during update query it throws NotSupportedException? - c#

I am dealing with SQLite in windows store application.I am updating the values in table using
var tagPage = db.QueryAsync<MyModel>("UPDATE MyModel SET Tag =2 WHERE id = 1");
It throws an NotSupportedException on SQLite.cs class over the method
public int Update(object obj, Type objType)
if (obj == null || objType == null)
return 0;
var map = GetMapping(objType);
var pk = map.PK;
if (pk == null)
throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot update " + map.TableName + ": it has no PK");
var cols = from p in map.Columns
where p != pk
select p;
var vals = from c in cols
select c.GetValue(obj);
var ps = new List<object>(vals);
var q = string.Format("update \"{0}\" set {1} where {2} = ? ", map.TableName, string.Join(",", (from c in cols
select "\"" + c.Name + "\" = ? ").ToArray()), pk.Name);
return Execute(q, ps.ToArray());
because I think it wont get the primery key, where I have provided primery key in table.
I tried it with async and await but no use, why it is happening? please help me

Regarding your NotSupportedException issue - I suspect that your model is missing the PrimaryKey attribute:
public class MyModel
[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
public int Id { get; set; }
public int Tag { get; set; }
public string Foo { get; set; }
You will need the attribute(s) above, even if your db schema already has them defined. At this time, Sqlite-Net does not read schema data from the db.
Some other thoughts:
Firstly, you should use only either the synchronous Sqlite-Net API, or the async API. Don't use both.
I personally prefer the synchronous API, as it appears to be more up to date. The async API has not been updated in 11 months, whereas the synchronous API was updated 4 months ago. Besides this I never was able to figure out how to do transactions using the async API. Again, this is personal preference.
Secondly, the Query and QueryAsync methods should be used only for querying (for SELECTs). They should not be used for UPDATEs. For adding/changing data, you will want to use these synchronous methods: Execute, Update, Insert, etc. If using the async API, there are the async counterparts (ExecuteAsync, etc).
Please read the Sqlite-Net Project page, as you will find a lot of helpful information there regarding general API usage.


Update Object without Select EF6 MySQL

Is it possible to update objects with Entity Framework, without grabbing them first?
Example: Here, I have a function that provides a Primary Key to locate the objects, pulls them, then updates them. I would like to eliminate having to pull the objects first, and simply run an UPDATE query. Removing the need for the SELECT query being generated.
public async Task<int> UpdateChecks(long? acctId, string payorname, string checkaccountnumber, string checkroutingnumber, string checkaccounttype)
using (var max = new Max(_max.ConnectionString))
var payments = await
w =>
w.maindatabaseid == acctId && (w.paymentstatus == "PENDING" || w.paymentstatus == "HOLD")).ToListAsync();
payments.AsParallel().ForAll(payment =>
payment.payorname = payorname;
payment.checkaccountnumber = checkaccountnumber;
payment.checkroutingnumber = checkroutingnumber;
payment.checkaccounttype = checkaccounttype;
payment.paymentmethod = "CHECK";
payment.paymentstatus = "HOLD";
await max.SaveChangesAsync();
return payments.Count;
You can use the Attach() command to attach an entity you already know exists and then call SaveChanges() will will call the appropriate update method. Here is some sample code from the MSDN article on the topic:
on the subject:
var existingBlog = new Blog { BlogId = 1, Name = "ADO.NET Blog" };
using (var context = new BloggingContext())
context.Entry(existingBlog).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
// Do some more work...
Note that this is general EF logic, not related to any specific database implementation.

DapperExtensions: Add "insert ... update on duplicate key"

