Don't know if this is right title for what I need. I need to run program with same input data few times and ensure that every time program take exactly the same path and produced exactly the same output. I even need to make sure that some iterator proccessed elements in same order.
Maybe there is some tools for that purpose? Or maybe there is some standard way what-to-do in order to check that? I put C# in tags because I need solution specifically for that language (and I'm coding in VS2012 if that can be of any help).
Input of my program consists of list of integers and output is simple boolean. Even if I'll write tests - there can be very big difference in calculations and yet same result. I especially need to check that program code taken the same path every time.
You can use test framework and use mocks with excepts and asssert the output
So, I'm making myself a small C# library for dialogues to use in an cRPG game.
The idea is, that the Dialogue object and it's fields (like DialogueNode and DialogueOption objects) are created based on an XML file, which I aim to make as simple as possible. The fields, except for lists or objects of types contained within the library, are - at best - string identifiers, to be acquired and parsed by outside means when needed.
I've basic funcionality implemented - XML serialization, running through the dialogue and exiting it - as well as basic, console based application interpreter and a WPF editor to create the dialogues, because writing the dialogue in plain XML is not the most comfortable thing in the world. (the last two are meant to be as much independent from the library as possible, except maybe for implementing what's inside to show/create)
All that being said, I've encountered a problem (actually two, the other one I'll cover in different question when I've the time after my exams).
After giving it some of my unexperienced 'noobish' thought, I've come to think, that I'd like to have some basic predicates stored either in my nodes or options - they would be later checked in game to determine, whether to display the node/option or leave it be (or whatever meddling with those to be honest). For example - an option is displayed if the player character have item X in his inventory, or the node is displayed when player has a certain minimum value of an attribute.
My idea of implementing is so far like that:
Having a field PredicateScript in an object
Having a bool method, that would be executed in runtime by the interpreter like this:
public bool DisplayPredicate(string predicateCode)
bool result = FunctionExecutingCSharpCode(predicateCode);
return result;
I've read some topics about compiling on the fly very brielfy, but I'm not sure if it's exactly what I want - I'm not sure how it would affect the performance of application (either the interpreter or the game itself), if it would be recompiled every few seconds...
I'm not pasting any code of what I'm trying to do, because either I'm yet to do this (as I'm not writing the code I'm not sure it will work) or it's the library structure which I don't think would be of relevance aside from what I explained I aim to do. ^^
Thanks. ^^
Given the standard .NET framework, there's no such thing as a C# "interpreter" you can feed code that gets executed. You could try to dynamically create C# code and have that compiled on the fly into an in-memory assembly, which you can then use using the .NET compiler services.
And example of this is given here:
Let's say I have a complicated program created by someone else as Source because it is OpenSource. I need only a small part of it, but it seems to be interconnected.
How do I automatically strip the program off everything I don't need in Visual c#?
For instance, I define two values I want to keep, ie two variables already existing in the original code and an addon(?) should remove everything that does not influence these two values, including gui-elements.
How to do that?
You're asking for a software solution to a problem that requires human reasoning. This is your job. Using find/replace and a tool such as ReSharper can make your job easier.
I have a program that I'm working on which uses a very large number ( >100) of dynamically generated Regex expressions. Each regex is being used against a large number of strings (depending on the situation, this can be > 2k), so I have them compiled, and cache their use internally. However, the program gets run repeatidly (it's part of a build tool), and the compiling of those dynamically generated expressions takes a significant amount of time every time the program starts. I already have an on-disk cache (no parsing is required if the cache is valid), and could store the compiled Regex expressions in it, however I can't seem to figure out a way to do this correctly. I first thought of using Regex.CompileToAssembly, but Mono doesn't support it, and the program needs to run on Mono as well as Because of that I can't figure out a good way of caching the expressions. I only need the IsMatch(string) method from the compiled Regex, and I do have the option of modifying the Mono Regex implementation and including it in my program, but I have no idea where to start with that.
You may create another program, that will compile expression in a build step. And then supply already compiled assemblies with your project. That will eliminate the problem of not supported Regex.CompileToAssembly on Mono.
It's not quite a full solution, but I was able to use binary serialization to produce a noticable improvement in startup time with the cache vs. without. I suspect most of this is actually just time it's saving parsing the regex, and that it's still having to do the actual compiling, but it's a good enough difference for what I need.
I have the situation that the same repeating refactoring tasks have to be done for a huge number of methods in my code.
For example imagine a interface with 100 methods, each of them has one or more parameters as well as a return value. For each of these methods I need to jump to the implementation change the return type and add a line of code which converts the old return value to its new type for callers of the interface method.
Is there any way to quickly automate such refactorings?
I even thought to write a custom script to do it, but writing a intelligent script would approximately take longer than doing it maually.
A tool supporting such task can save a lot of time.
It's a good question, but in the time it took since you posted it (not to mention the time you spent searching for an answer before posting), you could have completed the changes manually.
I know, I know, it's utterly unsatisfying, but if you think of it as a form of mediation, and only do this once a year, it's not that bad.
If your problem is one interface with 100 methods, then I agree with another poster: just doing it may seem painful but it is limited in effort and you can be done really soon.
