C# - Looping through pairs and matching - c#

So I'm stuck on a program where I have a series of pairs that may or may not be able to connect together to form a complete path through the pairs. I need to be able to check if the second item in a pair can match the first item in another pair and so on until there are no pairs left. For example, my pairs might be:
I would need to be able to somehow iterate through the pairs and check if I can get a complete path that travels through each one, based on if the second digit of a pair matches the first digit of the next pair. In this example, the output would be: (1,5), (5,3), (3,2), (2,4), (4,3) forming a complete match. If a match can't be formed, I need to report a failure. The input is based on a text file. So far I've been able to read the file with a Streamreader and split the pairs based on newline, then iterate through and split each pair into its items based on the comma. I'm pretty much clueless on how to proceed, if anyone has some ideas I would appreciate it.
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("inputs.txt");
string line = null;
line = sr.ReadToEnd();
var str = line.Trim().Split('\n');
int length = str.Length;
int index=1;
while (index < length)
var pair = str[index].Split(',');
var item1 = pair[0];
var item2 = pair[1];

The problem you described can be converted to another form; a graph.
Here's what it looks like for the example you gave.
I drew an arrow from 1 to 5 since there was the pair (1,5), etc.
A path on a graph like this can only go the directions of the arrows.
What you want to know is: "is there a path in this graph that uses every pair, i.e. goes over every edge?"
Such a path is known as an Eulerian Directed Path
Wikipedia lists two algorithms for finding such paths, Fleury's and Hierholzer's, both of which were discovered in the late 1800's. Hopefully, this gives you an idea of where to start in solving this problem.

First, you need to strip the parenthesis - if they are present in your input file. See string.Trim method for that.
The brute force approach:
public class Pair
public string First;
public string Second;
List<Pair> pairs = new List<Pair>();
for (int index = 0; iter < str.Length; index++)
var pair = str[index].Split(',');
pairs.Add(new Pair(){First = pair[0], Second = pair[1]});
List<Pair> ordered = new List<Pair>();
while (pairs.Count > 0)
bool found = false;
for (int iter = 0; iter < pairs.Count; iter++)
if (ordered[ordered.Count - 1].Second == pairs[iter].First)
found = true;
if (!found)
<report error>
Error checking is left as an exercise for the reader.

WARNING: This is not tested!!
using System;
using System.IO;
class t1{
public static void Main(String[] args)
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("inputs.txt");
string line = null;
line = sr.ReadToEnd();
var str = line.Trim().Split('\n');
int length = str.Length;
int[][] arr=new int[10][];//[str.Length][2];
int index=0;
while (index < length)
var pair = str[index].Split(',');
var item1 = Convert.ToInt32(pair[0]);
var item2 = Convert.ToInt32(pair[1]);
arr[index]=new int[]{item1,item2};
for (int i=0;i<arr.Length;i++)
for (int j=i+1;j<arr.Length;j++)
if (arr[i][1] == arr[j][0])


