(p4 api .NET) Setting multiple ClientOption members - c#

Currently when viewing my client settings, the Options field is "noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime normdir." I would like to check the compress and rmdir fields using the p4 api. There is code to do each individually:
client.Options = ClientOption.Compress;
client.Options = ClientOption.RmDir;
However, after looking at the api and online, I cannot find a way to do both at the same time. I can easily go into P4V and check both of these boxes, but I am trying to do it using the p4 api to make setup easier for future workspaces/clients. Any ideas?

Since the options in p4 options are flags
public enum ClientOption
None = 0,
AllWrite = 1,
Clobber = 2,
Compress = 4,
Locked = 8,
ModTime = 16,
RmDir = 32,
You can pile them them up to get the expected result like this
P4.Client client = this.Repository.GetClient(clientname, null);
string options= "noallwrite clobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime rmdir";
client.Options = new P4.ClientOption();
if (!options.Contains("noallwrite"))
client.Options |= P4.ClientOption.AllWrite;
if (!options.Contains("noclobber"))
client.Options |= P4.ClientOption.Clobber;
Hope this helps!.


Guide to use Yolo with gpu c#

I've been trying to find a tutorial or something on how to make yolo c# use gpu instead of cpu, I always find that it says that it works on both cpu and gpu but no one ever says how to use the gpu since it always uses cpu for me. Here's my code with yolo v5 c#. It doesn't really matter for me if it uses yolo v5 just that it uses gpu. Tutorial I found that tutorial but i can't even find the download for Nvidia cuDNN v7.6.3 for CUDA 10.1. It feels very unclear on how to use it with gpu please help me :D
var image = pictureBox1.Image;
var scorer = new YoloScorer<YoloCocoP5Model>("Assets/Weights/yolov5n.onnx");
List<YoloPrediction> predictions = scorer.Predict(image);
var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image);
foreach (var prediction in predictions) // iterate predictions to draw results
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
pictureBox1.Image.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);
prediction.Label.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0);
double score = Math.Round(prediction.Score, 2);
graphics.DrawRectangles(new Pen(prediction.Label.Color, 1),
new[] { prediction.Rectangle });
var (x, y) = (prediction.Rectangle.X - 3, prediction.Rectangle.Y - 23);
graphics.DrawString($"{prediction.Label.Name} ({score})",
new Font("Consolas", 16, GraphicsUnit.Pixel), new SolidBrush(prediction.Label.Color),
new PointF(x, y));
pictureBox1.Image = image;
Before you are going to use scorer you need an option set.
bool initResult = false;
var cudaProviderOptions = new Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.OrtCUDAProviderOptions(); // Dispose this finally
var providerOptionsDict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
providerOptionsDict["device_id"] = "0";
providerOptionsDict["gpu_mem_limit"] = "2147483648";
providerOptionsDict["arena_extend_strategy"] = "kSameAsRequested";
The type of search done for cuDNN convolution algorithms.
Value Description
EXHAUSTIVE (0) expensive exhaustive benchmarking using cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithmEx
HEURISTIC (1) lightweight heuristic based search using cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm_v7
Default value: EXHAUSTIVE
providerOptionsDict["cudnn_conv_algo_search"] = "DEFAULT";
Whether to do copies in the default stream or use separate streams. The recommended setting is true. If false, there are race conditions and possibly better performance.
Default value: true
providerOptionsDict["do_copy_in_default_stream"] = "1";
Check tuning performance for convolution heavy models for details on what this flag does. This flag is only supported from the V2 version of the provider options struct when used using the C API. The V2 provider options struct can be created using this and updated using this. Please take a look at the sample below for an example.
Default value: 0
providerOptionsDict["cudnn_conv_use_max_workspace"] = "1";
Check convolution input padding in the CUDA EP for details on what this flag does. This flag is only supported from the V2 version of the provider options struct when used using the C API. The V2 provider options struct can be created using this and updated using this. Please take a look at the sample below for an example.
Default value: 0
providerOptionsDict["cudnn_conv1d_pad_to_nc1d"] = "1";
options = SessionOptions.MakeSessionOptionWithCudaProvider(cudaProviderOptions); // Dispose this finally
if (options != null)
// check yolo model file is accesible
if (File.Exists(yoloModelFile))
scorer = new YoloScorer<YoloCocoP5Model>(yoloModelFile, options);
initResult = true;
DebugMessage("Yolo model ONNX file (" + yoloModelFile + ") is missing!\r\n", 2);
DebugMessage("Yolo instance initializing error! Session options are empty!\r\n", 2);

C# How to get the AD user cannot change the password property from LDAP attribute userAccountControl?

