Hi I am currently building a WPF application that is supposed to run on a windows 7 OS. Users will interact with the system via a touch screen.
I need a virtual keyboard so users can enter information into the system, but want to prevent them from having access to controls such as ctr+alt+del.
I want something like this: http://www.eightforums.com/attachments/f1/f42/20237d1366083644-annoying-touch-keyboard-problem-microsoft-windows-8-touch-keyboard-mouse.jpg
How do I implement something like this so that the keyboard comes up when a textbox receives focus?
Are there any free / commercial solutions? or do I have to manually implement something like this?
This post shows a good way to use Windows p/invoke commands to automatically display the Touch Keyboard when the user clicks on an element: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22396330/865666.
I am writing a ContentView with an Entry in it. When on IOS or Android I want to open the respective "TimePickerdialog" of the Platform when the user taps the Entry.
On Desktop or when configured in the IOS/Android App, the user should be able to use the Entry to type in the Time by Keyboard.
Is there a way to open it programmatically? I looked at some GitHub repositories where people wrote their TimePickers but it seems, that nobody triggers it programmatically but uses the TimePicker control as the base and not an Entry.
When on IOS or Android I want to open the respective "TimePickerdialog" of the Platform when the user taps the Entry
At first, this design has conflict when the user taps the entry. Usually, the soft keyboard will show when the user taps the entry and trigger the entry's focused event. But you want to open the respective "TimePickerdialog" when user taps it and also want user can input the time by the keyboard.
A touch has two different behaviors, if so, you need to use the custom control and custom render for the each platform to deal with the conflict.
In addition, I think user selecting time is equivalent to user typing time with the keyboard. So you don't have to do a such design.
I'm Creating a Windows forms Program for My Graduating Project.
And The Thing is I want to implement something similar to that of showing cards when an event is called and the user can clear them.
is there a way to implement custom suggestions to the touch keyboard when user using a specific application?
As user types in this application, only these custom suggestions (or maybe mixed between the native suggestions from cortana/windows 10 and also the app user is currently using) will be displayed on the touch keyboard.
The system touch keyboard does not offer extensibility yet, so you can't provide custom suggestions there. You could only implement similar functionality as a "popup" above the entry field the user is currently editing. You could utilize a custom Flyout to do this.
Does anybody know if this control comes with the windows phone 8 SDK or if I must program it?
This screen appears when I go to people => click + icon. There are many very similar screens in windows phone but I don't know if they're ready controls or custom ones.
What I need is a screen that hides all background and just shows a list of options upon clicking a certain button, and I want to handle application overflow depending on the option the user chose.
Any ideas?
You can use the CustomMessageBox from toolkit http://phone.codeplex.com
it takes a Content that can be a listbox or user control.
and you can make it take the full screen.
check this: http://shawnoster.com/2012/10/welcome-custommessagebox-to-the-windows-phone-toolkit/
and this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/15944006/1423885
I wanted to know if there are any good "growl" type notification windows available as open source or guided tutorials for WPF applications. I'm looking for a window that can appear when users save for example, notifying them that the save was successful and then disappears after X seconds (with a fade out) without the user needing to take the explicit action to close the notification window. This way for messages/notifications that require no confirmation, like the example, the user would not have to click "OK" to make the messagebox or dialog close.
This link could help you:
It is a Pure WPF implementation of the NotifyIcon class from WinForms and supports almost everything normal WPF controls do :)
Why don't you use GrowlForWindows?
You can use C# or VB.