I am trying to correct this C# code which should create an offset line without self intersection. It calculates its offset from probed points(x,y coordinates) and an inputted offset distance. The Y offset component works but the X does not. Any help or insight would be infinitely appreciated.
Here is the section of code that executes this process.
private void OffsetData(double R)
double Increment = 0.01;
X2 = (double[])X.Clone(); // copy original
// apply a circle to every measured point and
// push neighbor points out beyond the circle
for (int i = 0; i < Npts; i++)
// offset forward
double k = i + Increment;
while (k < Npts - 1)
// determine how far away the neighbor is in Y
double dy = (k - i) * DeltaY;
// compute extent outward in X
double d = R * R - dy * dy;
if (d < 0) break; // beyond circel radius - no need to go further
double dx = Math.Sqrt(d);
//interpolate to find X[k] where K is a fraction
int ki = (int)k;
double Xk = X[ki] + (X[ki + 1] - X[ki]) * (k - ki);
// if x value is within circle push out
if (X2[i] < Xk + dx) X2[i] = Xk + dx;
k += Increment;
// offset backward
k = i - Increment;
while (k > 0)
// determine how far away the neighbor is in Y
double dy = (k - i) * DeltaY;
// compute extent outward in X
double d = R * R - dy * dy;
if (d < 0) break;
// beyond circle radius - no need to go further
double dx = Math.Sqrt(d);
//interpolate to find X[k] where K is a fraction
int ki = (int)k;
double Xk = X[ki] + (X[ki + 1] - X[ki]) * (k - ki);
// if x value is within circle push out
if (X2[i] < Xk + dx) X2[i] = Xk + dx;
k -= Increment;
Good evening, I know on the web there are similar questions and a few tutorials about it, but I'd like you to check my code and correct it. I mean, I'd like to know what's wrong with my project.
I have to draw a parabola graph given its equation on my main panel.
I also must include two buttons, zoom in and zoom out, which are used to reduce and enlarge the "view" panel's view (and so the parabola).
I was recommended to use a scale var.
This is my code:
note: x0, y0 are panel_main x center, y center.
I have x, y that are used to determine x,y from the equation.
xpc, ypc are converted for the window scale (so are pixels).
xmin, xmax are the extreme values that, with a certain scale, stay on the panel
I hope you can give me a hint, thanks a lot!
public void DisegnaParabola()
Graphics gs = panel_main.CreateGraphics();
pen.Color = Color.Black;
scale = (x0*2) / zoom; //Pixels equivalent to 1x or 1y
n_punti = (x0*2) / scale; //Number of x math points that are visible in window
xmin = -(n_punti / 2);
xmax = n_punti / 2;
precision = 1 / scale; //Increment of x to have 1px
if (asse_parabola.SelectedIndex == 0) //if Y axis
for (double i = xmin + precision; i < xmax; i += precision)
rifx = i - precision; //Old points
rifxpc = rifx * scale;
rify = (a * Math.Pow(rifx, 2)) + b * rifx + c;
rifypc = y0 - (rify * scale);
x = i; //New points
y = (a * Math.Pow(x, 2)) + b * x + c;
ypc = y0 - (y * scale);
gs.DrawLine(pen, (float)rifxpc, (float)rifypc, (float)xpc, (float)ypc);
scale = (y0*2) / zoom; //Pixels for 1y
n_punti = (y0*2) / scale; //Numbers of y in the window
ymin = -(n_punti / 2);
ymax = n_punti / 2;
for(double i=ymin+precision; i<ymax; i+=precision)
rify = y - precision;
rifypc = (y0*2) - rify * scale;
rifx = (a * Math.Pow(rify, 2)) + b * rify + c;
rifxpc = x0 + (rifx * scale);
y = i;
x = (a * Math.Pow(y, 2)) + b * y + c;
xpc = x0 + (x * scale);
gs.DrawLine(pen, (float)rifypc, (float)rifxpc, (float)ypc, (float)xpc);
lbl_canc.Visible = true;
Your question actually consists of several tasks and as usual the key is to take and break those apart..
