I am building a small project using MvvMCross within a Xamarin PCL project and having issue with an async Task that I am calling within a command that is bound to a button.
I have a fake web service where-in I simply call Task.Delay(3000). When the process gets to this point it simply sits and does nothing.
I originally had the command call using the .wait() call but read somewhere that this was a blocking call and cant be miced with "async / wait"
Could someone help and possible give me a hint as to where I am going wrong on the command binding please ?
https://bitbucket.org/johncogan/exevaxamarinapp is the public git repo, the specific command is
public ICommand SaveProfile
within the ProfileViewModel.cs file.
The specific code is:
public ICommand SaveProfile
return new MvxCommand(() =>
if (_profile.IsValidData())
// Wait for task to compelte, do UI updates here
// TODO Throbber / Spinner
EnumWebServiceResult taskResult;
if(_profileWebService.getLastResponseResult() == true){
taskResult = EnumWebServiceResult.SUCCESS;
taskResult = EnumWebServiceResult.FAILED_UNKNOWN;
// Close(this);
The web service class () is:
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ExevaXamarinApp.Models;
namespace ExevaXamarinApp.Services
public class FakeProfileWebService : IProfileWebService
public int _delayPeriod { get; private set; }
public bool? lastResult;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:ExevaXamarinApp.Enumerations.FakeProfileWebService"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// 3 second delay to simulate a remote request
public FakeProfileWebService()
_delayPeriod = 3000;
lastResult = null;
private Task Sleep()
return Task.Delay(3000);
public bool? getLastResponseResult(){
return lastResult;
/// <summary>
/// Sends the profile to server asynchronously
/// </summary>
/// <returns>EnumWebServiceResultFlag value</returns>
/// <param name="profileObject">Profile model object</param>
public async Task SendProfileToServer(Profile profileObject)
// Validate arguments before attempting to use web serivce
if (profileObject.IsValidData())
// TODO: Return ENUM FLAG that represents the state of the result
await Sleep();
lastResult = true;
lastResult = false;
Please try this:
public ICommand SaveProfile
return new MvxCommand(async () => // async added
if (_profile.IsValidData())
// Wait for task to compelte, do UI updates here
// TODO Throbber / Spinner
EnumWebServiceResult taskResult;
await Mvx.Resolve<IProfileWebService>().SendProfileToServer(_profile).ConfigureAwait(false); // await, confi.. added
if(_profileWebService.getLastResponseResult() == true){
taskResult = EnumWebServiceResult.SUCCESS;
taskResult = EnumWebServiceResult.FAILED_UNKNOWN;
// Close(this);
private async Task Sleep() // async added
return await Task.Delay(3000).ConfigureAwait(false); // await, confi... added
public async Task SendProfileToServer(Profile profileObject)
// Validate arguments before attempting to use web serivce
if (profileObject.IsValidData())
// TODO: Return ENUM FLAG that represents the state of the result
await Sleep().ConfigureAwait(false); // await, confi... added
lastResult = true;
lastResult = false;
The problem is, that the context from the UI and the async cause a deadlock.
I have a simple class that implements INotifyPropertyChanged, I invoke the property change on another thread, and I had a pretty hard time getting FluentAsserts to see that the propertyChanged was invoked. It does not seem to happen if I use a Task.Delay in an async Task method. But it does if I just sleep the thread.
The SimpleNotify class:
namespace FluentAssertPropertyThreads
class SimpleNotify : System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
public event System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void onChange(string name)
this.PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
private int count = 0;
public int Count
return this.count;
if (this.count != value)
this.count = value;
and here are my unit tests:
using FluentAssertions;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FluentAssertPropertyThreads
public class UnitTest1
private SimpleNotify simpleNotify;
private int notifyCount;
private void bumpCount()
private void SimpleNotify_PropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
SimpleNotify simpleNotify = sender as SimpleNotify;
if (simpleNotify == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sender), "sender should be " + nameof(SimpleNotify));
if (e.PropertyName.Equals(nameof(SimpleNotify.Count), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
public void TestSetup()
this.notifyCount = 0;
this.simpleNotify = new SimpleNotify();
this.simpleNotify.PropertyChanged += SimpleNotify_PropertyChanged;
Thread thread = new Thread(this.bumpCount)
IsBackground = true,
Name = #"My Background Thread",
Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal
public async Task TestMethod1()
await Task.Delay(100);
this.notifyCount.Should().Be(1); //this passes, so I know that my notification has be executed.
