If I call await ReadToEndAsync from the UI thread on Windows Phone 8, on what context will ReadToEndAsync do its work? Will a task get queued for processing by the UI thread itself, or will a new thread do the work.
Based on this:
it seems like it will run on the UI thread.
This is an essential truth of async in its purest form: There is no thread.
For a truly asynchronous stream, ReadToEndAsync has no almost work to do. When you call that method, it merely asks the runtime to read to the end, and notify it when the operation is complete (via a Task). The runtime turns to the OS, asks it to read, and notify it when the operation is complete (e.g., via an IOCP). The OS turns to the device driver, asks it to read, and notify it when the operation is complete (e.g., via an IRP). The device driver turns to the device, asks it to read, and notify it when the operation is complete (e.g., via an IRQ).
There is no thread.
This is an ideal situation, of course. In the real world, at some point the "read to end" operation is broken up into several "read n byte" operations, and those need to be stitched back together. That (tiny) amount of work is done using borrowed threads: unknowable threads for kernel-mode code and thread pool threads for user-mode code.
Also, there are some situations where an asynchronous API does not exist. In those cases, asynchronous work is faked using a thread pool thread. For example, if you call ReadToEndAsync on a MemoryStream, there are no asynchronous APIs for reading from memory, so that is a fake asynchronous operation that will run on the thread pool.
But the idea that there always must be a thread to execute an asynchronous operation is not the truth. Do not try to control the thread — that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth: there is no thread.
Edit: Expanded this answer into a blog post.
I would like to preface this question with the following:
I'm familiar with the IAsyncStateMachine implementation that the await keyword in C# generates.
My question is not about the basic flow of control that ensures when you use the async and await keywords.
Assumption A
The default threading behaviour in any threading environment, whether it be at the Windows operating system level or in POSIX systems or in the .NET thread pool, has been that when a thread makes a request for an I/O bound operation, say for a disk read, it issues the request to the disk device driver and enters a waiting state. Of course, I am glossing over the details because they are not of moment to our discussion.
Importantly, that thread can do nothing useful until it is unblocked by an interrupt from the device driver notifying it of completion. During this time, the thread remains on the wait queue and cannot be re-used for any other work.
I would first like a confirmation of the above description.
Assumption B
Secondly, even with the introduction of TPL, and its enhancements done in v4.5 of the .NET framework, and with the language level support for asynchronous operations involving tasks, this default behaviour described in Assumption A has not changed.
Then, I'm at a loss trying to reconcile Assumptions A and B with the claim that suddenly emerged in all TPL literature that:
When the, say, main thread, starts this request for this I/O bound
work, it immediately returns and continues executing the rest of
the queued up messages in the message pump.
Well, what makes that thread return back to do other work? Isn't that thread supposed to be in the waiting state in the wait queue?
You might be tempted to reply that the code in the state machine launches the task awaiter and if the awaiter hasn't completed, the main thread returns.
That beggars the question -- what thread does the awaiter run on?
And the answer that springs up to mind is: whatever the implementation of the method be, of whose task it is awaiting.
That drives us down the rabbit hole further until we reach the last of such implementations that actually delivers the I/O request.
Where is that part of the source code in the .NET framework that changes this underlying fundamental mechanism about how threads work?
Side Note
While some blocking asynchronous methods such as WebClient.DownloadDataTaskAsync, if one were to follow their code
through their (the method's and not one's own) oval tract into their
intestines, one would see that they ultimately either execute the
download synchronously, blocking the current thread if the operation
was requested to be performed synchronously
(Task.RunSynchronously()) or if requested asynchronously, they
offload the blocking I/O bound call to a thread pool thread using the
Asynchronous Programming Model (APM) Begin and End methods.
This surely will cause the main thread to return immediately because
it just offloaded blocking I/O work to a thread pool thread, thereby
adding approximately diddlysquat to the application's scalability.
But this was a case where, within the bowels of the beast, the work
was secretly offloaded to a thread pool thread. In the case of an API
that doesn't do that, say an API that looks like this:
public async Task<string> GetDataAsync()
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
// If GetDataInternalAsync makes the network request
// on the same thread as the calling thread, it will block, right?
// How then do they claim that the thread will return immediately?
// If you look inside the state machine, it just asks the TaskAwaiter
// if it completed the task, and if it hasn't it registers a continuation
// and comes back. But that implies that the awaiter is on another thread
// and that thread is happily sleeping until it gets a kick in the butt
// from a wait handle, right?
