Luxand API in Visual Studio 2010? - c#

How can I use Luxand API to get to work in visual studio 2010? I need to detect points of chin in a given face, can I do it with any other API?
I have tried this sample code:
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();
if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
FSDK.CImage image = new FSDK.CImage(openFileDialog1.FileName);
// resize image to fit the window width
double ratio = System.Math.Min((pictureBox1.Width + 0.4) / image.Width,
(pictureBox1.Height + 0.4) / image.Height);
image = image.Resize(ratio);
Image frameImage = image.ToCLRImage();
Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(frameImage);
FSDK.TFacePosition facePosition = image.DetectFace();
if (0 == facePosition.w)
MessageBox.Show("No faces detected", "Face Detection");
int left = facePosition.xc - facePosition.w / 2;
int top = facePosition.yc - facePosition.w / 2;
gr.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGreen, left, top, facePosition.w, facePosition.w);
FSDK.TPoint[] facialFeatures = image.DetectFacialFeaturesInRegion(ref facePosition);
int i = 0;
foreach (FSDK.TPoint point in facialFeatures)
gr.DrawEllipse((++i > 2) ? Pens.LightGreen : Pens.Blue, point.x, point.y, 3, 3);
// display image
pictureBox1.Image = frameImage;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Exception");
I get this error:
Could not load file or assembly 'xquisite.application.exe' or one of its dependencies. This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded.

what is your settings for your target? Any CPU ? Try x86 for Runtime !
have you add to your app.config <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"/>
These two thinks i forgot, were the reason of my errors which was the same as yours.
here is a piece of my code:
private void DetectFace()
var failerCounter = 0;
var cameraHandler = 0;
const int failerLimit = 2;
int failerLimitFaceDetection = Properties.Settings.Default.NotDetectedLimit;
float similarityMinimum = Properties.Settings.Default.SimilarityLimit;
var r = FSDKCam.OpenVideoCamera(ref CameraName, ref cameraHandler);
if (r != FSDK.FSDKE_OK)
while (IsFaceDetectionActive)
var imageHandle = 0;
if (FSDK.FSDKE_OK != FSDKCam.GrabFrame(cameraHandler, ref imageHandle))
Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { }, DispatcherPriority.Background);
var image = new FSDK.CImage(imageHandle);
var frameImage = image.ToCLRImage();
FaceContent = frameImage;
var gr = Graphics.FromImage(frameImage);
var facePosition = image.DetectFace();
IsFaceDetected = facePosition.w != 0;
if (!IsFaceDetected)
if (failerCounter++ > failerLimitFaceDetection)
failerCounter = 0;
// if a face is detected, we detect facial features
if (IsFaceDetected)
var facialFeatures = image.DetectFacialFeaturesInRegion(ref facePosition);
SmoothFacialFeatures(ref facialFeatures);
FaceTemplate = image.GetFaceTemplate();
// Similarity = 0.5f -> fin the right value ....
IsFaceRecognized = FaceMetricHandler.LooksLike(FaceTemplate, similarityMinimum).Any();
if (IsFaceRecognized)
foreach (var match in FaceMetricHandler.LooksLike(FaceTemplate, similarityMinimum))
failerCounter = 0;
GreetingMessage = match.Name;
IsFaceDetectionActive = false;
if (failerCounter++ > failerLimit)
failerCounter = 0;
IsFaceDetectionActive = false;
if (IsFaceFrameActive)
gr.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, facePosition.xc - 2*facePosition.w/3,
facePosition.yc - facePosition.w/2,
4*facePosition.w/3, 4*facePosition.w/3);
FaceContent = frameImage;
Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { }, DispatcherPriority.Background);
catch(Exception e)

