It does not find my image - c#

Image icon = null;
if (/* some logic test that succeeds*/)
icon = new Image();
icon.Width = 32;
icon.Height = 32;
icon.Stretch = Stretch.Fill;
icon.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Images/icons/flower.png", UriKind.Relative)); ;
icon.IsHitTestVisible = false;
if (icon != null)
I dont know why this fails. I store my image as content in the Images/Icons folder in the project. Still after the I've set the source (.Source above) the PixelHeight and Width is 0 of the source.
Does anyone know why?


Zoom Image using WPF MVVM, will move the top layer controls. How can it be fixed on image zoom time?

Currently i am working on image processing project, where i have one review screen in which i set the image on image container, and on top of the image, all four corners has meta data, which are fixed. Means while i zoom in/out the image, the top content will remain at the fixed position not move. This is my requirement.
Now i have set all content dynamically using the stack panel and all meta data will stay on fixed position except the bottom right position, which will be moved while image is zoomed in/out.
below is the reference screen shot where red mark shows the metadata will moved and hide at right side.
Here is the code for bottom right content
public async Task<ScrollViewer> CreateNewScrollViewer(ImageInfo item)
ScrollViewer scrollViewerObj = new ScrollViewer();
byte[] rawData;
//this will update the values of any older sharpness data to 5
if (item.AnnotationSchemaVersion != null && item.AnnotationSchemaVersion.Equals("1.0", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
item.AdjustmentValue.Sharpness = item.BytePerPixel == 3 ? _samSettingsManager.GetTrueColorSharpnessDefaultValue() : _samSettingsManager.GetSingleColorSharpnessDefaultValue();
var saveSharpness = new Task(() => this.UpdateImageAnalysis(item));
scrollViewerObj.SetValue(AutomationProperties.AutomationIdProperty, "ReviewImageDetailView_ScrollViewer");
scrollViewerObj.SetValue(AutomationProperties.NameProperty, "ReviewImageDetailView_ScrollViewer");
scrollViewerObj.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Hidden;
scrollViewerObj.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Hidden;
scrollViewerObj.Margin = new Thickness(5, 5, 5, 5);
scrollViewerObj.Focusable = true;
scrollViewerObj.SizeChanged += new SizeChangedEventHandler(ScrollViewerSizeChanged);
Point? fixationTarget = null;
Point? foveaXY = null;
Point? onhXY = null;
FixationType fixationMode = FixationType.Internal;
bool performDistortionCorrection = false;
// Provide fixation values only for WF and Non-External(Non-AnteriorSegment) scans, as distortion correction shall only be applied to WF and Non-External(Non-AnteriorSegment) images.
// All composite UWF/Montage/Auto-Montage images will be distortion corrected (Montage algorithm generates distortion corrected image)
if (Convert.ToInt32(item.FOV, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == FOVConstants.Widefield &&
item.ExamMode != ExamModes.AnteriorSegment && SAMConstants.SAMExamSourceUID == item.ExamSourceUID)
fixationTarget = item.FixationXY;
foveaXY = item.FoveaXY;
onhXY = item.ONHXY;
fixationMode = item.FixationMode;
performDistortionCorrection = true;
//bool isOD = item.Laterality == "OD" ? true : false;
string imageCacheFilePath = _imageCacheFilePath;
string imageFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(item.ImagePath);
//creates the image cache folder if it doesn't exist
if (!Directory.Exists(imageCacheFilePath))
ImageContainer imageObj = new ImageContainer(_pixelBufferSize);
await Task.Run(() =>
imageObj.Initialize(item.ImagePath, item.ImageCompressionType,
item.ImageWidth, item.ImageHeight, item.BytePerPixel, item.ExamSourceUID, item.Laterality, imageCacheFilePath, _pixelBufferSize, fixationTarget,