this.simpleNotify.ShouldRaisePropertyChangeFor(x => x.Count); //but this fails, saying that I need to be monitoring the events (which I am above)
public void TestMethod2()
this.notifyCount.Should().Be(1); //this passes, so I know that my notification has be executed.
this.simpleNotify.ShouldRaisePropertyChangeFor(x => x.Count); //this passes as I expected
The exact error is:
System.InvalidOperationException: Object is not being monitored for events or has already been garbage collected. Use the MonitorEvents() extension method to start monitoring events.
I don't see how MonitorEvents would care if I use await or Thread.Sleep. What am I missing? I get that await leaves the method and comes back in, whereas Thread.Sleep does not.
So when it leaves the TestMethod1 during the await, it is hitting a dispose on an object that FluentAsserts is using to track the properties? Could it? Should it?
Yes, the things is like you said: await pauses the execution of current method and create a state machine to get back to the method after the Delay is done. But the caller (a UnitTest engine) doesn't expect your tests to be asynchronous and simply ends the execution, which leads to the disposal of the objects.
Stephen Cleary wrote a brilliant MSDN article about Unit testing and async/await keywords, you probably should move your code out to the method returning the Task and wait for all of it in test, something like this:
async Task Testing()
await Task.Delay(100);
this.simpleNotify.ShouldRaisePropertyChangeFor(x => x.Count);
public async Task TestMethod1()
await Testing();
but this still may fail as the logic after await may execute after the disposable being disposed.
Looks like version 5.0.0 will include support for Async tests with monitoring.
This Issue was raised and the work completed just waiting on the documentation to be updated and version 5.0.0 to be released.
But for the time being there is a prerelease with the code changes 5.0.0-beta2 can get it from the prerelease versions on NuGet
From the change log:
{Breaking} Replaced the old thread-unsafe MonitorEvents API with a new
Monitor extension method that will return a thread-safe monitoring
scope that exposes methods like Should().Raise() and metadata such as
OccurredEvents and MonitoredEvents
So the code with the updated NuGet will look like this:
public void TestSetup()
this.notifyCount = 0;
this.simpleNotify = new SimpleNotify();
this.simpleNotify.PropertyChanged += SimpleNotify_PropertyChanged;
Thread thread = new Thread(this.bumpCount)
IsBackground = true,
Name = #"My Background Thread",
Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal
public async Task TestMethod1()
using (var MonitoredSimpleNotify = this.simpleNotify.Monitor())
await Task.Delay(100);
MonitoredSimpleNotify.Should().RaisePropertyChangeFor(x => x.Count); // New API for Monitoring
I have a graphic method CancelChanges() used and called by a ViewModel.
I want to test this method but we have a Task inside.
We use a Task to not freeze the UI.
My test method needs to wait the result of this Task to check the result.
The code is:
public override void CancelChanges()
async () =>
this.SelectedWorkflow = null;
AsyncResult<IncidentTypeModel> asyncResult = await this.Dataprovider.GetIncidentTypeByIdAsync(this.Incident.Id);
() =>
if (asyncResult.IsError)
this.Incident = asyncResult.Result;
this.HaveChanges = false;
And my test method:
/// <summary>
/// A test for CancelChanges
/// </summary>
public void CancelChangesTest()
string storexaml = this._target.Incident.WorkflowXamlString;
this._target.Incident.WorkflowXamlString = "dsdfsdgfdsgdfgfd";
Assert.IsTrue(storexaml == this._target.Incident.WorkflowXamlString);
How can we do to have my test that is waiting the result of the Task?
