I want to ask you why my picturebox in C# isn't transparent.
I created a png file with Photoshop (transparent background)
but if I place the picturebox over a PROGRESSBAR the picturebox overrides the progressbar
and i cannot see the loading of the progressbar.
(the "transparent" background from the picturebox is colored Control (like WindowsForm).
How can I implement a picture to a progressbar?
I got into a problem. I downloaded a photo without a background PNG file and I used the image inside the button. And I want to make that photo transparent so I don't have that squares in the button. So I want to set transparent background for the image.
Here's an image:
First make your button background color transparent and add your image.
After that Flatstyle = flat
I want to make application where part of background must be animated.
I can't use picturebox, because i have to set transparent background in labels and "buttons" (changed picturebox).
When i set splitcontainer.backgroundimage to gif i can see no animated picture (in picturebox it works)
I'm begginer
how to make any control of win application transparent. i want that i will assign a background image for the target control and will invoke a routine and that routine will create that control transparent in such a way that only image will visible. as a example suppose image has assign to picture box. the picture shape is not square rather irregular. if i can make picture box transparent then user will see the image only. basically i want to make a picture box or any control irregular shape. how to achieve it through code in c#.
In WPF, transparency is quasi for free. For the image-element, assign a png-image with an alpha mask and the image will be rendered with active transparency.
For controls with an solid background, you generally have to set the Background to a transparent Brush:
If you want to make a whole window partial transparent, you have to remove the border, set the window style to none, set the background brush to a transparent brush, and set the AllowsTransparency-property of the window to true.
there is one for ordinary winform at
Here's what I have in VERY simple easy to grasp terms.
My form background is Blue.
I created a gradient image from white to the Blue from the form background. This is to give the form a nice gradient look. I added a picturebox to my Form and set this image as the Image.
I added a picturebox with a Logo on top of the gradient Picturebox, but it's 'grabbing' the Form background color and not respecting the transparent background image I wanted it to grab.
Blue Form -> Huge pictureBox with gradient -> Small picturebox thats supposed to respect the gradient.
Help please!
I think this might be as the PictureBox is not a control container. So this implies that when you drag the button picture box onto the main picture box, it is not actually a child of the picturebox, but rather of the form.
You would notice that if you were to do he same with a panel (set the form blue, panel background image, and place the button picture box control on the panel) it would show transparent to the panel control.
Why not rather set the Form BackgroundImage, avoid the Huge Picture Box, and set the small picture box on the form itself.
I am trying to make simple app that allows one to compare image to transparent PNG templates, by dragging the template over picture. For this I need a way to create a PictureBox that will contain the PNG image and be transparent where the the png is transparent.
Everything works fine but the transparency part: When I load a PNG image to the PictureBox (background color is set to transparent) it shows the background color of the containing panel rather than the image that it hovers.
I searched but only found a way to make the PictureBox completely transparent.
It is difficult to make a control that is partially transparent.
What you should do is handle the lower PictureBox's Paint event (the one that does not need to be transparent), and draw the overlay image using e.Graphics.DrawImage(image, x, y). This will draw transparent and semi-transparent images correctly.
EDIT: In response to your comment, there's nothing wrong with calling the Invalidate method in the MouseMove event. However, you will notice some flickering. To solve the flickering, make a control that inherits PictureBox, and call SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffered, true) in the constructor.
This works fine if you add the pictureBoxOnTop to the list of controls of the pictureBoxToBeHovered to be hovered.
pictureBoxOnTop.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
pictureBoxOnTop .Location = new Point(0,0) ;