// So, the only way would be to delegate the making of the request
// to a thread pool thread, in which case, we have not really improved
// scalability but only improved responsiveness of the main/UI thread
var s = await GetDataInternalAsync();
tcs.SetResult(s); // omitting SetException and
// cancellation for the sake of brevity
return tcs.Task;
Please be gentle with me if my question appears to be nonsensical. The extent of knowledge of things in almost all matters is limited. I am just learning anything.
When you are talking about an async I/O operation, the truth, as pointed out here by Stephen Cleary (http://blog.stephencleary.com/2013/11/there-is-no-thread.html) is that there is no thread. An async I/O operation is completed at a lower level than the threading model. It generally occurs within interrupt handler routines. Therefore, there is no I/O thread handling the request.
You ask how a thread that launches a blocking I/O request returns immediately. The answer is because an I/O request is not at its core actually blocking. You could block a thread such that you are intentionally saying not to do anything else until that I/O request finishes, but it was never the I/O that was blocking, it was the thread deciding to spin (or possibly yield its time slice).
The thread returns immediately because nothing has to sit there polling or querying the I/O operation. That is the core of true asynchronicity. An I/O request is made, and ultimately the completion bubbles up from an ISR. Yes, this may bubble up into the thread pool to set the task completion, but that happens in a nearly imperceptible amount of time. The work itself never had to be ran on a thread. The request itself may have been issued from a thread, but as it is an asynchronous request, the thread can immediately return.
Let's forget C# for a moment. Lets say I am writing some embedded code and I request data from a SPI bus. I send the request, continue my main loop, and when the SPI data is ready, an ISR is triggered. My main loop resumes immediately precisely because my request is asynchronous. All it has to do is push some data into a shift register and continue on. When data is ready for me to read back, an interrupt triggers. This is not running on a thread. It may interrupt a thread to complete the ISR, but you could not say that it actually ran on that thread. Just because its C#, this process is not ultimately any different.
Similarly, lets say I want to transfer data over USB. I place the data in a DMA location, set a flag to tell the bus to transfer my URB, and then immediately return. When I get a response back it also is moved into memory, an interrupt occurs and sets a flag to let the system know hey, heres a packet of data sitting in a buffer for you.
So once again, I/O is never truly blocking. It could appear to block, but that is not what is happening at the low level. It is higher level processes that may decide that an I/O operation has to happen synchronously with some other code. This is not to say of course that I/O is instant. Just that the CPU is not stuck doing work to service the I/O. It COULD block if implemented that way, and this COULD involve threads. But that is not how async I/O is implemented.
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I'm trying to wrap my head around all of the Async stuff that's been added into the .NET framework with the more recent versions. I understand some of it, but to be honest, personally I don't think it makes writing asynchronous code easier. I find it rather confusing most of the time and actually harder to read than the more conventional approaches that we used before the advent of async/await.
Anyway, my question is a simple one. I see a lot of code like this:
var stream = await file.readAsStreamAsync()
What's going on here? Isn't this equivalent to just calling the blocking variant of the method, i.e.
var stream = file.readAsStream()
If so, what's the point in using it here like this? It doesn't make the code any easier to read so please tell me what I am missing.
The result of both calls is the same.
The difference is that var stream = file.readAsStream() will block the calling thread until the operation completes.
If the call was made in a GUI app from the UI thread, the application will freeze until the IO completes.
If the call was made in a server application, the blocked thread will not be able to handle other incoming requests. The thread pool will have to create a new thread to 'replace' the blocked one, which is expensive. Scalability will suffer.
On the other hand, var stream = await file.readAsStreamAsync() will not block any thread. The UI thread in a GUI application can keep the application responding, a worker thread in a server application can handle other requests.
When the async operation completes, the OS will notify the thread pool and the rest of the method will be executed.
To make all this 'magic' possible, a method with async/await will be compiled into a state machine. Async/await allows to make complicated asynchronous code look as simple as synchronous one.
It makes writing asynchronous code enormously easier. As you noted in your own question, it looks as if you were writing the synchronous variant - but it's actually asynchronous.
To understand this, you need to really know what asynchronous and synchronous means. The meaning is really simple - synchronous means in a sequence, one after another. Asynchronous means out of sequence. But that's not the whole picture here - the two words are pretty much useless on their own, most of their meaning comes from context. You need to ask: synchronous with respect to what, exactly?