One issue is getting the data, I will leave the details to you but show how to sparate it from the rest.
The next issue is to scale the data. I'll show you how to avoid this one altogether and scale the drawing tool instead.
And the third one is to draw them to a display surface. As you'll see this is really simple once the other issues are taken care of.
Let's start with the most important step: Collecting the data. You try to create and scale and draw them all in the same piece of code. This has many disadvantages..
Let's first collect the data in a suitable structure:
List<PointF> points = new List<PointF>();
List<T> is the collection of choice most of the time; certainly much nicer than arrays! In some method you should fill that list with your data, calculated from some formula.
Here is an example:
List<PointF> getPoints(float start, float end, int count, float ymax)
List<PointF> points = new List<PointF>();
float deltaX = (end - start) / count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
float x = i * deltaX;
// insert your own formula(s) here!
float y = ymax + (float)Math.Sin(x * somefactor) * ymax;
points.Add(new PointF(x, y));
return points;
Now for the second important part: How to scale the data? This can be done either when creating them; but again, separating the two taks makes them both a lot simpler.
So here is a function that, instead of scaling the data scales the Graphics object we will use to plot them:
void ScaleGraphics(Graphics g, List<PointF> data)
float xmax = data.Select(x => x.X).Max();
float ymax = data.Select(x => x.Y).Max();
float xmin = data.Select(x => x.X).Min();
float ymin = data.Select(x => x.Y).Min();
float width = Math.Abs(xmax - xmin);
float height = Math.Abs(ymax - ymin);
var vr = g.VisibleClipBounds;
g.ScaleTransform(vr.Width / width, vr.Height / height);
This method makes sure that all the data in our list will fit into the drawing surface. If you want to restrict them to a different size you can pass it in and change the code accordingly..
Finally we need to do the actual drawing. We do that where we should, that is in the Paint event of our drawing surface control..:
private void panel1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
if (points.Count < 2) return; // no lines to draw, yet
ScaleGraphics(e.Graphics, points);
e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
using ( Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Blue )
{ Width = 1.5f , LineJoin = LineJoin.Round, MiterLimit = 1f} )
e.Graphics.DrawLines(pen, points.ToArray());
I've been trying to recode a C++ DirectX code to C# that would help me with Drawing a perfect circle. Currently I have this code that i translated by myself:
private void Circle(int X, int Y, int radius, int numSides, Color color)
Vector2[] Line = new Vector2[128];
float Step = (float)(Math.PI * 2.0 / numSides);
int Count = 0;
for (float a = 0; a < Math.PI * 2.0; a += Step)
float X1 = (float)(radius * Math.Cos(a) + X);
float Y1 = (float)(radius * Math.Sin(a) + Y);
float X2 = (float)(radius * Math.Cos(a + Step) + X);
float Y2 = (float)(radius * Math.Sin(a + Step) + Y);
Line[Count].X = X1;
Line[Count].Y = Y1;
Line[Count + 1].X = X2;
Line[Count + 1].Y = Y2;
Count += 2;
line.Draw(Line, color);
The problem is that the circle is drawn but also a Line from a point in the circle to the left top corner, like this.
Don't iterate with a floating point variable. They might get imprecise during the iteration. In your case, the last step is probably very close behind the upper bound (instead of hitting it exactly). So it won't get calculated and left as the default (0, 0).
So use an integer iteration variable:
for (int i = 0; i < numSides; ++i)
float a = i * Step;
Then, you can also get rid of Count.
Furthermore, you should make your coordinate buffer dynamic:
Vector2[] Line = new Vector2[2 * numSides];
I'm trying to get a character to throw something in an arc at a target.
