how enter in TextBox only digits from interval - c#

I try to make some form (C#, WinForms) for small program Reminder.
During it i have some problem - whant to make some filter for textBox where user must enter start time for event.
As result got next - on KeyPress event add some code, the allow enter only digits, but also i want that user can enter only digits from some diapasone.
private void starTimetextBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if ((e.KeyChar >= '0') && (e.KeyChar <= '9'))
if (Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar))
if (e.KeyChar == (char) (Keys.Enter))
e.Handled = true;
can i do this by using this event or no?

Try this:-
private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsControl(e.KeyChar);
NOTE:- You can use TextBox's MaxLength property to restrict user to enter only 2 digits. To display message to user you can use TextChanged event of TextBox.

To make a filter on the characters 0 to 9, you can extend the previous answer.
(Similair as in your question sample).
private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsControl(e.KeyChar)
&& (e.KeyChar >= '0' && e.KeyChar <= '9');


How to Constraint on TextBox in C#?

I try constraint for TextBox in C#. I succesfull this for users can put only numbers:
private void TxtID_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && !char.IsControl(e.KeyChar);
Now, I wonder how can users just write 11 char in TextBox? I try char.Max or Min but i can't in the KeyPress event.
Something like this:
public MyForm()
// At most 11 characters
TxtID.MaxLength = 11;
private void TxtID_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
// char.IsDigit is too wide: it returns true on any unicode digit (e.g. Persian ones)
e.Handled = (e.KeyChar < '0' || e.KeyChar > '9') && !char.IsControl(e.KeyChar);
// On Paste we should validate the input:
// what if user copy "bla-bla-bla 1234" and paste it to TxtID?
private void TxtID_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Control ctrl = (sender as Control);
string value = string.Concat(ctrl
.Where(c => c >= '0' && c <= '9'));
if (value != ctrl.Text)
ctrl.Text = value;

How to forbid user to insert 0 on TextBox if it's empty or already 0?

I need to check that if my TextBox (txtmoney) is empty or equal to 0, it's not allowed to press key 0 on keyboard or the number 0.
How can I do this?
Before implementing please refer TextChanged & KeyPress
If you dont want to allow the 0 to be entered then
private void txtBox_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = (e.KeyChar == '0');
To handle textbox text you can try is
private void txtBox_TextChanged(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(textbox.Text) || txtmoney.Text == "0")
// Do Something
Note: if you are using winform don't forget to subscribe those event in your code.
txtBox.KeyPress += txtBox_KeyPress;
txtBox.TextChanged += txtBox_TextChanged;

KeyPress Event gives wrong value

I made a KeyPress Event and want to allow only Double values (or just digits and comma) so I tried this:
e.Handled = !(char.IsNumber(e.KeyChar) || e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Back || e.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Decimal);
But somehow he's got problems with the "Decimal". I'm using a german keyboard and when I try to enter the comma, he does nothing. When I press the "n" key he writes the letter. What is wrong here and how to solve that?
you can restrict the input using keyPress event like so:
private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
char c= e.KeyChar;
if (!char.IsDigit(c) && !char.IsControl(c))
e.Handled = true;
if we want to extend our restriction condition to accept a certain character (for example ,)
private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
char c= e.KeyChar;
if (!char.IsDigit(c) && !char.IsControl(c) && c!=',')
e.Handled = true;
To avoid having multiple comma like 222,34545,454 we can do this work around:
private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
char c= e.KeyChar;
bool comma= textBox1.Text.Contains(','); //true in case comma already inserted
// accepts only digits, controls and comma
if (!char.IsDigit(c) && !char.IsControl(c) && c!=',')
e.Handled = true;
// whenever a comma is inserted we check if we already have one
if (c == ',' && comma)
e.Handled = true;

Set Text to all caps when typing

Just want to ask how to set text to all caps when typing in textbox
I've tried this, but it's not working.
void txt_AllCaps(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
string s = (sender as TextBox).Text.ToString().ToUpper();
(sender as TextBox).Text = s;
YourTextBox.CharacterCasing = CharacterCasing.Upper;
You can change the e.KeyChar in the KeyPress event handler to what you want. Try this:
private void txt_AllCaps(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e){
e.KeyChar = e.KeyChar.ToString().ToUpper()[0];
//Or this
//if (e.KeyChar > 96 && e.KeyChar < 123) e.KeyChar = (char) (e.KeyChar - 32);
You should choose the solution of Shree, it's much more convenient :)

How can you display textbox1 value in textbox2 using keystokes

I have 2 textbox (textbox 1 & textbox 2 ); the textbox1 has numeric value such as $1,000. Now when i am in textbox2 and if i hit keystrokes like (= or + or pageup or pagedown etc...) the textbox1 value should appear in textbox2.
The reason behind this is to enable customers improve speed in processsing/ filling data.
I don't know if I understand what you need, anyway try this:
private void textBox2_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.PageDown ||
e.KeyCode == Keys.PageUp ||
e.KeyCode == Keys.Oemplus ||
e.KeyCode == Keys.Add ||
(e.KeyCode == Keys.D0 && e.Shift))
textBox2.Text = textBox1.Text;
e.Handled = true;
e.SuppressKeyPress = true;
How about adding a keyPress event on textbox2 with a function like this:
private void textbox2_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyChar == '+')
textbox2.Text = textbox1.Text;
You can try this:
protected void textbox2_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