Let's say you have a Winforms application that needs to read a file. In the button click, you do a File.ReadAllText, and put the results in some textbox - all fine and dandy. The I/O operation is synchronous with respect to your UI - the UI can do nothing while you wait for the I/O operation to complete. Now, the customers start complaining that the UI seems hung for seconds at a time when it reads the file - and Windows flags the application as "Not responding". So you decide to delegate the file reading to a background worker - for example, using BackgroundWorker, or Thread. Now your I/O operation is asynchronous with respect to your UI and everyone is happy - all you had to do is extract your work and run it in its own thread, yay.
Now, this is actually perfectly fine - as long as you're only really doing one such asynchronous operation at a time. However, it does mean you have to explicitly define where the UI thread boundaries are - you need to handle the proper synchronization. Sure, this is pretty simple in Winforms, since you can just use Invoke to marshal UI work back to the UI thread - but what if you need to interact with the UI repeatedly, while doing your background work? Sure, if you just want to publish results continuously, you're fine with the BackgroundWorkers ReportProgress - but what if you also want to handle user input?
The beauty of await is that you can easily manage when you're on a background thread, and when you're on a synchronization context (such as the windows forms UI thread):
string line;
while ((line = await streamReader.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
if (line.StartsWith("ERROR:")) tbxLog.AppendLine(line);
if (line.StartsWith("CRITICAL:"))
if (MessageBox.Show(line + "\r\n" + "Do you want to continue?",
"Critical error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)
await httpClient.PostAsync(...);
This is wonderful - you're basically writing synchronous code as usual, but it's still asynchronous with respect to the UI thread. And the error handling is again exactly the same as with any synchronous code - using, try-finally and friends all work great.
Okay, so you don't need to sprinkle BeginInvoke here and there, what's the big deal? The real big deal is that, without any effort on your part, you actually started using the real asynchronous APIs for all those I/O operations. The thing is, there aren't really any synchronous I/O operations as far as the OS is concerned - when you do that "synchronous" File.ReadAllText, the OS simply posts an asynchronous I/O request, and then blocks your thread until the response comes back. As should be evident, the thread is wasted doing nothing in the meantime - it still uses system resources, it adds a tiny amount of work for the scheduler etc.
Again, in a typical client application, this isn't a big deal. The user doesn't care whether you have one thread or two - the difference isn't really that big. Servers are a different beast entirely, though; where a typical client only has one or two I/O operations at the same time, you want your server to handle thousands! On a typical 32-bit system, you could only fit about 2000 threads with default stacksize in your process - not because of the physical memory requirements, but just by exhausting the virtual address space. 64-bit processes are not as limited, but there's still the thing that starting up new threads and destroying them is rather pricy, and you are now adding considerable work to the OS thread scheduler - just to keep those threads waiting.
But the await-based code doesn't have this problem. It only takes up a thread when it's doing CPU work - waiting on an I/O operation to complete is not CPU work. So you issue that asynchronous I/O request, and your thread goes back to the thread pool. When the response comes, another thread is taken from the thread pool. Suddenly, instead of using thousands of threads, your server is only using a couple (usually about two per CPU core). The memory requirements are lower, the multi-threading overheads are significantly lowered, and your total throughput increases quite a bit.
So - in a client application, await is only really a thing of convenience. In any larger server application, it's a necessity - because suddenly your "start a new thread" approach simply doesn't scale. And the alternative to using await are all those old-school asynchronous APIs, which handle nothing like synchronous code, and where handling errors is very tedious and tricky.
var stream = await file.readAsStreamAsync();
is conceptually more like
file.readAsStreamAsync(stream => {
where the lambda is automatically called when the stream has been fully read. You can see this is quite different from the blocking code.
If you're building a UI application for example, and implementing a button handler:
private async void HandleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
var response = await GetStuffFromTheWebAsync();
This is drastically different from the similar synchronous code:
private void HandleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
var response = GetStuffFromTheWeb();
Because in the second code the UI will lock up and you'll never see the progress indicator (or at best it'll flash briefly) since the UI thread will be blocked until the entire click handler is completed. In the first code the progress indicator shows and then the UI thread gets to run again while the web call happens in the background, and then when the web call completes the DoStuff(response); HideProgressIndicator(); code gets scheduled on the UI thread and it nicely finishes its work and hides the progress indicator.
What's going on here? Isn't this equivalent to just calling the
blocking variant of the method, i.e.
