How to skip encoding params in ASP.NET Routes - c#

In my ASP.NET WebForm application I have simple rule:
routes.MapPageRoute("RouteSearchSimple", "search/{SearchText}", "~/SearchTicket.aspx");
As "SearchText" param I need to use cyrillic words, so to create Url I use:
string searchText = "текст";
string url = Page.GetRouteUrl("RouteSearchSimple",
SearchText = searchText
GetRouteUrl automatically encode searchText value and as a result
url = /search/%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D1%82
but I need -> /search/текст
How is it possible to get it by Page.GetRouteUrl function.
Thanks a lot!

Actually, I believe Alexei Levenkov is close to the answer. Ultimately, a URL may only contain ASCII characters, so anything beyond alphanumeric characters will be URL encoded (even things like spaces).
Now, to your point, there are browsers out there that will display non-ASCII characters, but that is up to the implementation of the browser (behind the scenes, it is still performing the encoding). GetRouteUrl, however, will return the ASCII-encoded form every time because that is a requirement for URLs.
(As an aside, that "some 8 year old document" defines URLs. It's written by Tim Berners Lee. He had a bit of an impact on the Internet.)
And because you got me interested, I did a bit more research. It looks as though Internationalized Domain Names do exist. However, from what I understand from the article, underneath the covers, ToASCII or ToUnicode are applied to the names. More can be read in this spec: RFC 3490. So, again, you're still at the same point. More discussion can be found at this Stackoverflow question.

Ok, guys, thank you for replies, it helps much. Simple answer is: it's impossible to do that by Page.GetRouteUrl() function. It's very strange why it hasn't beed developed in way to rely Encoding/Decoding params on developers like we have it in Request.Params or .QueryString, or at least it would be some alternate routing function where developers could control that.
One way I found is getting Url from RouteTable and parse it manually, in my case it would be like:
string url = (System.Web.Routing.RouteTable.Routes["RouteSearchSimple"] as System.Web.Routing.Route).Url.Replace("{SearchText}", "текст");
or simplest way is just creating url via string concatenation:
string param = "текст";
string url = "/search/" + param;
what I already did, but in that case you will need change the code in all places where it appears if you change your route url, therefore better create some static function like GetSearchUrl(string searchText) in one place.
And it works like a charm, Url's looks human readable and I can read params via RouteData.Values

The most simple solution is to decode with UrlDecode method:
string searchText = "текст";
string url = Page.GetRouteUrl("RouteSearchSimple",
SearchText = searchText
string decodedUrl = Server.UrlDecode(url); // => /search/текст


How to get query string with multiple param

I have a url:
If I use
but gives me
instead I need full url
Fix the problem, and the problem is that you place a full url as parameter refurl with out encoding it.
So where you create that url string use the UrlEncode() function, eg:
"" + Server.UrlEncode(ReturnUrlParam)
For that particular case you shouldn't use QueryString, (since your query string contains three parameters,) instead use Uri class, and Uri.Query will give you the required result.
Uri uri = new Uri(#"");
string query = uri.Query;
Which will give you :
Later you can remove ?refurl= to get the desired output.
I am pretty sure there is no direct way in the framework for your particular requirement, you have to implement that in your code and that too with string operations.
I had similar situation some time ago.
I solved it by encoding refurl value.
now my url looks similar to that one:
I have created 2 methods:
public string encode(string);
public string decode(string);
Before redirect or where you have your link, you simple encode the link and where you are reading it, decode before use:
Response.redirect(String.Format("{0}", encode(/english/info/test.aspx?form=1&h=test&s=AB));
And in the page that you are using refurl:
$refUrl = Request.QueryString["refurl"];
$refUrl = decode($refUrl);
encode/decode methods I actually have as extension methods, then for every string I can simply use string.encode() or string.decode().
you should replace the & with &.