I am trying to get the user account control properties using library Novell.Directory.Ldap in ASP .NET Core 5. When I search the users attributes I found the attribute name userAccountControl which is set to some number. After searching solution I am able to find:
bool isUserActive = false;
bool userMustChangePassword = false;
bool passwordNeverExpires = false;
bool passwordCannotBeChanged = false;
var flags = Convert.ToInt32(attributeSet.GetAttribute("userAccountControl").StringValue);
isUserActive = !Convert.ToBoolean(flags & 0x0002); //1. checks if user is enabled
if ((flags == 66048)) //65536+512
passwordNeverExpires = true; //2. Password never expires property
long value = Convert.ToInt64(attributeSet.GetAttribute("pwdLastSet").StringValue);
if (value == 0)
userMustChangePassword = true; //3. User must change password at next login
But I am not able to figure out how to get the User cannot change password and if the account is locked properties? Or how can I compare the binary value like 0x0040? Please help
I tried the steps given by #Gabriel Luci in https://www.gabescode.com/active-directory/2019/07/25/nt-security-descriptors.html and tried following code:
var act = attributeSet.GetAttribute("nTSecurityDescriptor").ByteValue;
ADsSecurityUtility secUtility = new ADsSecurityUtility();
IADsSecurityDescriptor convertAttrToSD = (IADsSecurityDescriptor)secUtility.ConvertSecurityDescriptor(act, (int)ADS_SD_FORMAT_ENUM.ADS_SD_FORMAT_RAW, (int)ADS_SD_FORMAT_ENUM.ADS_SD_FORMAT_IID);
var byteArray = (byte[])secUtility.ConvertSecurityDescriptor(
var security = new CommonSecurityDescriptor(true, true, byteArray, 0);
If I check the security it shows
I am not getting where to look user cannot change the password settings?
Edit 2:
According to #Gabriel Luci updated answer, it worked for me like this:
var constraints = new LdapSearchConstraints();
constraints.SetControls(new LdapControl("1.2.840.113556.1.4.801", true, new byte[] { 48, 3, 2, 1, 7 }));
var getNtSecurityByteValue=attributeSet.GetAttribute("nTSecurityDescriptor").ByteValue;
var security = new CommonSecurityDescriptor(true, true, getNtSecurityByteValue, 0);
var self = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.SelfSid, null);
var userChangePassword = new Guid("AB721A53-1E2F-11D0-9819-00AA0040529B");
foreach (var ace in security.DiscretionaryAcl)
if(ace.GetType().Name == "ObjectAce")
ObjectAce objAce = (ObjectAce)ace;
if (objAce.AceType == AceType.AccessDeniedObject && objAce.SecurityIdentifier == self && objAce.ObjectAceType == userChangePassword)
cannotChangePassword = true;
The userAccountControl value is a bit flag, meaning that every bit in the binary representation of the number is an "on" or "off" depending on if it's a 1 or 0. So the decimal value is meaningless.
You are already checking the value properly when you're checking if it's enabled:
isUserActive = !Convert.ToBoolean(flags & 0x0002); //1. checks if user is enabled
Likewise, you should do the same when checking any of the other flags. The value of each is listed in the documentation.
When you're checking if the password is set to never expire, you're comparing the decimal value, which won't always give you a correct answer. Instead, check the bit value:
passwordNeverExpires = Convert.ToBoolean(flags & 0x10000);
Similar for account is locked:
var accountLocked = Convert.ToBoolean(flags & 0x0010);
For the user cannot change password setting, unfortunately that's more difficult and requires reading the permissions on the user account, which I have never done using the Novell.Directory.Ldap library. But I can try to point you in the right direction.
The account permissions are in the nTSecurityDescriptor attribute. Read this issue about how to get the byte array from that attribute: How to read/set NT-Security-Descriptor attributes?
I wrote an article about how to get the byte array into a usable format: Active Directory: Handling NT Security Descriptor attributes.
Then you'll be looking for two permissions that get added when the 'User cannot change password' checkbox is checked:
Deny Change Password to 'Everyone'
Deny Change Password to 'SELF'
You can probably get away with only looking for #2.
Update: I finally tried this out for myself. I had never used the Novell.Directory.Ldap library before, so this was new to me.
With the help of this answer, I figured out that you need to set an LDAP control for it to return the nTSecurityDescriptor attribute at all:
var constraints = new LdapSearchConstraints();
constraints.SetControls(new LdapControl("1.2.840.113556.1.4.801", true
, new byte[] {48, 3, 2, 1, 7}));
Once you retrieve the object, you can check the permissions like this:
var byteValue = attributeSet.GetAttribute("nTSecurityDescriptor").ByteValue;
var security = new CommonSecurityDescriptor(true, true, byteValue, 0);
var self = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.SelfSid, null);
var userChangePassword = new Guid("AB721A53-1E2F-11D0-9819-00AA0040529B");
var cannotChangePassword = false;
foreach (var ace in (security.DiscretionaryAcl)) {
if (ace is ObjectAce objAce && objAce.AceType == AceType.AccessDeniedObject
&& objAce.SecurityIdentifier == self && objAce.ObjectAceType == userChangePassword) {
cannotChangePassword = true;
The GUID of the User-Change-Password permission is taken from the Control Access Rights documentation.
Notice that you don't need to use IADsSecurityDescriptor, and thus you don't need a reference to Interop.ActiveDs. This is because we're given the value as a byte array already.