foveaXY, item.ProjectedXMin, item.ProjectedYMax, item.ProjectedXMax, item.ProjectedYMin, performDistortionCorrection,
onhXY, fixationMode, item.ONHIdentificationMode);
imageObj.InitializeZoomValues(((int)ActualHeight - 40) / 4, ((int)ActualWidth - 40) / 4);
PyramidTools.PyramidImageProcessing processImage = new PyramidTools.PyramidImageProcessing();
//Sets up the pyramid
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(imageCacheFilePath + imageFileName + ExtensionConstants.Raw) || (!System.IO.File.Exists(imageCacheFilePath + imageFileName + ExtensionConstants.Text) && SAMConstants.SAMExamSourceUID == imageObj.ExamSourceUID))
rawData = imageObj.ImageDataObj.GetData();
if (rawData != null)
processImage.CreatePyramidForGivenImage(rawData, item.BytePerPixel, (int)imageObj.ImageZoom.LowestZoomPercentage, imageFileName, imageObj.ImageDataObj.Width, imageObj.ImageDataObj.Height, imageCacheFilePath);
else if (!processImage.IsPyramidCreated(imageCacheFilePath + imageFileName, (int)imageObj.ImageZoom.LowestZoomPercentage))
rawData = File.ReadAllBytes(imageCacheFilePath + imageFileName + ExtensionConstants.Raw);
if (rawData != null)
processImage.CreatePyramidForGivenImage(rawData, item.BytePerPixel, (int)imageObj.ImageZoom.LowestZoomPercentage, imageFileName, imageObj.ImageDataObj.Width, imageObj.ImageDataObj.Height, imageCacheFilePath);
// For image sharpness
imageObj.ImageProcessing = imageProcessing;
imageObj.TrueColorSharpnessRadius = _trueColorSharpnessRadius;
imageObj.TrueColorSharpnessMinAmount = _trueColorSharpnessMinAmount;
imageObj.TrueColorSharpnessMaxAmount = _trueColorSharpnessMaxAmount;
imageObj.TrueColorSharpnessResizeFactor = _trueColorSharpnessResizeFactor;
imageObj.SingleColorSharpnessRadius = _singleColorSharpnessRadius;
imageObj.SingleColorSharpnessMinAmount = _singleColorSharpnessMinAmount;
imageObj.SingleColorSharpnessMaxAmount = _singleColorSharpnessMaxAmount;
imageObj.SingleColorSharpnessResizeFactor = _singleColorSharpnessResizeFactor;
imageObj.TrueColorSharpnessFactor = _trueColorSharpnessFactor;
imageObj.SingleColorSharpnessFactor = _singleColorSharpnessFactor;
imageObj.IsConstituteImage = item.IsConstituteImage;
imageObj.FOV = item.FOV;
imageObj.SelectedChannel = ChannelTypes.TrueColorChannel;
imageObj.TonalOptimizedValues = new Tonal(128, 128, 128);
imageObj.SetValue(AutomationProperties.AutomationIdProperty, "ReviewImageDetailView_ImageContainer");
imageObj.SetValue(AutomationProperties.NameProperty, "ReviewImageDetailView_ImageContainer");
BitmapImage logo = new BitmapImage();
logo.UriSource = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/SAMProduction.FundusImageDisplay;component/Images/RotateBlue.png");
imageObj.ImageRotationShow = new System.Windows.Controls.Image();
imageObj.ImageRotationShow.Source = logo;
imageObj.ImageRotationShow.SetValue(AutomationProperties.AutomationIdProperty, "ReviewImageDetailView_180DegreeIcon");
imageObj.ImageRotationShow.SetValue(AutomationProperties.NameProperty, "ReviewImageDetailView_180DegreeIcon");
//imageObj.ImageRotationShow.SetResourceReference(Canvas.BackgroundProperty, "180DegreeIcon");
imageObj.ImageRotationShow.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
imageObj.ImageRotationShow.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top;
imageObj.ImageRotationShow.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
imageObj.ImageRotationShow.Width = 30;
imageObj.ImageRotationShow.Height = 30;
imageObj.ImageRotationShow.Margin = new Thickness(0, 10, 0, 0);
imageObj.ImageFrameNoMessage = item.ImageFrameNoMessage;
Style textBlockStyle = this.TryFindResource("TextWhite16") as Style;
#region Top Left Panel Information
StackPanel topLeftPanelInfo = new StackPanel();
topLeftPanelInfo.Width = 160;
topLeftPanelInfo.Name = "TopLeftPanel";
topLeftPanelInfo.Uid = "TopLeftPanel";