C# URL QueryString Trouble

I have a WP7 project where I am using the below code. It normally works ok, but I am getting a strange result with some particular strings being passed through.
Service = "3q%23L3t41tGfXQDTaZMbn%23w%3D%3D?f"
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Details.xaml?service=" + Service, UriKind.Relative));
Next Page:
NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("service", out Service1);
Service1 now = 3q#L3t41tGfXQDTaZMbn#w==?f
Why has the string changed?
The string hasn't changed, but you're looking at it in two different ways.
The way to encode 3q#L3t41tGfXQDTaZMbn#w==?f for as URI content is as 3q%23L3t41tGfXQDTaZMbn%23w%3D%3D?f. (Actually, it's 3q%23L3t41tGfXQDTaZMbn%23w%3D%3D%3Ff but you get away with the ? near the end not being properly escaped to %3F in this context).
Your means of writing the string, expects to receive it escaped.
Your means of reading the string, returns it unescaped.
Things are working pretty much perfectly, really.
When you need to write the string again, then just escape it again:
Service = Uri.EscapeDataString(Service1);
In your first code snippet the string is URL Encoded.
In the 2nd code snippet, the string is URL Decoded.
They are essentially the same strings, just with encoding applied/removed.
For example: urlencoding # you get %23
For further reading check out this wikipedia article on encoding.
Since HttpUtility isn't part of WP7 Silverlight stack, I'd recommend using Uri.EscapeUriString to escape any URI's that have not been escaped.
You should probably URL encode the string if you want it to pass through unscathed.

C# MVC: Trailing equal sign in URL doesn't hit route

I have an MVC route like this with the Key being a Base64 string. The problem is that the Base64 string sometimes has a trailing equal sign (=) such as:
When that happens, for some reason my route doesn't get hit anymore.
What should I do to resolve this?
My route:
new { controller = "Search", action = "FindByKey" }
If I have then it works.
If I have then it doesn't work anymore.
Important Addition:
I'm writing against an IIS7 instance that doesn't allow % or similar encoding. That's why I didn't use UrlEncode to begin with.
EDIT: Original suggestion which apparently doesn't work
I'm sure the reason is that it thinks it's a query parameter called Key. Could you make it a parameter, with that part being the value, e.g.
I expect that would work (as the parser would be looking for an & to start the next parameter) but it's possible it'll confuse things still.
Suggestion which I believe will work
Alternatively, replace "=" in the base64 encoded value with something else on the way out, and re-replace it on the way back in, if you see what I mean. Basically use a different base64 decodabet.
Alternative suggestion which should work
Before adding base64 to the URL:
private static readonly char[] Base64Padding = new char[] { '=' };
base64 = base64.TrimEnd(Base64Padding);
Then before calling Convert.FromBase64String() (which is what I assume you're doing) on the inbound request:
// Round up to a multiple of 4 characters.
int paddingLength = (4 - (base64.Length % 4)) % 4;
base64 = base64.PadRight(base64.Length + paddingLength, '=');
IF you're passing data in the URL you should probably URL Encode it which would take care of the trailing =.
UrlEncode the encrypted (it is encrypted, right?) parameter.
If it is an encrypted string, beware that spaces and the + character will also get in your way.
Ok, so IIS 7 won't allow some special characters as part of your path. However, it would allow them if they were part of the querystring.
It is apparently, possible, to change this with a reg hack, but I wouldn't recommend that.
What I would suggest, then, is to use an alternate token, as suggested by Mr Skeet, or simply do not use it in your path, use it as querystring, where you CAN url encode it.
If it is an encrypted string, you haven't verified that it is or is not, you may in some cases get other 'illegal' characters. Querystring really would be the way to go.
Except your sample shows it as querystring... So what gives? Where did you find an IIS that won't allow standard uri encoding as part of the querystring??
Ok then. Thanks for the update.
I see. Still that mentions double-encoded values that it blocks. Someone created a URL Sequence to deny any request with the '%' characters? At that point you might want to not use the encrypted string at all, but generate a GUID or something else that is guaranteed to not contain special characters, yet is not trivial to guess.

