Convert Action<T> callback to an await - c#

I have a method that takes a Action<String>. When the method finishes its processing it calls the Action<String> with the return value.
MethodWithCallback((finalResponse)=> {
I want to use this in a web.api async controller. How do I wrap this method so I can await for this method to complete in an async manner. I cannot modify the method itself, it is in a legacy code base.
What I would like to be able to do is this
String returnValue = await MyWrapperMethodThatCallsMethodWithCallback();

You can leverage the TaskCompletionSource class and solve the problem in a generic way:
Task<T> AsAsync<T>(Action<Action<T>> target) {
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();
try {
target(t => tcs.SetResult(t));
} catch (Exception ex) {
return tcs.Task;
That way you don't have to modify your MethodWhitCallback:
var result = await AsAsync<string>(MethodWithCallback);


Race condition with async/await, how to resolve

I have a problem with async/await in C#, i need it to get some object called Trades, after i get it, it needs to SAVE it. Problem is, with async/await, it is doing the SAVE first, and then go and get my trade objects. How do i ensure i get the objects first, and then does the saving.... here is my code...
private async void OnRefresh()
var trades = await ExchangeServiceInstance.GetTrades("");
mmTrades = new ObservableCollection<EEtrade>(trades);
tradeListView.ItemsSource = mmTrades;
catch { }
public async void OnSignalReceived()
await tradeListView.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync((Action)async delegate
if (ExchangeServiceInstance.SelectedTabIndex == CURRENT_TAB_INDEX_ITEM)
await Task.Delay(MMConfig.DELAYMILLISEC);
await OnSaveTrades();
public async Task<int> OnSaveTrades()
foreach (var trade in mmTrades)
await ExchangeServiceInstance.OnInsertDoneTrade(trade);
return mmTrades.Count;
Any ideas guys? Thanks!
The problem is your OnRefresh method. Because the return type is void the method is not awaited [Check out this answer]. In addition you dont even try to await for the method inside your delegate
Changing the method to the following:
private async Task OnRefresh()
var trades = await ExchangeServiceInstance.GetTrades("");
mmTrades = new ObservableCollection<EEtrade>(trades);
tradeListView.ItemsSource = mmTrades;
catch { }
And await this method inside your delegate, should solve your problem:
public async void OnSignalReceived()
await tradeListView.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync((Action)async delegate
if (ExchangeServiceInstance.SelectedTabIndex == CURRENT_TAB_INDEX_ITEM)
await Task.Delay(MMConfig.DELAYMILLISEC);
await OnRefresh();
await OnSaveTrades();
The use of (Action)async is basically the same as async void, and async void is almost always a mistake. Specifically, the consumer cannot know the outcome (unless it faults synchronously). The dispatcher here isn't really thinking of async.
If we assume that you must use the dispatcher here, perhaps a workaround might be to use something like a SemaphoreSlim (or maybe a TaskCompletionSource<something>) that you signal at the end of your async work (even in the exception case), and then await that; untested, but:
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
await tradeListView.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync((Action)async delegate
try {
if (ExchangeServiceInstance.SelectedTabIndex == CURRENT_TAB_INDEX_ITEM)
await Task.Delay(MMConfig.DELAYMILLISEC);
} catch (Exception ex) {
await tcs.Task; // ensure the async work is complete
await OnSaveTrades();
First of all, you are using the async void pattern a lot. This is really bad practice for a number of reasons. You should stop doing that.
The problem here is that OnRefresh is again an async void method that can't be awaited but should be:
private async Task OnRefresh()
var trades = await ExchangeServiceInstance.GetTrades("");
mmTrades = new ObservableCollection<EEtrade>(trades);
tradeListView.ItemsSource = mmTrades;
catch { }
In your OnSignalReceived method change the call to OnRefresh(); to await OnRefresh();