topLeftPanelInfo.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
topLeftPanelInfo.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top;
topLeftPanelInfo.Margin = new Thickness(10, 5, 0, 0);
UpdateTopLeftPanel(item, imageObj, topLeftPanelInfo, textBlockStyle);
#region Bottom Left Panel Information
StackPanel bottomLeftPanelInfo = new StackPanel();
bottomLeftPanelInfo.Name = "BottomLeftPanel";
bottomLeftPanelInfo.Uid = "BottomLeftPanel";
bottomLeftPanelInfo.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Left;
bottomLeftPanelInfo.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
bottomLeftPanelInfo.Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 0, 5);
UpdateBottomLeftPanel(item, imageObj, bottomLeftPanelInfo, textBlockStyle);
#region Bottom Right Panel Information
StackPanel bottomRightPanelInfo = new StackPanel();
bottomRightPanelInfo.Name = "BottomRightPanel";
bottomRightPanelInfo.Uid = "BottomRightPanel";
bottomRightPanelInfo.SetValue(AutomationProperties.AutomationIdProperty, "ReviewImageDetailView_BottomRightPanelInfo");
bottomRightPanelInfo.SetValue(AutomationProperties.NameProperty, "ReviewImageDetailView_BottomRightPanelInfo");
bottomRightPanelInfo.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Right;
bottomRightPanelInfo.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
bottomRightPanelInfo.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 10, 5);
UpdateBottomRightPanel(item, imageObj, bottomRightPanelInfo, textBlockStyle);
#region Top Right Panel Information
StackPanel topRightPanelInfo = new StackPanel();
topRightPanelInfo.Name = "TopRightPanel";
topRightPanelInfo.Uid = "TopRightPanel";
topRightPanelInfo.SetValue(AutomationProperties.AutomationIdProperty, "ReviewImageDetailView_TopRightPanelInfo");
topRightPanelInfo.SetValue(AutomationProperties.NameProperty, "ReviewImageDetailView_TopRightPanelInfo");
topRightPanelInfo.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Right;
topRightPanelInfo.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Top;
topRightPanelInfo.Margin = new Thickness(0, 5, 10, 0);
UpdateTopRightPanel(item, imageObj, topRightPanelInfo, textBlockStyle);
Grid gridObj = new Grid() { ClipToBounds = true };//
gridObj.SetValue(AutomationProperties.AutomationIdProperty, "ReviewImageDetailView_Grid");
gridObj.SetValue(AutomationProperties.NameProperty, "ReviewImageDetailView_Grid");
if (topLeftPanelInfo != null)
if (bottomLeftPanelInfo != null)
if (topRightPanelInfo != null)
if (bottomRightPanelInfo != null)
imageObj.OverlayGrid.MouseLeftButtonUp += OverlayGrid_MouseLeftButtonUp;
imageObj.OverlayGrid.MouseMove += OverlayGrid_MouseMove;
imageObj.OverlayGrid.MouseLeftButtonDown += OverlayGrid_MouseLeftButtonDown;
imageObj.OverlayGrid.PreviewMouseRightButtonDown += OverlayGrid_PreviewMouseRightButtonDown;
imageObj.OverlayGrid.PreviewMouseRightButtonUp += OverlayGrid_PreviewMouseRightButtonUp;
scrollViewerObj.Content = gridObj;
// This binding required to align image properly when it is loading.
Binding HeightBinding = new Binding();
RelativeSource relativeheightSource = new RelativeSource();
relativeheightSource.Mode = RelativeSourceMode.FindAncestor;
relativeheightSource.AncestorType = typeof(ScrollViewer);
HeightBinding.RelativeSource = relativeheightSource;
HeightBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("ActualHeight");
HeightBinding.UpdateSourceTrigger = UpdateSourceTrigger.PropertyChanged;
HeightBinding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
imageObj.SetBinding(System.Windows.Controls.Image.HeightProperty, HeightBinding);
Binding WidthBinding = new Binding();
RelativeSource relativeWidthSource = new RelativeSource();
relativeWidthSource.Mode = RelativeSourceMode.FindAncestor;
relativeWidthSource.AncestorType = typeof(ScrollViewer);
WidthBinding.RelativeSource = relativeWidthSource;