If you have this problem repeatedly, or you have very large code base (many, many interfaces for which you want to perform this task), then what you need is a tool for implementing automated change: a program transformation engine. Such a tool provides the ability to parse source code, build a program representation (an abstract syntax tree), and enables one to apply "scripted" operations on the tree either through procedural interfaces and/or through source-to-source transformation patterns.
OUr DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit is such a program transformation system. It has a C# Front End to enable its application to C# code. Configuring such a tool for a complex task is not a matter of hours, so it is not useful for "small scale" changes. For large scale changes, such tools can make it possible to do things simply not practical by hand.
Resharper and CodeRush both have features which can help with this kind of task.
Resharper's change signature functionality is probably the closest match.
Can't you generate a new interface from the class you have and then remove the ones you don't need! if it's that simple!!
change the return type : by changing... the return type, provided it is not a standard type (...), and the converter can be implemented by a TypeConverter.
When i have such boring task to do, i often switch VS2010 and use a tool that allow regex search and replace. In your example, maybe change 'return xxx;' by 'var yyy=convert(xxx); return yyy;'
(for example editor Notepad++ (free) allready offers quite some possiblities to change everything in a project (use with caution))
It was my second C# project, undertaken years ago, and it has lived on, because (imho) it is Genuinely Useful Software. It's also badly designed and the code is embarrassing.
It runs C# code. You write a method, the method name appears in a listbox, you double-click the method name to execute it. That's it.
When I open up my C# web project at work, a method runs a couple command-window apps my project needs, and checks to confirm that the requisite service is up. I never have to remember that stuff.
I hate UPPERCASE, so I have a method that lower-cases SQL, but preserves the case of quoted strings. Another method calls a web service to beautify SQL. Those both operate on the clipboard.
One method fixes the names of MP3 files: title casing, replacing underscores and hyphens, optionally removing/inserting text or prepending numbers. Creates a playlist!
I double-click to harvest all of my Twitter links, turning them into an HTML page with hyperlinks and a jQuery-powered search.
A method searches the specified log4net.log for every operation that took longer than the specified number of milliseconds.
I can create a restore point by double-clicking a method (and open up the corresponding dialog with another method).
When my wife had to write some sorting algorithms for school, the utility was an ideal testbed. I use it to test bits of code all the time.
None of these methods is in any way impressive. No large brain stuff. Most of it is just string manipulation, file system operations -- mundane stuff. Handy though!
This morning, I wanted to format some SQL output as rows in an Excel table. I wrote a method to read the output and format it as tab-delimited columns, for import into Excel. I have no idea how else I could have done that. It took about 8 minutes to write.
I have 300 methods, perhaps 50 of which are often useful, the rest there if the occasion arises. Occasionally I move the real cruft into the Zaps group, so it's out of the way.
The utility has lots of ease-of-use features. I prefer the keyboard to the mouse, so methods are tagged into groups that are accessible from a dropdown: control-T selects a different group. Don't remember the group? You enter control-F to find all the methods matching a string. Arrow down and press to run the method. The parameters window always remembers its state: if you entered Hoytster last time, it's there this time. You can right-click a method to see its tooltip; double-right-click to see its source.
I tried to make it easy to create new methods quickly.
A method generates your new function's prototype: you enter the method's name, group tag, tooltip, etc, and the new method is created with the requisite attribute decorations. The prototype is placed in the clipboard so you can paste it into one of the utility's source files.
It's easy to prompt for parameters:
...GetParameters("*Target File", "#Report File", "Open Report [No, Yes]");
opens a window with textboxes labeled Target File and Report File, and an Open Report checkbox with text that toggles Yes and No. Strings in curly-braces become radiobuttons. The Target File must exist, because of the initial asterisk; the parameters window will not close if an invalid target file is entered. The Report File must be valid (it CAN be created) because of the #-sign.
When you run the method and the parameters window appears, it has a [Capture] button you click to generate the code needed to capture the returned parameters, putting it into the clipboard again:
string targetFile = parameters["Target File"];
boolean openReport = parameters["Open Report"] == "Yes";
Ach, I go on too long.
So, how ambitious should I be? CodePlex? Maybe a dedicated web site, where people can upload their methods?
Getting the utility publish-ready would be a lot of work. I have to clean up the code; remove the really dumb methods and the never-finished methods; create a screen cast of the "make a new method" process, document the teeny "meta-language" (tongue-in-cheek) that drives the parameters window.
I like the idea of y'all using my utility to be a bit more productive. I love the idea of seeing what methods you invent and share. No doubt it's out there, but I'm not aware of places on the net where people share code as simple as a method "Fix the names of my MP3s".
Would you like to have this utility?
Besides being overworked and lazy, I have never put up a web site (!) -- and y'all might mock me because my GetParameters() method has about 200 lines (my poor excuse: I started out with FORTRAN). This utility was never designed; it accreted. :)
So let me know: Do you think this utility is useful enough to put up on CodePlex (or somplace)?
Thanks in advance! - Hoytster
Put it out on CodePlex and gage the usefulness of it. If it is very useful to many people start moving forward by creating a community around it like the website you talked about. If it is going to be a lot of work and you don't know if it will be useful to people, start small with your effort level and keep moving it up.
I did this exact same thing with my URL Rewriter that I developed, that was based off of Apache mod_rewrite, for the .NET framework.
I started small and as people requested new feature and started using it more and more, the effort became easy to justify.