Encapsulate async method in Func<T>

First, i hope the title is okay.
I have a Grpc Client with the well known greeter service and try to encapsulate the SayHelloAsync call in a Func.
But the => operator is redlined because he can not convert the expression he say.
It works if i remove any async/await.
Its probably because SayHelloAsync returns AsyncUnaryCall(which have an awaiter) instead of Task but at the end its
not a Grpc issue i guess, its just my missunderstanding.
Here is my try:
static async Task Main()
var client = CreateGreeterClient();
await UnsafeTask<Service.HelloReply>(async () =>
var result = await client.SayHelloAsync(new Service.HelloRequest { Name = greeter.Name });
return Task<Service.HelloReply>.FromResult(result);
static async Task<T> UnsafeTask<T>(Func<AsyncUnaryCall<T>> method) where T:class
return await method();
catch (Exception exception)
return null;
Any tip would be greatful.

Defer starting of a Task<T>

I have a series of methods (with variable number of parameters) that return a Task
I want to create a method that does something before and after each of this methods, by passing the Task.
I've simplified everything (removed cancellationToken, actual processing, etc) in this sample:
public async Task<string> GetDataString()
return "test";
public async Task<T> Process<T>(Task<T> task)
var res = await task;
return res;
And in my main:
Task<string> task = GetDataString();
string result = await Process<string>(tasks);
the console output is
What can I do to create the task but not actually starting it? And starting it only before the wait?
I managed to do it by creating a PauseToken, as explained in this article:
but I wonder if is there a better way.
Your generic ProcessAsync method could accept a task factory as argument:
public async Task<T> ProcessAsync<T>(Func<Task<T>> taskFactory)
var res = await taskFactory();
return res;
This way the task will be created at the time you'll invoke the factory method. You are in control of its creation.
Here is an example of calling the ProcessAsync method, passing as factory a lambda:
var result = await ProcessAsync(() => GetDataStringAsync(arg1, arg2));
This way you are not restricted to a factory method without arguments.
For completeness I should mention that Task objects can also created in a cold state using the constructor new Task(), and started later using the Start method, but this approach is not recommended.
You can remove the async keyword (from GetDataString) and create a new task which will be executed when you await
so the result of the code below is : before , executing , test , after
private static async Task Start()
Task<string> task = GetDataString();
string result = await Process<string>(task);
public Task<string> GetDataString()
return new TaskFactory(TaskScheduler.Default).StartNew(() =>
return "test";
public async Task<T> Process<T>(Task<T> task)
var res = await task;
return res;

Convert asynchronous action to asynchronous function delegate, preserving synchronous exception delivery

I want to convert asynchronous action delegates to asynchronous function delegates that return a specified value. I have come up with an extension method for this:
public static Func<Task<TResult>> Return<TResult>(this Func<Task> asyncAction, TResult result)
ArgumentValidate.NotNull(asyncAction, nameof(asyncAction));
return async () =>
await asyncAction();
return result;
However, my extension method is buggy in that exceptions that would have been delivered synchronously from the action delegate now get delivered asynchronously from the function delegate. Concretely:
Func<Task> asyncAction = () => { throw new InvalidOperationException(); };
var asyncFunc = asyncAction.Return(42);
var task = asyncFunc(); // exception should be thrown here
await task; // but instead gets thrown here
Is there a way of creating this wrapper in such a way that synchronous exceptions continue to delivered synchronously? Is ContinueWith the way to go?
Update: A concrete example of an asynchronous operation that throws exceptions synchronously:
public static Task WriteAllBytesAsync(string filePath, byte[] bytes)
if (filePath == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(filePath, nameof(filePath));
if (bytes == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(filePath, nameof(bytes));
return WriteAllBytesAsyncInner(filePath, bytes);
private static async Task WriteAllBytesAsyncInner(string filePath, byte[] bytes)
using (var fileStream = File.OpenWrite(filePath))
await fileStream.WriteAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
Func<Task> asyncAction = () => WriteAllBytesAsync(null, null);
var asyncFunc = asyncAction.Return(42);
var task = asyncFunc(); // ArgumentNullException should be thrown here
await task; // but instead gets thrown here
Well, you won't be able to use async in the initial call. That much is clear. But you can use a synchronous delegate which calls the function, and then captures the returned task to await it inside an async delegate:
public static Func<Task<TResult>> Return<TResult>(this Func<Task> asyncAction, TResult result)
ArgumentValidate.NotNull(asyncAction, nameof(asyncAction));
return () =>
// Call this synchronously
var task = asyncAction();
// Now create an async delegate for the rest
Func<Task<TResult>> intermediate = async () =>
await task;
return result;
return intermediate();
Alternatively, refactor it into two methods, basically extracting the asynchronous lambda expression into an async method:
public static Func<Task<TResult>> Return<TResult>(
this Func<Task> asyncAction, TResult result)
ArgumentValidate.NotNull(asyncAction, nameof(asyncAction));
return () =>
var task = asyncAction();
return AwaitAndReturn(task, result);
public static async Func<Task<TResult>> AwaitAndReturn<TResult>(
this Task asyncAction, TResult result)
await task;
return result;