I know the vertex(x,y) and the target(x,y) and I want to get an arc from the origin(x,y) to the target with a max height of vertex.y
What I have is based off the vertex form of y = a(x-h)^2 + k
public static Vector3 parabola(Vector2 origin, Vector2 target, float height)
float dist = target.x - origin.x;
Vector2 vertex = new Vector2(origin.x + (dist / 2), origin.y + height);
//a = (y-k) / (x-h)^2
float a = (target.y - vertex.y) / ((target.x - vertex.x) * (target.x - vertex.x));
//b = (-h + -h) * a
float b = (-vertex.x + -vertex.x) * a;
//c = (h * h) * a + k
float c = (vertex.x * vertex.x) * a + vertex.y;
return new Vector3(a, b, c);
x += Time.DeltaTime;
float yPos = a * ((x - h) * (x - h)) + k;
This doesn't produce the correct arc. It's usually much too steep or much too shallow. Is my algebra wrong, or am I using the wrong approach?
Here is a good solution: Wiki:Trajectory of a projectile.
I am searching for a way to calculate the surface under a polygon.
The thing I want to accomplish is that a user that uses my program, can create a polygon to mark out his property. Now I want to know what the surface area is so I can tell the user how big his property is.
Unit m² or km² or hectare.
The points of the polygon have a latitude and longitude.
I am using C# with WPF and GMap.NET. The map is in a WindowsFormHost so I can use the Winforms thing from GMap.Net because this provoides overlays etc.
I hope that someone can help me or show me a post where this is explained that I didn't found.
Using a 2D vector space approximation (local tangent space)
In this section, I can detail how I come to these formulas.
Let's note Points the points of the polygon (where Points[0] == Points[Points.Count - 1] to close the polygon).
The idea behind the next methods is to split the polygon into triangles (the area is the sum of all triangle areas). But, to support all polygon types with a simple decomposition (not only star-shaped polygon), some triangle contributions are negative (we have a "negative" area). The triangles decomposition I use is : {(O, Points[i], Points[i + 1]} where O is the origin of the affine space.
The area of a non-self-intersecting polygon (in euclidian geometry) is given by:
In 2D:
float GetArea(List<Vector2> points)
float area2 = 0;
for (int numPoint = 0; numPoint < points.Count - 1; numPoint++)
MyPoint point = points[numPoint];
MyPoint nextPoint = points[numPoint + 1];
area2 += point.x * nextPoint.y - point.y * nextPoint.x;
return area2 / 2f;
In 3D, given normal, the unitary normal of the polygon (which is planar):
float GetArea(List<Vector3> points, Vector3 normal)
Vector3 vector = Vector3.Zero;
for (int numPoint = 0; numPoint < points.Count - 1; numPoint++)
MyPoint point = points[numPoint];
MyPoint nextPoint = points[numPoint + 1];
vector += Vector3.CrossProduct(point, nextPoint);
return (1f / 2f) * Math.Abs(Vector3.DotProduct(vector, normal));
In the previous code I assumed you have a Vector3 struct with Add, Subtract, Multiply, CrossProduct and DotProduct operations.
In your case, you have a lattitude and longitude. Then, you are not in an 2D euclidean space. It is a spheric space where computing the area of any polygon is much more complex.
However, it is locally homeomorphic to a 2D vector space (using the tangent space).
Then, if the area you try to measure is not too wide (few kilometers), the above formula should work.
