I have this class :
class LyricsItem
public LyricsItem()
public LyricsItem(LyricsItem item)
this.searchUrl = item.searchUrl;
this.croppingRegex = item.croppingRegex;
private string _searchUrl;
private string _croppingRegex;
public string searchUrl
get { return _searchUrl; }
set { _searchUrl = value; }
public string croppingRegex
get { return _croppingRegex; }
set { _croppingRegex = value; }
And this is Array with items LyricsItem :
public List<LyricsItem> lyricsArray;
This is how i add items to the array :
LyricsItem item = new LyricsItem();
item.croppingRegex = croppingRegex;
item.searchUrl = searchurl;
And i want to add it to IsolatedStorageSettings:
IsolatedStorageSettings appSettings = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings;
if (appSettings.Contains("lyricsData"))
appSettings["lyricsData"] = lyricsArray;
appSettings.Add("lyricsData", lyricsArray);
But When i get to save the IsolatedStorageSettings i get this exception:
The collection data contract type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[**********, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' cannot be deserialized because it does not have a public parameterless constructor. Adding a public parameterless constructor will fix this error. Alternatively, you can make it internal, and use the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute on your assembly in order to enable serialization of internal members - see documentation for more details
You can't serialize a private class in the ApplicationSettings. Declare it as public instead:
public class LyricsItem
public LyricsItem()
public LyricsItem(LyricsItem item)
this.searchUrl = item.searchUrl;
this.croppingRegex = item.croppingRegex;
private string _searchUrl;
private string _croppingRegex;
public string searchUrl
get { return _searchUrl; }
set { _searchUrl = value; }
public string croppingRegex
get { return _croppingRegex; }
set { _croppingRegex = value; }
I have two classes defined in my solution
public class Registration {
public list<Account> Accounts {get; set;}
public class Account {
public string Code { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
In the web service that I am consuming, the following class definitions are available
public partial class VendReg {
private Payment_Details[] requestDetailsField;
public Payment_Details[] RequestDetails {
get {
return this.requestDetailsField;
set {
this.requestDetailsField = value;
public partial class Payment_Details {
private string bk_CodeField;
private string bk_NameField;
private string bk_AddressField;
public string Bk_Code {
get {
return this.bk_CodeField;
set {
this.bk_CodeField = value;
public string Bk_Name {
get {
return this.bk_NameField;
set {
this.bk_NameField = value;
public string Bk_Address {
get {
return this.bk_AddressField;
set {
this.bk_AddressField = value;
I want to assign Account to Request Details which is an array of Payment_Details. I tried this code below
vendReg.RequestDetails = registration.Accounts.Cast<Payment_Details>().ToArray();
I got invalid cast exception: Unable to cast object of type 'Account' to type 'Payment_Details'
Please guide on what I am not doing right
You need to convert this yourself (or you can look into things like Automapper)
vendReg.RequestDetails = registration.Accounts.Select(acc =>
new Payment_Details {
Bk_Code = acc.Code,
Bk_Name = acc.Name,
Bk_Address = acc.Address
All the objects in our system inherit a base class which has got a property of type object.