BTW, you can use x64 with win64\FaceSDK.NET.dll


Esri GIS setting to the same ViewPoint yields different result

I'm trying to implement some zoom-in-zoom out feature in my program, for this I'm using two ViewPoints with Wgs84 projection, one is default and other one is current, when I return to the default one it seems to "drift" by ~ 0.1 degrees(P.s the logic working as intended)
so on the first time _currentViewPoint ,XMin for example, is 4.77075... which is exactly as _defaultViewPoint XMin
but on the second time(after some panning and zooming the else condition is met and returning to _defaultViewPoint) the _currentViewPoint XMin is 4.62159...
why this so called drift happens?
public void Click()
_firstClick = false;
_mapService = GetMapService();
_defaultViewPoint = _mapService.IntialViewPoint;
_currentViewPoint = _mapService.GetViewPoint();
if(_viewPointToZoom != null)
_viewPointToZoom = _mapService.GetViewPoint();
public ViewPoint GetViewPoint()
ViewPoint current = null;
current = EsriGeoView.GetCurrentViewPoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeomerty);
return ProjectToWgs84(current.TargetGeometry);
return current;
private ViewPoint ProjectToWgs94(Geometry targetGeometry)
var geometry = GeometryEngine.Project(targetGeometry, SpatialReefernces.Wgs84);
return new ViewPoint(geometry);
private async Task SetViewPointAsync(ViewPoint viewpoint)
//some non relevent code
await EsriGeoView.SetViewPointAsync(viewpoint);
private bool AreViewPointsEqual(Viewpoint vp1, Viewpoint vp2, double tolerance = 1e-4)
Envelope r1 = vp1.TargetGeometry.Extent, r2 = vp2.TargetGeometry.Extent;
var x1 = (r1.XMax + r1.XMin) / 2;
var x2 = (r1.YMax + r1.YMin) / 2;
var y1 = (r2.XMax + r2.XMin) / 2;
var y2 = (r2.YMax + r2.YMin) / 2;
return Math.abs(x1-x2) < tolerance && Math.abs(y1-y2) < tolerance);

Iterate through list and apply fade effect

I have a list of images(Helper.theaterImagesInfo) that i am reading through a foreach loop and continuing infinite loop using while until a form closed. images display well with the code below
await Task.Delay(img.durationInMilliseconds);//img.durationInMilliseconds
this.PictureBox1.Image = img.ImageHere;
Now i want to implement fade effect to those images displaying. Each image is displayed after 5 seconds.
Function to apply fade:
private int intCount = 0;
private List<Bitmap> lstFade = new List<Bitmap>();
private void ApplyFade(Bitmap imgTarget, Bitmap imgSource)
int intX = 0;
int intY = 0;
int intAmount = 10;
Rectangle rctDest = new Rectangle(intX, intY,
imgTarget.Width, imgTarget.Height);
using (var tmpBitMap = new Bitmap(imgSource))
using (var gTemp = Graphics.FromImage(tmpBitMap))
for (int i = 0; i <= intAmount; i++)
gTemp.DrawImage(imgSource, intX, intY);
ColorMatrix cmColors = new ColorMatrix();
cmColors.Matrix33 = System.Convert.ToSingle(i /
ImageAttributes iaAttributes = new ImageAttributes();
gTemp.DrawImage(imgTarget, rctDest, intX, intY,
imgTarget.Width, imgTarget.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel,
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
intCount += 2;
if (intCount > 10)
PictureBox1.Image = lstFade[intCount];
and here reading list and applying fade to images
public int x=1;
private async void TheaterForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.PictureBox1.Image == null) SetDefaultImage();
if (Helper.theaterImagesInfo != null && Helper.theaterImagesInfo.Count >
while (x == 1)
foreach (var img in Helper.theaterImagesInfo.ToList())
if (img.IsAnimated)
var imgS = new Bitmap(this.PictureBox1.Image);
await Task.Delay(img.durationInMilliseconds);
var imgT = new Bitmap(img.ImageHere);
ApplyFade(imgT, imgS);
intCount = 0;
timer1.Interval = 200;
catch { }
await Task.Delay(img.durationInMilliseconds);
var imgS = new Bitmap(this.PictureBox1.Image);
var imgT = new Bitmap(img.ImageHere);
ApplyFade(imgT, imgS);
intCount = 0;
timer1.Interval = 200;
catch { }
if (this.x == 0)
break; // exit the for loop early
Fade is applied between starting two images and then keep on the same fading process with those two images. Seems like ApplyFade function doesn't apply again the imgSource and imgTarget once passed through the parameter