No, it is not a blocking call. This is a syntactic sugar that the compiler uses to create a state machine, which on the runtime will be used to execute your code asynchronously.
It makes your code more readable and almost similar to code that runs synchronously.
It looks like you're missing what is all this async / await concept is about.
Keyword async let compiler knows that method may need to perform some asynchronous operations and therefore it shouldn't be executed in normal way as any other method, instead it should be treated as state machine. This indicates that compiler will first execute only part of method (let's call it Part 1), and then start some asynchronous operation on other thread releasing the calling thread. Compiler also will schedule Part 2 to execute on first available thread from the ThreadPool. If asynchronous operation is not marked with keyword await then its not been awaited and calling thread continues to run till method is finished. In most cases this is not desirable. That's when we need to use keyword await.
So typical scenario is :
Thread 1 enters async method and executes code Part1 ->
Thread 1 starts async operation ->
Thread 1 is released, operation is underway Part2 is scheduled in TP ->
Some Thread (most likely same Thread 1 is its free) continues to run method till its end (Part2) ->
I wonder whether existing I/O bound APM calls in .net API (BeginGetResponse, BeginRead, etc.) uses a thread from threadpool or uses the current thread until the callback. I know that it is "async" all the way down to the hardware/network card. I also know that the callback is executed on threadpool. My question is that: All contents of BeginGetResponse are executed on Threadpool or the contents until waiting for I/O are executed on current thread; then the rest is executed on threadpool.
I hope that the question is clear. I really wonder how BeginGetResponse is implemented underhood.
APM is more general mechanism. But the cases you are talking about use the operating system's support for I/O completion ports. The general idea is that your main thread calls the BeginXxx() method. Under the hood, it calls ThreadPool.BindHandle(), that sets up the plumbing to get the port to automatically start a TP thread when the I/O operation completes. That thread calls your callback method.
Core idea that no thread is waiting while the I/O operation takes place.
This is supported for MessageQueue, FileStream, PipeStream, Socket, FileSystemWatcher, IpcChannel and SerialPort.
BeginXxx execute on the current thread. You can easily verify this for yourself using e.g. Reflector. Moreover, sometimes the callback is executed on the current thread too. One case is if an error occurs early, and another is when the actual asynchronous I/O operation blocks — this happens sometimes, as asynchronous I/O is not guaranteed not to block.
The IAsyncResult approach using worker pool threads is available only for some tasks. Like FileIO (not directory enumeration), LDAP query (v2.0), ADO .net queries.
If you have it and can take the complexity, use the APM. They are usually built by .net folks as it takes some complexity.
Otherwise, use hand built if you think you will get speed.
Using explicit threads gives you more control. Specifically, you can choose to have foreground threads, which will keep your application "alive" after the main thread returns from Main. Explicit threads can also specify their COM threading apartment.
The general rule is to use the threadpool when you have a queue of work items to do, and use an explicit thread when you have an architectural need for them.
Many operations use IO completion ports.
This means that no thread is used while waiting for the operation. Once the operation is complete, the callback is called on a thread-pool thread or using some other synchronization context.
I've been reading some async articles here: http://www.asp.net/web-forms/tutorials/aspnet-45/using-asynchronous-methods-in-aspnet-45 and the author says :
When you’re doing asynchronous work, you’re not always using a thread.
For example, when you make an asynchronous web service request,
ASP.NET will not be using any threads between the async method call
and the await.
So what I am trying to understand is, how does it become async if we don't use any Threads for concurrent execution? What does it mean "you're not always using a thread."?
Let me first explain what I know regarding working with threads (A quick example, of course Threads can be used in different situations other than UI and Worker methodology here)
You have UI Thread to take input, give output.
You can handle things in UI Thread but it makes the UI unresponsive.
So lets say we have a stream-related operation and we need to download some sort of data.
And we also allow users to do other things while it is being downloaded.
We create a new worker thread which downloads the file and changes the progress bar.
Once it is done, there is nothing to do so thread is killed.
We continue from UI thread.
We can either wait for the worker thread in UI thread depending on the situation but before that while the file is being downloaded, we can do other things with UI thread and then wait for the worker thread.
Isn't the same for async programming? If not, what's the difference? I read that async programming uses ThreadPool to pull threads from though.
Threads are not necessary for asynchronous programming.
"Asynchronous" means that the API doesn't block the calling thread. It does not mean that there is another thread that is blocking.