Make the CancelChanges method return a Task, and then await this or set up a continuation in the test method. Some this like
public override Task CancelChanges()
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// Do stuff...
notice the change from Task.Run to Task.Factory.StartNew. This is a better way of starting tasks in such cases. Then in the test method
public void CancelChangesTest()
string storexaml = this._target.Incident.WorkflowXamlString;
this._target.Incident.WorkflowXamlString = "dsdfsdgfdsgdfgfd";
this._target.CancelChanges().ContinueWith(ant =>
Assert.IsTrue(storexaml == this._target.Incident.WorkflowXamlString);
You could also mark the test method as async and use await in the test method to do the same thing.
I hope this helps.
I would take the refactoring one step further, and if possible avoid using Task.Run. Since all you do is await and then invoke work on the UI Thread, I would do the following:
public override Task CancelChanges()
this.SelectedWorkflow = null;
AsyncResult<IncidentTypeModel> asyncResult = await this.Dataprovider.GetIncidentTypeByIdAsync(this.Incident.Id);
if (asyncResult.IsError)
{ WorkflowMessageBox.ShowException(MessageHelper.ManageException(asyncResult.Exception));
this.Incident = asyncResult.Result;
this.HaveChanges = false;
And the test method:
public async Task CancelChangesTest()
string storexaml = this._target.Incident.WorkflowXamlString;
this._target.Incident.WorkflowXamlString = "dsdfsdgfdsgdfgfd";
var cancelChanges = await this._target.CancelChanges();
Assert.IsTrue(storexaml == this._target.Incident.WorkflowXamlString);
I'd like to await on a manual reset event with time-out and observing cancellation. I've come up with something like below. The manual reset event object is provided by an API beyond my control. Is there a way to make this happen without taking on and blocking a thread from ThreadPool?
static Task<bool> TaskFromWaitHandle(WaitHandle mre, int timeout, CancellationToken ct)
return Task.Run(() =>
bool s = WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { mre, ct.WaitHandle }, timeout) == 0;
return s;
}, ct);
// ...
if (await TaskFromWaitHandle(manualResetEvent, 1000, cts.Token))
// true if event was set
// false if timed out, exception if cancelled
[EDITED] Apparently, it makes sense to use RegisterWaitForSingleObject. I'll give it a try.
RegisterWaitForSingleObject will combine waits onto dedicated waiter threads, each of which can wait on multiple handles (specifically, 63 of them, which is MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS minus one for a "control" handle).
So you should be able to use something like this (warning: untested):
public static class WaitHandleExtensions
public static Task AsTask(this WaitHandle handle)
return AsTask(handle, Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan);
public static Task AsTask(this WaitHandle handle, TimeSpan timeout)
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
var registration = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(handle, (state, timedOut) =>
var localTcs = (TaskCompletionSource<object>)state;
if (timedOut)
}, tcs, timeout, executeOnlyOnce: true);
tcs.Task.ContinueWith((_, state) => ((RegisteredWaitHandle)state).Unregister(null), registration, TaskScheduler.Default);
return tcs.Task;
You also can use SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync() which is similar to ManualResetEvent
Stephen's Cleary solution looks perfect. Microsoft provides the similar one.
As I haven't seen an example with cancellation logic.
Here it is:
public static class WaitHandleExtensions
public static Task WaitOneAsync(this WaitHandle waitHandle, CancellationToken cancellationToken, int timeoutMilliseconds = Timeout.Infinite)
if (waitHandle == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(waitHandle));
TaskCompletionSource<bool> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
CancellationTokenRegistration ctr = cancellationToken.Register(() => tcs.TrySetCanceled());
TimeSpan timeout = timeoutMilliseconds > Timeout.Infinite ? TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutMilliseconds) : Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan;
RegisteredWaitHandle rwh = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitHandle,
(_, timedOut) =>
if (timedOut)
null, timeout, true);
Task<bool> task = tcs.Task;
_ = task.ContinueWith(_ =>
return ctr.Unregister();
}, CancellationToken.None);
return task;
You can give this one a shot, https://www.badflyer.com/asyncmanualresetevent , tried to build upon the example on https://blogs.msdn.com/b/pfxteam/archive/2012/02/11/10266920.aspx to support timeouts and cancellation.
