Can openidbutton be used with a popup window? - c#

I'm using the openidbutton to allow users to log into my site with google, yahoo, etc.
When they click the button it redirects to the yahoo page, then redirects back to my page once authenticated.
All that is working great, but the problem is there is no going back once the button is clicked.
So, if they click the yahoo button and it redirects to yahoo's authentication, the back button is now disabled, and they can't change their mind and return to my site without closing the browser.
Here is my code
<rp:OpenIdButton runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/yahoo.png" Text="Login with Yahoo!" ID="yahooLoginButton"
Identifier="" ReturnToUrl="~/OpenIDComplete.aspx" OnLoggingIn="OpenIdLogin1_LoggingIn" OnLoggedIn="OpenIdLogin1_LoggedIn">
<sreg:ClaimsRequest Email="Require" FullName="Request" />
What I've seen and want to reproduce, is when the click the button, it opens a new window that's only used for authentication, then it closes and redirects the parent to the logged in section.
I can't seem to find anyway to do this. Any suggestions?

I'm using jQuery Fancybox version 2 ( for my login popup, it works very nicely. I've not actually gone to yahoo and back though but other redirects to pages just go to the popup until I close it.
Then you can reload the main page when you close the popup with
afterClose : function() {


maintain login and logout sessions in web forms

I am trying to implement login and logout in forms). In my web form I have two pages namely Default and Main. From Default page when I login with username and password it redirects to the Main page. When I press back button it directly redirects to the default page. For this I copied javascript code to my default page
<script type = "text/javascript" >
function preventBack() { window.history.forward(); }
setTimeout("preventBack()", 0);
window.onunload = function () { null };
source from stackoverflow question
After login when I click on back button in my browser(chrome) first it shows the Default page and then it shows the Main page. i.e page blinks when I click the back button.
It shows main page successfully with the issue.
What should I implement to stop showing the Default page when I click on back button
<script type = "text/javascript" >
history.pushState(null, null, 'Default.aspx');
window.addEventListener('popstate', function (event) {
history.pushState(null, null, 'Default.aspx');
I placed this code in default page
There is one important thing that you ought to know here.
One cannot disable the browser back button functionality only thing that can be done is prevent it.
You can't, in anyway diasble that button. What you can however do, is to put some logic and prevent that button from doing what it is meant to do.
Now for the script that you have shown, it should serve fine and the other thing to try here is to put a mediator page between your default and main page. So when you login, the control will flow to mediator page and it will then redirect to main page. Now when the user presses back button on the main page, the control will flow to mediator page which will again redirect the user to his main page.
The effect will be the same as your script, but putting a page can help you write Session handling code and some server side checks if you want.
But one thing is sure, the browser back button will be as it is.
Hope this helps.
As Matt said you can't disagree the back behaviour. However you can check if the user is logged in and redirect them to the main page easily.
All you need to do is, on the default page check if the user is logged in, if they are then redirect them to the main page, this way even if the user clicks back, they will be taken back to the main page. And also the can go to the Default page after logging out.
Another way could be using location.replace("...."), which replace the existing document and user can't "go back" using back button as the page doesn't exist in the url history.

Cancel button in referal to aspx file

I need help in my project. I have a "Cancel" button on my page. But it does not work. I have a onclick-function that refers it to a specific page, but when i press it, it askes for validation in the boxes on that page. Whats the problem?
Just add this attribute
to you Cancel button server side control. This way when the cancel button gets clicked, it will not force validation for the values of your form and you will get what you want.
For further documentation on how this works, please refer to this link:
How to: Disable Validation for ASP.NET Server Controls