Now I'm using Dapper + Dapper.Extensions. And yes, it's easy and awesome. But I faced with a problem: Dapper.Extensions has only Insert command and not InsertUpdateOnDUplicateKey. I want to add such method but I don't see good way to do it:
I want to make this method generic like Insert
I can't get cached list of properties for particular type because I don't want to use reflection directly to build raw sql
Possible way here to fork it on github but I want to make it in my project only. Does anybody know how to extend it? I understand this feature ("insert ... update on duplicate key") is supported only in MySQL. But I can't find extension points in DapperExtensions to add this functionality outside.
Update: this is my fork https://github.com/MaximTkachenko/Dapper-Extensions/commits/master
This piece of code has helped me enormously in MySQL -related projects, I definitely owe you one.
I do a lot of database-related development on both MySQL and MS SQL. I also try to share as much code as possible between my projects.
MS SQL has no direct equivalent for "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE", so I was previously unable to use this extension when working with MS SQL.
While migrating a web application (that leans heavily on this Dapper.Extensions tweak) from MySQL to MS SQL, I finally decided to do something about it.
This code uses the "IF EXISTS => UPDATE ELSE INSERT" approach that basically does the same as "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" on MySQL.
Please note: the snippet assumes that you are taking care of transactions outside this method. Alternatively you could append "BEGIN TRAN" to the beginning and "COMMIT" to the end of the generated sql string.
public static class SqlGeneratorExt
public static string InsertUpdateOnDuplicateKey(this ISqlGenerator generator, IClassMapper classMap, bool hasIdentityKeyWithValue = false)
var columns = classMap.Properties.Where(p => !(p.Ignored || p.IsReadOnly || (p.KeyType == KeyType.Identity && !hasIdentityKeyWithValue))).ToList();
var keys = columns.Where(c => c.KeyType != KeyType.NotAKey).Select(p => $"{generator.GetColumnName(classMap, p, false)}=#{p.Name}");
var nonkeycolumns = classMap.Properties.Where(p => !(p.Ignored || p.IsReadOnly) && p.KeyType == KeyType.NotAKey).ToList();
if (!columns.Any())
throw new ArgumentException("No columns were mapped.");
var tablename = generator.GetTableName(classMap);
var columnNames = columns.Select(p => generator.GetColumnName(classMap, p, false));
var parameters = columns.Select(p => generator.Configuration.Dialect.ParameterPrefix + p.Name);
var valuesSetters = nonkeycolumns.Select(p => $"{generator.GetColumnName(classMap, p, false)}=#{p.Name}").ToList();
var where = keys.AppendStrings(seperator: " and ");
var sqlbuilder = new StringBuilder();
sqlbuilder.AppendLine($"IF EXISTS (select * from {tablename} WITH (UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK) WHERE ({where})) ");
sqlbuilder.AppendLine(valuesSetters.Any() ? $"UPDATE {tablename} SET {valuesSetters.AppendStrings()} WHERE ({where}) " : "SELECT 0 ");
sqlbuilder.AppendLine($"ELSE INSERT INTO {tablename} ({columnNames.AppendStrings()}) VALUES ({parameters.AppendStrings()}) ");
return sqlbuilder.ToString();
Actually I closed my pull request and remove my fork because:
I see some open pull requests created in 2014
I found a way "inject" my code in Dapper.Extensions.
I remind my problem: I want to create more generic queries for Dapper.Extensions. It means I need to have access to mapping cache for entities, SqlGenerator etc. So here is my way. I want to add ability to make INSERT .. UPDATE ON DUPLICATE KEY for MySQL. I created extension method for ISqlGenerator
public static class SqlGeneratorExt
public static string InsertUpdateOnDuplicateKey(this ISqlGenerator generator, IClassMapper classMap)
var columns = classMap.Properties.Where(p => !(p.Ignored || p.IsReadOnly || p.KeyType == KeyType.Identity));
if (!columns.Any())
throw new ArgumentException("No columns were mapped.");
var columnNames = columns.Select(p => generator.GetColumnName(classMap, p, false));
var parameters = columns.Select(p => generator.Configuration.Dialect.ParameterPrefix + p.Name);
var valuesSetters = columns.Select(p => string.Format("{0}=VALUES({1})", generator.GetColumnName(classMap, p, false), p.Name));
string sql = string.Format("INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES ({2}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE {3}",
return sql;
One more extension method for IDapperImplementor
public static class DapperImplementorExt
public static void InsertUpdateOnDuplicateKey<T>(this IDapperImplementor implementor, IDbConnection connection, IEnumerable<T> entities, int? commandTimeout = null) where T : class
IClassMapper classMap = implementor.SqlGenerator.Configuration.GetMap<T>();
var properties = classMap.Properties.Where(p => p.KeyType != KeyType.NotAKey);
string emptyGuidString = Guid.Empty.ToString();
foreach (var e in entities)
foreach (var column in properties)
if (column.KeyType == KeyType.Guid)
object value = column.PropertyInfo.GetValue(e, null);
string stringValue = value.ToString();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringValue) && stringValue != emptyGuidString)
Guid comb = implementor.SqlGenerator.Configuration.GetNextGuid();
column.PropertyInfo.SetValue(e, comb, null);
string sql = implementor.SqlGenerator.InsertUpdateOnDuplicateKey(classMap);
connection.Execute(sql, entities, null, commandTimeout, CommandType.Text);
Now I can create new class derived from Database class to use my own sql
public class Db : Database
private readonly IDapperImplementor _dapperIml;
public Db(IDbConnection connection, ISqlGenerator sqlGenerator) : base(connection, sqlGenerator)
_dapperIml = new DapperImplementor(sqlGenerator);
public void InsertUpdateOnDuplicateKey<T>(IEnumerable<T> entities, int? commandTimeout) where T : class
_dapperIml.InsertUpdateOnDuplicateKey(Connection, entities, commandTimeout);
Yeah, it's required to create another DapperImplementor instance because DapperImplementor instance from base class is private :(. So now I can use my Db class to call my own generic sql queries and native queries from Dapper.Extension. Examples of usage Database class instead of IDbConnection extensions can be found here.

