Regular expression for parsing ::number::sentence:: [closed] - c#

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How will a regex for validation (::number::sentence::) such values look like?
::1::some text::
::2::some text's::
::234::some's text's::

You could use String.Split and avoid a regex completely if your string is as simple as this e.g.
var data = "::234::some's text's::".Split(new string[] { "::" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
Console.WriteLine(data[0]); // 234
Console.WriteLine(data[1]); // some's text's
If you need to use it for validation you can still use the same logic as above e.g.
public bool Validate(string str)
var data = str.Split(new string[] { "::" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
double n;
return data.Length == 2 && Double.TryParse(data[0], out n) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data[1]);
bool valid = Validate("::234::some's text's::");

Something like:
Example code:
Match match = Regex.Match("::1::some text::", "::([0-9]+)::((?:(?!::).)*)::");
var groups = match.Groups;
string num = groups[1].ToString();
string text = groups[2].ToString();
^ Begin of the string
:: 2x ':'
([0-9]+) Match group 1, the 0-9 digits, one or more
:: 2x ':'
((?:(?!::).)*) Match group 2, any one character that isn't ::, zero or more
:: 2x ':'
$ End of the string
The ((?:(?!::).)*) requires a little more explanation... Let's peel it...
( ... ) the first '(' and last ')', match group 2
So now we have:
(?: ... )* group without name (non capturing group) repeated 0 or more times. Its content will be put in match group 2 because it's in defined inside match group 2
composed of:
. is any character
BUT before "capturing" the "any character" make a check: (?!::) that the any character and the next one aren't :: (it's called zero-width negative lookahead)


Splitting a string into characters, but keeping some together [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have this string: TF'E'
I want to split it to characters, but the '" character should join the character before it.
So it would look like this: T, F' and E'
You could use a regular expression to split the string at each position immediately before a new letter and an optional ':
var input = "TF'E'";
var output = Regex.Split(input, #"(?<!^)(?=\p{L}'?)");
output will now be a string array like ["T", "F'", "E'"]. The lookbehind (?<!^) ensure we never split at the start of the string, whereas the lookahead (?=\p{L}'?) describes one letter \p{L} followed by 0 or 1 '.
You can use a regex to capture "an uppercase character followed optionally by an apostrophe"
var mc = Regex.Matches(input, "(?<x>[A-Z]'?)");
foreach(Match m in mc)
If you don't like regex, you can use this method:
public static IEnumerable<string> Split(string input)
for(int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
if(i != (input.Length - 1) && input[i+1] == '\'')
yield return input[i].ToString() + input[i+1].ToString();
yield return input[i].ToString();
We loop through the input string. We check if there is a next character and if it is a '. If true, return the current character and the next character and increase the index by one. If false, just return the current character.
Online demo:

Lambda Expression : Pick out a substring from a larger string [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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This is the string which iam trying to process
var str =
"$filter=HRRepName ne null and HRRepName ne '' and HRRepName eq 'jessica.l.hessling'&$top=1"
Currently using below code to get the substring - jessica.l.hessling
var repName = odataQuery
.Split(new string[] { "eq" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]
.Split(new char[] { (char)39 })[1]
.Replace("'", "")
But this index might create bug later hence i want to use lambda expression.
What I have tried till now :
var repName2 = odataQuery
.Split(new string[] { "HRRepName" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Well, I think Regex might be very good choice here, try below code:
var str = "$filter=HRRepName ne null and HRRepName ne '' and HRRepName eq 'jessica.l.hessling'&$top=1";
var match = (new Regex(#"HRRepName eq '([^']+)")).Match(str);
var extractedString = match.Success ? match.Groups[1] : null;
Explanation: HRRepName eq '([^']+) will match HRRepName eq ' literally, then it will match everything until ' character with ([^']+), brackets mean, that it will be stored in capture group.
You wrote:
this can be any name , i want the string right after eq but before '&'
To find whether items are in a string, and/or extract substrings from a string according to some pattern, RegEx is usually the way to go.
To fetch the data after the first eq and before the first & after this eq:
const string regexPattern = ".*eq(.*)&";
var match = RegEx.Match(regexPattern);
if (match.Success)
{ // found the pattern, it is in Match.Groups
ProcessMatch(match.Groups[1]); // [0] is complete matching string, [1] is first capture
The pattern:
*. start the string with zero or more characters
eq until the first occurrence of eq
(*.) capture zero or more characters
& until the first & after this eq
You can test this using one of the online RegEx pattern testers
The captured item is in Match.Groups. I haven't tested it, but as far as I remember, this is an IList, where element [0] is the complete matching string, 1 is the first captured item. Your debugger will show this to you.