Javascript Redirection after the alert message

I have one page , it consists of some controls along with a close button. If the user clicks on the close button, it will open ModaldialogBox with one text box for entering closing reason. Once the user enters the reason and clicking on the save button, the modal popup shows the alert message and close the modal popup. The existing code for this is shown below.
this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "close", "alert('" + Message + "');var xWin=window.dialogArguments;xWin.location.replace(xWin.location);window.close();", true);
My requirement is that, once the user click on the submit button, I have to navigate to the dashboard page after closing the modal popup window.
I had tried window.location.href after the window.close(), It will open another window and displyed the page. But it should navigate from the existing asp parent page. Please help me for resolving this issue.
Thanks in advance
redirect the parent window with following code
window.opener.parent.location.href = 'dashboardurl';

ASP.NET Page Cycle Confusion

If I have a button on my ASP.NET page which will take you to another page but that page will do something and then will send user back using
Uri uu= Request.UrlReferrer;
if (uu!= null)
Now Which page event can I use so that when other pages displays I can display a message box.
In short I am running my custom code in a "aspx" page where user is directed on button click, and then after custom code I am sending user back to old page, but it happens so quickly that user doesn't realize that he went on another page, now I want to display a message box after redirect on same page user started from, what to do :S !
More Information
Sorry guys but I can't make changes to ASP page where button is at all
I'm a bit unsure about how the Request.UrlReferrer gets set. I think it's a browser implementation detail. So I wouldn't trust on that.
I would go for something like
A.aspx -> Redirects to -> B.aspx
B.aspx -> Redirects to -> B.aspx?message=1
And check if message=1 is set.
But if you want to use the Request.UrlReferrer it should be accessible on Page_Load
If you use it this way, it'll never appear to the client.
Maybe try redirecting back using javascript with a delay so user can be informed
The best thing to do it's add a flag to the redirected page so you can show something special when the flag is turned on
Uri uu= Request.UrlReferrer;
if (uu!= null)
Response.Redirect(uu.ToString() + "?Message=DataHasChanged");
and then in the ASP page
<% if (Request.QueryString["Message"] == "DataHasChanged") { %>
<div class="alert">The data has changed. Please review it or whatever</div>
<% } %> Text Box Enter button pressed hell

Basically I have an website with login and search pages.
Currently, I have no idea why, when ever a user hits enter in either of the login text boxes (user name/password) or in the Seach text box, the website is redirected to the default page.
I have no idea why this is happening, I've tried setting defaultButton on both the panel containing the search and the login panel but that doesnt seem to work.
I've also tried catching the key press event with javascript which isnt working either.
I have no idea what event is being fired and why, or why it seems to override everything I try to do.
Anyone seen anything like this before?
<div class="searchBar" onkeypress="javascript:return
<input name="ctl00$MainContent$logView1$LogRepeater$ctl02$ctl02" type="text" />
<a id="ctl00_MainContent_logView1_LogRepeater_ctl02_lbSearch" href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$MainContent$logView1$LogRepeater$ctl02$lbSearch','')">
Ok so here is the code generated by that is getting ignored.
I have tried adding a hidden button and setting that button as the defaultbutton of the form and that has stoped it from redirecting to the default page each time but this does mean that pressing enter in a text box just reloads the page, which is better but still isnt Ideal.
This may not be an ASP.NET quirk as much as it is a web-browser quirk.
When you press enter in a single-line text field, the browser will submit the form to the action specified in the form tag.
ASP.NET "helpfully" creates a form tag just inside the body tag and puts all body elements inside it...
As far as I know, you can safely remove this form tag; the HTML specification allows fields outside of form tags for use in JavaScript/AJAX operations.
I have seen this behaviour before, it occurred when the first button on the form was the LoginControl. Everytime enter was pressed it would fire the click event for the login and essentially log the user out. Are you using the LoginControl?
In the end I had to add a hidden button before the login control. The hidden button didn't do anything but it prevented the LoginControl from executing.
I had this same problem once. We had a login form that worked fine when a user hit enter. Then at one point we added a search box/button in the menu bar at the top of the page. Suddenly when users would hit enter they would attempt to perform a search. I resolved it by setting the .DefaultButton of the Form for the page to my login button.