Error when trying to capture desktop using DXGI and DirectX11 on intel 630 HD

I get the below error when trying to use DXGI to capture the builtin screen on my laptop that runs on an Intel 630 HD with the latest driver. The code works when I capture the external screen running on my GTX 1070.
Message=HRESULT: [0x80070057], Module: [General], ApiCode: [E_INVALIDARG/Invalid Arguments], Message: The parameter is incorrect.
The code in my form:
desktopDuplicator = new DesktopDuplicatorD11(1,0, DesktopDuplicatorD11.VSyncLevel.None);
The section of the code that errors:
private bool RetrieveFrame()
if (desktopImageTexture == null)
desktopImageTexture = new Texture2D(mDevice, mTextureDescription);
frameInfo = new OutputDuplicateFrameInformation();
mDeskDuplication.AcquireNextFrame(500, out frameInfo, out desktopResource);
catch (SharpDXException ex)
if (ex.ResultCode.Code == SharpDX.DXGI.ResultCode.WaitTimeout.Result.Code)
return true;
if (ex.ResultCode.Failure)
throw new DesktopDuplicationException("Failed to acquire next frame.");
using (var tempTexture = desktopResource.QueryInterface<Texture2D>())
mDevice.ImmediateContext.CopyResource(tempTexture, desktopImageTexture);
return false;
It errors specifically on the line:
desktopImageTexture = new Texture2D(mDevice, mTextureDescription);
What is causing the error when using the internal display and the intel 630?
Edit #1:
mTextureDescription creation:
this.mTextureDescription = new Texture2DDescription()
CpuAccessFlags = CpuAccessFlags.Read,
BindFlags = BindFlags.None,
Format = Format.B8G8R8A8_UNorm,
Width = this.mOutputDescription.DesktopBounds.Right,
Height = this.mOutputDescription.DesktopBounds.Bottom,
OptionFlags = ResourceOptionFlags.None,
MipLevels = 1,
ArraySize = 1,
SampleDescription = { Count = 1, Quality = 0 },
Usage = ResourceUsage.Staging
The whole Desktop Duplication process is done on the same thread.
Update #2:
On the intel 630 Width = this.mOutputDescription.DesktopBounds.Right, returns 0 where as on my 1070 it returns 1920.
The most simplest reason is usually the actual problem.
Intel's final WDDM 2.6 drivers do not work properly with switchable graphics, update to the DCH WDDM 2.7 driver.
First, to get hints from API about invalid argument (this is exactly what you have) you need to enable Direct3D Debug Layer. The article explains it for C++ and it is possible to do a similar trick with C# as well.
Second, important is what are effectively the arguments in the failing call, not just the code.
The code is about right but if coordinates in mOutputDescription are zero or invalid, the mentioned API call is going to fail as well. You need to set a break point and inspect the variable.