Comparing characters of a list of arrays

This is the exercise that I have to deal with:
You are given a word and a list of words. Your task is to check
whether all the words from the list are anagrams of the word. Input
Read from the standard input
On the first line, find W - the word to check against; On the second
line, find N - the number of words in the list of words WORDS; On the
next N lines, the words from WORDS; Output Print to the standard
For each word from WORDS print either: "Yes", if the word is an
anagram of W; "No", if the word is NOT an anagram of W;
And this is my code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Program
static void Main()
string word1 = Console.ReadLine();
char[] mainWord = word1.ToLower().ToCharArray();
int numberOfWords = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
List<Array> anagramWords = new List<Array>();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfWords; i++)
string wordForList = Console.ReadLine();
char[] wordCharacters = wordForList.ToLower().ToCharArray();
foreach(object word in anagramWords)
if (word == mainWord)
For some reason, the answer that I get is always No.
if (word == mainWord)
doesn't compare the content of the word array with the content of the mainWord array.
Array variables are references types, or, in other words, they just contain the reference to the memory area where the elements of the array are really stored.
So if you compare the two arrays in that way you are comparing
two values (two references) that point to the memory area where the respective elements are stored. Of course these values are different because, even if the arrays contain the same characters, the elements are stored in different memory areas.
To solve your problem a different approach is needed.
Something like this should work
static void Main()
string word1 = Console.ReadLine();
IEnumerable<char>mainWord = word1.ToLower().OrderBy(w => w);
int numberOfWords = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
List<IEnumerable<char>> anagramWords = new List<IEnumerable<char>>();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfWords; i++)
string wordForList = Console.ReadLine();
IEnumerable<char> wordCharacters = wordForList.ToLower().OrderBy(fl => fl);
foreach (var word in anagramWords)
// Here we are asking to compare the full set of elements
// with each other and we find if they contain the same data.
if (word.SequenceEqual(mainWord))

Adding characters to an array list only if it does not already exist

The code below is supposed to read a text file and count all ASCII characters in the file and add up the frequency. Then, it has to write the character, ASCII value and frequency to an output file. The code is below:
class CharacterFrequency
char ch;
int frequency;
public char getCharacter()
return ch;
public void setCharacter(char ch)
this.ch = ch;
public int getfrequency()
return frequency;
public void setfrequency(int frequency)
this.frequency = frequency;
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("Enter the file path");
var InputFileName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter the outputfile name");
var OutputFileName = Console.ReadLine();
StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(OutputFileName);
string data = File.ReadAllText(InputFileName);
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
//create two for loops to traverse through the arraylist and compare
for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
int k = 0;
int f = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < data.Length; j++)
if (data[i].Equals(data[j]))
if (!al.Contains(data[i]))
al.Add(data[i] + "(" + (int)data[i] + ")" + f + " ");
//i added the below if statement but it did not fix the issue
foreach (var item in al)
The code compiles and runs perfectly fine, but the output file is not correct. It is adding letters that have already been reviewed. I've added an image with the output file showing the incorrect output it is creating. --> enter image description here
How do I check if a character already exists in the array list? The way I am using is not working properly and I have been working on this for a few weeks now to no success. I have tried using the debugger but this issue will not show up there as the code still runs and compiles correctly.
An ArrayList is not well suited for this task, and in fact ArrayLists are not really used anymore. If someone is telling you that you have to do this with an ArrayList
A dictionary would be a much better container for this data. You can use the character as the key, and the count as the value.
Here's one way to do this:
var inputPath = #"c:\temp\temp.txt";
var outputPath = #"c:\temp\results.txt";
var data = new Dictionary<char, int>();
// For each character in the file, add it to the dictionary
// or increment the count if it already exists
foreach (var character in File.ReadAllText(inputPath))
if (data.ContainsKey(character)) data[character]++;
else data.Add(character, 1);
// Create our results summary
var results = data.ToList()
.Select(item => $"{item.Key} ({(int) item.Key}) {item.Value}");
// Write results to output file
File.WriteAllLines(outputPath, results);
If you have to use an ArrayList (which no one ever uses anymore, but you say have you to for some reason), it would only be useful for storing the results but not keeping track of the counts.
One way to use an ArrayList would be in combination with the Linq extension methods Distinct and Count (first to find all distinct characters, and next to get the count of each one):
foreach (var chr in data.Distinct())
al.Add($"{chr} ({(int) chr}) {data.Count(c => c == chr)}");
Your algorithm works, but you are duplicating the output as you are writing to the file inside the loop, that is why you are seeing duplicates in the result. If you move the code outside the loop, it should be ok.
foreach (var item in al)
I would suggest that your algorithm while correct will behave poorly for performance, you are doing too many unnecessary comparisons, perhaps you should read/check more about using dictionaries to store the results.