MaterialSkin Right to Left custom Control

I'm using MaterialSkin UI controls , how can I change the control properties to Right to left, because it's by default Left to Right.
I think this is the code should be edited :
private void UpdateTabRects()
_tabRects = new List<Rectangle>();
//If there isn't a base tab control, the rects shouldn't be calculated
//If there aren't tab pages in the base tab control, the list should just be empty which has been set already; exit the void
if (_baseTabControl == null || _baseTabControl.TabCount == 0) return;
//Calculate the bounds of each tab header specified in the base tab control
using (var b = new Bitmap(1, 1))
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(b))
_tabRects.Add(new Rectangle(SkinManager.FormPadding, 0, TabHeaderPadding * 2 + (int)g.MeasureString(_baseTabControl.TabPages[0].Text, SkinManager.Font_Size11).Width, Height));
for (int i = 1; i < _baseTabControl.TabPages.Count; i++)
_tabRects.Add(new Rectangle(_tabRects[i - 1].Right, 0, TabHeaderPadding * 2 + (int)g.MeasureString(_baseTabControl.TabPages[i].Text , SkinManager.Font_Size11).Width , Height));
and this is the full code for the control :
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using MaterialSkin.Animations;
namespace MaterialSkin.Controls
public class MaterialTabSelector : Control, IMaterialControl
public int Depth { get; set; }
public MaterialSkinManager SkinManager => MaterialSkinManager.Instance;
public MouseState MouseState { get; set; }
private MaterialTabControl _baseTabControl;
public MaterialTabControl BaseTabControl
get { return _baseTabControl; }
_baseTabControl = value;
if (_baseTabControl == null) return;
_previousSelectedTabIndex = _baseTabControl.SelectedIndex;
_baseTabControl.Deselected += (sender, args) =>
_previousSelectedTabIndex = _baseTabControl.SelectedIndex;
_baseTabControl.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, args) =>
_baseTabControl.ControlAdded += delegate
_baseTabControl.ControlRemoved += delegate
private int _previousSelectedTabIndex;
private Point _animationSource;
private readonly AnimationManager _animationManager;
private List<Rectangle> _tabRects;
private const int TabHeaderPadding = 24;
private const int TabIndicatorHeight = 2;
public MaterialTabSelector()
SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
Height = 48;
_animationManager = new AnimationManager
AnimationType = AnimationType.EaseOut,
Increment = 0.04
_animationManager.OnAnimationProgress += sender => Invalidate();
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
var g = e.Graphics;
g.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.AntiAlias;
if (_baseTabControl == null) return;
if (!_animationManager.IsAnimating() || _tabRects == null || _tabRects.Count != _baseTabControl.TabCount)
var animationProgress = _animationManager.GetProgress();
//Click feedback
if (_animationManager.IsAnimating())
var rippleBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb((int)(51 - (animationProgress * 50)), Color.White));
var rippleSize = (int)(animationProgress * _tabRects[_baseTabControl.SelectedIndex].Width * 1.75);
g.FillEllipse(rippleBrush, new Rectangle(_animationSource.X - rippleSize / 2, _animationSource.Y - rippleSize / 2, rippleSize, rippleSize));
//Draw tab headers
foreach (TabPage tabPage in _baseTabControl.TabPages)
var currentTabIndex = _baseTabControl.TabPages.IndexOf(tabPage);
Brush textBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(CalculateTextAlpha(currentTabIndex, animationProgress), SkinManager.ColorScheme.TextColor));
g.DrawString(tabPage.Text.ToUpper(), SkinManager.Font_Size11, textBrush, _tabRects[currentTabIndex], new StringFormat { Alignment = StringAlignment.Center, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center });
//Animate tab indicator
var previousSelectedTabIndexIfHasOne = _previousSelectedTabIndex == -1 ? _baseTabControl.SelectedIndex : _previousSelectedTabIndex;
var previousActiveTabRect = _tabRects[previousSelectedTabIndexIfHasOne];
var activeTabPageRect = _tabRects[_baseTabControl.SelectedIndex];
var y = activeTabPageRect.Bottom - 2;
var x = previousActiveTabRect.X + (int)((activeTabPageRect.X - previousActiveTabRect.X) * animationProgress);
var width = previousActiveTabRect.Width + (int)((activeTabPageRect.Width - previousActiveTabRect.Width) * animationProgress);
g.FillRectangle(SkinManager.ColorScheme.AccentBrush, x, y, width, TabIndicatorHeight);
private int CalculateTextAlpha(int tabIndex, double animationProgress)
int primaryA = SkinManager.ActionBarText.A;
int secondaryA = SkinManager.ActionBarTextSecondary.A;
if (tabIndex == _baseTabControl.SelectedIndex && !_animationManager.IsAnimating())
return primaryA;
if (tabIndex != _previousSelectedTabIndex && tabIndex != _baseTabControl.SelectedIndex)
return secondaryA;
if (tabIndex == _previousSelectedTabIndex)
return primaryA - (int)((primaryA - secondaryA) * animationProgress);
return secondaryA + (int)((primaryA - secondaryA) * animationProgress);
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
if (_tabRects == null) UpdateTabRects();
for (var i = 0; i < _tabRects.Count; i++)
if (_tabRects[i].Contains(e.Location))
_baseTabControl.SelectedIndex = i;
_animationSource = e.Location;
private void UpdateTabRects()
_tabRects = new List<Rectangle>();
//If there isn't a base tab control, the rects shouldn't be calculated
//If there aren't tab pages in the base tab control, the list should just be empty which has been set already; exit the void
if (_baseTabControl == null || _baseTabControl.TabCount == 0) return;
//Calculate the bounds of each tab header specified in the base tab control
using (var b = new Bitmap(1, 1))
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(b))
_tabRects.Add(new Rectangle(SkinManager.FormPadding, 0, TabHeaderPadding * 2 + (int)g.MeasureString(_baseTabControl.TabPages[0].Text, SkinManager.Font_Size11).Width, Height));
for (int i = 1; i < _baseTabControl.TabPages.Count; i++)
_tabRects.Add(new Rectangle(_tabRects[i - 1].Right, 0, TabHeaderPadding * 2 + (int)g.MeasureString(_baseTabControl.TabPages[i].Text , SkinManager.Font_Size11).Width , Height));
If you're using windows forms you would go into the properties of the tab control and make:
RightToLeft = Yes
RightToLeftLayout = True.
This is also a duplicate question:
How to make Managed Tab Control (MTC) appear right to left