I have tried adding protoignore attribute to all the properties of the base class as well but that doesn't seem to work as well.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle();
vehicle.BodyStyleDescription = "4x4";
vehicle.BodyStyleText = "Prestige Medium";
dynamic protobufModel = TypeModel.Create();
using (MemoryStream compressed = new MemoryStream())
using (GZipStream gzip = new GZipStream(compressed, CompressionMode.Compress, true))
protobufModel.Serialize(gzip, vehicle);
string str = Convert.ToBase64String(compressed.GetBuffer(), 0, Convert.ToInt32(compressed.Length));
public static MetaType AddTypeToModel<T>(RuntimeTypeModel typeModel)
var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties().Select(p => p.Name).OrderBy(name => name);
return typeModel.Add(typeof(T), true).Add(properties.ToArray());
Following is the hierarchy of the object
public interface IObjectBaseClass
object Parent { get; set; }
bool IsSaved { get; set; }
string XmlAtLoad { get; set; }
public class ObjectBaseClass : IObjectBaseClass
public ObjectBaseClass()
internal object _Parent;
internal bool _IsSaved;
internal string _XmlAtLoad;
public bool IsSaved
get { return _IsSaved; }
set { _IsSaved = value; }
public object Parent
get { return _Parent; }
set { _Parent = value; }
public string XmlAtLoad
get { return _XmlAtLoad; }
set { _XmlAtLoad = value; }
public class Vehicle : ObjectBaseClass
private string _BodyStyleText;
private string _BodyStyleDescription;
public string BodyStyleDescription
get { return _BodyStyleDescription; }
set { _BodyStyleDescription = value; }
public string BodyStyleText
get { return _BodyStyleText; }
set { _BodyStyleText = value; }
Your problem is that when you do typeModel.Add(typeof(T), true).Add(properties.ToArray()) you are adding all properties of T to the runtime type model, including those marked with ProtoIgnore. You can see this by calling the debugging method protobufModel.GetSchema(typeof(Vehicle)) which returns:
message Object {
message Vehicle {
optional string BodyStyleDescription = 1;
optional string BodyStyleText = 2;
optional bool IsSaved = 3;
optional Object Parent = 4;
optional string XmlAtLoad = 5;
To avoid adding properties marked with [ProtoIgnore], you could do:
public static MetaType AddTypeToModel<T>(RuntimeTypeModel typeModel)
var properties = typeof(T)
.Where(p => !p.GetCustomAttributes<ProtoIgnoreAttribute>().Any())
.Select(p => p.Name)
.OrderBy(name => name);
return typeModel.Add(typeof(T), true).Add(properties.ToArray());
Alternatively, since you are manually annotating some of your models with protobuf attributes anyway, you could mark the derived types with [ProtoContract(ImplicitFields = ImplicitFields.AllPublic)], e.g.:
[ProtoContract(ImplicitFields = ImplicitFields.AllPublic)]
public class Vehicle : ObjectBaseClass
private string _BodyStyleText;
private string _BodyStyleDescription;
public string BodyStyleDescription
get { return _BodyStyleDescription; }
set { _BodyStyleDescription = value; }
public string BodyStyleText
get { return _BodyStyleText; }
set { _BodyStyleText = value; }
Using either method, the schema for Vehicle becomes:
message Vehicle {
optional string BodyStyleDescription = 1;
optional string BodyStyleText = 2;
This is what you require.
My project has two classes. The first class has information about continents and it contains also a list of objects of countries (another class).
I also declared a list of continents that contains all the continents.
I've succeeded in filling the list from a file, and succeeded to show them in a DataGridView in the same form. But the problem is that I didn't find a way to show them in a child form that contains a DataGridView.
So, how can I transfer the list of continents to the child form so that I can be able to show them in it?
I tried serialiization and deserialization, but it didn't work, I just see the name of members of continent class and nothing else.
