saved in the list member will be lost,
// and will only see the single entry from time of
// construction
Questions please
The object seems totally different to the one that was modified in a previous operation (on login from client) - is there any way to tell what service object I am actually looking at (equivalent to the old C++ days and looking at the address pointer for this)?
The singleton attribute seems to be ignored [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)] Any ideas what I am doing wrong (why the internal list variable keeps getting reset)?
The WCF service cannot be self contained. How does one achieve communication between WCF self-hosted app and the WCF service according to best practice or is this abusing WCF and what is was designed for (when considering scopes etc)?
I set the breakpoint in the constructor with some dummy values. That breakpoint is only ever hit the first time when i construct it. When i go in to the object via the service.Notify method although the object seems new (members are empty) the constructor breakpoint is not hit - how so?
I have hosted the 3rd party app behind a static global member variable that I control. So I am responsible for all communication and state and cleanup between the 3rd party lib and the normal wcf calls. I am responsible for thread lifetimes for the 3rd party app. If I create them I have to close them. Holding references in my own lists.
It is like it is a separate app but they just happen to be in the same process space. All communication to and from the 3rd party app is controlled by me formally.
You will probably need a thread that looks for completed or abandoned 3rd party objects after usage to kill them your self outside of normal wcf msg processing.
This lets the wcf part be a normal threaded (thread pool) concept with no special declarations.
side note:
I would take out the loop and make it two lines in your simple model.
This will expose your object lifetime details instead hiding them for 3 seconds.
I found why the values were not being saved... my WCF client proxy was connecting to the VS WCF Service Host and not my host in the code!
I noticed this when I saw the WCF Service Host running in the service bar tray.
I disabled WCF Service Host starting up for the WCF .svc service by right clicking on the WCF Project -> Properties -> WCF Options -> unticked Start WCF Service Host when debugging another project in the same solution

c# how to manage wcf service proxy lifecycle on client side?

I have written a WCF service with some regular functionality (add user, remove, search, update...). The implementation of this functionality is in entity framework (with sql DB).
Now I want to use it in the client side.
And I have some basic questions:
I have many calls to the WCF methods in the client side - should I try catch every time each call?
Every time I want to call a method, for example AddUser(User user), I need to make an instance of my service, like that:
WcfService client = new WcfService();
And in another place I write:
WcfService client = new WcfService(); //Again making a new instance...
Should I make one instance for all the application for my wcf service?
Or every time to make a new instance before I call to a method? (as in my example above).
Thanks very much !
In many cases, you want to reuse the same client proxy, as this connection method yields the best performance. Reusing the same proxy can be particularly beneficial if you use security features, which have a high initial security negotiation cost. Note: you surely need to check the state of the client proxy before using.
In the event that reusing the same client proxy is not an option, then consider using a ChannelFactory proxy that uses caching.
The following link provides a good explanation along with best practice recommendations:
(i)You can make an instance one time for a service, and use the same client whenever you need to make a method call. if you are aborting or closing the connection then you need to create each time.
(ii)It is better if you use try catch methods in each methods, so it will be easy to close the connection and identify the exceptions.

.NET webservice client from WSDL

I have a WSDL from which I generated the implementation of ClientBase namely MyService
function void updateData(Data data){
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
// see there is naked username and password.
EndpointAddress address = new EndpointAddress("http://qa.farwaha.com/eai_enu/start.swe?SWEExtSource=WebService&SWEExtCmd=Execute&UserName=john&Password=johspassword");
MyService service = new MyService(binding, address);
Unfortunately, to call this web service I have to pass User name and password as shown in the code. so, my question is around best practices.
Given that its a Winform Application.
How memory / CPU intensive is creating MyService object?
If you suggest cashing the service, it will hold on to the EndpointAddress; which intern has a string with Username and Password. Which is not a good idea .. any work arounds?
If I keep the code as such, service object will be garbage collected .. and there will be no trace of user name or password (as soon as GC runs)
This is a sample code, I have User Object which stores password in SecureString and every time I have to access the password; I get string from SecureString in an instance private method, use it quickly and let it be garbage collected. I believe if I use a method something like above, it will be safe OR safe enough rather than holding on to reference of Service, What do you suggest !!
To your specific questions:
In your client code, what you're constructing are instances of lightweight proxy classes that wrap the channel infrastructure that serialize messages to/from the service's endpoints. As such, these client proxy classes are cheap and fast to construct because they don't generally do a great deal until you actually send something to the service. One thing to watch out for is when you call services which employ a more complex security scheme - establishing connections to such services can be costly and so it's worth caching or re-using such connections if you can.
"Any workarounds"? Nope! Alas, the service you're consuming is poorly designed - not only do they require username and password to be supplied as part of the service method invocation, but they require that you pass them in the clear over HTTP. You might want to ask them to AT LEAST provide an SSL endpoint so that the username and password can be secured during transit. Better still, they could implement basic-auth to allow you to acquire an HTTP auth cookie that you can attach to subsequent calls against their services.
Yes, the GC will eventually clean-up your proxy instances. Better still, you could wrap your instances in using statements to invoke the Dispose pattern and clean-up deterministically. See my Magic8Ball WCF Service on Codeplex for examples.
Other observations:
Because your service requires your username and passoword, each time you call it, you need to pay some very careful thought to how you're going to obtain and store the username and password.
I would urge you to specify your binding information in the app.config rather than inline in your code. Again, see the Magic8Ball WCF Service: If you create bindings in code and the endpoint changes or if they open up a new endpoint, protocol, encoding and/or binding, you'll have to recompile and redist your entire app. If you specify your bindings in config, you might just be able to get away with shipping an updated app.config.
Hope this helps.