Fit Image height and width to the page during Print

I am trying to open a print preview dialog and Print all the images. My problem is when I am printing the image, the width doesn't seem to be aligning with printer paper and the image is getting cut. How can I print the image on the paper without cutting it. Please help.
Please see Pdoc_PrintPage event method. I am using e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled is it the right overload that I am using. I debug my code put in the values.
private void PrintAllCharts(Dictionary<LightningChartUserControl, string> charts)
if (PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters.Count == 0)
"Default printer not found", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
string FilePathWithoutFileName = string.Empty;
DirectoryInfo info = Directory.CreateDirectory(#"C:\TempCharts");
for (int i = 0; i < charts.Count; i++)
KeyValuePair<LightningChartUserControl, string> kp = charts.ElementAt(i);
FilePathWithoutFileName = info.FullName;
string FullPath = string.Format("{0}/Chart{1}.png", FilePathWithoutFileName, i.ToString());
var files = Directory.GetFiles(FilePathWithoutFileName);
using(var pdoc=new PrintDocument())
using(var pdi=new System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog { Document = pdoc, UseEXDialog = true })
if (pdi.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
pdoc.PrinterSettings = pdi.PrinterSettings;
pdoc.PrintPage += Pdoc_PrintPage;
foreach(var file in files)
pdoc.DocumentName = file;
PrinterSettings settings = new PrinterSettings();
"Print Successful", MessageBoxButton.OK);
foreach(FileInfo file in info.GetFiles())
foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in info.GetDirectories())
catch (Exception ex)
private void Pdoc_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
string file = ((PrintDocument)sender).DocumentName;
System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(file);
//e.Graphics.DrawImage(img, e.MarginBounds);
//e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(img, e.MarginBounds);
var hei = img.Height; //509
var wid = img.Width; //1671
int x1 = e.MarginBounds.Left;//100
int y1 = e.MarginBounds.Top;//100
int w = e.MarginBounds.Width;//650
int h = e.MarginBounds.Height;//900
e.Graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(img, x1, y1, w, h);