Here are the two class and code of toolstrip that show the child form:
// first class of continent
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
class continent
private string nomc;
public string Nomc
get { return this.nomc; }
private string sup;//SUP
public string Superficie
get { return this.sup; }
set { this.sup = value; }
private string pop;//POP
public string Population
get { return this.pop; }
set { this.pop = value; }
private string dens;//DENS :
public string Densité
get { return this.dens; }
set { this.dens = value; }
private string nbp;//NBP : 54 :
public string nombre_de_Pays
get { return this.nbp; }
set { this.nbp = value; }
private string fus;//FUS )
public string Fuseaux_horaires
get { return this.fus; }
set { this.fus = value; }
private string pnb;//PNB
public string PNB_habitant
get { return this.pnb; }
set { this.pnb = value; }
public continent(string nom)
this.nomc = nom;
public continent()
// TODO: Complete member initialization
//list of countries of that continent
public List<country> listep = new List<country>();
// class of countries
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
class country
private string nom_p;
public string Nom_pays
get { return this.nom_p; }
set { this.nom_p = value; }
private string cap;//PCAP
public string Capitale
get { return this.cap; }
set { this.cap = value; }
private string sup;// PSUP
public string Superficie
get { return this.sup; }
set { this.sup = value; }
private string reg;// REG
public string Régime_politique
get { return this.reg; }
set { this.reg = value; }
private string dev;//PDEV nationale
public string Devise
get { return this.dev; }
set { this.dev = value; }
private string hym;// PHYM
public string Hymne
get { return this.hym; }
set { this.hym = value; }
private string lg;// PLG
public string Langue
get { return this.lg; }
set { this.lg = value; }
private string mo;// PMO
public string Monnaie
get { return this.mo; }
set { this.mo = value; }
private string de;
public string PDE
get { return this.de; }
set { this.de = value; }
public country (string nom)
this.nom_p = nom;
and the code in the form is
//liste of contnents
List<continent> listec = new List<continent>();
// i filled it from a file
//here the code of toolstrip that open the childform
private void listeContinentToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
listecont flc = new listecont();
flc.MdiParent = this;
In your child form, add an overload to the Form constructor that takes a Form as an argument. Then when you create your child form, you can pass in an instance of your current (parent) form like, listecont flc = new listecont(this); where this is a reference of your parent form. Now your child form can make calls to parentForm.Textbox.Text = "blablabal" or what ever object you want to interact with.
Why not just add a constructor to the listecont class that takes a List<continent>? Then, the child form will have the data when it's constructed.
in your MDI child add a method:
public void SetContinentData(List<continent> list)
// add your DataSource to the grid
// f.e.:
dataGridView.DataSource = list;
and in your Toolstrip handler:
private void listeContinentToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
listecont flc = new listecont();
flc.MdiParent = this;
I have a customer object class:
public class customerObject
private string _address1;
private string _address2;
private string _address3;
private string _category;
private string _country;
private string _county;
private string _custcode;
private string _fullname;
private string _int_rep_hou;
private string _int_rep_key;
private double _lat;
private double _lng;
private string _postcode;
private string _rep_code;
private string _telephone;
public customerObject()
public string Address1
get { return _address1; }
set { _address1 = value; }
public string Address2
return _address2;
set { _address2 = value; }
public string Address3 { get { return _address3; } set { _address3 = value; } }
public string Category
get { return _category; }
set { _category = value; }
public string Country { get { return _country; } set { _country = value; } }
public string County { get { return _county; } set { _county = value; } }
public string Custcode
get { return _custcode; }
set { _custcode = value; }
public string Fullname
get { return _fullname; }
set { _fullname = value; }
public string Int_rep_hou
get { return _int_rep_hou; }
set { _int_rep_hou = value; }
public string Int_rep_key
get { return _int_rep_key; }
set { _int_rep_key = value; }
public double Lat { get { return _lat; } set { _lat = value; } }
public double Lng { get { return _lng; } set { _lng = value; } }
public string Postcode { get { return _postcode; } set { _postcode = value; } }
public string Rep_code
get { return _rep_code; }
set { Rep_code = value; }
public string Telephone { get { return _telephone; } set { _telephone = value; }
I have a CustomCollections class
public class CustomerCollection
public List<customerObject> Customers { get; set; }
My method that loops through dt rows and converts to a customer object
public List<Valueobjects.CustomerCollection> dolist(DataTable temptablename)
//Create Collection Object
Valueobjects.CustomerCollection Collection = new Valueobjects.CustomerCollection();
foreach (DataRow row in temptablename.Rows)
//Create Customer Object
Valueobjects.customerObject Customer = new Valueobjects.customerObject();
//set values of customer object
Customer.Rep_code = "";
Customer.Int_rep_key = "";
Customer.Int_rep_hou = "";
Customer.Fullname = row["Fullname"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Custcode = row["Custcode"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Category = row["Category"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Address1 = row["Address1"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Address2 = row["Address2"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Address3 = row["Address3"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Postcode = row["Postcode"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Country = row["Country"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Telephone = row["Telephone"].ToString().Trim();
Customer.Lat = Convert.ToDouble(row["Lat"]);
Customer.Lng = Convert.ToDouble(row["Lng"]);
Customer.County = row["County"].ToString().Trim();
//add to the collection (list)
temptablename = null;
return Collection;
However when I create a new Customer object and a new CustomerCollection object I am getting an error when adding the customer to the collection list.