WidthBinding.Path = new PropertyPath("ActualWidth");
WidthBinding.UpdateSourceTrigger = UpdateSourceTrigger.PropertyChanged;
WidthBinding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
imageObj.SetBinding(System.Windows.Controls.Image.WidthProperty, WidthBinding);
imageObj.ImageSourceChanged += this.ImageObj_ImageSourceChanged;
imageObj.ZoomValueChanged += this.ImageObj_ZoomValueChanged;
scrollViewerObj.AllowDrop = true;
scrollViewerObj.Drop += ScrollViewer_Drop;
imageObj.ContainerTonalValueChanged += ImageObj_ContainerTonalValueChanged;
// Previously MouseLeftButtonDown event was used.
// Change set no 141851 has change code of CreateNewScrollViewer(). He set Scrollviewer’s Focable property to true.
// It is required to set focusable true for that change set.
// In ScrollViewer's original code (.net code) it is handling event (e.Handled = true) if it can get focus.
// So side effect of 141851 change set is MouseLeftButtonDown event of scrollviewer do not get call when mouse down on it.
// So it misbehaves.
// So here PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown event used.
scrollViewerObj.PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown += ScrollViewerObj_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown;
scrollViewerObj.MouseLeftButtonUp += this.ScrollViewerObj_MouseLeftButtonUp;
scrollViewerObj.PreviewMouseWheel += ScrollViewerObj_PreviewMouseWheel;
// No need to handle this event
//imageObj.SizeChanged += this.ImageObj_SizeChanged;
imageObj.MouseMove += this.ImageObj_MouseMove;
imageObj.MouseLeftButtonDown += this.ImageObj_MouseLeftButtonDown;
imageObj.MouseLeftButtonUp += this.ImageObj_MouseLeftButtonUp;
gridObj.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
gridObj.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center;
//It is not necessary to initalize the data
imageObj.ImageID = item.ImageId;
//imageObj.ImagePath = item.ImagePath;
if (imageObj.ExamSourceUID == SAMConstants.SAMExamSourceUID &&
imageObj.ExamMode != ExamModes.AnteriorSegment)
imageObj.OverlayGrid.IsHitTestVisible = IsOverlayGridEnable;
imageObj.OverlayGrid.IsHitTestVisible = false;
// imageObj.OverlayGrid.IsHitTestVisible = IsOverlayGridEnable;
//imageObj.ImageSource = imageObj.ImageDataObj;
scrollViewerObj.ContextMenu = CreateContextMenu(scrollViewerObj, imageObj); // set contextmenu
catch (Exception ex)
_services.Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, "SAMProduction.FundusImageDisplay", "ImageEditViewerBase", "CreateNewScrollViewer: Error occurred while creating new scrollviewer. : " + ex);
rawData = null;
return scrollViewerObj;
Please, let me help out to resolve the moved content on top layer of image, if any one can do. Thanks in Advance.
I find creating views in code very unreadable, so this is how to achieve this in XAML:
<Image .../> // or whatever custom control you use to allow zoom
<StackPanel Name="TopLeft HorizontalAligment="Left" VerticalAligment="Top">
<contente: labels etc ../>
<StackPanel Name="BottomRight" HorizontalAligment="Right" VerticalAligment="Bottom">
<contente: labels etc ../>
The trick is to wrap everything that you want to be in the same place and/or overlay in a Grid. If the StackPanels are after an Image in Grid content, their z-index will be higher and they will be displayed on top of the image.
The Image control by default will be streched to the whole grid, so you should manipulate the zoom with its content, not its size. If that's problematic, just wrap the Image control with another panel, or at best, custom UserControl and work out the size issues there.
Thanks to the Grid, the StackPanels will anchored to the corners, no matter the size and shape of the grid.
Also, you used tag MVVM and your code is almost textbook non-MVVM.
Maybe this will help you rewrite your code.

