Dynamic Array to MS SQL Database - c#

private void getRRvalue(string DELRRNO)
try {
DBSFCDataContext SFC = new DBSFCDataContext();
foreach (var r in query)
string[] row = {
//glbVariables.getRRNO = ;
//glbVariables.getPONO = ;
//glbVariables.getRRdateRec = ;
//glbVariables.getVendID = ;
//glbVariables.getItemNO = ;
//glbVariables.getQtyBags = ;
//glbVariables.getQtyShipped = ;
//glbVariables.getLocnCode = ;
catch (Exception ex)
{ MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); }
I'm new to C#.NET and I was just thinking if I could use a dynamic array like for this code above do I need to declare a global array like this --> "public static string[] row;" so I can use this array string in another form by calling it with the data that I have stored from this function, could this happen in c#?
I need help here please anyone that is good at arrays in c#...

To get you desired results, you will have to do little more work. I explain your solution using List.
First create a class for your one query result:
public class OneRowData
public string DELRRNO;
public string PONO;
public string DATEREC;
public string VENDID;
public string ITEMCODE;
public string QTYBAGS;
public string QTYSHIP;
public string DEPT;
In your given code, create a List of OneRowData type and make it public static to access it from outside the class as well:
public static List<OneRowData> QueryResults = new List<OneRowData>();
Now in your foreach loop, create an object of OneRowData, assing values to it and add it to the List:
foreach (var r in query)
OneRowData Obj = new OneRowData();
//assing values to them
Obj.DATEREC = Convert.ToDateTime(r.DATEREC).ToString();
Obj.DEPT = r.DEPT;
Obj.PONO = r.PONO;
Obj.QTYBAGS = r.QTYBAGS.ToString();
Obj.QTYSHIP = r.QTYSHIP.ToString();
//then add the object to your list
Now you can simply call your List any where and fetch your data like this:
foreach (OneRowData Row in QueryResults)
//call them like this and use as you need


export file with asp.net

This project is an ASP.Net Api project with Angular. What I'm trying to do is export data from a database table and into an excel file. So far, I've managed to export all the table data into an excel file, but struggle to select 2 or 3 fields in the table to export.
public IActionResult DownloadExcel(string field)
string dbFileName = "DbTableName.xlsx";
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(dbFileName);
byte[] fileContents;
var stream = new MemoryStream();
using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(file))
IList<UserTable> userList = _context.UserTable.ToList();
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("DbTableName");
int totalUserRows = userList.Count();
return File(fileContents, fileType, dbFileName);
There's no need to write so many if ... else if ... else if ... else if ... to get the related field names.
A nicer way is to
Use a field list (IList<string>)as a parameter.
And then generate a required field list by intersect.
Finally, we could use reflection to retrieve all the related values.
public IActionResult DownloadExcel(IList<string> fields)
// get the required field list
var userType = typeof(UserTable);
fields = userType.GetProperties().Select(p => p.Name).Intersect(fields).ToList();
if(fields.Count == 0){ return BadRequest(); }
using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage())
IList<UserTable> userList = _context.UserTable.ToList();
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("DbTableName");
// generate header line
for(var i= 0; i< fields.Count; i++ ){
var fieldName = fields[i];
var pi= userType.GetProperty(fieldName);
var displayName = pi.GetCustomAttribute<DisplayNameAttribute>()?.DisplayName;
worksheet.Cells[1,i+1].Value = string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName ) ? fieldName : displayName ;
// generate row lines
int totalUserRows = userList.Count();
for(var r=0; r< userList.Count(); r++){
var row = userList[r];
for(var c=0 ; c< fields.Count;c++){
var fieldName = fields[c];
var pi = userType.GetProperty(fieldName);
// because the first row is header
worksheet.Cells[r+2, c+1].Value = pi.GetValue(row);
var stream = new MemoryStream(package.GetAsByteArray());
return new FileStreamResult(stream,"application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet");
You could configure the display name using the DsiplayNameAttribute:
public class UserTable
public int Id{get;set;}
[DisplayName("First Name")]
public string fName { get; set; }
[DisplayName("Last Name")]
public string lName { get; set; }
public string gender { get; set; }
It's possible to add any properties as you like without hard-coding in your DownloadExcel method.
Demo :
passing a field list fields[0]=fName&fields[1]=lName&fields[2]=Non-Exist will generate an excel as below:
To export all the fields, we could assume the client will not pass a fields parameter. That means when the fields is null or if the fields.Count==0, we'll export all the fields:
public IActionResult DownloadExcel(IList<string> fields)
// get the required field list
var userType = typeof(UserTable);
var pis= userType.GetProperties().Select(p => p.Name);
if(fields?.Count >0){
fields = pis.Intersect(fields).ToList();
} else{
fields = pis.ToList();
using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage()){
if you want to use the datatable then we can define which you need to select from the datatable in this way
string[] selectedColumns = new[] { "Column1","Column2"};
DataTable dt= new DataView(fromDataTable).ToTable(false, selectedColumns);
or else if you wanna you list then you can use linq for selection of particular columns
var xyz = from a in prod.Categories
where a.CatName.EndsWith("A")
select new { CatName=a.CatName, CatID=a.CatID, CatQty = a.CatQty};

