C# read from text file and store in variables - c#

I have a text file that reads
1 "601 Cross Street College Station TX 71234"
2 "(another address)"
3 ...
I wanted to know how to parse this text file into an integer and a string using C#. The integer would hold the S.No and the string the address without the quotes.
I need to do this because later on I have a function that takes these two values from the text file as input and spits out some data. This function has to be executed on each entry in the text file.
If i is an integer and add is the string, the output should be
a=1; add=601 Cross Street College Station TX 71234 //for the first line and so on
As one can observe the address needs to be one string.
This is not a homework question. And what I have been able to accomplish so far is to read out all the lines using
string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(#"C:\Users\KS\Documents\input.txt");
Any help is appreciated.

I would need to see more of your input data to determine the most reliable method.
But one approach would be to split each address into words. You can then loop through the words and find each word that contains only digits. This will be your street number. You could look after the street number and look for S, So, or South but as your example illustrates, there might be no such indicator.
Also, you haven't provided what you want to happen if more than one number is found.
As far as removing the quotes, just remove the first and last characters. I'd recommend checking that they are in fact quotes before removing them.

From your description, every entry has this format:
Here is some quick and dirty code that will parse this format into an int/string tuple:
using namespace System;
using namespace System.Linq;
static Tuple<int, string> ParseLine(string line)
var tokens = line.Split(); // Split by spaces
var number = int.Parse(tokens[1]); // The number is the 2nd token
var address = string.Join(" ", tokens.Skip(2)); // The address is every subsequent token
address = address.Substring(1, address.Length - 2); // ... minus the first and last characters
return Tuple.Create(number, address);


Find each instance and replace with unique value in string

I have some text in a string as below:
I want to sequentially find and replace the value between 121: and the first }. I can successfully do this using the following code in C#
var rx = #"121:(?<value>[\s\S]+?)}";
string temp = tag121;
string stringToChange = //as above
for (var m = Regex.Match(stringToChange , rx); m.Success; m = m.NextMatch())
temp = generateUniqueValue()
stringToChange= Regex.Replace(stringToChange, m.Value, temp);
However, if instead of having different values between 121: and } I have exactly the same value for all the tags e.g instead of SOMETHING1, SOMETHING 2 etc, I just have SOMETHING for all the lines, then this code does not work. It ends up setting just one value for all the lines instead of unique values for each.
When all the lines in the string are all {121:SOMETHING}}{4:, the first cycle of the loop already replaced every SOMETHING in the string to first call result of generateUniqueValue(). You can see that happening by printing out stringToChange in the end of every for-loop cycle. (A good way to debug when working around regex, too)
You need to consider a new approach or look at what you trying to achieve again:
Is it acceptable that there are at least 2 lines with same value in the input?
Should lines with same values be replaced into different UniqueValue?
If answers to both questions are yes, one approach I suggest is replace line by line. Not optimal I guess though...
Split the string by lines. String.Split("\\n") Maybe?
Foreach through that split string array.
Find part to replace by regex {121:([^}]+)} - Group 1 of the match is the string you need to replace.
After foreach loop, concat the array into one single string again.

Regex: Find pagenumber from partial matching urls

As we all know, Regex patterns will make your stomache turn the first time you see them (or 10th time since you never went head first and truly learned it. Quilty.). I'm currently reading upon it, but since I'm on a tight deadline I'll check here if I can get a quicker and better answer/explaination meanwhile.
I have some url to a forum thread, and I want to scan through the html and find the last page for the thread.
So say I have one of the following urls identifying the thread in question:
https://www.somesite.com/forum/thread-93912* (absolute url to the
/forum/thread-93912 (relative url to the thread)
and I want to get all values (integers) that appear directly (next path) after any of the above "partial" match in the html-document.
So from any of the following hrefs located anywhere in the html-document (the doc is represented as a single string):
I want to extract the number 34 (only 34), so I can parse it to int.
Okay, to make it simpler:
Say I have all the html in htmlString, and in this string I want to find all numbers x that appear after my inputString /forum/thread-93912.
These all appear in the htmlString, and I want to extract the numbers:
You don't need regex. Just use System.Uri.Segments
Uri url = new Uri("your url here");
Try this.See demo.grab the capture.
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
class Program
static void Main()
Regex regex = new Regex(#"\b\d+\b(?=[^\d]*$)");
Match match = regex.Match("/forum/thread-93912/34");
if (match.Success)
Since my question was a little hard to explain thuroughly (and since I "changed" my problem a little), I thought I'd add my own answer to get the exact code I went with (which I came up with thanks to the other answers here, so I'll give you all an upvote!).
I'm sure this can be made prettier and more compact, but I went for clearity since I'm new to regex!
First, get all strings matching the url + some number (separated with a slash "/"), then extract that number to a group called "page".
Regex regex = new Regex(urlToThread + #"/(?<page>\d+)");
MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(htmlString);
Then iterate all matches and extract the "page"-value (garanteed to be an integer), and parse it to an integer. Add all parsed integers to a list and sort when done. The last one will be the greatest (last page).
List<int> pages = new List<int>();
foreach(Match match in matches)
// And here we get the last page
int nrOfPages = pages[pages.Count-1];

