Using firebug, whenever I run my project on the localhost, I don't have all the pictures so I get 700-1000 errors:
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - images/products/tiny_110-01-217-02.jpg"
As this is very annoying, I would like to ask how to disable NetworkError from console errors?
This is NetworkError clean picture that don't exist from you project
Kindly refer to this thread and this link
Otherwise, please try the following. It works for me though.
Check for errors in the URL. Often times the 404 Not Found error appears because the URL was typed wrong or the link that was clicked on points to the wrong URL.
Clear your browser's cache if you have any indication that the 404 Not Found message might just be yours. For example, if you can reach the URL from your phone but not from your tablet, clearing the cache on your tablet's browser might help.
I have been wracking my brain around things that might reveal the server IP of a hosted solution. I came across the following as per the pen tester report.
Notes on the screenshot:
I have blurred out the website URL
The highlighted says: default.aspx
The server IP is shown as seen in rectangle box in the screenshot.
Contents of default.apsx(The highlighted filename in screenshot)
<%# Page language="c#" Codebehind="default.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="True" Inherits="umbraco.UmbracoDefault" trace="true" validateRequest="false" %>
My question:
As per MSDN for this issue, I am suspecting that the attribute trace="true" is giving away the IP.
Could that be giving away the IP?
Also, would that affect the logging that is present in the code if I switch it to false?
Note: As a developer I am not allowed access to debug this issue in Production, so this is one of those instances where I have to work on instincts and suspicions.
I do see one line of code in another file, though I investigated that it should not return hardcoded IPs. But let me know if you think if removing this can be a solution. This is part of the Page_Load function
Response.AddHeader("REFRESH", "0; URL=https://" + Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"] + Request.ServerVariables["PATH_INFO"] + (strQueryString == "" ? "" : "?" + strQueryString));
I was able to find 2 solutions to this problem. I would like to post it here in case it would help someone in future.
Code side solution
It turns out the trace=true was the culprit here. Based on the documentation here, thanks to #user2864740 I tried to change it back to false and it stopped the trace.
Server-side solution
Additionally, we can also disable trace messages altogether in Production using an entity in IIS - Request Filtering
In order to disable the HTTP TRACK verb, please follow the instructions below. This vulnerability might be flagged because of allowing HTTP TRACE verb as well so that It’s a good idea to disable both.
Go to IIS Manager
Click the website name
Double click “Request Filtering” (If you don’t see Request Filtering icon, please install it)
Go to “HTTP Verbs” tab
Click “Deny Verb” from the Actions menu. Type “TRACE”. Click “OK”
Click “Deny Verb” from the Actions menu. Type “TRACK”. Click “OK”
If you want to test if this setting works, you can try to send a TRACE request to IIS via telnet. If it fails with 404 code, it means this request is blocked. Steps to test the setting:
In your client machine, open Command Prompt
Type telnet 80
Type the text below. Continue to enter characters even though the window won’t show what you are typing
HostA: Hello
Hit Enter twice
If it shows HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found, it means the setting is working. TRACE is disabled:
If it shows HTTP/1.1 200 OK, it means the setting is not working. TRACE is allowed:
The only downside to this method is you won't see any trace messages at all. So if that seems to be a concern you should go with code side solution.
When i Submitted my contact form in my website its Displaying Error like HTTP Error 404.2 - Not Found
The page you are requesting cannot be served because of the ISAPI and CGI Restriction list settings on the Web server.
Please help me how to overcome this issue.
This is an issue with IIS settings. The below link should help you -
All the status codes have a very crisp meaning in IIS. You can view the status codes here and their meaning.
In your case, most likely the extension of the page you are posting to would be blocked. You can get more information about precisely what went wrong by doing a Failed Request tracing in IIS.
I am trying to render my page through phantomjs 1.9. it's very basic, nothing fancy there(no ajax calls or any heavy js work happens).
However, I can't get it work. Tried through the console and got the same problem.
Phantomjs test examples work fine.
If i check the error's output I see:
Error Output: Unable to load resource (#22URL:http://localhost:8715/9723ced8448e4370a0e3614c5810b36b/arterySignalR/negotiate?requestUrl=http://my.project/Default.aspx?startDate=2013/06/01&endDate=2014/05/31&browserName=PhantomJS&clientProtocol=1.3&_=1401190054260)
Error code: 1. Description: Connection refused
Also tried to switch off signalR but still an issue.
The link in your Error log looks like the one from Browser Link's signalr. Even if you exclude signalr from your page it won't help. So, if you have VS2013 with Browser Link enabled, try to turn it off.
I had a similar issue in my team. Looks like phantomjs is waiting for the end of request from Browser Link's signalr instance. Check this article how it works
I am working on a c# .NET website in which the user can click on a link and get redirected to another web page in a separate website also owned by us. The code is very easy to understand, there is a switch followed by a call to Response.Redirect(the_url_we_want_to_go_to).
I have debugged it numerous times and I can confirm that when the debugger hits this redirect line that the parameter is correct. It points to the QA version of this other website. lets say. However, the browser does not go there. The browser instead hits the test environment instead. Lets call it This is the problem.
I understand there are a million things in between the app servers these two separate websites are on, but maybe one of you has seen something like this before. More specifically, is there a way to catch outbound traffic in the debugger or is there a way to see outbound traffic on the app server itself (in IIS)? I am familiar with intercepting inbound traffic inside of httpmodules. Maybe this isnt a stackoverflow question...
Thanks for your help!
Use the very nice HTTP sniffer "Fiddler". It will allow you to see all HTTP requests. You should verfiy that a) the redirect target is correct (it might be overwritten later in the request pipeline. A Response.Redirect is not the final word) and b) that you don't have a second redirect after the first one.
You can try using the overload of Response.Redirect as
Response.Redirect("url_here", true);
This will stop the response on current page (as endResponse is set to true) and redirect to the url.
If you still have the issue, then this might be some name resolution error.
Check to see you your hosts files in the windows directory found here
Hope this will do it.
I finally figured a similar issue I had. It was quite silly. I had copied some .aspx pages making minor changes. The page where I tried to redirect the client, had it's "CodeBehind" setting wrong. So it redirected to the right page, but loaded the CodeBehind from another page!
Two aspx pages are involved with the problem. in one form I am collecting the entity and binding it in a session variable and then with button clicked, I am trying to get to the other aspx page with response.redirect("") method. But, the problem is its gives me an error message with a strange URl.
let me show you the code I have writen
formSaleMoneyReceiptEntity = ViewFormSaleMoneyReceipt_DAO.GetMoneyReceiptByFormSL(formSl);
Session["MoneyReceipt"] = formSaleMoneyReceiptEntity;
I am using local host and the URl I am getting is that 5808 StudentManagement FormSaleMoneyReceipt aspx &cx=002904446094441487865%3Ate-nlsbrcdy&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&said=&do=search&empty=0&from=2&CID=1
why is this so? I don't have any idea. Please help me out.
It looks like the URL that is passed to the browser doesn't exist, so you're getting a redirect to a Google search page instead.
Is it ~/Reports/MoneyReceiptFormReport.aspx by any chance?
A good tool to use to debug this kind of situation is Fiddler. This sits as a proxy between your Web server and your browser and issues a trace of what requests and responses are made. Browsers have a habit of reformatting error messages, Fiddler will show you exactly what's sent to the server and what comes back.