Double/incomplete Parameter Url Encoding

In my web app, my parameters can contain all sorts of crazy characters (russian chars, slashes, spaces etc) and can therefor not always be represented as-is in a URL.
Sending them on their merry way will work in about 50% of the cases. Some things like spaces are already encoded somewhere (I'm guessing in the Html.BuildUrlFromExpression does). Other things though (like "/" and "*") are not.
Now I don't know what to do anymore because if I encode them myself, my encoding will get partially encoded again and end up wrong. If I don't encode them, some characters will not get through.
What I did is manually .replace() the characters I had problems with.
This is off course not a good idea.
I know there are a multitude of encoding/decoding libraries at my disposal.
It just looks like the mvc framework is already trying to do it for me, but not completely.
<a href="<%=Html.BuildUrlFromExpression<SearchController>(c=>c.Search("", 1, "a \v/&irdStr*ng"))%>" title="my hat's awesome!">
will render me
<a href="/Search.mvc/en/Search/1/a%20%5Cv/&irdStr*ng" title="my hat's awesome!">
Notice how the forward slash, asterisk and ampersand are not escaped.
Why are some escaped and others not? How can I now escape this properly?
Am I doing something wrong or is it the framework?
Parameters should be escaped using Uri.EscapeDataString:
string url = string.Format("{0}&address={1}",
Uri.EscapeDataString("adlknad /?? lkm#"),
Uri.EscapeDataString(" qeio103 8182"));
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
string[] options = uri.Query.Split('?','&');
foreach (string option in options)
string[] parts = option.Split('=');
if (parts.Length == 2)
Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}",parts[0],
AS others have mentioned, if you encode your string first you aviod the issue.
The MVC Framework is encoding characters that it knows it needs to encode, but leaving those that are valid URL characters (e.g. & % ? * /). This is because these are valid URL characters, although they are special chracters in a URL that might not acheive the result you are after.
Try using the Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting library. It contains several Encode methods, which encode all the characters (including #, and characters in other languages). As for decoding, the browser should handle the encoded Url just fine, however if you need to manually decode the Url, use Uri.UnescapeDataString
Hope that helps.
Escaping of forward slahes and dots in path part of url is prohibited by security reason (althrough, it works in mono).
Html.BuildUrlFromExpression needs to be fixed then, would submit this upstream to the MVC project... alternatively do the encoding to the string before passing to BuildUrlFromExpression, and decode it when it comes back out on the other side.
It may not be readily fixable, as IIS may be handling the decoding of the url string beforehand... may need to do some more advanced encoding/decoding for alternative path characters in the utility methods, and decode on your behalf coming out.
I've seen similar posts on this. Too me, it looks like a flaw in MVC. The function would be more appropriately named "BuildUrlFromEncodedExpression". Whats worse, is that the called function needs to decode its input parameters. Yuk.
If there is any overlap between the characters encoded BuildUrlFromExpression() and the characters encoded by the caller (who, I think might fairly just encode any non-alphanumeric for simplicities sake) then you have potential for nasty bugs.
Server.URLEncode or HttpServerUtility.UrlEncode
I see what you're saying now - I didn't realize the question was specific to MVC. Looks like a limitation of that part of the MVC framework - particularly BuildUrlFromExpression is doing some URL encoding, but it knows that also needs some of those punctation as part of the framework URLs.
And also unfortunately, URLEncoding doesn't produce an invariant, i.e.
URLEncode(x) != URLEncode(URLEncode(x))
Wouldn't that be nice. Then you could pre-encode your variables and they wouldn't be double encoded.
There's probably an ASP.NET MVC framework best practice for this. I guess another thing you could do is encode into base64 or something that is URLEncode-invariant.
Have you tried using the Server.UrlEncode() method to do the encoding, and the Server.UrlDecode() method to decode?
I have not had any issues with using it for passing items.