How can I return result of string Kusto Query from c#

var kusto = string.Format("let MyData = CompanyMydata" +
" | where ID == 'Z123' | top 1 by dateTimeUtc desc");
var reader = client.ExecuteQuery(kusto);
while (reader.Read())
//how can i return coming result as list of string or json string?
In while loop I can able to return single column value one by one by using
string state = reader.GetString(1); but i want to return complete result instead of one by one column value.
so that i can do JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(resultString); to specific class.
assuming you're using the client libraries mentioned here, you should be able to do something like the following:
static void Main(string[] args)
var kcsb = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder("https://help.kusto.windows.net").WithAadUserPromptAuthentication();
var databaseName = "Samples";
using (var queryProvider = KustoClientFactory.CreateCslQueryProvider(kcsb))
var clientRequestProperties = new ClientRequestProperties() { ClientRequestId = "Sample;" + Guid.NewGuid() };
var query = "StormEvents | summarize count(), max(EndTime) by State";
var result = queryProvider.ExecuteQuery<MyType>( // focus on this part
foreach (var row in result)
Console.WriteLine($"State = {row.State}, Count = {row.Count}, MaxEndTime = {row.MaxEndTime}");
class MyType
public string State;
public long Count;
public DateTime MaxEndTime;

How to load multiple lists in a datagridview

I currently work on a Windows Forms application and I have 3 lists of data and I want to add every list to a column of a datagrid. Is there a way how I can do this.
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(Globals.pathNotifFile);
var dates = doc.Descendants("Date");
var hours = doc.Descendants("Time");
var message = doc.Descendants("Message");
var hoursCollection = new List<String>();
var dateCollection = new List<String>();
var messageCollection = new List<String>();
foreach (var date in dates)
foreach (var hour in hours)
foreach (var messages in message)
return Tuple.Create(hoursCollection,dateCollection, messageCollection);
The easiest way to accomplish this task is to build one object which contains your three datapoints. For example:
public class MyGridDateTime
public string Hour{get;set;}
public string Date{get;set;}
public string Message{get;set;}
public void InitalizeGrid()
List<MyGridDateTime> list = new List<MyGridDateTime>();
int i = 0;
foreach (string hour in hoursCollection)
list.Add(new MyGridDateTime {Hour = hour, Date = dateCollection[i], Message = messageCollection[i]};
grid.DataSource = list;
Note this only works if all of your Lists contain similiar amount of data. Else you need to update this a bit to become string.empty instead of Exception if your Lists are not of the same size.

Generate lambda expression from string

I have a need to store lambda expressions in a database and execute them dynamically. The following snippet works well as is,
float result = dataRowArray.AsEnumerable().Sum(r => r.Field<float>("ColumnA") * r.Field<float>("ColumnB"));
but I'd like to store the following part in a string...
r => r.Field<float>("ColumnA") * r.Field<float>("ColumnB")
... and inject it dynamically as in:
float result = MySession.Current.dr.AsEnumerable().Sum(storedLambdaString);
I've done a ton of Googling but I'm coming up short. Any suggestions?
I suggest store the query in the database and execute using LINQ like below.
using (eEntities db = new eEntities())
string query = "select name,age,salary from employees"
var employees = db.Database.SqlQuery<Employee>(query).
Please note: Employee is here my custom class having properties same as queried.
Theres a nuget package that may help you "System.Linq.Dynamic". This sample code works...
public class TestRow
public Dictionary<string,float> Field { get; set; }
public TestRow()
this.Field = new Dictionary<string, float>();
this.Field.Add("ColumnA", 2);
this.Field.Add("ColumnB", 3);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var testRow = new TestRow();
string expressionString = "r.Field[\"ColumnA\"] * r.Field[\"ColumnB\"]";
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TestRow),"r");
var lambdaET = System.Linq.Dynamic.DynamicExpression.ParseLambda(new[] { parameter }, typeof(float), expressionString);
var result = lambdaET.Compile().DynamicInvoke(testRow);

How to pick second column from a PetaPoco query result?

Below is my code:
string Query = "SELECT EmpName, EmpCode FROM EmpDetail WHERE ZCode=101 ORDER BY EmpName";
var db = new PetaPoco.Database("conCustomer");
var result = db.Fetch<string>(query);
TextBox1.Text = result.ToString(); //This is giving first column
TextBox2.Text = .... // pick second column
I want to know how to pick the second column from the result.
I believe the issue you're having is that you're not using a class as part of the fetch. Try creating a simple class and performing the fetch with that:
public class EmpDetail
public string EmpName { get; set; }
public string EmpCode { get; set; }
var result = db.Fetch<EmpDetail>(Query);
Then try iterating over that list of EmpDetail:
foreach (var detail in result)
var x = detail.EmpName; // First column
var y = detail.EmpCode; // Second column
EDIT: According to this (h/t Robert Koritnik), it does look like it will support a dynamic query like so (untested):
foreach (var detail in db.Fetch<dynamic>(query))
var x = detail.EmpName; // First column
var y = detail.EmpCode; // Second column