Using Hidden Security Icons in Taskdialog

I am trying to display a Security Success Icon (with the blue background) in TaskDialog message box. This is not one of the enum values of TaskDialogStandardIcon. Reference: http://dotnet.dzone.com/articles/using-new-taskdialog-winapi.
How do I assign these non standard values to ((TaskDialog)sender).Icon ? Is it even possible in C#? C#
Any pointers would be really helpful.
I think you will need to import TaskDialog function from comctl32.dll yourself:
static class TaskDialogWrapper
[DllImport("comctl32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, EntryPoint = "TaskDialog")]
static extern int TaskDialog(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hInstance, string pszWindowTitle, string pszMainInstruction, string pszContent, TaskDialogCommonButton dwCommonButtons, IntPtr pszIcon, out IntPtr pnButton);
public static TaskDialogCommonButton Show(IntPtr handle, IntPtr instance, string title, string instructionText, string content, TaskDialogCommonButton commonButtons, TaskDialogCommonIcon commonIcon)
IntPtr resultButton;
if (TaskDialog(handle, instance, title, instructionText, content, commonButtons, new IntPtr((int)commonIcon), out resultButton) != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return (TaskDialogCommonButton)resultButton;
enum TaskDialogCommonButton
Ok = 0x1,
Yes = 0x2,
No = 0x4,
Cancel = 0x8,
Retry = 0x10,
Close = 0x20
enum TaskDialogCommonIcon
ShieldGrey = 65527,
ShieldOk = 65528,
ShieldError = 65529,
ShieldWarning = 65530,
ShieldBlue = 65531,
Shield = 65532,
Information = 65533,
Error = 65534,
Warning = 65535,
To use your own icon from a file, you will need to import TaskDialogIndirect.
(Btw., I found many other interesting icon styles for TaskDialogCommonIcon. You could add e.g.:
enum TaskDialogCommonIcon
None = 0,
Sheet = 2,
ExplorerFolderOpen = 3,
ExplorerFolderFlat = 5,
ExplorerFolderLeft = 6,
Search = 8,
ExplorerFolderClosed = 10,
ExplorerGames = 14,
Application = 15,
TransparentSpace = 17,
ExplorerSearch = 18,
TextFile = 19,
Letter = 20,
Picture = 21,
Diashow = 103,
// ...
I know that this is an old question, but I was looking for something similar, so I thought I'd pass along what I've found. Using the information posted by #KnorxThieus, I found a way to use the "hidden" security icons in the TaskDialog without going through the DLLImport process outlined above. Using the actual values he provided for the TaskDialogCommonIcon enumeration, I found that you can simply cast them to the appropriate type (i.e., the TaskDialogCommonIcon), and your application should display them properly.
Please note, I'm using the WindowsAPICodePack version 1.1.2 from Nuget (nuget.org/packages/WindowsAPICodePack-Core), and the code below has been converted from Visual Basic using the Telerik Code Converter (http://converter.telerik.com/), so it's possible that you may have to do some fine-tuning in C#:
if (TaskDialog.IsPlatformSupported) {
using (TaskDialog dialog = new TaskDialog()) {
dialog.Caption = "TESTING";
dialog.InstructionText = "THIS IS A TEST";
dialog.Text = "This is a test of casting a value to the desired Icon type for a TaskDialog.";
// Produces the green shield with green background
dialog.Icon = (TaskDialogStandardIcon)65528;
dialog.OwnerWindowHandle = this.Handle;
In my testing, this seems to work for all of the enumerations #KnorxThieus listed, as well as several others. I'm trying to figure out if there's a similar method for setting the Icon property to another (non-standard) image file, but I've been unsuccessful with that so far. I hope this helps anyone that stumbles across this in the future.
Take a look at the Ookii.Dialogs. It implements the TaskDialog and others dialogs as well, and have versions targeting WPF and Windows Forms.

Can anyone explain the major features of a VDPROJ file?

I'm sure there must be some documentation on MSDN somewhere, but I couldn't find it. It looks like some subset/variation of JSON. Really, this question grew out of something that has always bugged me: what do all the 8:s and 3:s mean? Is this some a version number of some kind? Maybe a typing scheme? Every VDPROJ excerpt I've ever seen is filled with these "eight-colon" and "three-colon" prefixes, but this is not the sort of question search engines are really good for.
"VSVersion" = "3:800"
"ProjectType" = "8:{978C614F-708E-4E1A-B201-565925725DBA}"
"IsWebType" = "8:FALSE"
"ProjectName" = "8:ProjectNameRedacted"
"LanguageId" = "3:1033"
"CodePage" = "3:1252"
"UILanguageId" = "3:1033"
"SccProjectName" = "8:"
"SccLocalPath" = "8:"
"SccAuxPath" = "8:"
"SccProvider" = "8:"
"MsmKey" = "8:_02F97BB7BD104F1AAA1C97C854D5DC99"
"OwnerKey" = "8:_UNDEFINED"
"MsmSig" = "8:_UNDEFINED"
If anyone just wants to berate my pitiful Google-fu, that's fine too.
As #R. Matveev pointed out, the prefix numbers likely indicate the type of data stored in the property. This would be useful when deserializing the file into an object structure.
I doubt the source code which Visual Studio used to read/write the files was ever made open source, so it's no wonder that web searches returned nothing.
The best I could find was this page on OLE Automation data types, which may not have been the actual constants, but the data types seem to match the values in the *.vdproj file.
2.2.7 VARIANT Type Constants
typedef enum tagVARENUM
VT_EMPTY = 0x0000,
VT_NULL = 0x0001,
VT_I2 = 0x0002,
VT_I4 = 0x0003, // 4-byte signed integer
VT_R4 = 0x0004,
VT_R8 = 0x0005,
VT_CY = 0x0006,
VT_DATE = 0x0007,
VT_BSTR = 0x0008, // BSTR (string data)
VT_DISPATCH = 0x0009,
VT_ERROR = 0x000A,
VT_BOOL = 0x000B, // Boolean value
VT_VARIANT = 0x000C,