collect the int and print them each on a new line according to their string

I am here to ask how to read one string line, check if it is contained in a Dictionary and if so, add a number to it. For example if the input is Gold and the next line is 115: the number should be assigned to the string. Each time the loop rotates it should check if the string is contained and add the next int line to it.
var text = new SortedDictionary<string, int>();
while (true)
for (int i = 0; i < 2000000000; i++)
string[] sequenceOfStrings = Console.ReadLine()
var material = sequenceOfStrings[0];
if (material == "stop")
if (!text.ContainsKey(material))
text.Add(material, i);
You are given a sequence of strings, each on a new line. Every odd line on the console is representing a resource (e.g. Gold, Silver, Copper, and so on), and every even – quantity. Your task is to collect the resources and print them each on a new line. Print the resources and their quantities in format:
{resource} –> {quantity}. The quantities inputs will be in the range [1 … 2 000 000 000]
Thank you for the patience.
The code that solves your issue could look like this:
var text = new SortedDictionary<string, int>();
while (true)
string material = Console.ReadLine();
if(material == "stop")
string quantityString = Console.ReadLine();
if (!Int32.TryParse(quantityString, out int newQuantity))
if (text.TryGetValue(material, out int currentQuantity))
text[material] = currentQuantity + newQuantity;
text[material] = newQuantity;
foreach(var item in text)
Console.WriteLine($"{item.Key} : {item.Value};");
BTW, do you really need SortedDictionary here? If you have a lot of keys then ( depending on input data distribution ) it could take a bit more time to do TryGetValue than for ordinary Dictionary.

How to get all permutations of groups in a string?