How to remove sequence of characters from string [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to remove an unknown number of character sequences B from a given string A.
The removing must start to the right of the position of a character sequence C. The removing must stop when the B character sequence ends.
Example for string A:
A ... sequence of characters from which B's that follow C must be removed
C ... a sequence of characters (example: 123)
B ... a sequence of characters (example: vbz)
x and y ... any characters
In this example all B's after C must be removed. All other B's must not be removed.
The result would be:
I tried to use:
A = A.replace("vbz","");
but that removes every 'vbz' sequence from A.
How can I exclude the removal of those 'vbz' that are not preceeded by C?
Regards, Manu
Why don't you try this?
var.Replace("x", "");
var.Replace("y", "");
Just replace x and y with the unknown string sequence
string A = "xxxxxxxxBxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxCBBBBBByyyyyyyyyByyyy";
string pattern = #"(?<=C)[B]*";
string B = Regex.Replace(A, pattern, "");
As per your requirement, 2 conditions need to be satisfied for removing from a string :
1. unknown number of string sequences B
2. The removing must start to the right of the position of a string C
It can be achieved using Regex class of System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace.
string A = "xxxxxxxxBxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxCBBBBBByyyyyyyyyByyyy";
string pattern = "(?<=C)[b]*";
string result = Regex.Replace(A, pattern,"",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Note :
pattern variable contains regex pattern.
(cb*) :
() : defines group of characters
c : starting string
b : B or b ; i.e, need to be replaced or removed
* : defines multiple number of characters defines before *
(?<=c) : Match any position following a prefix "c"
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase : it says the removed character can be any case like B or b

For loop check if string only has 3 capital letters followed by 4 numbers [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I input a string that has to start with three capital letters and ending with four digits (like so: "SJL1036") the program is just supposed to check if my input follows that model.
if i were to input "Sjl1036" og "SJL103" it would output that it is a false statement.
Try this regular expression. 3 uppercase, 4 numbers.
For example:
var value = "FSK2526";
if (Regex.IsMatch(value, #"^[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{4}$")) {
// it matches
Although you could do it with for loop, but you could simplify it further with regex like:
Regex regex = new Regex(#"^[A-Z]{3}.*[0-9]{4}$");
Match match = regex.Match("SJL1036");
if (match.Success)
If this is the requirement:
A string that has to start with three capital letters and ending with
four digits
Probably the most efficient approach is using string methods:
bool valid = input.Length >= 7
&& input.Remove(3).All(Char.IsUpper) // or input.Substring(0, 3)
&& input.Substring(input.Length - 4).All(Char.IsDigit);
If the actual requirement is "3 capital letters followed by 4 numbers"(so 7 characters) you just need to change input.Length >= 7 to input.Length == 7.
A non-Regex option, You can use a bit of LINQ like:
string str = "SJL1036";
if (str.Length == 7 &&
&& str.Skip(3).All(char.IsDigit))

How to remove extra hyphens from string in c#? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a string in which spaces are replaced by hyphen i.e '-' if there multiple hyphens then I want to remove all but one from the string. Only hyphens must be removed; not numbers that are consecutive.
Eg: --11- must be -11- and not -1-
Eg: --12- o/p: -12-
Eg: -12-- o/p: -12-
using Linq or a string function in C#.
I have tried it using str = str.Remove(str.Length - 1);, but it only removes one character.
If you just want to collapse multiple consecutive - characters into one, you could easily do this using regex:
string output = Regex.Replace(input, #"\-+", "-");
string sample = "--12";
string Reqdoutput = sample.Replace("--", "-");
If you want to replace just the hyphen, you can do one of the things given in the other answers. For removing all double characters, you can do this:
String input = "------hello-----";
int i = 1;
while (i < input.Length)
if (input[i] == input[i - 1])
input = input.Remove(i, 1);
Console.WriteLine(input); // Will give "-helo-"
Why not just do :
yourString = yourString.Replace("--", "-");
Or did I understand the problem wrong ?