First, consider your UI example, this time using actual asynchronous APIs:
You have UI Thread to take input, give output.
You can handle things in UI Thread but it makes the UI unresponsive.
So lets say we have a stream-related operation and we need to download some sort of data.
And we also allow users to do other things while it is being downloaded.
We use asynchronous APIs to download the file. No worker thread is necessary.
The asynchronous operation reports its progress back to the UI thread (which updates the progress bar), and it also reports its completion to the UI thread (which can respond to it like any other event).
This shows how there can be only one thread involved (the UI thread), yet also have asynchronous operations going on. You can start up multiple asynchronous operations and yet only have one thread involved in those operations - no threads are blocked on them.
async/await provides a very nice syntax for starting an asynchronous operation and then returning, and having the rest of the method continue when that operation completes.
ASP.NET is similar, except it doesn't have a main/UI thread. Instead, it has a "request context" for every incomplete request. ASP.NET threads come from a thread pool, and they enter the "request context" when they work on a request; when they're done, they exit their "request context" and return to the thread pool.
ASP.NET keeps track of incomplete asynchronous operations for each request, so when a thread returns to the thread pool, it checks to see if there are any asynchronous operations in progress for that request; if there are none, then the request is complete.
So, when you await an incomplete asynchronous operation in ASP.NET, the thread will increment that counter and return. ASP.NET knows the request isn't complete because the counter is non-zero, so it doesn't finish the response. The thread returns to the thread pool, and at that point: there are no threads working on that request.
When the asynchronous operation completes, it schedules the remainder of the async method to the request context. ASP.NET grabs one of its handler threads (which may or may not be the same thread that executed the earlier part of the async method), the counter is decremented, and the thread executes the async method.
ASP.NET vNext is slightly different; there's more support for asynchronous handlers throughout the framework. But the general concept is the same.
For more information:
My async/await intro post tries to be both an intro yet also reasonably complete picture of how async and await work.
The official async/await FAQ has lots of great links that go into a lot of detail.
The MSDN magazine article It's All About the SynchronizationContext exposes some of the plumbing underneath.
First time when I saw async and await, I thougth they were C# Syntactic sugar for Asynchronous Programming Model. I was wrong, async and await are more than that. It is a brand new asynchronous pattern Task-based Asynchronous Pattern, http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=19957 is a good article to get start. Most of the FCL classes which inplement TAP are call APM methods (BegingXXX() and EndXXX()). Here are two code snaps for TAP and AMP:
TAP sample:
static void Main(string[] args)
private static async Task<WebResponse> GetResponse()
var webRequest = WebRequest.Create("http://www.google.com");
Task<WebResponse> response = webRequest.GetResponseAsync();
Console.WriteLine(new StreamReader(response.Result.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd());
return response.Result;
APM sample:
static void Main(string[] args)
var webRequest = WebRequest.Create("http://www.google.com");
webRequest.BeginGetResponse(EndResponse, webRequest);
static void EndResponse(IAsyncResult result)
var webRequest = (WebRequest) result.AsyncState;
var response = webRequest.EndGetResponse(result);
Console.WriteLine(new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd());
Finally these two will be the same, because GetResponseAsync() call BeginGetResponse() and EndGetResponse() inside. When we reflector the source code of GetResponseAsync(), we will get code like this:
task = Task<WebResponse>.Factory.FromAsync(
new Func<AsyncCallback, object, IAsyncResult>(this.BeginGetResponse),
new Func<IAsyncResult, WebResponse>(this.EndGetResponse), null);
For APM, in the BeginXXX(), there is an argument for a callback method which will invoked when the task (typically is an IO heavy operation) was completed. Creating a new thread and asynchronous, both of them will immediately return in main thread, both of them are unblocked. On performance side, creating new thread will cost more resource when process I/O-bound operations such us read file, database operation and network read. There are two disadvantages in creating new thread,
like in your mentioned article, there are memory cost and CLR are
limitation on thread pool.
Context switch will happen. On the other hander, asynchronous will
not create any thread manually and it will not have context switch
when the the IO-bound operations return.
Here is an picture which can help to understand the differences:
This diagram is from a MSDN article "Asynchronous Pages in ASP.NET 2.0", which explain very detail about how the old asynchronous working in ASP.NET 2.0.
About Asynchronous Programming Model, please get more detail from Jeffrey Richter's article "Implementing the CLR Asynchronous Programming Model", also there are more detail on his book "CLR via Csharp 3rd Edition" in chapter 27.