Printing a local file on Android via Xamarin.Forms

I need to use the print dialog via Forms. I have found an solution on iOS but the android implementation is giving me problems.
As far as i can see it is not possible to call the Android print manager and parse a file to it.
It can only be a Android.Views.View, is that true?
To do that would be my ideal solution.
I have tried to convert my content (A webview showing a local pdf) to this android view but this seems also not really to work but i am out off my depths here.
in the code below i try to convert a forms.webview to an android.view and then parse it to the print manager.
This produce the print dialog but with a black white page.
var size = new Rectangle(webview.X, webview.Y, webview.Width, webview.Height);
var vRenderer = Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.Platform.CreateRenderer(webview);
var viewGroup = vRenderer.ViewGroup;
var layoutParams = new Android.Views.ViewGroup.LayoutParams((int)size.Width, (int)size.Height);
viewGroup.LayoutParameters = layoutParams;
viewGroup.Layout(0, 0, (int)webview.WidthRequest, (int)webview.HeightRequest);
var printMgr = (Android.Print.PrintManager)Forms.Context.GetSystemService(Android.Content.Context.PrintService);
var docAdt = new Droid.GenericPrintAdapter(Forms.Context, viewGroup);
printMgr.Print("test", docAdt, null);
The next is the "GenericPrintAdapter"
public class GenericPrintAdapter : PrintDocumentAdapter
View view;
Context context;
PrintedPdfDocument document;
float scale;
public GenericPrintAdapter(Context context, View view)
this.view = view;
this.context = context;
public override void OnLayout(PrintAttributes oldAttributes, PrintAttributes newAttributes,
CancellationSignal cancellationSignal, LayoutResultCallback callback, Bundle extras)
document = new PrintedPdfDocument(context, newAttributes);
var printInfo = new PrintDocumentInfo
callback.OnLayoutFinished(printInfo, true);
void CalculateScale(PrintAttributes newAttributes)
int dpi = Math.Max(newAttributes.GetResolution().HorizontalDpi, newAttributes.GetResolution().VerticalDpi);
int leftMargin = (int)(dpi * (float)newAttributes.MinMargins.LeftMils / 1000);
int rightMargin = (int)(dpi * (float)newAttributes.MinMargins.RightMils / 1000);
int topMargin = (int)(dpi * (float)newAttributes.MinMargins.TopMils / 1000);
int bottomMargin = (int)(dpi * (float)newAttributes.MinMargins.BottomMils / 1000);
int w = (int)(dpi * (float)newAttributes.GetMediaSize().WidthMils / 1000) - leftMargin - rightMargin;
int h = (int)(dpi * (float)newAttributes.GetMediaSize().HeightMils / 1000) - topMargin - bottomMargin;
scale = Math.Min((float)document.PageContentRect.Width() / w, (float)document.PageContentRect.Height() / h);
public override void OnWrite(PageRange[] pages, ParcelFileDescriptor destination,
CancellationSignal cancellationSignal, WriteResultCallback callback)
PrintedPdfDocument.Page page = document.StartPage(0);
page.Canvas.Scale(scale, scale);
void WritePrintedPdfDoc(ParcelFileDescriptor destination)
var javaStream = new Java.IO.FileOutputStream(destination.FileDescriptor);
var osi = new OutputStreamInvoker(javaStream);
using (var mem = new MemoryStream())
var bytes = mem.ToArray();
osi.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
I have now a "working" solution.
This gets the current Android.Webkir.WebView and create the printAdapter from that.
Thanks to #SushiHangover for pointing me in the right direction.
Its a bit of a hack but works for my needs.
If anyone else ever needs this i have included both the Android and iOS code.
#if __ANDROID__
var vRenderer = Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.Platform.GetRenderer(webview);
var viewGroup = vRenderer.ViewGroup;
for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.ChildCount; i++)
if (viewGroup.GetChildAt(i).GetType().Name == "WebView")
var AndroidWebView = viewGroup.GetChildAt(i) as Android.Webkit.WebView;
var tmp = AndroidWebView.CreatePrintDocumentAdapter("print");
var printMgr = (Android.Print.PrintManager)Forms.Context.GetSystemService(Android.Content.Context.PrintService);
printMgr.Print("print", tmp, null);
#elif __IOS__
var printInfo = UIKit.UIPrintInfo.PrintInfo;
printInfo.Duplex = UIKit.UIPrintInfoDuplex.LongEdge;
printInfo.OutputType = UIKit.UIPrintInfoOutputType.General;
printInfo.JobName = "AppPrint";
var printer = UIKit.UIPrintInteractionController.SharedPrintController;
printer.PrintInfo = printInfo;
printer.PrintingItem = Foundation.NSData.FromFile(pdfPath);
printer.ShowsPageRange = true;
printer.Present(true, (handler, completed, err) =>
if (!completed && err != null)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Printer Error");