C# parsing out data line by line by character location from txt file

Just looking to see what the best way to approach the following situation would be.
I am trying to make a small job that reads in a txt file which has a thousand or so lines;
Each line is about 40 characters long (mostly numbers, some letter identifiers).
I have used
DataTable txtCache = new DataTable();
txtCache.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Column1"));
string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(FILEcheck.Properties.Settings.Default.filePath);
foreach (string line in lines)
However, what I really want to do is a bit confusing and hard to explain so i'll do my best. An example of line is below:
5498494000584454684840}eD44448774V6468465 Z
In the beginning of that long string is a "84", and then a "58" a little bit later. I need to do a comparison on these two numbers. They could be anything, but only a few combinations are acceptable in the file. They will always be in the same spot and same amount of characters (so it will always be 2 numbers and always in the 4-5 location). So I want to have 3 columns. I want the full string in 1 column, and then the 2 individual smaller numbers in columns of themselves. I can then compare them later on, and if there is an issue, I can return the full string which caused the issue.
Is this possible? I am just not sure how to parse out a substring based on character location and then loading it into a datatable.
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you,
You could create the columns for each of items you are looking to store (whole string, first number, second number), and then add a row for each of the lines in the input file. You could just use the substring method to parse out the two digit numbers and store them. To do your analysis, you could parse the numbers out from the strings, or whatever else you need to do.
lines[0].Substring(3,2) will give you "84" in your above example. If you want the int, you could use Int32.Parse(lines[0].Substring(3,2))
Substring reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aka44szs%28v=vs.110%29.aspx

easiest way to get each word of e-mail (text file) into an array C#

I am trying to build a phishing scanner for a class project and I am stuck on trying to get an e-mail saved in a text file to properly copy into an array for later processing. What I want is for each word to be in it's own array index.
Here is my sample e-mail:
Subject: Insufficient Funds Notice
Date: September 25, 2013
Insufficient Funds Notice
Unfortunately, on 09/25/2013 your available balance in your Wells Fargo account XXXXXX4653 was insufficient to cover one or more of your checks, Debit Card purchases, or other transactions.
An important notice regarding one or more of your payments is now available in your Messages & Alerts inbox.
To read the message, click here, and first confirm your identity.
Please make deposits to cover your payments, fees, and any other withdrawals or transactions you have initiated. If you have already taken care of this, please disregard this notice.
We appreciate your business and thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
If you have questions after reading the notice in your inbox, please refer to the contact information in the notice. Please do not reply to this automated email.
Wells Fargo Online Customer Service
wellsfargo.com | Fraud Information Center
I don't want any of the punctuation all I need is the words and numbers.
Here is the code I have written for it so far.
StreamReader sr1 = new StreamReader(lblDisplaySelectedFilePath.Text);
string line = sr1.ReadToEnd();
words = line.Split(' ');
int wordslowercount = 0;
foreach (string word in words)
words[wordslowercount] = word.ToLower();
wordslowercount = wordslowercount + 1;
The issue with the above code is that I keep getting words that are either strung together and/or have "\r" or "\n" on them in the array. Here is an example of what is in the array that I don't want.
"notice\r\ndate:" don't want the \r, \n, or the :. Also the two words should be in different indexes.
The regex \W will allow you to split your string and create a list of words. This uses word boundaries, so it will not include punctuation.
Regex.Split(inputString, "\\W").Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x));
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class Example
static string CleanInput(string strIn)
// Replace invalid characters with empty strings.
try {
return Regex.Replace(strIn, #"[^\w\.#-]", "",
RegexOptions.None, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5));
// If we timeout when replacing invalid characters,
// we should return Empty.
catch (RegexMatchTimeoutException) {
return String.Empty;
Using line.Split(null) will split on white-space. From the C# String.Split method documentation:
If the separator parameter is null or contains no characters, white-space characters are assumed to be the delimiters. White-space characters are defined by the Unicode standard and return true if they are passed to the Char.IsWhiteSpace method.

Dynamic Regex for number range using c#

I'm looking at UK postcodes and trying to work out how I can take data from a database (the first part of a UK postcode) and dynamically create a regexp for them using c#. For example:
I know what I want as an output:
However, I can't work out how I might be able to do this with logic, perhaps I need to split the Letters from the numbers first, but i can't do that using split.
I have other combinations too - single range:
AB31 would be AB[3][1]+
Some with just letters:
BT would be BT+
Some with a single letter and 1 or two numbers:
G83 Would be G[8][3]
Any suggestions or guidance would be very much appriciated how this may be coded.
afrom wikipedia UK postal codes :
This can be generalised as: (one or two letters)(number between 0 and
99)(zero or one letter)(space)(single digit)(two letters)
might work.
EDIT: Also if you are trying to restric the postal codes to say those with the same prefix as the ones in the database you could do this.
var source = "BTasdfweasdf"; //from the database
var input = "BT1A 1BB"; //from the somewhere else
var regex = Regex.Replace(source, #"(^[A-z,a-z]{0,2})(.*)", #"$1\d+[A-Z,a-z]?\s\d[A-Z,a-z]{2}$");
var match = Regex.Match(input,regex);