Printed wpf visual is clipped in landscape mode under Windows 8.1

I have a simple wpf desktop application which prints a bitmap in landscape mode.
Under Windows 8/8.1 the printout is clipped on the bottom of the page while under Windows 7 it is printed correctly.
The code is really simple: load a bitmap, put it into an Image object, measure the printable area, arrange the image and print.
void printButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var pd = new PrintDialog();
if (!pd.ShowDialog().Value)
pd.PrintTicket.PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;
pd.PrintTicket.PageBorderless = PageBorderless.None;
var printingCapabilities = pd.PrintQueue.GetPrintCapabilities(pd.PrintTicket);
var bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
bitmapImage.UriSource = new Uri("D:\\printTest.bmp");
var imageuiElement = new Image { Source = bitmapImage };
var desiredSize = new Size(printingCapabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentWidth, printingCapabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentHeight);
imageuiElement.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(printingCapabilities.PageImageableArea.OriginWidth, printingCapabilities.PageImageableArea.OriginHeight), imageuiElement.DesiredSize));
pd.PrintVisual(imageuiElement, "MyImage");
The bitmap size is 1518 x 1092 pixels, 96 DPI, which is 40.2 x 28.9 cm.
I have found the question Cannot print a document with landscape orientation under Windows 8 (WPF, .NET 4.0)
but there is no good response for my issue (additionally I have no problem with printing as landscape itself).
I have tested it with different printers of different vendors, the printouts are clipped in all of them. A software CutePDF writer prints it to PDF correctly.
Any help appreciated.
It seems that Windows 8 does not draw ui elements outside of their container bounds. This is why the printout was clipped at the bottom.
Anyway, I ended up with a code like this, which is able to print a centered bitmap on a landscape page:
printDialog.PrintTicket.PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Landscape;
printDialog.PrintTicket.PageBorderless = PageBorderless.None;
var printingCapabilities = printDialog.PrintQueue.GetPrintCapabilities(printDialog.PrintTicket);
if (printingCapabilities.PageImageableArea == null)
var document = new FixedDocument();
document.DocumentPaginator.PageSize = new Size(printingCapabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentWidth, printingCapabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentHeight);
foreach (var imageStream in imageStreams)
document.Pages.Add(GeneratePageContent(imageStream, printingCapabilities, printDialog.PrintableAreaWidth, printDialog.PrintableAreaHeight));
printDialog.PrintDocument(document.DocumentPaginator, GlobalConstants.SoftwareName);
private PageContent GeneratePageContent(Stream imageStream, PrintCapabilities printingCapabilities, double paperWidth, double paperHeight)
imageStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
var bmp = new BitmapImage();
bmp.StreamSource = imageStream;
var margin = new Thickness();
var pageSize = new Size();
if (printingCapabilities.PageImageableArea != null)
margin = new Thickness(
pageSize = new Size(printingCapabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentWidth, printingCapabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentHeight);
var imageUiElement = new Image
Source = bmp,
Margin = margin
var canvas = new Grid { Width = paperWidth, Height = paperHeight };
var fixedPage = new FixedPage
Width = paperWidth,
Height = paperHeight
var pageContent = new PageContent();
pageContent.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(), pageSize));
return pageContent;

WinForms transparent picture box not working

I have been trying to lay an image in black/gray over a background, and I would like the background to show through on the transparent sections of the image. The image is definitely saved as a transparent png correctly. What is wrong with the code below?
this.pictureBox14.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
this.pictureBox14.BackgroundImage = ((System.Drawing.Image)(resources.GetObject("pictureBox14.BackgroundImage")));
this.pictureBox14.BackgroundImageLayout = System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.None;
this.pictureBox14.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Hand;
this.pictureBox14.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(486, 337);
this.pictureBox14.Name = "pictureBox14";
this.pictureBox14.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(69, 62);
this.pictureBox14.SizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage;
this.pictureBox14.TabIndex = 18;
this.pictureBox14.TabStop = false;
this.pictureBox14.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.pictureBox14_Click);

