I have a service that returns a json concatinated string. I want that binded to the rdlc reportviewer to generate report.
In that concatinated string, I have 5 strings that will compose of dynamic data which we cannot estimate how many records it will contain coming from 5 different tables.
These 5 should be binded to 5 tables on report. The last string is composed of constant values that have to be binded to the table or textboxes as a parameter.
There is no option to dynamically add the items to RDLC report. You can create data set from the concatinated string and set that dataset as datasource for RDLC report. In RDLC report you can add 5 different tables or matrix to show up these data.
You said, for fifth table you need to show it in textbox. It is not possible to show in text box. you have to use table or matrix for that.
Or else, RDLC report is just a XML structure. Your need to create your own RDLC report based on the input data dynamically. You can find RDLC specification here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd297486%28SQL.100%29.aspx
Hi i want to create a rdlc report with a table in it such that the table have two columns. the first columns is hard coded during design and describe label of values in next column. The next column should be filled by values coming at run time.
Report format
.Creating this table with no database gives me error that
"the tablix "table1" refers to an invalid dataset name which does not exist"
Is there anyway to fill values in next column without creating a data set?
if not then can/how I create a mock data base but values in column still be filled by parameters?
You can add a empty dataset to your reports like this:
Add a object DataSet to your report if there aren't any, the object can be anything as this does not matter.
Then add these line before rending the report:
ReportDataSource rdl = new ReportDataSource("DataSet1", new List<string>());
My stored procedure gets info from SQL DB. Now I want to add the info to a crystal report and display the PDF with all the details.
I use Visual Studio with Crystal reports installed, coding in C# using Dataset to get my info from SQL. The info is a list of names with 3 other details that goes with those names (columns). At times it can be one name as a result, or it can be 3 names as a result.
My aim is to have a table on the report, and each table row lists a name in the first column, then in the 3 consecutive columns its corresponding details. Same look to the SQL table you get when pulling the info.
To setup the individual columns is easy, drag each field onto the report. But how can I split the names so that I have one name listed per table row? This is the result from query:
I want to populate it into my Crystal form which looks like this:
The solution that I have ended up with was to create a sub report, place it on top of the table I have created in my second picture. Then added the columns to the sub-report, took away any borders. And then between the container size on the report and with the paragraph options of the container I adjusted the line spaces. Now if I have more than one row in the list, it appears on each line as needed.
I create a report with crystal report in my c# project. that have 5 pages. i add this pages in detail section. I want to show a table that bound from data table at the end of the last page(page 5).
but my datatable in report show only first row of my datatable
I add first pages in report header section. and important things was that I didn 't use group name field. when i use group name. my table show every rows of data table
does the report work in design mode?
if so
and if you use more than one table in report you may have linked the tables in the report. unlink them when reporting in ADO.net
I am new to RDLC reports in Visual Studio 2010.
I am working on a Website, in this I have used report feature of VS2010. I use ReportViewer to show Report1.rdlc. It is showing it perfectly. Now my requirement is to filter data in report at runtime. I go through this question but not able to understand it's answer.
Because Report1.rdlc is not available in code behind.
Now, how can I filter report's data at runtime?
Surely you assign the dataset to the rdlc report, and in the page of your reportviewer, you would be using an object datasource (and therefor an XSD dataset with datatables), which encapsulates the query.
The query naturally has a where clause, in which you insert your parameters to filter the data by, like:
WHERE (Table.Field = #Param OR #Param = A_Default_Value)
Now add the controls you like to the page before calling the report (drop-down lists, textboxes, etc..), those controls filter the Object datasource, which is mapped to a dataset in the rdlc report, and thus, the report would be filterd upon clicking on a certain button, e.g. Show Report, to refresh the object datasources (databinding them) and re-showing the report in the reportviewer.
You may consider assiging the values of the filtering controls to parameters in the rdlc, so that you may show the parameters of the report in its header upon generating it:
Hope that helps you.
How are you getting the data from Server, etc. Are you binding to a datatable result? If so, you can just have your query apply the filter when extracting data to begin with so you don't have to do anything special in the actual report.
Per your feedback, if you are getting a DataTable, then applying a filter should be easy like
DataTable oDT = YourSQLCommandToGetData();
oDT.DefaultView.RowFilter = "SomeColumn = x and OtherColumn = y";
And then run your report. If you want to take it to another level and ENSURE you don't have any unwanted records, you could even do something like
DataTable oNewFilteredResult = oDT.DefaultView.ToTable();
Then, you can assign the NEW table to call the RDLC.
We are able to display data in grid view dynamically.
We let the user select one of table out of 153 tables , on selection of
of any table we are able to generate a check box list containing fields of the selected table and allow user to select field/s of his choice.On pressing show data button we are able to show the corresponding data in grid view.Now my question is how can i am able to display this data in crystal report using asp.net c# .
If you are loading a dataset with the data you can set the crystal report datasource to the dataset.
cvwMain.ReportSource = New CustomersBasic()
Example from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc301570.aspx
For generating Dynamic Crystal report follow following link