Now, you just have to find the normal of the polygon. To do so, and to reduce the error (because we are approximating the area), we use the normal at the centroid of the polygon. The centroid is given by:
Vector3 GetCentroid(List<Vector3> points)
Vector3 vector = Vector3.Zero;
Vector3 normal = Vector3.CrossProduct(points[0], points[1]); // Gets the normal of the first triangle (it is used to know if the contribution of the triangle is positive or negative)
normal = (1f / normal.Length) * normal; // Makes the vector unitary
float sumProjectedAreas = 0;
for (int numPoint = 0; numPoint < points.Count - 1; numPoint++)
MyPoint point = points[numPoint];
MyPoint nextPoint = points[numPoint + 1];
float triangleProjectedArea = Vector3.DotProduct(Vector3.CrossProduct(point, nextPoint), normal);
sumProjectedAreas += triangleProjectedArea;
vector += triangleProjectedArea * (point + nextPoint);
return (1f / (6f * sumProjectedAreas)) * vector;
I've added a new property to Vector3 : Vector3.Length
Finally, to convert latitude and longitude into a Vector3:
Vector3 GeographicCoordinatesToPoint(float latitude, float longitude)
return EarthRadius * new Vector3(Math.Cos(latitude) * Math.Cos(longitude), Math.Cos(latitude) * Math.Sin(longitude), Math.Sin(latitude));
To sum up:
// Converts the latitude/longitude coordinates to 3D coordinates
List<Vector3> pointsIn3D = (from point in points
select GeographicCoordinatesToPoint(point.Latitude, point.Longitude))
// Gets the centroid (to have the normal of the vector space)
Vector3 centroid = GetCentroid(pointsIn3D );
// As we are on a sphere, the normal at a given point is the colinear to the vector going from the center of the sphere to the point.
Vector3 normal = (1f / centroid.Length) * centroid; // We want a unitary normal.
// Finally the area is computed using:
float area = GetArea(pointsIn3D, normal);
The Vector3 struct
public struct Vector3
public static readonly Vector3 Zero = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
public readonly float X;
public readonly float Y;
public readonly float Z;
public float Length { return Math.Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z); }
public Vector3(float x, float y, float z)
X = x;
Y = y;
Z = z;
public static Vector3 operator +(Vector3 vector1, Vector3 vector2)
return new Vector3(vector1.X + vector2.X, vector1.Y + vector2.Y, vector1.Z + vector2.Z);
public static Vector3 operator -(Vector3 vector1, Vector3 vector2)
return new Vector3(vector1.X - vector2.X, vector1.Y - vector2.Y, vector1.Z - vector2.Z);
public static Vector3 operator *(float scalar, Vector3 vector)
return new Vector3(scalar * vector.X, scalar * vector.Y, scalar * vector.Z);
public static float DotProduct(Vector3 vector1, Vector3 vector2)
return vector1.X * vector2.X + vector1.Y * vector2.Y + vector1.Z * vector2.Z;
public static Vector3 CrossProduct(Vector3 vector1, Vector3 vector2)
return return new Vector3(vector1.Y * vector2.Z - vector1.Z * vector2.Y,
vector1.Z * vector2.X - vector1.X * vector2.Z,
vector1.X * vector2.Y - vector1.Y * vector2.X);
I fixed it with part of the code from Cédric and code from the internet.
I fixed it by using poly.Points and poly.LocalPoints.
The poly.Points are the latitude and longitude while the LocalPoints are points see to the center of the map on the screen.
the C# library has a function to calculate the distance (km) so I calculted the distance and then I calculated the distance in LocalPoints. Dived the localPoints throug the length in km and then you know how long 1 Localpoint is in km.
List<PointLatLng> firstTwoPoints = new List<PointLatLng>();
GMapPolygon oneLine = new GMapPolygon(firstTwoPoints,"testesddfsdsd"); //Create new polygone from messuring the distance.
double lengteLocalLine =
Math.Sqrt(((poly.LocalPoints[1].X - poly.LocalPoints[0].X)*(poly.LocalPoints[1].X - poly.LocalPoints[0].X)) +
((poly.LocalPoints[1].Y - poly.LocalPoints[0].Y)*(poly.LocalPoints[1].Y - poly.LocalPoints[0].Y))); //This calculates the length of the line in LocalPoints.
double pointInKm = oneLine.Distance / lengteLocalLine; //This gives me the length of 1 LocalPoint in km.