This is not homework, although it may seem like it. I've been browsing through the UK Computing Olympiad's website and found this problem (Question 1): here. I was baffled by it, and I'd want to see what you guys thought of how to do it. I can't think of any neat ways to get everything into groups (checking whether it's a palindrome after that is simple enough, i.e. originalString == new String(groupedString.Reverse.SelectMany(c => c).ToArray), assuming it is a char array).
Any ideas? Thanks!
Text for those at work:
A palindrome is a word that shows the same sequence of letters when
reversed. If a word can have its letters grouped together in two or
more blocks (each containing one or more adjacent letters) then it is
a block palindrome if reversing the order of those blocks results in
the same sequence of blocks.
For example, using brackets to indicate blocks, the following are
block palindromes:
• BONBON can be grouped together as (BON)(BON);
• ONION can be grouped together as (ON)(I)(ON);
• BBACBB can be grouped together as (B)(BACB)(B) or (BB)(AC)(BB) or
Note that (BB)(AC)(B)(B) is not valid as the reverse (B)(B)(AC)(BB)
shows the blocks in a different order.
And the question is essentially how to generate all of those groups, to then check whether they are palindromes!
And the question is essentially how to generate all of those groups, to then check whether they are palindromes!
I note that this is not necessarily the best strategy. Generating all the groups first and then checking to see if they are palidromes is considerably more inefficient than generating only those groups which are palindromes.
But in the spirit of answering the question asked, let's solve the problem recursively. I will just generate all the groups; checking whether a set of groups is a palindrome is left as an exercise. I am also going to ignore the requirement that a set of groups contains at least two elements; that is easily checked.
The way to solve this problem elegantly is to reason recursively. As with all recursive solutions, we begin with a trivial base case:
How many groupings are there of the empty string? There is only the empty grouping; that is, the grouping with no elements in it.
Now we assume that we have a solution to a smaller problem, and ask "if we had a solution to a smaller problem, how could we use that solution to solve a larger problem?"
OK, suppose we have a larger problem. We have a string with 6 characters in it and we wish to produce all the groupings. Moreover, the groupings are symmetrical; the first group is the same size as the last group. By assumption we know how to solve the problem for any smaller string.
We solve the problem as follows. Suppose the string is ABCDEF. We peel off A and F from both ends, we solve the problem for BCDE, which remember we know how to do by assumption, and now we prepend A and append F to each of those solutions.
The solutions for BCDE are (B)(C)(D)(E), (B)(CD)(E), (BC)(DE), (BCDE). Again, we assume as our inductive hypothesis that we have the solution to the smaller problem. We then combine those with A and F to produce the solutions for ABCDEF: (A)(B)(C)(D)(E)(F), (A)(B)(CD)(E)(F), (A)(BC)(DE)(F) and (A)(BCDE)(F).
We've made good progress. Are we done? No. Next we peel off AB and EF, and recursively solve the problem for CD. I won't labour how that is done. Are we done? No. We peel off ABC and DEF and recursively solve the problem for the empty string in the middle. Are we done? No. (ABCDEF) is also a solution. Now we're done.
I hope that sketch motivates the solution, which is now straightforward. We begin with a helper function:
public static IEnumerable<T> AffixSequence<T>(T first, IEnumerable<T> body, T last)
yield return first;
foreach (T item in body)
yield return item;
yield return last;
That should be easy to understand. Now we do the real work:
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<string>> GenerateBlocks(string s)
// The base case is trivial: the blocks of the empty string
// is the empty set of blocks.
if (s.Length == 0)
yield return new string[0];
yield break;
// Generate all the sequences for the middle;
// combine them with all possible prefixes and suffixes.
for (int i = 1; s.Length >= 2 * i; ++i)
string prefix = s.Substring(0, i);
string suffix = s.Substring(s.Length - i, i);
string middle = s.Substring(i, s.Length - 2 * i);
foreach (var body in GenerateBlocks(middle))
yield return AffixSequence(prefix, body, suffix);
// Finally, the set of blocks that contains only this string
// is a solution.
yield return new[] { s };
Let's test it.
foreach (var blocks in GenerateBlocks("ABCDEF"))
Console.WriteLine($"({string.Join(")(", blocks)})");
The output is
So there you go.
You could now check to see whether each grouping is a palindrome, but why? The algorithm presented above can be easily modified to eliminate all non-palindromes by simply not recursing if the prefix and suffix are unequal:
if (prefix != suffix) continue;
The algorithm now enumerates only block palindromes. Let's test it:
foreach (var blocks in GenerateBlocks("BBACBB"))
Console.WriteLine($"({string.Join(")(", blocks)})");
The output is below; again, note that I am not filtering out the "entire string" block but doing so is straightforward.