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
/// <summary>
/// An async manual reset event.
/// </summary>
public sealed class ManualResetEventAsync
// Inspiration from https://devblogs.microsoft.com/pfxteam/building-async-coordination-primitives-part-1-asyncmanualresetevent/
// and the .net implementation of SemaphoreSlim
/// <summary>
/// The timeout in milliseconds to wait indefinitly.
/// </summary>
private const int WaitIndefinitly = -1;
/// <summary>
/// True to run synchronous continuations on the thread which invoked Set. False to run them in the threadpool.
/// </summary>
private readonly bool runSynchronousContinuationsOnSetThread = true;
/// <summary>
/// The current task completion source.
/// </summary>
private volatile TaskCompletionSource<bool> completionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ManualResetEventAsync"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isSet">True to set the task completion source on creation.</param>
public ManualResetEventAsync(bool isSet)
: this(isSet: isSet, runSynchronousContinuationsOnSetThread: true)
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ManualResetEventAsync"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="isSet">True to set the task completion source on creation.</param>
/// <param name="runSynchronousContinuationsOnSetThread">If you have synchronous continuations, they will run on the thread which invokes Set, unless you set this to false.</param>
public ManualResetEventAsync(bool isSet, bool runSynchronousContinuationsOnSetThread)
this.runSynchronousContinuationsOnSetThread = runSynchronousContinuationsOnSetThread;
if (isSet)
/// <summary>
/// Wait for the manual reset event.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A task which completes when the event is set.</returns>
public Task WaitAsync()
return this.AwaitCompletion(ManualResetEventAsync.WaitIndefinitly, default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Wait for the manual reset event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="token">A cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>A task which waits for the manual reset event.</returns>
public Task WaitAsync(CancellationToken token)
return this.AwaitCompletion(ManualResetEventAsync.WaitIndefinitly, token);
/// <summary>
/// Wait for the manual reset event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="timeout">A timeout.</param>
/// <param name="token">A cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>A task which waits for the manual reset event. Returns true if the timeout has not expired. Returns false if the timeout expired.</returns>
public Task<bool> WaitAsync(TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken token)
return this.AwaitCompletion((int)timeout.TotalMilliseconds, token);
/// <summary>
/// Wait for the manual reset event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="timeout">A timeout.</param>
/// <returns>A task which waits for the manual reset event. Returns true if the timeout has not expired. Returns false if the timeout expired.</returns>
public Task<bool> WaitAsync(TimeSpan timeout)
return this.AwaitCompletion((int)timeout.TotalMilliseconds, default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Set the completion source.
/// </summary>
public void Set()
if (this.runSynchronousContinuationsOnSetThread)
// Run synchronous completions in the thread pool.
Task.Run(() => this.completionSource.TrySetResult(true));
/// <summary>
/// Reset the manual reset event.
/// </summary>
public void Reset()
// Grab a reference to the current completion source.
var currentCompletionSource = this.completionSource;
// Check if there is nothing to be done, return.
if (!currentCompletionSource.Task.IsCompleted)
// Otherwise, try to replace it with a new completion source (if it is the same as the reference we took before).