How to avoid adding a reference field in very small entries (thus avoiding doubling collection size)?

I have a User class that accumulates lots of DataTime entries in some List<DateTime> Entries field.
Occasionally, I need to get last 12 Entries (or less, if not reached to 12). It can get to very large numbers.
I can add new Entry object to dedicated collection, but then I have to add ObjectId User field to refer the related user.
It seems like a big overhead, for each entry that holds only a DateTime, to add another field of ObjectId. It may double the collection size.
As I occasionally need to quickly get only last 12 entries of 100,000 for instance, I cannot place these entries in a per-user collection like:
class PerUserEntries {
public ObjectId TheUser;
public List<DateTime> Entries;
Because it's not possible to fetch only N entries from an embedded array in a mongo query, AFAIK (if I'm wrong, it would be very gladdening!).
So am I doomed to double my collection size or is there a way around it?
Update, according to #profesor79's answer:
If your answer works, that will be perfect! but unfortunately it fails...
Since I needed to filter on the user entity as well, here is what I did:
With this data:
class EndUserRecordEx {
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public string UserName;
public List<EncounterData> Encounters
I am trying this:
var query = EuBatch.Find(u => u.UserName == endUser.UserName)
u => u.Encounters, 0, 12));
var queryString = query.ToString();
var requests = await query.ToListAsync(); // MongoCommandException
This is the query I get in queryString:
find({ "UserName" : "qXyF2uxkcESCTk0zD93Sc+U5fdvUMPow" }, { "Encounters" : { "$slice" : [0, 15] } })
Here is the error (the MongoCommandException.Result):
"_t" : "OKMongoResponse",
"ok" : 0,
"code" : 9,
"errmsg" : "Syntax error, incorrect syntax near '17'.",
"$err" : "Syntax error, incorrect syntax near '17'."
Update: problem identified...
Recently, Microsoft announced their DocumentDB protocol support for MongoDB. Apparently, it doesn't support yet all projection operators. I tried it with mLab.com, and it works.
You can use PerUserEntries as this is a valuable document structure.
To get part of that array we need to add projection to query, so we can get only x elements and this is done server side.
Please see snippet below:
static void Main(string[] args)
// To directly connect to a single MongoDB server
// or use a connection string
var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");
var database = client.GetDatabase("test");
var collection = database.GetCollection<PerUserEntries>("tar");
var newData = new PerUserEntries();
newData.Entries = new List<DateTime>();
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
var list =
collection.Find(new BsonDocument())
(Builders<PerUserEntries>.Projection.Slice(x => x.Entries, 0, 3))
public class PerUserEntries
public List<DateTime> Entries;
public ObjectId TheUser;
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }

Updating entire node with mutating cypher in Neo4jclient

I need to update all the properties of a given node, using mutating cypher. I want to move away from Node and NodeReference because I understand they are deprecated, so can't use IGraphClient.Update. I'm very new to mutating cypher. I'm writing in C#, using Neo4jclient as the interface to Neo4j.
I did the following code which updates the "Name" property of a "resunit" where property "UniqueId" equals 2. This works fine. However,
* my resunit object has many properties
* I don't know which properties have changed
* I'm trying to write code that will work with different types of objects (with different properties)
It was possible with IGraphClient.Update to pass in an entire object and it would take care of creating cypher that sets all properies.
Can I somehow pass in my object with mutating cypher as well?
The only alternative I can see is to reflect over the object to find all properties and generate .Set for each, which I'd like to avoid. Please tell me if I'm on the wrong track here.
string newName = "A welcoming home";
var query2 = agencyDataAccessor
.Where("resunit.UniqueId = {uniqueId}")
.WithParams(new { uniqueId = 2 })
.Set("resunit.Name = {residentialUnitName}")
.WithParams(new { residentialUnitName = newName });
It is indeed possible to pass an entire object! Below I have an object called Thing defined as such:
public class Thing
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public DateTimeOffset Date { get; set; }
public int AnInt { get; set; }
Then the following code creates a new Thing and inserts it into the DB, then get's it back and updates it just by using one Set command:
Thing thing = new Thing{AnInt = 12, Date = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now), Value = "Foo", Id = 1};
.Create("(n:Test {thingParam})")
.WithParam("thingParam", thing)
var thingRes = gc.Cypher.Match("(n:Test)").Where((Thing n) => n.Id == 1).Return(n => n.As<Thing>()).Results.Single();
Console.WriteLine("Found: {0},{1},{2},{3}", thingRes.Id, thingRes.Value, thingRes.AnInt, thingRes.Date);
thingRes.AnInt += 100;
thingRes.Value = "Bar";
thingRes.Date = thingRes.Date.AddMonths(1);
.Where((Thing n) => n.Id == 1)
.Set("n = {thingParam}")
.WithParam("thingParam", thingRes)
var thingRes2 = gc.Cypher.Match("(n:Test)").Where((Thing n) => n.Id == 1).Return(n => n.As<Thing>()).Results.Single();
Console.WriteLine("Found: {0},{1},{2},{3}", thingRes2.Id, thingRes2.Value, thingRes2.AnInt, thingRes2.Date);
Which gives:
Found: 1,Foo,12,2014-03-27 15:37:49 +00:00
Found: 1,Bar,112,2014-04-27 15:37:49 +00:00
All properties nicely updated!