ASMX Web Service Method Singleton

Not sure if this is the right terminology, let me explain what I want.
I have a web service that's available on the network - the web service has 1 web method.
What I want is... if the web service is running and performing tasks and another call is made to this web service, I want the 2nd call to fail or pend for a certain period of time then fail. Because only 1 instance of this web service should be called at once.
I was thinking of writing a value to the application object (like in asp.net) but then I have to be very careful to make sure that this value gets updated, in case of any errors, it might not... so this is dangerous, and would leave the web service in a state where no one can get to it.
Is there not a more dynamic way to determine if the web service is getting called or not?
You cannot do this with legacy ASMX web services. They have no support for different instance schemes.
I believe you can do this with WCF, as you can configure the service to have only a single instance.
If you are using WCF, this is simple. Use the service throttling settings to specify that you want MaxConcurrentCalls = 1 and MaxInstances = 1. You'll also want to set the ConcurrencyMode to Single for your ServiceBehavior.
I dont know much about web services on whether you can configure a web server to only start 1 instance of your web service, but you could try creating a mutex within your web service.
A Mutex is an interprocess synchronization object which can be used to detect if another instance of your web service is running.
So, what you can do is create a mutex with a name, then Wait on it. If more than 1 instance of your web service is alive, then the mutex will wait.
You could implement the check inside of the webmethod since it will be running in the same IIS process
You could create a poor man's mutex and have the first instance create a file and have consecutive instances check the existence of the file. Try Catch your web method and place the deletion of the file in the finally.
If you are WCF I recommend "bobbymcr" answer, but for legacy web service you can use Monitor instead or mutex as mutex is costly (because it is a kernel object) but if you do not care about performance and responsiveness of the service use the Mutex simply.
See this sample for using Monitor class
private static object lockObject = new object();
public void SingleMethod()
//method code

Why is my Winforms-hosted WCF service single threaded?

I have a WCF service that I'm using to replace an old ASP.NET web service. The service appears to be working fine but it is unable to handle simultaneous requests for some reason. My implementation of the service has the following properties:
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple)]
public class HHService : IHHService
My host declaration looks like this:
baseAddress = new Uri("");
host = new ServiceHost(typeof(HHService), baseAddress);
ServiceMetadataBehavior behavior;
behavior = host.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceMetadataBehavior>();
if (behavior == null)
behavior = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();
behavior.HttpGetEnabled = true;
behavior.MetadataExporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15;
host.AddServiceEndpoint(ServiceMetadataBehavior.MexContractName,MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexHttpBinding(), "mex");
host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IHHService), new BasicHttpBinding(), "HHService.asmx");
HHService.LogMessage += new EventHandler<HHService.LogMessageEventArgs>(HHService_LogMessage);
The service runs and returns correct results, but if two clients try to make a call at the same time one client will block until the other is finished rather than the calls executing together. I'm not using any configuration files. I'm trying to do everything programmatically. Do i have something setup incorrectly that's causing this behavior? I've run other services using the NetTCPBinding without this problem.
In response to John Saunders:
I'm not familiar with any ASP.NET compatibility mode. I'm not using any session state the service is stateless it just processes requests. Aside from the implementation of the actual methods everything else I've done is in the code listed here.
Possible Solution:
I was calling the host.Open() function from the form_load event of the main form. I moved the call to a separate thread. All this thread did was call host.Open() but now the service appears to be behaving as I would expect.
If your instance context mode is PerCall, then your server is always single-threaded, since by definition, every call gets a new server instance.
This works okay in a IIS environment, where IIS can spin up several server instances to handle n concurrent callers, one each as a single-threaded server for each incoming request.
You mention in one of your comments your hosting your WCF inside a forms app - this might be a design decision you need to reconsider - this is not really optimal, since the Winforms app cannot easily handle multiple callers and spin up several instances of the service code.
Is there a lock somewhere in your service function?
Are you using ASP.NET compatibility mode? Session state?
My next question would be: what makes you think it's single-threaded? How did you determine that, and what test do you use to prove that you have not solved the problem? Could be a false positive.
This is answered in another question:
[ServiceBehavior(UseSynchronizationContext = false)]
WCF in Winforms app - is it always single-threaded?