If this subject interests you, consider reading my series of articles on using this same technique to generate every possible tree topology and every possible string in a language. It starts here:
This should work:
public List<string> BlockPalin(string s) {
var list = new List<string>();
for (int i = 1; i <= s.Length / 2; i++) {
int backInx = s.Length - i;
if (s.Substring(0, i) == s.Substring(backInx, i)) {
var result = string.Format("({0})", s.Substring(0, i));
result += "|" + result;
var rest = s.Substring(i, backInx - i);
if (rest == string.Empty) {
list.Add(result.Replace("|", rest));
return list;
else if (rest.Length == 1) {
list.Add(result.Replace("|", string.Format("({0})", rest)));
return list;
else {
list.Add(result.Replace("|", string.Format("({0})", rest)));
var recursiveList = BlockPalin(rest);
if (recursiveList.Count > 0) {
foreach (var recursiveResult in recursiveList) {
list.Add(result.Replace("|", recursiveResult));
else {
//EDIT: Thx to #juharr this list.Add is not needed...
// list.Add(result.Replace("|",string.Format("({0})",rest)));
return list;
return list;
And call it like this (EDIT: Again thx to #juharr, the distinct is not needed):
var x = BlockPalin("BONBON");//.Distinct().ToList();
var y = BlockPalin("ONION");//.Distinct().ToList();
var z = BlockPalin("BBACBB");//.Distinct().ToList();
The result:
x contains 1 element: (BON)(BON)
y contains 1 element: (ON)(I)(ON)
z contains 3 elements: (B)(BACB)(B),(B)(B)(AC)(B)(B) and (BB)(AC)(BB)
Although not so elegant as the one provided by #Eric Lippert, one might find interesting the following iterative string allocation free solution:
struct Range
public int Start, End;
public int Length { get { return End - Start; } }
public Range(int start, int length) { Start = start; End = start + length; }
static IEnumerable<Range[]> GetPalindromeBlocks(string input)
int maxLength = input.Length / 2;
var ranges = new Range[maxLength];
int count = 0;
for (var range = new Range(0, 1); ; range.End++)
if (range.End <= maxLength)
if (!IsPalindromeBlock(input, range)) continue;
ranges[count++] = range;
range.Start = range.End;
if (count == 0) break;
yield return GenerateResult(input, ranges, count);
range = ranges[--count];
static bool IsPalindromeBlock(string input, Range range)
return string.Compare(input, range.Start, input, input.Length - range.End, range.Length) == 0;
static Range[] GenerateResult(string input, Range[] ranges, int count)
var last = ranges[count - 1];
int midLength = input.Length - 2 * last.End;
var result = new Range[2 * count + (midLength > 0 ? 1 : 0)];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
var range = result[i] = ranges[i];
result[result.Length - 1 - i] = new Range(input.Length - range.End, range.Length);
if (midLength > 0)
result[count] = new Range(last.End, midLength);
return result;
foreach (var input in new [] { "BONBON", "ONION", "BBACBB" })
var blocks = GetPalindromeBlocks(input);
foreach (var blockList in blocks)
Console.WriteLine(string.Concat(blockList.Select(range => "(" + input.Substring(range.Start, range.Length) + ")")));
Removing the line if (!IsPalindromeBlock(input, range)) continue; will produce the answer to the OP question.
It's not clear if you want all possible groupings, or just a possible grouping. This is one way, off the top-of-my-head, that you might get a grouping:
public static IEnumerable<string> GetBlocks(string testString)
if (testString.Length == 0)
yield break;
int mid = testString.Length / 2;
int i = 0;
while (i < mid)
if (testString.Take(i + 1).SequenceEqual(testString.Skip(testString.Length - (i + 1))))
yield return new String(testString.Take(i+1).ToArray());
if (i == mid)
yield return testString;
foreach (var block in GetBlocks(new String(testString.Skip(i + 1).Take(testString.Length - (i + 1) * 2).ToArray())))
yield return block;
If you give it bonbon, it'll return bon. If you give it onion it'll give you back on, i. If you give it bbacbb, it'll give you b,b,ac.
Here's my solution (didn't have VS so I did it using java):
int matches = 0;
public void findMatch(String pal) {
String st1 = "", st2 = "";
int l = pal.length() - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (pal.length())/2 ; i ++ ) {
st1 = st1 + pal.charAt(i);
st2 = pal.charAt(l) + st2;
if (st1.equals(st2)) {
The logic is pretty simple. I made two array of characters and compare them to find a match in each step. The key is you need to check the same thing for each match too.
findMatch("bonbon"); // 1
findMatch("bbacbb"); // 3
What about something like this for BONBON...
string bonBon = "BONBON";
First check character count for even or odd.
bool isEven = bonBon.Length % 2 == 0;
Now, if it is even, split the string in half.
if (isEven)
int halfInd = bonBon.Length / 2;
string firstHalf = bonBon.Substring(0, halfInd );
string secondHalf = bonBon.Substring(halfInd);
Now, if it is odd, split the string into 3 string.
int halfInd = (bonBon.Length - 1) / 2;
string firstHalf = bonBon.Substring(0, halfInd);
string middle = bonBon.Substring(halfInd, bonBon.Length - halfInd);
string secondHalf = bonBon.Substring(firstHalf.Length + middle.length);
May not be exactly correct, but it's a start....
Still have to add checking if it is actually a palindrome...
Good luck!!

