Metro application directly focuses on my first field - c#

I'm creating this test Metro application using Windows 8, VS2012, C# and XAML. There are different TextBox in the application page arranged in a StackPanel. When the application is launched the focus is on the first TextBox.
I was wondering how to "deactivate" this.
Here's a pic, as you can see the first field is focused (color changed and ToolTip displayed).

When your UI is loaded you can remove focus from the TextBox by applying a Programmatic focus state to any other control.
Imagine that you have a Button named myButton. You can:
You cannot however use FocusState.Unfocused state to remove focus from the TextBlock because it is not allowed and will throw an exception.

One simple fix for this is place something to catch it first with IsTabStop="True" with a 0 Opacity which is a bit hacky but the only way I know. So something like;
<TextBox IsTabStop="True" Opacity="0" Height="1" Width="1"/>
<!-- Then the rest of your content like your other TextBox stuff -->


How to disable MaterialDesignInXaml Button animation?

I'm trying to create a button in WPF with MaterialDesignInXaml installed, without the animation when clicking it:
I've already looked through each property of the button and took a look at the buttons source code, but haven't found a solution.
The problem is, that the animation exceeds the rounded window.
I'm still quite on the beginner level of designing with xaml
Set the RippleAssist.Feedback attached property to Transparent:
<Button materialDesign:RippleAssist.Feedback="Transparent" Content="..." />

How do I make clickable text

I have been trying to create buttons on Windows Phone 8, which don't look like buttons, but just look like text, however, I haven't been able to find this question answered anywhere else. I am trying to create something like what Microsoft have used below for the camera roll, albums and date buttons below. Is anybody able to explain how I can do this, or maybe link me to a tutorial or something that I may have missed while searching? Thank you.
Windows phone uses XAML code to create UIElements. Very similar to WPF, you can use almost any UIElement as a button. This is because each element has a large amount of events that can be tracked. Think of it as a layered cake. If you have a textblock inside of a listbox inside of a grid, similar to what you see above. Then when someone clicks on the textblock it will try to handle the event. If it isn't set to handle it then the listbox tries. If the listbox cant then the grid tries and so on. What you are looking for is the tap event in the textblock. Google textblock tap event.
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="Transparent">
<TextBlock Tap="title_Tap_1" Name="title">title</TextBlock>
private void title_Tap_1(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
//Your code here
I tend to use a ListBoxItem to wrap a TextBlock. It allows you to use the TiltEffect from the wpToolkit to show interaction and also exposes a Tap event for the ListBoxItem
<ListBoxItem toolkit:TiltEffect.IsTiltEnabled="True" Tap="On_Tap">
<TextBlock>Hello World</TextBlock>
I don't know for Windows Phone 8 because I haven't written any app yet. I think that this is like Windows Phone 7 , 7.1 that I used to write code. This control that you see is a ListBox and inside there are ListBoxItems. ListBoxItem can be anything (it can be used as a container to insert anything inside it.). Hope it helps.
The easiest way is to use HyperlinkButton instead of classic Button. In that print screen I doubt there's a list for only like... 3 buttons (hyperlinkbuttons).
Controls in the xaml world are look-less: use a button in your ItemTemplate and turn the border off. Then you can use the command property of the button for binding to your VM, or if you are not using MVVM use the Click event of the button and handle it in the code behind.

How to stop an (InputScope = Number) textbox from disappearing when it gains focus?

I have searched for other answers, but none are clear enough.
I have a problem where whenever I click on a textbox that I set the InputScope to "number", the number pad comes up but the box I was typing in disappears..
Here is a screenshot and my code.
(I am also overriding the light/dark theme on windows phone to do it)
<TextBox InputScope="Number" Height="72" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
Margin="159,190,0,0" Name="aTextBox" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="227"
TextChanged="aTextBox_TextChanged" Foreground="Black" BorderThickness="0"
Background="White" />
Your problem appears to be that there is a different visual state for when the TextBox has input focus, which matches the phone theme you're trying to override. If you want to fight against the system theme, you'll need to retemplate the TextBox.
In Blend, in the Objects and Timeline window, right-click on the TextBox and select Edit Template | Edit a Copy...
In the dialog that appears, name your new style / template and where you want to create it in the XAML. Click OK.
You are now in template edit mode. (If you want to exit this mode, click the Return scope button at the top of the Objects and Timeline window)
Click on the States tab (or go to Window | States if not visible) and you can see all the different visual states for each mode of the TextBox (focused, unfocused, etc). As you click on each one, you'll see the TextBox in the designer change. Select each state and change the colors to what you want them to be.
Specifically, note how in the Focused state, the TextBox background becomes transparent by default. This is your issue. Change it to what you want it to be.
Finally, I want to recommend that you don't try to override the Light / Dark theme on Windows Phone, unless you are replacing it outright with your own branding / color scheme. It's a lot of work and it could annoy and confuse users who are used to seeing the theme they have chosen.
Good luck!
Try like this:
<TextBox Text="NumericTextBox">
<InputScopeName NameValue="Number" />

ContentControl With ScrollViewer, Focus

In my Windows 8 Metro project, I'm using a class derived from ContentControl (let's call it MyControl) to present my content. Inside MyControl I have a ScrollViewer. Because I want my control to handle keyboard events, I need to be able to set the focus to my control. However, I also want the option to let the scrollviewer handle keyevents, such as arrow keys and PageUp/Down. More precisely, I want this to be an option that another programmer can turn on or off. This means that sometimes, I want MyControl to be a tab-stop, and sometimes I want ScrollViewer to be a tab-stop, but never both.
The issue is that I don't want to expose the inner workings of MyControl to other programmers. That is, they ideally should be able to use MyControl.IsTabStop and leave the logic of placing the actual tab-stop with my Control (to put in MyControl or ScrollViewer).
Is there any good way to achieve this, or do I somehow have to work around it by providing a separate function to make my control a tab stop?
If you look at my test XAML you'll see I'm doing nothing, yet the up/down keys in the TextBox work to go between lines of text and they scroll the ScrollViewer when there is no line of text to go to. This is likely achieved by the KeyDown handlers setting the e.Handled value to true when they don't want the key event to bubble up (as when the TextBox already handled it) and leaving it false when the event is not handled, which lets the ScrollViewer handle it. The event will always trigger on the TextBox if it has focus, but it bubbles up the visual tree if it is not handled. It does not seem that you have to do anything more than just deciding whether you want to mark the key events as handled or not.
<Grid Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">

Change background colour of TextBlock in C#

Currently porting an application to Windows Phone 7 I've encountered a problem that should be trivial
All I want is change the background colour of a TextBlock.
Using the WYSIWYG I can easily create a TextBlock, change the foreground and background colour.
So for a TextBlock using white text on black background I would use:
<TextBox Height="148" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="106,0,0,0" Name="textBox1" Text="TextBox" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="460" Background="Black" BorderBrush="Black" Foreground="White" />
But I need to do it in code (C#) and the Background doesn't appear to be a property of TextBlock.
How come it's something you can do using the resource editor, but not in code?
I've found various similar questions, but no definitive answer.
In Microsoft documentation (.Net), TextBlock does appear to have a Background property
Is there a way to do this in code without having to put the TextBlock inside a container (like Grid) which does have the Background property?
TextBlock is not inherited from Control, it doesn't have a Background property. The code you are showing is a TextBox not a TextBlock. TextBox inherites from Control and has a Background property. The simplest way is to wrap it with a Panel, or you can create a custom control for it.
Also, in silverilght sdk, you have a control called Label and it is inherited from Control. You can probably get the source code from there and implement it in your project.