Error 32 Cannot implicitly convert type
'Classes.Valueobjects.CustomerCollection' to
Your method is returning a List<CustomerCollection>:
public List<Valueobjects.CustomerCollection> dolist(DataTable temptablename)
But the code is trying to return a CustomerCollection:
return Collection;
Just as the error says, these two types are different.
If a CustomerCollection is already a collection of customers, then semantically what is a List<Valueobjects.CustomerCollection>? A collection of collections? It seems like you're over-pluralizing your objects :)
There are two approaches here. Either return a CustomerCollection from the method:
public CustomerCollection dolist(DataTable temptablename)
Or use a List<Customer> if you want to use generic lists as your collection containers:
public List<Customer> dolist(DataTable temptablename)
var Collection = new List<Customer>();
return Collection;
Side note: You may want to stick to C# conventions for variable naming. As you can see from the code highlighting here on Stack Overflow, your variable names can easily be mistaken for classes/types, which can cause confusion when supporting the code.
Return a CustomerCollection instead of a List<Valueobjects.CustomerCollection>:
public Valueobjects.CustomerCollection Dolist(DataTable temptablename)
// ...
Your object has a list, it is not a list.
MSDN: Inheritance
I am working on implementing the saving of User Settings in my .NET C# application, and in one case I would like to only save a single setting. Is it possible to do that, or is my only option to save all User Settings at once with the standard:
I prefer to use NINI, and store an XML configuration file in someplace like Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData.
Might not be quite as easy as the .NET settings stuff. I never really used them anyway.
For example, I have the class below. All I need to do it get or set the properties, and they're automatically loaded/saved:
using Nini.Config;
public class DbConfig : PropertyNotifierBase {
private static readonly string PROGRAM_NAME = "programname";
private static readonly string CONFIG_NAME = "Database";
private static DbConfig _instance = new DbConfig();
public static DbConfig Instance { get { return (_instance); } }
private DbConfig() {
Source = new XmlConfigSource(FullConfigFilename);
Source.AutoSave = true;
private void CreateSectionsIfNeeded() {
if (Source.Configs["Database"] == null)
private void SetupPaths() {
ConfigPath = DetermineConfigPath();
ConfigFilename = String.Format("{0}.xml", CONFIG_NAME);
// Create an empty configuration file if it isn't there.
if (!File.Exists(FullConfigFilename))
File.WriteAllText(FullConfigFilename, "<Nini>\n</Nini>\n");
private IConfigSource Source { get; set; }
public String ConfigPath { get; private set; }
public String ConfigFilename { get; private set; }
public String FullConfigFilename { get { return (Path.Combine(ConfigPath, ConfigFilename)); } }
public String SqlServerInstance {
get { return (Source.Configs["Database"].GetString("SqlServerInstance", #"somedefaultconnection")); }
set { Source.Configs["Database"].Set("SqlServerInstance", value); NotifyPropertyChanged("SqlServerInstance"); }
public String SqlServerDatabase {
get { return (Source.Configs["Database"].GetString("SqlServerDatabase", "somedatabasename")); }
set { Source.Configs["Database"].Set("SqlServerDatabase", value); NotifyPropertyChanged("SqlServerDatabase"); }
public String SqlServerUsername {
get { return (Source.Configs["Database"].GetString("SqlServerUsername", "someusername")); }
set { Source.Configs["Database"].Set("SqlServerUsername", value); NotifyPropertyChanged("SqlServerUsername"); }
public String SqlServerPassword {
get { return (Source.Configs["Database"].GetString("SqlServerPassword", "somepassword")); }
set { Source.Configs["Database"].Set("SqlServerPassword", value); NotifyPropertyChanged("SqlServerPassword"); }
private string DetermineConfigPath() {
String filename = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);
filename += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + PROGRAM_NAME;
return (filename);