I'm trying to read a value of type REG_RESOURCE_LIST from the registry, but without success.
The specific value I'm trying to read is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI\{YourNetworkInterface}\{GUID}\Control\AllocConfig.
You can find this value by going to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\PCI, and searching for a key that his subkey (the {GUID} part in the path) have a value named Class with a value of Net.
Or you can just search for it.
The strange thing is, when I'm opening the Control key through code, and calling GetValueNames() I'm getting the AllocConfig value name, but when calling GetValue("AllocConfig") I'm getting null (not null in reality).
Also, in ProccessMonitor, I see that when calling GetValue("AllocConfig") the result is Buffer Overflow.
Any help will be appriciated, thanks.
To get a REG_RESOURCE_LIST, you need to use RegQueryValueEx(). The value you should expect in the lpType out parameter is 8 (see here). The data you get back in the lpData out parameter is a CM_RESOURCE_LIST
Call RegQueryValueEx first to get the size of the list, allocate a buffer of that size, call ReqQueryValueEx to fill in the buffer, and cast the buffer pointer to PCM_RESOURCE_LIST. The CM_RESOURCE_LIST documentation linked above tells you how to iterate over the list and extract the contents.
The c# project properly decodes REG_RESOURCE_LIST data structure from registry which is based on CM_RESOURCE_LIST structure that is a list that contains many CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTORs.
I have been trying to assign/append a string to a blob column in an output buffer, on a C# script that's taking a number of input rows, and concatenating them where the related id is identical, passing onto the next row where the is new, and seem to be coming up against a problem that may be me not knowing the intermediate steps.
I'm using this:
To assign the alert string to the NTEXT column compAlert.
The theory and what I can see from previous answers is that this will add the string alert to said NTEXT column. The issue I'm coming across is this only adds the first character of that string. As near as I can tell, if GetBytes is fed a string, it should iterate over that string and add everything? I appear to be missing something that all the other answers that say to use Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes() are taking for granted that I don't know that should be done?
Based on the official documentation, the count argument in the public void AddBlobData (byte[] data, int count) method refers to :
The number of bytes of binary data to be appended.
You should use Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(alert).length instead of alert.length.
Or simply use:
I am running into issues when I execute the following C# code
byte[] addr = new byte[IntPtr.Size];
IntPtr conv = (IntPtr)(BitConverter.ToInt64(addr, 0));
The error I am getting is:
System.ArgumentException: Destination array is not long enough to copy all the items in the collection. Check array index and length.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.BitConverter.ToInt64(Byte[] value, Int32 startIndex)
I am still pretty much a noob in C# so learn as I go... Do you have an idea what I am missing here? I understand there appears to be an issue with the destination array, but not really sure why... Any guidance highly appreciated.
The underlying error here is that the source array is 4 bytes long and to read an Int64 it needs to read 8 bytes.
The oddity is that you get an error about a destination array. The method you call shouldn't be copying anything to any arrays, so why is it talking about a destination?
The error messages in the source use a mechanism where the error is identified by an id, in this case Arg_ArrayPlusOffTooSmall.
It seems reasonable to use such an id as the name of the id matches the error.
However, most of the uses of Arg_ArrayPlusOffTooSmall are when the array is used as the destination of a write rather than as the source of a read, so the error message is incorrectly made more 'helpful' by adding details which are incorrect in this case.
Congratulations, you've found a bug in .net!
I am trying to read the data stored in an ICMT tag on a WAV file generated by a noise monitoring device.
The RIFF parsing code all seems to work fine, except for the fact that the ICMT tag seems to have data after the declared size. As luck would have it, it's the timestamp, which is the one absolutely critical piece of info for my application.
SYN is hex 16, which gives a size of 22, which is up to and including the NUL before the timestamp. The monitor documentation is no help; it says that the tag includes the time, but their example also has the same issue.
It is the last tag in the enclosing list, and the size of the list does include it - does that mean it doesn't need a chunk ID? I'm struggling to find decent RIFF docs, but I can't find anything that suggests that's the case; also I can't see how it'd be possible to determine that it was the last chunk and so know to read it with no chunk ID.
Alternatively, the ICMT comment chunk is the last thing in the file - is that a special case? Can I just get the time by reading everything from the end of the declared length ICMT to the end of the file and assume that will always work?
The current parser behaviour is that it's being read after the channel / dB information as a chunk ID + size, and then complaining that there was not enough data left in the file to fulfil the request.
No, it would still need its own ID. No, being the last thing in the file is no special case either. What you're showing here is malformed.
Your current parser errors correctly, as the next thing to be expected again is a 4 byte ID followed by 4 bytes for the length. The potential ID _10: is unknown and would be skipped, but interpreting 51:4 as DWORD for the length of course asks for trouble.
The device is the culprit. Do you have other INFO fields which use NULL bytes? If not then I assume the device is naive enough to consider a NULL the end of a string, despite producing himself strings with multiple NULLs.