List<Carthesian> waarden = new List<Carthesian>();
//Here we fill the list "waarden" with the points.
//NOTE: the last value is NOT copied because this is handled in calculation method.
foreach (GPoint localPoint in poly.LocalPoints)
waarden.Add(new Carthesian(){X = (localPoint.X * pointInKm), Y = (localPoint.Y * pointInKm)});
MessageBox.Show("" + GetArea(waarden)*1000000);
//Method for calculating area
private double GetArea(IList<Carthesian> points)
if (points.Count < 3)
return 0;
double area = GetDeterminant(points[points.Count - 1].X , points[points.Count - 1].Y, points[0].X, points[0].Y);
for (int i = 1; i < points.Count; i++)
//Debug.WriteLine("Lng: " + points[i].Lng + " Lat:" + points[i].Lat);
area += GetDeterminant(points[i - 1].X, points[i - 1].Y , points[i].X, points[i].Y);
return Math.Abs(area / 2);
//Methode for getting the Determinant
private double GetDeterminant(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
return x1 * y2 - x2 * y1;
//This class is just to make it nicer to show in code and it also was from previous tries
class Carthesian
public double X { get; set; }
public double Y { get; set; }
public double Z { get; set; }
Because we calculate the surface using 2D there is a small error, but for my application this is acceptable.
And thanks to Cédric for answering my question and helping me to fix the problem I had.
Its much easier to just use a backend database like SQL Server 2008 or MySql, sending the points of the polygon to the server in a query and return area, length, parimeter, intersection...etc.
If this is viable, search STArea() or STIntersect on Sql Server geography/geometry datatypes.
here is an example of something I have been working on.
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Types;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
GMap.NET.WindowsForms.GMapOverlay o = new GMapOverlay();
GMap.NET.WindowsForms.GMapOverlay o1 = new GMapOverlay();
List<PointLatLng> p = new List<PointLatLng>();
List<string> p1 = new List<string>();
//below adds a marker to the map upon each users click. At the same time adding that Lat/Long to a <PointLatLng> list
private void gMapControl1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right )
p.Add(new PointLatLng(Convert.ToDouble(gMapControl2.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y).Lat), Convert.ToDouble(gMapControl2.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y).Lng)));
p1.Add(gMapControl2.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y).Lng + " " + gMapControl2.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y).Lat);
GMarkerGoogle marker = new GMarkerGoogle(gMapControl2.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y), GMarkerGoogleType.red_small);
// marker.Tag =(gMapControl1.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y).Lng + " " + gMapControl1.FromLocalToLatLng(e.X, e.Y).Lat);
//Then the below code will add that <PointLatLng> List to a SQL query and return Area and Centoid of polygon. Area is returned in Acres
private void gMapControl1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
n = new GMapPolygon(p, "polygon");
n.Fill = new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent);
n.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Red, 1);
StringBuilder a = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i != p1.Count; i++)
a.Append(p1[i].ToString() + ",");
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Declare #g geography; set #g = 'Polygon((" + a + "))'; Select Round((#g.STArea() *0.00024711),3) As Area", cs);
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("Declare #c geometry; set #c =geometry::STGeomFromText('Polygon((" + a + "))',0); Select Replace(Replace(#c.STCentroid().ToString(),'POINT (',''),')','')AS Center", cs);
poly = "Polygon((" + a + "))";
SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (sdr.Read())
txtArea.Text = sdr["Area"].ToString();
SqlDataReader sdr1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
while (sdr1.Read())
center = sdr1["Center"].ToString();
lat = center.Substring(center.IndexOf(" ") + 1);
lat = lat.Remove(9);
lon = center.Substring(0, (center.IndexOf(" ")));
lon = lon.Remove(10);
txtCenter.Text = lat + ", " + lon;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Please start the polygon over, you must create polygon in a counter-clockwise fasion","Counter-Clockwise Only!",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);