Instantiate and Call WCF service Asynchronously

I have a helper method I am using to instantiate a WCF service and perform an action. This is working great for synchronous calls and has really cut down on the code in my main class. However, I am trying to implement this same method on an asynchronous call to the service and am having trouble with the syntax.
This is the helper method I am using:
public static void Use(Action<T> action)
ChannelFactory<T> Factory = new ChannelFactory<T>("*");
ClientCredentials Credentials = new ClientCredentials();
Credentials.UserName.UserName = USER_NAME;
Credentials.UserName.Password = PASSWORD;
T Client = Factory.CreateChannel();
bool Success = false;
Success = true;
catch (CommunicationException cex)
Log.Error(cex.Message, cex);
catch (TimeoutException tex)
Log.Error(tex.Message, tex);
if (!Success)
This is the synchronous call I am making to the helper method from a timer elapsed event:
async void Timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
Service<IVehicleService>.Use(client =>
Vehicles = client.GetAllVehicles(new GetAllVehiclesRequest()).vehicleList;
await UpdateVehicleStatuses();
This is where the GetVehicleStatus method is called:
private async Task UpdateVehicleStatuses()
// Can the call to GetVehicleStatus be turned into a lambda expression utilizing the helper method?
IEnumerable<Task<VehicleStatus>> StatusQuery = from s in Vehicles
select GetVehicleStatus(s.ClientVehicleId);
List<Task<VehicleStatus>> StatusTasks = StatusQuery.ToList();
This is the current body of the GetVehicleStatus method:
private async Task<VehicleStatus> GetVehicleStatus(string clientVehicleID)
// Can this method be modified to use the helper method?
GetStatusResponse Status = await VehicleClient.GetStatusByClientIdAsync(clientVehicleID);
return Status.vehicleStatus;
I would like to apply the same principal from the synchronous call to the asynchronous call so that I don't have to initialize the service in the main class and can encapsulate all of the error handling there. I am having trouble with the syntax when attempting to turn the GetVehicleStatus method into a lambda expression in the UpdateVehicleStatuses method. I have also tried to modify the GetVehicleStatus method to utilize the helper method with no luck. What am I missing?
You'll need an asynchronous version of your helper method:
public static async Task UseAsync(Func<T, Task> action)
await action(Client);
Furthermore, if you need to support return values, then you'll need another overload:
public static async Task<TResult> UseAsync(Func<TClient, Task<TResult>> action)
TResult result;
result = await action(Client);
return result;
Then you can use it as such:
private async Task<VehicleStatus> GetVehicleStatusAsync(string clientVehicleID)
GetStatusResponse Status = await UseAsync(client => client.GetStatusByClientIdAsync(clientVehicleID));
return Status.vehicleStatus;