Dapper parameters not working

I'm trying to use the Dapper orm with the following simple query:
var sqlString = new StringBuilder();
sqlString.Append("select a.acct AccountNumber,");
sqlString.Append(" b.first_name FirstName,");
sqlString.Append(" b.last_name LastName,");
sqlString.Append(" a.rr RrNumber,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr1 AddressLine1,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr2 AddressLine2,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr3 AddressLine3,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr4 AddressLine4,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr5 AddressLine5,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr6 AddressLine6,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr7 AddressLine7,");
sqlString.Append(" c.addr8 AddressLine8 ");
sqlString.Append("from (pub.mfclac as a left join pub.mfcl as b on a.client=b.client) ");
sqlString.Append("left join pub.mfclad as c on a.client=c.client ");
sqlString.Append("where a.acct = '#ZYX'");
var connection = new OdbcConnection(_connectionString);
var result = connection.Query(sqlString.ToString(),
ZYX = accountNumber
However when I execute this with an accountNumber known to exist, dapper returns nothing. So I tried to remove the quotes to verify that the parameter is in fact being replaced with the account number, however the error being returned from the server indicates a syntax error around "#ZYX". Which means dapper is not replacing the parameter with it's given value. Any ideas why this is happening? From the limited documentation out there, this should 'just work'.
Couldn't get this to work. Using string.format to insert the parameter as a work around.
There are two issues here; firstly (although you note this in your question) where a.acct = '#ZYX', under SQL rules, does not make use of any parameter - it looks to match the literal string that happens to include an # sign. For SQL-Server (see note below), the correct usage would be where a.acct = #ZYX.
However! Since you are use OdbcConnection, named parameters do not apply. If you are actually connecting to something like SQL-Server, I would strongly recommend using the pure ADO.NET clients, which have better features and performance than ODBC. However, if ODBC is your only option: it does not use named parameters. Until a few days ago, this would have represented a major problem, but as per Passing query parameters in Dapper using OleDb, the code (but not yet the NuGet package) now supports ODBC. If you build from source (or wait for the next release), you should be able to use:
where a.acct = ?
in your command, and:
var result = connection.Query(sqlString.ToString(),
new {
anythingYouLike = accountNumber
Note that the name (anythingYouLike) is not used by ODBC, so can be... anything you like. In a more complex scenario, for example:
.Execute(sql, new { id = 123, name = "abc", when = DateTime.Now });
dapper uses some knowledge of how anonymous types are implemented to understand the original order of the values, so that they are added to the command in the correct sequence (id, name, when).
One final observation:
Which means dapper is not replacing the parameter with it's given value.
Dapper never replaces parameters with their given value. That is simply not the correct way to parameterize sql: the parameters are usually sent separately, ensuring:
there is no SQL injection risk
maximum query plan re-use
no issues of formatting
Note that some ADO.NET / ODBC providers could theoretically choose to implement things internally via replacement - but that is separate to dapper.
I landed here from dublicate question: Dapper must declare the scalar variable
Error: Must declare the scalar variable "#Name".
I created queries dynamically with this piece of code:
public static bool Insert<T>(T entity)
var tableName = entity.GetType().CustomAttributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AttributeType.Name == nameof(TableAttribute))?.ConstructorArguments?.FirstOrDefault().Value as string;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))
throw new Exception($"Cannot save {entity.GetType().Name}. Database models should have [Table(\"tablename\")] attribute.");
DBSchema.TryGetValue(tableName.ToLower(), out var fields);
using (var con = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
var sql = $"INSERT INTO [{tableName}] (";
foreach (var field in fields.Where(x => x != "id"))
sql += $"[{field}]"+",";
sql = sql.TrimEnd(',');
sql += ")";
sql += " VALUES (";
foreach (var field in fields.Where(x => x != "id"))
sql += "#"+field + ",";
sql = sql.TrimEnd(',');
sql += ")";
var affectedRows = con.Execute(sql, entity);
return affectedRows > 0;
And I got the same error when my models was like this:
public class User
public string Name;
public string Age;
I changed them to this:
public class User
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Age { get; set; }
And it solved the problem for me.