Since I encountered countless files not sticking to standards I can only say your parser is too naive as well: it knows how long the encapsulating list is and thus could easily detect field lengths that would not fit anymore. And could ignore garbage like that. Or, in your case, offer the very specific option "add to last field".
How do you call this method on Nvidia GPU:
NvPhysicalGpuHandle hPhysicalGpu,
NvU32 displayOutputId,
Src: http://docs.nvidia.com/gameworks/content/gameworkslibrary/coresdk/nvapi/group__gpu.html#ga6a41b31dd9743120213435d985f8fbcf
I need to execute the above command to remove all EDID set on all DisplayOutputs on our new Quadro Graphics Cards. Based on the API documentation, I tried searching for NvPhysicalGpuHandle and came across this project/library:
This does not have the method I need NvAPI_GPU_SetEDID
I am not hardware programmer, I just need to be able to call this one command. any ideas? Can this be achieved using nvapi.dll/nvapi64.dll via pinvoke or something?
I personally didn't test this, but you can try the library and see if it can set EDID information without any problem, if it fails, please open an issue.
Here is how you should do it,
First, you need to find the right DisplayDevice or GPUOutput that you want to write EDID information to. There are multiple ways to do so.
Get a list of all PhysicalGPUs in the system using the NvAPIWrapper.GPU.PhysicalGPU.GetPhysicalGPUs() static method, then select the PhysicalGPU you desire based on your logic. After finding the right PhysicalGPU, use the NvAPIWrapper.GPU.PhysicalGPU.GetDisplayDevices() method to get a list of all connected DisplayDevices to that GPU and store the right one in a variable.
Instead of searching for connected DisplayDevices, you can also go for the GPUOutputs. Just like before, you first need to find the right PhysicalGPU and then you can get a list of all GPUOutputs using the NvAPIWrapper.GPU.PhysicalGPU.ActiveOutputs property and store the right GPUOutput in a variable.
Another way to find the right DisplayDevice is to go for a list of all Displays. To do so, you need to use the NvAPIWrapper.Display.Display.GetDisplays() static method. This returns an array of Displays. Then using the NvAPIWrapper.Display.Display.DisplayDevice property, you can get the corresponding DisplayDevice of a Display.
After finding the right DisplayDevice or GPUOutput, you should use the NvAPIWrapper.GPU.PhysicalGPU.WriteEDIDData() method. This method allows you to write EDID data stored in a byte array to the DisplayDevice or the GPUOutput you selected before.
Note: Make sure to capture NVIDIAApiException and check for the NVIDIAApiException.Status property in case something went wrong.
This is an offshoot of my question found at Pulling objects from binary file and putting in List<T> and the question posed by David Torrey at Serializing and Deserializing Multiple Objects.
I don't know if this is even possible or not. Say that I have an application that uses five different classes to contain the necessary information to do whatever it is that the application does. The classes do not refer to each other and have various numbers of internal variables and the like. I would want to save the collection of objects spawned from these classes into a single save file and then be able to read them back out. Since the objects are created from different classes they can't go into a list to be sent to disc. I originally thought that using something like sizeof(this) to record the size of the object to record in a table that is saved at the beginning of a file and then have a common GetObjectType() that returns an actionable value as the kind of object it is would have worked, but apparently sizeof doesn't work the way I thought it would and so now I'm back at square 1.
Several options: wrap all of your objects in a larger object and serialize that. The problem with that is that you can't deserialize just one object, you have to load all of them. If you have 10 objects that each is several megs, that isn't a good idea. You want random access to any of the objects, but you don't know the offsets in the file. The "wrapper" objcect can be something as simple as a List<object>, but I'd use my own object for better type safety.
Second option: use a fixed size file header/footer. Serialize each object to a MemoryStream, and then dump the memory streams from the individual objects into the file, remembering the number of bytes in each. Finally add a fixed size block at the start or end of the file to record the offsets in the file where the individual objects begin. In the example below the header of the file has first the number of objects in the file (as an integer), then one integer for each object giving the size of each object.
// Pseudocode to serialize two objects into the same file
// First serialize to memory
byte[] bytes1 = object1.Serialize();
byte[] bytes2 = object2.Serialize();
// Write header:
file.Write(2); // Number of objects
file.Write(bytes1.Length); // Size of first object
file.Write(bytes2.Length); // Size of second object
// Write data:
The offset of objectN, is the size of the header PLUS the sum of all sizes up to N. So in this example, to read the file, you read the header like so (pseudo, again)
numObjs = file.readInt();
size[i] = file.readInt();
After which you can compute and seek to the correct location for object N.
Third option: Use a format that does option #2 for you, for example zip. In .NET you can use System.IO.Packaging to create a structured zip (OPC format), or you can use a third party zip library if you want to roll your own zip format.