Show image above SMFPlayer issue

An image (Image class) is placed above a SMFPlayer (both elements are created in code-behind). Z-index of the image is the Z-Index of SMFPlayer + 1. The image is resized (adjusting the width) according to the playing progress of SMFPlayer.
videoPlayer = new SMFPlayer();
videoPlayer.Width = 1920;
videoPlayer.Height = 1080;
videoPlayer.Margin = new Thickness(1920, 0, 0, 0);
PlaylistItem item = new PlaylistItem();
Random r = new Random();
item.MediaSource = new Uri("video.wmv");
item.DeliveryMethod = DeliveryMethods.ProgressiveDownload;
videoPlayer.AutoPlay = true;
videoPlayer.AutoLoad = true;
videoPlayer.IsControlStripVisible = false;
videoPlayer.PlaylistVisibility = FeatureVisibility.Disabled;
videoPlayer.MediaEnded += new EventHandler(player_MediaEnded);
bar_yellow3 = new Image();
bar_yellow3.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/SMF_ProgressiveDownload1;component/assets/bar_y.png", UriKind.Relative));
bar_yellow3.Width = 775;
bar_yellow3.Height = 34;
bar_yellow3.Margin = new Thickness(2948,1034,0,0);
bar_yellow3.Stretch = Stretch.Fill;
bar_yellow3.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
bar_yellow3.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
However, when the playing progress is less than 20%, the image blinks randomly. When the SMFPlayer is set to be invisible ( Visibility.Collapsed ) , the image is normal.
I have tried to call the update function of the Image, which is: bar_yellow3.UpdateLayout(); but the method does not solve the blinking issue.
Any solution?
Try use effects (Shazzam will help you) instead using Z order.

Drawing Transparent Images

I'm writing a CSS sprite engine in C#, however I'm having a few issues. I create the master image, set all the properties to that then iterate the sprites and draw those to the master image. However when I come to save the master image it only appears to be just the empty master image with transparent background and none of the sprites. I'm very confused at where I'm going wrong.
The code I'm using is:
// Work out the width/height required
int max_width = 0;
int max_height = 0;
foreach(SpriteInformation sprite in sprites) {
if (max_width < (sprite.Left + greatest_width)) max_width = sprite.Left + greatest_width;
if (max_height < (sprite.Top + greatest_height)) max_height = sprite.Top + greatest_height;
// Create new master bitmap
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(max_width,max_height,PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
// Set background color
SolidBrush brush;
if (cbxBackground.Checked) {
if (txtColor.Text == "") {
brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
} else {
brush = new SolidBrush(pnlColor.BackColor);
} else {
if (txtColor.Text == "") {
brush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
} else {
brush = new SolidBrush(pnlColor.BackColor);
// Copy images into place
ImageAttributes attr = new ImageAttributes();
foreach(SpriteInformation sprite in sprites) {
Rectangle source = new Rectangle(0,0,sprite.Width,sprite.Height);
Rectangle dest = new Rectangle(sprite.Left,sprite.Top,sprite.Width,sprite.Height);
// Save image
string format = ddlFormat.Items[ddlFormat.SelectedIndex].ToString();
if (format == "PNG") {
dlgSave.Filter = "PNG Images|*.png|All Files|*.*";
dlgSave.DefaultExt = ",png";
if (dlgSave.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) {
} else if (format == "JPEG") {
} else {
What are sprite.Left and Top? If they aren't 0 that may be a problem. I think you have dest and source the wrong way round?
Try a simpler DrawImage variant if you haven't already.
e.g. DrawImage(sprite.Sprite,0,0)
You draw to "graphics", but then then you save "bitmap"? I'm not sure if that graphics internally works with your original "bitmap" object...