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.completionSource, new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(), currentCompletionSource);
/// <summary>
/// Await completion based on a timeout and a cancellation token.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="timeoutMS">The timeout in milliseconds.</param>
/// <param name="token">The cancellation token.</param>
/// <returns>A task (true if wait succeeded). (False on timeout).</returns>
private async Task<bool> AwaitCompletion(int timeoutMS, CancellationToken token)
// Validate arguments.
if (timeoutMS < -1 || timeoutMS > int.MaxValue)
throw new ArgumentException("The timeout must be either -1ms (indefinitely) or a positive ms value <= int.MaxValue");
CancellationTokenSource timeoutToken = null;
// If the token cannot be cancelled, then we dont need to create any sort of linked token source.
if (false == token.CanBeCanceled)
// If the wait is indefinite, then we don't need to create a second task at all to wait on, just wait for set.
if (timeoutMS == -1)
return await this.completionSource.Task;
timeoutToken = new CancellationTokenSource();
// A token source which will get canceled either when we cancel it, or when the linked token source is canceled.
timeoutToken = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(token);
using (timeoutToken)
// Create a task to account for our timeout. The continuation just eats the task cancelled exception, but makes sure to observe it.
Task delayTask = Task.Delay(timeoutMS, timeoutToken.Token).ContinueWith((result) => { var e = result.Exception; }, TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously);
var resultingTask = await Task.WhenAny(this.completionSource.Task, delayTask).ConfigureAwait(false);
// The actual task finished, not the timeout, so we can cancel our cancellation token and return true.
if (resultingTask != delayTask)
// Cancel the timeout token to cancel the delay if it is still going.
return true;
// Otherwise, the delay task finished. So throw if it finished because it was canceled.
return false;
Alternative solution: wait for the handles of the task and the manual reset event
I was having memory leaks when using Task.WaitAny() with a Task (returned by SqlConnection.OpenAsync()') and a Manual Reset Event received as parameter and wrapped in a Task with AsTask(). These object were not being disposed: TaskCompletionSource<Object>, Task<Object>, StandardTaskContinuation, RegisteredWaitHandle, RegisteredWaithandleSafe, ContinuationResultTaskFromresultTask<Object,bool>, _ThreadPoolWaitOrTimerCallback).
This is real production code, used in a Windows service, of a function that tries to open a connection to a db in a loop until the connection is opened, or the operation fails, or the ManualResetEvent _finishRequest, received as parameter in the function containing this code, is signaled by code in any other thread.
To avoid the leak, I decided to do it the other way round: wait for the handles of the _finishRequest and the Task returned by OpenAsync():
Task asyncOpening = sqlConnection.OpenAsync();
// Wait for the async open to finish, or until _finishRequest is signaled
var waitHandles = new WaitHandle[]
// index 0 in array: extract the AsyncWaitHandle from the Task
// index 1:
// Check if finish was requested (index of signaled handle in the array = 1)
int whichFinished = WaitHandle.WaitAny(waitHandles);
finishRequested = whichFinished == 1;
// If so, break the loop to exit immediately
if (finishRequested)
// If not, check if OpenAsync finished with error (it's a Task)
if (asyncOpening.IsFaulted)
// Extract the exception from the task, and throw it
// NOTE: adapt it to your case. In mine, I'm interested in the inner exception,
// but you can check the exception itself, for example to see if it was a timeout,
// if you specified it in the call to the async function that returns the Task
var ex = asyncOpening?.Exception?.InnerExceptions?[0];
if (ex != null) throw ex;
Log.Verbose("Connection to database {Database} on server {Server}", database, server);
If you also need the timeout, you can include it in the call to OpenAsync, or you asyn function, and then check if the result of the async operation was cancelled because of the timeout: check the status of the Task when finished, as you can see in the NOTE in the code comment.
I got UnitTest method which calls method with callback
public void GetUserAsyncTest()
User result;
_restTest.GetUserAsync((user) =>
result = user;
Assert.AreEqual("xy", result.Email);
This is my method signature
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve the User details for the currently authenticated User
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">Method to call upon successful completion</param>
public void GetUserAsync(Action<User> callback)
How can I test this and get value from callback? Currently my result is always null which is logical.
Use an event to wait until the async method has finished:
public void GetUserAsyncTest()
//Action<User> user = null;
User result;
ManualResetEvent waitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
_restTest.GetUserAsync((user) =>
result = user;
Assert.AreEqual("xy", result.Email);
Also changed user.Email to result.Email. Suspected you want to check the result variable.