Let’s imagine that you are implementing a web application and as each client request comes in to
your server, you need to make a database request. When a client request comes in, a thread pool
thread will call into your code. If you now issue a database request synchronously, the thread will block
for an indefinite amount of time waiting for the database to respond with the result. If during this time
another client request comes in, the thread pool will have to create another thread and again this
thread will block when it makes another database request. As more and more client requests come in,
more and more threads are created, and all these threads block waiting for the database to respond.
The result is that your web server is allocating lots of system resources (threads and their memory) that
are barely even used!
And to make matters worse, when the database does reply with the various results, threads become
unblocked and they all start executing. But since you might have lots of threads running and relatively
few CPU cores, Windows has to perform frequent context switches, which hurts performance even
more. This is no way to implement a scalable application.
To read data from the file, I now call ReadAsync instead of Read. ReadAsync internally allocates a
Task object to represent the pending completion of the read operation. Then, ReadAsync
calls Win32’s ReadFile function (#1). ReadFile allocates its IRP, initializes it just like it did in the
synchronous scenario (#2), and then passes it down to the Windows kernel (#3). Windows adds the IRP
to the hard disk driver’s IRP queue (#4), but now, instead of blocking your thread, your thread is
allowed to return to your code; your thread immediately returns from its call to ReadAsync (#5, #6,
and #7). Now, of course, the IRP has not necessarily been processed yet, so you cannot have code after
ReadAsync that attempts to access the bytes in the passed-in Byte[].
I've created a Windows service based on the ServiceBase class. In this service I created an instance of the NamedPipeClientStream (m_Stream). After connecting this stream I start an asynchronous read using the BeginRead() method:
m_Stream.BeginRead( m_ReadBuffer, 0, 2, ReadAsyncCallback, m_ReadInfo );
In the callback routine ReadAsyncCallback, which indeed gets called, I call EndRead() for the stream (which gives me the number of bytes read, in this case 2). Next, I want to signal the original thread that the read has been completed. For this I use the Dispatcher.Invoke method:
m_Dispatcher.Invoke( new ReadDelegate( this.OnRead ), bytesRead);
(m_Dispatcher was created in the original thread using System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.)
At this point I expected the OnRead method to get called in the original thread, but it doesn't. The Invoke() method doesn't return, it seems to 'hang'.
I hope someone can help me with this. Please let me know if you need more info, I will try to give it to you asap.
The System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher requires a correctly configured SynchronizationContext in order for it to work as you normally expect. When in the context of a WPF application the synchronization context is automatically created for you, however in your Windows Service that does not happen and that's why you see the hang.
Also, aside the synchronization context, since I believe the Dispatcher works in a similar way to the Control.Invoke or BackgroundWorker in Windows Forms, your Windows Service main thread must be pumping a message loop in order for you to be able to inject your call into it.
I have written a blog about how the BackgroundWorker class reacts differently according to the context in which its run (Windows Forms, Console or Windows Service), which you may find to be an interesting read since the mechanism used by that class is similar to the WPF Dispatcher.
Inside BackgroundWorker
Finally, for a more in depth dive into how the synchronization contexts work you should read:
It's All About the SynchronizationContext
The thread that called CurrentDispatcher is probably not pumping messages for some reason. The most likely reason is because it does not have any message pumping mechanism. For Invoke to work correctly the target thread must be specially designed to accept delegate injections. This is usually accomplished by having the target thread spin in an infinite loop waiting for messages to appear in a queue. Another thread would then submit a special message requesting the execution of a delegate. This is all setup automatically on the UI thread of Windows Forms or WPF applications. It will not exist in Windows Service application unless you get it going manually.
I would not attempt to use this delegate marshaling technique (or any technique that synchronously injects a delegate into another thread) anyway. The reason is because it will cause that asynchronous IO callback, which is executing on a ThreadPool thread or IO completion port thread, to block until that marshaled delegate completes. You do not want to tie up the IO in this manner.
Instead you should publish the data that is read from the stream into a shared data structure, like a queue or list, and then have your original thread pick it up on a specific interval. If the original thread is expected to wait for data to be read from the stream then you could setup the producer-consumer pattern. This is pretty easy with the BlockingCollection. The original thread will call Take which will block until an item arrives and the IO callback will publish the data by calling Add.
There are other acceptable ways this could be handled, but calling Invoke is probably not one of them.