How to extgract an integer and a two dimensional integer array from a combination of both in C#

I have an input as
I am reading this as
string input = Console.ReadLine();
Next this input has to be passed to a function
GetCount(int count, int[,] arr)
How can I do so using C#?
You could use RegularExpressions for extracting in an easy way each token of your input string. In the following example, support for extra spaces is included also (the \s* in the regular expressions).
Remember that always is a great idea to give a class the responsibility of parsing (in this example) rather than taking an procedural approach.
All the relevant lines are commented for better understanding.
Finally, i tested this and worked with the provided sample input strings.
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace IntPairArrayParserDemo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var input = "2:{{2,10},{6,4}}";
var anotherInput = "2 : { { 2 , 10 } , { 6 , 4 } }";
private static void ParseAndPrintArray(string input)
Console.WriteLine("Parsing array {0}...", input);
var array = IntPairArrayParser.Parse(input);
var pairCount = array.GetLength(0);
for (var i = 0; i < pairCount; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Pair found: {0},{1}", array[i, 0], array[i, 1]);
internal static class IntPairArrayParser
public static int[,] Parse(string input)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("input");
// parse array length from string
var length = ParseLength(input);
// create the array that will hold all the parsed elements
var result = new int[length, 2];
// parse array elements from input
ParseAndStoreElements(input, result);
return result;
private static void ParseAndStoreElements(string input, int[,] array)
// get the length of the first dimension of the array
var expectedElementCount = array.GetLength(0);
// parse array elements
var elementMatches = Regex.Matches(input, #"{\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*}");
// validate that the number of elements present in input is corrent
if (expectedElementCount != elementMatches.Count)
var errorMessage = string.Format("Array should have {0} elements. It actually has {1} elements.", expectedElementCount, elementMatches.Count);
throw new ArgumentException(errorMessage, "input");
// parse array elements from input into array
for (var elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < expectedElementCount; elementIndex++)
ParseAndStoreElement(elementMatches[elementIndex], elementIndex, array);
private static void ParseAndStoreElement(Match match, int index, int[,] array)
// parse first and second element values from the match found
var first = int.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value);
var second = int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value);
array[index, 0] = first;
array[index, 1] = second;
private static int ParseLength(string input)
// get the length from input and parse it as int
var lengthMatch = Regex.Match(input, #"(\d+)\s*:");
return int.Parse(lengthMatch.Groups[1].Value);
Not to do your work for you, you will first have to parse the whole string to find the individual integers, either using regular expressions or, as I would do it myself, the string.Split method. Then parse the substrings representing the individual integers with the int.Parse or the int.TryParse methods.
I doubt you're going to get a serious parsing answer for your custom format. If you NEED to have the value inputted that way, I'd look up some info on regular expressions. If that's not powerful enough for you, there are some fairly convienient parser-generators you can use.
Alternatively, the much more realistic idea would be something like this:
(NOTE: Haven't tried this at all... didn't even put it in VS... but this is the idea...)
int rows = 0;
string rowsInput = "";
do {
Console.Write("Number of rows:");
rowsInput = Console.ReadLine();
} while (!Int32.TryParse(rowsInput, out rows);
int columns = 0;
string columnsInput = "";
do {
Console.Write("Number of columns:");
string columnsInput = Console.ReadLine();
} while (!Int32.TryParse(columnsInput, out columns);
List<List<int>> values = new List<List<int>>();
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
bool validInput = false;
do {
Console.Write(String.Format("Enter comma-delimited integers for row #{0}:", i.ToString()));
string row = Console.ReadLine();
string[] items = row.split(',');
int temp;
validInput = (items.Length == columns) && (from item in items where !Int32.TryParse(item, out temp) select item).count() == 0;
if (validInput)
(from item in items select Convert.ToInt32(item)).ToList()
} while (!validInput);