QueryString malformed after URLDecode

I'm trying to pass in a Base64 string into a C#.Net web application via the QueryString. When the string arrives the "+" (plus) sign is being replaced by a space. It appears that the automatic URLDecode process is doing this. I have no control over what is being passed via the QueryString. Is there any way to handle this server side?
VkxUcmFwIHNldCB0byAiRkRTQT8 PE0iIHBsdXMgb3IgbWludXMgNSBwZXJjZW50Lg==
People have suggested URLEncoding the querystring:
I can't do that as I have no control over the calling routine (which is working fine with other languages).
There was also the suggestion of replacing spaces with a plus sign:
Request.QueryString["VLTrap"].Replace(" ", "+");
I had though of this but my concern with it, and I should have mentioned this to start, is that I don't know what other characters might be malformed in addition to the plus sign.
My main goal is to intercept the QueryString before it is run through the decoder.
To this end I tried looking at Request.QueryString.toString() but this contained the same malformed information. Is there any way to look at the raw QueryString before it is URLDecoded?
After further testing it appears that .Net expects everything coming in from the QuerString to be URL encoded but the browser does not automatically URL encode GET requests.
The suggested solution:
Request.QueryString["VLTrap"].Replace(" ", "+");
Should work just fine. As for your concern:
I had though of this but my concern with it, and I should have mentioned this to start, is that I don't know what other characters might be malformed in addition to the plus sign.
This is easy to alleviate by reading about base64. The only non alphanumeric characters that are legal in modern base64 are "/", "+" and "=" (which is only used for padding).
Of those, "+" is the only one that has special meaning as an escaped representation in URLs. While the other two have special meaning in URLs (path delimiter and query string separator), they shouldn't pose a problem.
So I think you should be OK.
You could manually replace the value (argument.Replace(' ', '+')) or consult the HttpRequest.ServerVariables["QUERY_STRING"] (even better the HttpRequest.Url.Query) and parse it yourself.
You should however try to solve the problem where the URL is given; a plus sign needs to get encoded as "%2B" in the URL because a plus otherwise represents a space.
If you don't control the inbound URLs, the first option would be preferred as you avoid the most errors this way.
I'm having this exact same issue except I have control over my URL. Even with Server.URLDecode and Server.URLEncode it doesn't convert it back to a + sign, even though my query string looks as follows:
When I perform the following.
string tokenID = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["TokenID"]);
it still does not convert the %2b back into a + sign. Instead I have to do the following:
string tokenID = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["TokenID"]);
tokenID = tokenID.Replace(" ", "+");
Then it works correctly. Really odd.
I had similar problem with a parameter that contains Base64 value and when it comes with '+'.
Only Request.QueryString["VLTrap"].Replace(" ", "+"); worked fine for me;
no UrlEncode or other encoding helping because even if you show encoded link on page yourself with '+' encoded as a '%2b' then it's browser that changes it to '+' at first when it showen and when you click it then browser changes it to empty space. So no way to control it as original poster says even if you show links yourself. The same thing with such links even in html emails.
If you use System.Uri.UnescapeDataString(yourString) it will ignore the +. This method should only be used in cases like yours where when the string was encoded using some sort of legacy approach either on the client or server.
See this blog post:
If you URLEncode the string before adding it to the URL you will not have any of those problems (the automatic URLDecode will return it to the original state).
Well, obviously you should have the Base64 string URLEncoded before sending it to the server.
If you cannot accomplish that, I would suggest simply replacing any embedded spaces back to +; since b64 strings are not suposed to have spaces, its a legitimate tactic...
System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(yourString) will do the trick.
As a quick hack you could replace space with plus character before base64-decoding.
I am by no means a C# developer but it looks like you need to url ENCODE your Base64 string before sending it as a url.
Can't you just assume a space is a + and replace it?
Request.QueryString["VLTrap"].Replace(" ", "+");
